Illinois Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Booklet

Extracted from PDF file 2023-illinois-form-il-700-t.pdf, last modified July 2023Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Booklet
Illinois Department of Revenue 2023 Booklet IL-700-T Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Revised June 2023 to include Addendum for Public Act 103-0009 * For more information, see Informational Bulletin FY 2024-02, Personal Exemption Allowance Amount Changes Tax rate 4.95% Get Illinois Department of Revenue forms and information at Printed by authority of the State of Illinois - web only, one copy. Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23 - Updated to reflect changes made by Public Act 103-0009) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Table of Contents General Information What is the purpose of this booklet?....................................................................................3 Where do I get help?............................................................................................................3 How to Figure the Amount to Withhold How much do I withhold?.....................................................................................................3 How do I figure the amount to withhold?..............................................................................3 Using the tax tables in this booklet.......................................................................................3 Example using the tax tables in this booklet .......................................................................3 What other method may I use to figure the amount of tax that I should withhold?...............4 Automated payroll method ..................................................................................................4 Automated payroll method example.....................................................................................4 Addendum: Figure Amounts for Catch-Up Withholding (P.A.103-0009) - added 06/23.....23 Withholding Tax Tables Daily Payroll Period .............................................................................................................5 Weekly Payroll Period .........................................................................................................6 Bi-weekly Payroll Period .................................................................................................... 11 Semi-monthly Payroll Period .............................................................................................15 Monthly Payroll Period ......................................................................................................19 Where to Get Help ...........................................................................................................24 Where to Get Forms, Instructions, and Publications....................................................24 Where to Get Other Assistance.......................................................................................24 . Page 2 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables General Information What is the purpose of this booklet? Where do I get help? This booklet contains Illinois Income Tax withholding tables. The tables begin on Page 5. It also explains how to figure the amount of Illinois Income Tax that you should withhold using the tables in this booklet. For answers to questions about your responsibilities as an Illinois withholding agent, see Publication 130, Who is Required to Withhold Illinois Income Tax, and Publication 131, Withholding Income Tax Filing and Payment Requirements. For help with other questions, see “Where to Get Help” on Page 24 of this booklet. How to Figure the Amount to Withhold How much do I withhold? How do I figure the amount to withhold? Using the tax tables in this booklet Generally, the rate for withholding Illinois Income Tax is 4.95 percent. For wages and other compensation, subtract any exemptions from the wages paid and multiply the result by 4.95 percent. For details about how much to withhold for other types of payments (i.e., Illinois Lottery or gambling winnings subject to federal income tax withholding requirements), see Publication 130, Who is Required to Withhold Illinois Income Tax. The income tax rate is 4.95 percent and the exemption allowance is $2,425. You may use the tax tables in this booklet to determine how much tax you must withhold. To use the tax tables in this booklet, follow the steps below. Step 1 Find the table for your payroll period (i.e., how often you pay your employee). Step 2 Read down the column labeled “Wages” and locate the dollar range that contains the amount of your employee’s wages. Read across the row until you find the dollar amount under the number of allowances your employee claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4. If your employee did not claim any allowances on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4 and did not request that you withhold an additional amount of tax (Line 3 of Form IL-W-4), this is the amount of tax that you must withhold. Step 3 If your employee claimed allowances on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4, subtract the allowance amount identified at the top of the payroll table from the amount found in Step 2. You must make one subtraction for each allowance your employee claimed on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4. Step 4 If your employee requested that you withhold an additional amount (Line 3 of Form IL-W-4), add that amount to the amount from Step 2 (or Step 3, if applicable). This is the total amount of tax you must withhold. Example You pay Mary $300 every week. She claims three allowances on her Form IL-W-4. Two allowances are claimed on IL-W-4, Line 1, and one allowance is claimed on Form IL‑W-4, Line 2. Mary does not request any additional amount be withheld on Line 3. You withhold $9.33 from her pay. Weekly Payroll Period Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 Wages 10 at but less 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax claimed on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4.) Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $300 $302 $304 $302 $14.90 $ 12.59 $10.28 $7.97 $5.67 $3.36 $1.05 $304 $15.00 $ 12.69 $10.38 $8.07 $5.76 $3.46 $1.15 $306 $15.10 $ 12.79 $10.48 $8.17 $5.86 $3.56 $1.25 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Locate the page for the applicable Weekly Payroll Period and wage amount Locate dollar range and amount to withhold based on allowances claimed..................................................................$ 10.28 Subtract $0.95 for the exemption claimed on Line 2................................ — 0.95 Tax withheld............................................................................................$ 9.33 Page 3 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables What other method may I use to figure the amount of tax that I should withhold? Automated payroll method If you prefer, you may use the automated payroll method to figure the amount of Illinois Income Tax you should withhold. Tax withheld = ( .0495 x Wages — x $2,425) + (Line 2 allowances x $1,000) ((Line 1 allowances )) number of pay periods in a year To determine how much to withhold using the automated payroll method formula, follow these steps: Step 1 Determine the wages paid for the payroll period. Number of pay periods in a year Weekly payroll Bi-weekly payroll Semi-monthly payroll Monthly payroll Bi-monthly payroll Quarterly payroll Semi-annual payroll Annual payroll 52 26 24 12 6 4 2 1 Step 2 Figure your employee’s exemptions using the allowances claimed on Form IL‑W‑4. a Multiply the number of allowances your employee claimed on Form IL-W-4, Line 1, by $2,425. b Multiply the number of allowances your employee claimed on Form IL-W-4, Line 2, by $1,000. c Add your answers from Step 2a and Step 2b. d Divide the result of Step 2c by the number of pay periods from the table. The result is your employee’s exemptions. Step 3 Subtract the exemptions from the wages paid. The result is the taxable amount. Step 4 Multiply the taxable amount by 4.95 percent (.0495). You must withhold this amount. Step 5 Add any additional amount from Form IL-W-4, Line 3. This is the total amount you withhold. The example below illustrates how to figure the amount to withhold using the automated payroll method. Automated payroll method example Example You pay Alice $800 every week. She claims four allowances on her Form IL‑W-4. Two allowances are claimed on Form IL-W-4, Line 1, and two allowances are claimed on Form IL‑W‑4, Line 2. You withhold $33.08 from her pay. Step 1 Determine the wages paid $ 800.00 Step 2 Step 3 — 131.73 $ 668.27 Figure your employee’s exemptions (based on Form IL-W-4). a 2 x $2,425 = $4,850 (Line 1 x $2,425) b 2 x $1,000 = $2,000 (Line 2 x $1,000) c $4,850 + $2,000 = $6,850 (Step 2a + Step 2b) d $6,850 ÷ 52 pay periods = $131.73 Subtract the amount exempt from withholding. Taxable amount Step 4 Multiply by the tax rate Illinois Income Tax withheld Page 4 x .0495 $ 33.08 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Daily Payroll Period Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.10 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) Wages $0 $2 $2 $4 $4 $6 $6 $8 $8 $10 $10 $12 $12 $14 $14 $16 $16 $18 $18 $20 $20 $22 $22 $24 $24 $26 $26 $28 $28 $30 $30 $32 $32 $34 $34 $36 $36 $38 $38 $40 $40 $42 $42 $44 $44 $46 $46 $48 $48 $50 $50 $52 $52 $54 $54 $56 $56 $58 $58 $60 $60 $62 $62 $64 $64 $66 $66 $68 $68 $70 $70 $72 $72 $74 $74 $76 $76 $78 $78 $80 $80 $82 $82 $84 $84 $86 $86 $88 $88 $90 $90 $92 $92 $94 $94 $96 $96 $98 $98 $100 $100 or more Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $0.05 $0.15 $0.25 $0.35 $0.02 $0.45 $0.12 $0.54 $0.22 $0.64 $0.31 $0.74 $0.41 $0.08 $0.84 $0.51 $0.18 $0.94 $0.61 $0.28 $1.04 $0.71 $0.38 $1.14 $0.81 $0.48 $0.15 $1.24 $0.91 $0.58 $0.25 $1.34 $1.01 $0.68 $0.35 $0.02 $1.44 $1.11 $0.78 $0.45 $0.12 $1.53 $1.21 $0.88 $0.55 $0.22 $1.63 $1.30 $0.98 $0.65 $0.32 $1.73 $1.40 $1.07 $0.75 $0.42 $0.09 $1.83 $1.50 $1.17 $0.84 $0.52 $0.19 $1.93 $1.60 $1.27 $0.94 $0.62 $0.29 $2.03 $1.70 $1.37 $1.04 $0.71 $0.39 $0.06 $2.13 $1.80 $1.47 $1.14 $0.81 $0.48 $0.16 $2.23 $1.90 $1.57 $1.24 $0.91 $0.58 $0.25 $2.33 $2.00 $1.67 $1.34 $1.01 $0.68 $0.35 $0.02 $2.43 $2.10 $1.77 $1.44 $1.11 $0.78 $0.45 $0.12 $2.52 $2.20 $1.87 $1.54 $1.21 $0.88 $0.55 $0.22 $2.62 $2.29 $1.97 $1.64 $1.31 $0.98 $0.65 $0.32 $2.72 $2.39 $2.06 $1.74 $1.41 $1.08 $0.75 $0.42 $2.82 $2.49 $2.16 $1.83 $1.51 $1.18 $0.85 $0.52 $2.92 $2.59 $2.26 $1.93 $1.61 $1.28 $0.95 $0.62 $3.02 $2.69 $2.36 $2.03 $1.70 $1.38 $1.05 $0.72 $3.12 $2.79 $2.46 $2.13 $1.80 $1.47 $1.15 $0.82 $3.22 $2.89 $2.56 $2.23 $1.90 $1.57 $1.24 $0.92 $3.32 $2.99 $2.66 $2.33 $2.00 $1.67 $1.34 $1.01 $3.42 $3.09 $2.76 $2.43 $2.10 $1.77 $1.44 $1.11 $3.51 $3.19 $2.86 $2.53 $2.20 $1.87 $1.54 $1.21 $3.61 $3.28 $2.96 $2.63 $2.30 $1.97 $1.64 $1.31 $3.71 $3.38 $3.05 $2.73 $2.40 $2.07 $1.74 $1.41 $3.81 $3.48 $3.15 $2.82 $2.50 $2.17 $1.84 $1.51 $3.91 $3.58 $3.25 $2.92 $2.60 $2.27 $1.94 $1.61 $4.01 $3.68 $3.35 $3.02 $2.69 $2.37 $2.04 $1.71 $4.11 $3.78 $3.45 $3.12 $2.79 $2.46 $2.14 $1.81 $4.21 $3.88 $3.55 $3.22 $2.89 $2.56 $2.23 $1.91 $4.31 $3.98 $3.65 $3.32 $2.99 $2.66 $2.33 $2.00 $4.41 $4.08 $3.75 $3.42 $3.09 $2.76 $2.43 $2.10 $4.50 $4.18 $3.85 $3.52 $3.19 $2.86 $2.53 $2.20 $4.60 $4.27 $3.95 $3.62 $3.29 $2.96 $2.63 $2.30 $4.70 $4.37 $4.04 $3.72 $3.39 $3.06 $2.73 $2.40 $4.80 $4.47 $4.14 $3.81 $3.49 $3.16 $2.83 $2.50 $4.90 $4.57 $4.24 $3.91 $3.59 $3.26 $2.93 $2.60 4.95% of the amount in excess of $ 100 p lus: $4.95 $4.62 $4.29 $3.96 $3.63 $3.31 $2.98 $2.65 $0.09 $0.19 $0.29 $0.39 $0.06 $0.49 $0.16 $0.59 $0.26 $0.69 $0.36 $0.78 $0.46 $0.88 $0.55 $0.98 $0.65 $1.08 $0.75 $1.18 $0.85 $1.28 $0.95 $1.38 $1.05 $1.48 $1.15 $1.58 $1.25 $1.68 $1.35 $1.77 $1.45 $1.87 $1.54 $1.97 $1.64 $2.07 $1.74 $2.17 $1.84 $2.27 $1.94 $0.03 $0.13 $0.23 $0.32 $0.42 $0.52 $0.62 $0.72 $0.82 $0.92 $1.02 $1.12 $1.22 $1.31 $1.41 $1.51 $1.61 $2.32 $1.66 $1.99 Page 5 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36 $38 $40 $42 $44 $46 $48 $50 $52 $54 $56 $58 $60 $62 $64 $66 $68 $70 $72 $74 $76 $78 $80 $82 $84 $86 $88 $90 $92 $94 $96 $98 Page 6 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36 $38 $40 $42 $44 $46 $48 $50 $52 $54 $56 $58 $60 $62 $64 $66 $68 $70 $72 $74 $76 $78 $80 $82 $84 $86 $88 $90 $92 $94 $96 $98 $100 $0.05 $0.15 $0.25 $0.35 $0.45 $0.54 $0.64 $0.74 $0.84 $0.94 $1.04 $1.14 $1.24 $1.34 $1.44 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.93 $2.03 $2.13 $2.23 $2.33 $2.43 $2.52 $2.62 $2.72 $2.82 $2.92 $3.02 $3.12 $3.22 $3.32 $3.42 $3.51 $3.61 $3.71 $3.81 $3.91 $4.01 $4.11 $4.21 $4.31 $4.41 $4.50 $4.60 $4.70 $4.80 $4.90 $0.02 $0.12 $0.22 $0.32 $0.41 $0.51 $0.61 $0.71 $0.81 $0.91 $1.01 $1.11 $1.21 $1.31 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.39 $2.49 $2.59 $0.09 $0.18 $0.28 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables llinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $100 $102 $104 $106 $108 $110 $112 $114 $116 $118 $120 $122 $124 $126 $128 $130 $132 $134 $136 $138 $140 $142 $144 $146 $148 $150 $152 $154 $156 $158 $160 $162 $164 $166 $168 $170 $172 $174 $176 $178 $180 $182 $184 $186 $188 $190 $192 $194 $196 $198 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $102 $104 $106 $108 $110 $112 $114 $116 $118 $120 $122 $124 $126 $128 $130 $132 $134 $136 $138 $140 $142 $144 $146 $148 $150 $152 $154 $156 $158 $160 $162 $164 $166 $168 $170 $172 $174 $176 $178 $180 $182 $184 $186 $188 $190 $192 $194 $196 $198 $200 $5.00 $5.10 $5.20 $5.30 $5.40 $5.49 $5.59 $5.69 $5.79 $5.89 $5.99 $6.09 $6.19 $6.29 $6.39 $6.48 $6.58 $6.68 $6.78 $6.88 $6.98 $7.08 $7.18 $7.28 $7.38 $7.47 $7.57 $7.67 $7.77 $7.87 $7.97 $8.07 $8.17 $8.27 $8.37 $8.46 $8.56 $8.66 $8.76 $8.86 $8.96 $9.06 $9.16 $9.26 $9.36 $9.45 $9.55 $9.65 $9.75 $9.85 $2.69 $2.79 $2.89 $2.99 $3.09 $3.19 $3.29 $3.38 $3.48 $3.58 $3.68 $3.78 $3.88 $3.98 $4.08 $4.18 $4.28 $4.37 $4.47 $4.57 $4.67 $4.77 $4.87 $4.97 $5.07 $5.17 $5.27 $5.36 $5.46 $5.56 $5.66 $5.76 $5.86 $5.96 $6.06 $6.16 $6.26 $6.35 $6.45 $6.55 $6.65 $6.75 $6.85 $6.95 $7.05 $7.15 $7.25 $7.34 $7.44 $7.54 $0.38 $0.48 $0.58 $0.68 $0.78 $0.88 $0.98 $1.08 $1.17 $1.27 $1.37 $1.47 $1.57 $1.67 $1.77 $1.87 $1.97 $2.07 $2.16 $2.26 $2.36 $0.05 $2.46 $0.15 $2.56 $0.25 $2.66 $0.35 $2.76 $0.45 $2.86 $0.55 $2.96 $0.65 $3.06 $0.75 $3.15 $0.85 $3.25 $0.95 $3.35 $1.04 $3.45 $1.14 $3.55 $1.24 $3.65 $1.34 $3.75 $1.44 $3.85 $1.54 $3.95 $1.64 $4.05 $1.74 $4.14 $1.84 $4.24 $1.94 $4.34 $2.03 $4.44 $2.13 $4.54 $2.23 $4.64 $2.33 $4.74 $2.43 $4.84 $2.53 $4.94 $2.63 $5.04 $2.73 $5.13 $2.83 $5.23 $2.93 $0.02 $0.12 $0.22 $0.32 $0.42 $0.52 $0.62 Page 7 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $200 $202 $204 $206 $208 $210 $212 $214 $216 $218 $220 $222 $224 $226 $228 $230 $232 $234 $236 $238 $240 $242 $244 $246 $248 $250 $252 $254 $256 $258 $260 $262 $264 $266 $268 $270 $272 $274 $276 $278 $280 $282 $284 $286 $288 $290 $292 $294 $296 $298 Page 8 $202 $204 $206 $208 $210 $212 $214 $216 $218 $220 $222 $224 $226 $228 $230 $232 $234 $236 $238 $240 $242 $244 $246 $248 $250 $252 $254 $256 $258 $260 $262 $264 $266 $268 $270 $272 $274 $276 $278 $280 $282 $284 $286 $288 $290 $292 $294 $296 $298 $300 $9.95 $10.05 $10.15 $10.25 $10.35 $10.44 $10.54 $10.64 $10.74 $10.84 $10.94 $11.04 $11.14 $11.24 $11.34 $11.43 $11.53 $11.63 $11.73 $11.83 $11.93 $12.03 $12.13 $12.23 $12.33 $12.42 $12.52 $12.62 $12.72 $12.82 $12.92 $13.02 $13.12 $13.22 $13.32 $13.41 $13.51 $13.61 $13.71 $13.81 $13.91 $14.01 $14.11 $14.21 $14.31 $14.40 $14.50 $14.60 $14.70 $14.80 $7.64 $7.74 $7.84 $7.94 $8.04 $8.14 $8.24 $8.33 $8.43 $8.53 $8.63 $8.73 $8.83 $8.93 $9.03 $9.13 $9.23 $9.32 $9.42 $9.52 $9.62 $9.72 $9.82 $9.92 $10.02 $10.12 $10.22 $10.31 $10.41 $10.51 $10.61 $10.71 $10.81 $10.91 $11.01 $11.11 $11.21 $11.30 $11.40 $11.50 $11.60 $11.70 $11.80 $11.90 $12.00 $12.10 $12.20 $12.29 $12.39 $12.49 $5.33 $5.43 $5.53 $5.63 $5.73 $5.83 $5.93 $6.03 $6.12 $6.22 $6.32 $6.42 $6.52 $6.62 $6.72 $6.82 $6.92 $7.02 $7.11 $7.21 $7.31 $7.41 $7.51 $7.61 $7.71 $7.81 $7.91 $8.01 $8.10 $8.20 $8.30 $8.40 $8.50 $8.60 $8.70 $8.80 $8.90 $9.00 $9.09 $9.19 $9.29 $9.39 $9.49 $9.59 $9.69 $9.79 $9.89 $9.99 $10.08 $10.18 $3.02 $3.12 $3.22 $3.32 $3.42 $3.52 $3.62 $3.72 $3.82 $3.92 $4.01 $4.11 $4.21 $4.31 $4.41 $4.51 $4.61 $4.71 $4.81 $4.91 $5.00 $5.10 $5.20 $5.30 $5.40 $5.50 $5.60 $5.70 $5.80 $5.90 $5.99 $6.09 $6.19 $6.29 $6.39 $6.49 $6.59 $6.69 $6.79 $6.89 $6.98 $7.08 $7.18 $7.28 $7.38 $7.48 $7.58 $7.68 $7.78 $7.88 $0.72 $0.81 $0.91 $1.01 $1.11 $1.21 $1.31 $1.41 $1.51 $1.61 $1.71 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $0.09 $2.50 $0.19 $2.60 $0.29 $2.70 $0.39 $2.79 $0.49 $2.89 $0.59 $2.99 $0.68 $3.09 $0.78 $3.19 $0.88 $3.29 $0.98 $3.39 $1.08 $3.49 $1.18 $3.59 $1.28 $3.69 $1.38 $3.78 $1.48 $3.88 $1.58 $3.98 $1.67 $4.08 $1.77 $4.18 $1.87 $4.28 $1.97 $4.38 $2.07 $4.48 $2.17 $4.58 $2.27 $4.68 $2.37 $4.77 $2.47 $4.87 $2.57 $4.97 $2.66 $5.07 $2.76 $5.17 $2.86 $5.27 $2.96 $5.37 $3.06 $5.47 $3.16 $5.57 $3.26 $0.06 $0.16 $0.26 $0.36 $0.46 $0.55 $0.65 $0.75 $0.85 $0.95 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $300 $302 $304 $306 $308 $310 $312 $314 $316 $318 $320 $322 $324 $326 $328 $330 $332 $334 $336 $338 $340 $342 $344 $346 $348 $350 $352 $354 $356 $358 $360 $362 $364 $366 $368 $370 $372 $374 $376 $378 $380 $382 $384 $386 $388 $390 $392 $394 $396 $398 $302 $304 $306 $308 $310 $312 $314 $316 $318 $320 $322 $324 $326 $328 $330 $332 $334 $336 $338 $340 $342 $344 $346 $348 $350 $352 $354 $356 $358 $360 $362 $364 $366 $368 $370 $372 $374 $376 $378 $380 $382 $384 $386 $388 $390 $392 $394 $396 $398 $400 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $14.90 $15.00 $15.10 $15.20 $15.30 $15.39 $15.49 $15.59 $15.69 $15.79 $15.89 $15.99 $16.09 $16.19 $16.29 $16.38 $16.48 $16.58 $16.68 $16.78 $16.88 $16.98 $17.08 $17.18 $17.28 $17.37 $17.47 $17.57 $17.67 $17.77 $17.87 $17.97 $18.07 $18.17 $18.27 $18.36 $18.46 $18.56 $18.66 $18.76 $18.86 $18.96 $19.06 $19.16 $19.26 $19.35 $19.45 $19.55 $19.65 $19.75 $12.59 $12.69 $12.79 $12.89 $12.99 $13.09 $13.19 $13.28 $13.38 $13.48 $13.58 $13.68 $13.78 $13.88 $13.98 $14.08 $14.18 $14.27 $14.37 $14.47 $14.57 $14.67 $14.77 $14.87 $14.97 $15.07 $15.17 $15.26 $15.36 $15.46 $15.56 $15.66 $15.76 $15.86 $15.96 $16.06 $16.16 $16.25 $16.35 $16.45 $16.55 $16.65 $16.75 $16.85 $16.95 $17.05 $17.15 $17.24 $17.34 $17.44 $10.28 $10.38 $10.48 $10.58 $10.68 $10.78 $10.88 $10.98 $11.07 $11.17 $11.27 $11.37 $11.47 $11.57 $11.67 $11.77 $11.87 $11.97 $12.06 $12.16 $12.26 $12.36 $12.46 $12.56 $12.66 $12.76 $12.86 $12.96 $13.05 $13.15 $13.25 $13.35 $13.45 $13.55 $13.65 $13.75 $13.85 $13.95 $14.04 $14.14 $14.24 $14.34 $14.44 $14.54 $14.64 $14.74 $14.84 $14.94 $15.03 $15.13 $7.97 $8.07 $8.17 $8.27 $8.37 $8.47 $8.57 $8.67 $8.77 $8.87 $8.96 $9.06 $9.16 $9.26 $9.36 $9.46 $9.56 $9.66 $9.76 $9.86 $9.95 $10.05 $10.15 $10.25 $10.35 $10.45 $10.55 $10.65 $10.75 $10.85 $10.94 $11.04 $11.14 $11.24 $11.34 $11.44 $11.54 $11.64 $11.74 $11.84 $11.93 $12.03 $12.13 $12.23 $12.33 $12.43 $12.53 $12.63 $12.73 $12.83 $5.67 $5.76 $5.86 $5.96 $6.06 $6.16 $6.26 $6.36 $6.46 $6.56 $6.66 $6.75 $6.85 $6.95 $7.05 $7.15 $7.25 $7.35 $7.45 $7.55 $7.65 $7.74 $7.84 $7.94 $8.04 $8.14 $8.24 $8.34 $8.44 $8.54 $8.64 $8.73 $8.83 $8.93 $9.03 $9.13 $9.23 $9.33 $9.43 $9.53 $9.63 $9.72 $9.82 $9.92 $10.02 $10.12 $10.22 $10.32 $10.42 $10.52 $3.36 $3.46 $3.56 $3.65 $3.75 $3.85 $3.95 $4.05 $4.15 $4.25 $4.35 $4.45 $4.55 $4.64 $4.74 $4.84 $4.94 $5.04 $5.14 $5.24 $5.34 $5.44 $5.54 $5.63 $5.73 $5.83 $5.93 $6.03 $6.13 $6.23 $6.33 $6.43 $6.53 $6.62 $6.72 $6.82 $6.92 $7.02 $7.12 $7.22 $7.32 $7.42 $7.52 $7.61 $7.71 $7.81 $7.91 $8.01 $8.11 $8.21 $1.05 $1.15 $1.25 $1.35 $1.45 $1.54 $1.64 $1.74 $1.84 $1.94 $2.04 $2.14 $2.24 $2.34 $0.03 $2.44 $0.13 $2.53 $0.23 $2.63 $0.32 $2.73 $0.42 $2.83 $0.52 $2.93 $0.62 $3.03 $0.72 $3.13 $0.82 $3.23 $0.92 $3.33 $1.02 $3.43 $1.12 $3.52 $1.22 $3.62 $1.31 $3.72 $1.41 $3.82 $1.51 $3.92 $1.61 $4.02 $1.71 $4.12 $1.81 $4.22 $1.91 $4.32 $2.01 $4.42 $2.11 $4.51 $2.21 $4.61 $2.30 $4.71 $2.40 $4.81 $2.50 $4.91 $2.60 $5.01 $2.70 $5.11 $2.80 $5.21 $2.90 $5.31 $3.00 $5.41 $3.10 $5.50 $3.20 $5.60 $3.29 $5.70 $3.39 $5.80 $3.49 $5.90 $3.59 $0.10 $0.19 $0.29 $0.39 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.79 $0.89 $0.99 $1.09 $1.18 $1.28 Page 9 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $0.95 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $400 $402 $19.85 $17.54 $15.23 $12.92 $10.62 $402 $404 $19.95 $17.64 $15.33 $13.02 $10.71 $404 $406 $20.05 $17.74 $15.43 $13.12 $10.81 $406 $408 $20.15 $17.84 $15.53 $13.22 $10.91 $408 $410 $20.25 $17.94 $15.63 $13.32 $11.01 $410 $412 $20.34 $18.04 $15.73 $13.42 $11.11 $412 $414 $20.44 $18.14 $15.83 $13.52 $11.21 $414 $416 $20.54 $18.23 $15.93 $13.62 $11.31 $416 $418 $20.64 $18.33 $16.02 $13.72 $11.41 $418 $420 $20.74 $18.43 $16.12 $13.82 $11.51 $420 $422 $20.84 $18.53 $16.22 $13.91 $11.61 $422 $424 $20.94 $18.63 $16.32 $14.01 $11.70 $424 $426 $21.04 $18.73 $16.42 $14.11 $11.80 $426 $428 $21.14 $18.83 $16.52 $14.21 $11.90 $428 $430 $21.24 $18.93 $16.62 $14.31 $12.00 $430 $432 $21.33 $19.03 $16.72 $14.41 $12.10 $432 $434 $21.43 $19.13 $16.82 $14.51 $12.20 $434 $436 $21.53 $19.22 $16.92 $14.61 $12.30 $436 $438 $21.63 $19.32 $17.01 $14.71 $12.40 $438 $440 $21.73 $19.42 $17.11 $14.81 $12.50 $440 $442 $21.83 $19.52 $17.21 $14.90 $12.60 $442 $444 $21.93 $19.62 $17.31 $15.00 $12.69 $444 $446 $22.03 $19.72 $17.41 $15.10 $12.79 $446 $448 $22.13 $19.82 $17.51 $15.20 $12.89 $448 $450 $22.23 $19.92 $17.61 $15.30 $12.99 $450 $452 $22.32 $20.02 $17.71 $15.40 $13.09 $452 $454 $22.42 $20.12 $17.81 $15.50 $13.19 $454 $456 $22.52 $20.21 $17.91 $15.60 $13.29 $456 $458 $22.62 $20.31 $18.00 $15.70 $13.39 $458 $460 $22.72 $20.41 $18.10 $15.80 $13.49 $460 $462 $22.82 $20.51 $18.20 $15.89 $13.59 $462 $464 $22.92 $20.61 $18.30 $15.99 $13.68 $464 $466 $23.02 $20.71 $18.40 $16.09 $13.78 $466 $468 $23.12 $20.81 $18.50 $16.19 $13.88 $468 $470 $23.22 $20.91 $18.60 $16.29 $13.98 $470 $472 $23.31 $21.01 $18.70 $16.39 $14.08 $472 $474 $23.41 $21.11 $18.80 $16.49 $14.18 $474 $476 $23.51 $21.20 $18.90 $16.59 $14.28 $476 $478 $23.61 $21.30 $18.99 $16.69 $14.38 $478 $480 $23.71 $21.40 $19.09 $16.79 $14.48 $480 $482 $23.81 $21.50 $19.19 $16.88 $14.58 $482 $484 $23.91 $21.60 $19.29 $16.98 $14.67 $484 $486 $24.01 $21.70 $19.39 $17.08 $14.77 $486 $488 $24.11 $21.80 $19.49 $17.18 $14.87 $488 $490 $24.21 $21.90 $19.59 $17.28 $14.97 $490 $492 $24.30 $22.00 $19.69 $17.38 $15.07 $492 $494 $24.40 $22.10 $19.79 $17.48 $15.17 $494 $496 $24.50 $22.19 $19.89 $17.58 $15.27 $496 $498 $24.60 $22.29 $19.98 $17.68 $15.37 $498 $500 $24.70 $22.39 $20.08 $17.78 $15.47 $500 or more 4.95% of the amount in excess of $ 500 plus: $24.75 $22.44 $20.13 $17.82 $15.52 Page 10 $8.31 $8.41 $8.51 $8.60 $8.70 $8.80 $8.90 $9.00 $9.10 $9.20 $9.30 $9.40 $9.50 $9.59 $9.69 $9.79 $9.89 $9.99 $10.09 $10.19 $10.29 $10.39 $10.49 $10.58 $10.68 $10.78 $10.88 $10.98 $11.08 $11.18 $11.28 $11.38 $11.48 $11.57 $11.67 $11.77 $11.87 $11.97 $12.07 $12.17 $12.27 $12.37 $12.47 $12.56 $12.66 $12.76 $12.86 $12.96 $13.06 $13.16 $6.00 $6.10 $6.20 $6.30 $6.40 $6.49 $6.59 $6.69 $6.79 $6.89 $6.99 $7.09 $7.19 $7.29 $7.39 $7.48 $7.58 $7.68 $7.78 $7.88 $7.98 $8.08 $8.18 $8.28 $8.38 $8.47 $8.57 $8.67 $8.77 $8.87 $8.97 $9.07 $9.17 $9.27 $9.37 $9.46 $9.56 $9.66 $9.76 $9.86 $9.96 $10.06 $10.16 $10.26 $10.36 $10.45 $10.55 $10.65 $10.75 $10.85 $3.69 $3.79 $3.89 $3.99 $4.09 $4.19 $4.28 $4.38 $4.48 $4.58 $4.68 $4.78 $4.88 $4.98 $5.08 $5.18 $5.27 $5.37 $5.47 $5.57 $5.67 $5.77 $5.87 $5.97 $6.07 $6.17 $6.26 $6.36 $6.46 $6.56 $6.66 $6.76 $6.86 $6.96 $7.06 $7.16 $7.25 $7.35 $7.45 $7.55 $7.65 $7.75 $7.85 $7.95 $8.05 $8.15 $8.24 $8.34 $8.44 $8.54 $1.38 $1.48 $1.58 $1.68 $1.78 $1.88 $1.98 $2.08 $2.17 $2.27 $2.37 $0.06 $2.47 $0.16 $2.57 $0.26 $2.67 $0.36 $2.77 $0.46 $2.87 $0.56 $2.97 $0.66 $3.07 $0.76 $3.16 $0.86 $3.26 $0.95 $3.36 $1.05 $3.46 $1.15 $3.56 $1.25 $3.66 $1.35 $3.76 $1.45 $3.86 $1.55 $3.96 $1.65 $4.06 $1.75 $4.15 $1.85 $4.25 $1.94 $4.35 $2.04 $4.45 $2.14 $4.55 $2.24 $4.65 $2.34 $4.75 $2.44 $4.85 $2.54 $4.95 $2.64 $5.05 $2.74 $5.14 $2.84 $5.24 $2.93 $5.34 $3.03 $5.44 $3.13 $5.54 $3.23 $5.64 $3.33 $5.74 $3.43 $5.84 $3.53 $5.94 $3.63 $6.04 $3.73 $6.13 $3.83 $6.23 $3.92 $13.21 $10.90 $8.59 $6.28 $0.03 $0.13 $0.23 $0.33 $0.43 $0.53 $0.63 $0.73 $0.82 $0.92 $1.02 $1.12 $1.22 $1.32 $1.42 $1.52 $1.62 $3.97 $1.67 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Bi-weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $1.90 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 $170 $175 $180 $185 $190 $195 $200 $205 $210 $215 $220 $225 $230 $235 $240 $245 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 $170 $175 $180 $185 $190 $195 $200 $205 $210 $215 $220 $225 $230 $235 $240 $245 $250 $0.12 $0.37 $0.62 $0.87 $1.11 $1.36 $1.61 $1.86 $2.10 $2.35 $2.60 $2.85 $3.09 $3.34 $3.59 $3.84 $4.08 $4.33 $4.58 $4.83 $0.21 $5.07 $0.46 $5.32 $0.70 $5.57 $0.95 $5.82 $1.20 $6.06 $1.45 $6.31 $1.69 $6.56 $1.94 $6.81 $2.19 $7.05 $2.44 $7.30 $2.68 $7.55 $2.93 $7.80 $3.18 $8.04 $3.43 $8.29 $3.67 $8.54 $3.92 $8.79 $4.17 $9.03 $4.42 $9.28 $4.66 $0.05 $9.53 $4.91 $0.30 $9.78 $5.16 $0.54 $10.02 $5.41 $0.79 $10.27 $5.65 $1.04 $10.52 $5.90 $1.29 $10.77 $6.15 $1.53 $11.01 $6.40 $1.78 $11.26 $6.64 $2.03 $11.51 $6.89 $2.28 $11.76 $7.14 $2.52 $12.00 $7.39 $2.77 $12.25 $7.63 $3.02 Page 11 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Bi-weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $1.90 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $250 $255 $260 $265 $270 $275 $280 $285 $290 $295 $300 $305 $310 $315 $320 $325 $330 $335 $340 $345 $350 $355 $360 $365 $370 $375 $380 $385 $390 $395 $400 $405 $410 $415 $420 $425 $430 $435 $440 $445 $450 $455 $460 $465 $470 $475 $480 $485 $490 $495 Page 12 $255 $260 $265 $270 $275 $280 $285 $290 $295 $300 $305 $310 $315 $320 $325 $330 $335 $340 $345 $350 $355 $360 $365 $370 $375 $380 $385 $390 $395 $400 $405 $410 $415 $420 $425 $430 $435 $440 $445 $450 $455 $460 $465 $470 $475 $480 $485 $490 $495 $500 $12.50 $12.75 $12.99 $13.24 $13.49 $13.74 $13.98 $14.23 $14.48 $14.73 $14.97 $15.22 $15.47 $15.72 $15.96 $16.21 $16.46 $16.71 $16.95 $17.20 $17.45 $17.70 $17.94 $18.19 $18.44 $18.69 $18.93 $19.18 $19.43 $19.68 $19.92 $20.17 $20.42 $20.67 $20.91 $21.16 $21.41 $21.66 $21.90 $22.15 $22.40 $22.65 $22.89 $23.14 $23.39 $23.64 $23.88 $24.13 $24.38 $24.63 $7.88 $8.13 $8.38 $8.62 $8.87 $9.12 $9.37 $9.61 $9.86 $10.11 $10.36 $10.60 $10.85 $11.10 $11.35 $11.59 $11.84 $12.09 $12.34 $12.58 $12.83 $13.08 $13.33 $13.57 $13.82 $14.07 $14.32 $14.56 $14.81 $15.06 $15.31 $15.55 $15.80 $16.05 $16.30 $16.54 $16.79 $17.04 $17.29 $17.53 $17.78 $18.03 $18.28 $18.52 $18.77 $19.02 $19.27 $19.51 $19.76 $20.01 $3.27 $3.51 $3.76 $4.01 $4.26 $4.50 $4.75 $5.00 $5.25 $5.49 $5.74 $5.99 $6.24 $6.48 $6.73 $6.98 $7.23 $7.47 $7.72 $7.97 $8.22 $8.46 $8.71 $8.96 $9.21 $9.45 $9.70 $9.95 $10.20 $10.44 $10.69 $10.94 $11.19 $11.43 $11.68 $11.93 $12.18 $12.42 $12.67 $12.92 $13.17 $13.41 $13.66 $13.91 $14.16 $14.40 $14.65 $14.90 $15.15 $15.39 $0.13 $0.38 $0.63 $0.88 $1.12 $1.37 $1.62 $1.87 $2.11 $2.36 $2.61 $2.86 $3.10 $3.35 $3.60 $3.85 $4.09 $4.34 $4.59 $4.84 $5.08 $5.33 $5.58 $5.83 $6.07 $6.32 $6.57 $6.82 $7.06 $7.31 $7.56 $7.81 $8.05 $8.30 $8.55 $8.80 $9.04 $9.29 $9.54 $9.79 $10.03 $10.28 $10.53 $10.78 $0.22 $0.47 $0.71 $0.96 $1.21 $1.46 $1.70 $1.95 $2.20 $2.45 $2.69 $2.94 $3.19 $3.44 $3.68 $3.93 $4.18 $4.43 $4.67 $4.92 $5.17 $5.42 $5.66 $5.91 $6.16 $0.06 $0.30 $0.55 $0.80 $1.05 $1.29 $1.54 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax Withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate Bi-weekly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $1.90 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $500 $505 $510 $515 $520 $525 $530 $535 $540 $545 $550 $555 $560 $565 $570 $575 $580 $585 $590 $595 $600 $605 $610 $615 $620 $625 $630 $635 $640 $645 $650 $655 $660 $665 $670 $675 $680 $685 $690 $695 $700 $705 $710 $715 $720 $725 $730 $735 $740 $745 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $505 $510 $515 $520 $525 $530 $535 $540 $545 $550 $555 $560 $565 $570 $575 $580 $585 $590 $595 $600 $605 $610 $615 $620 $625 $630 $635 $640 $645 $650 $655 $660 $665 $670 $675 $680 $685 $690 $695 $700 $705 $710 $715 $720 $725 $730 $735 $740 $745 $750 $24.87 $25.12 $25.37 $25.62 $25.86 $26.11 $26.36 $26.61 $26.85 $27.10 $27.35 $27.60 $27.84 $28.09 $28.34 $28.59 $28.83 $29.08 $29.33 $29.58 $29.82 $30.07 $30.32 $30.57 $30.81 $31.06 $31.31 $31.56 $31.80 $32.05 $32.30 $32.55 $32.79 $33.04 $33.29 $33.54 $33.78 $34.03 $34.28 $34.53 $34.77 $35.02 $35.27 $35.52 $35.76 $36.01 $36.26 $36.51 $36.75 $37.00 $20.26 $20.50 $20.75 $21.00 $21.25 $21.49 $21.74 $21.99 $22.24 $22.48 $22.73 $22.98 $23.23 $23.47 $23.72 $23.97 $24.22 $24.46 $24.71 $24.96 $25.21 $25.45 $25.70 $25.95 $26.20 $26.44 $26.69 $26.94 $27.19 $27.43 $27.68 $27.93 $28.18 $28.42 $28.67 $28.92 $29.17 $29.41 $29.66 $29.91 $30.16 $30.40 $30.65 $30.90 $31.15 $31.39 $31.64 $31.89 $32.14 $32.38 $15.64 $15.89 $16.14 $16.38 $16.63 $16.88 $17.13 $17.37 $17.62 $17.87 $18.12 $18.36 $18.61 $18.86 $19.11 $19.35 $19.60 $19.85 $20.10 $20.34 $20.59 $20.84 $21.09 $21.33 $21.58 $21.83 $22.08 $22.32 $22.57 $22.82 $23.07 $23.31 $23.56 $23.81 $24.06 $24.30 $24.55 $24.80 $25.05 $25.29 $25.54 $25.79 $26.04 $26.28 $26.53 $26.78 $27.03 $27.27 $27.52 $27.77 $11.02 $11.27 $11.52 $11.77 $12.01 $12.26 $12.51 $12.76 $13.00 $13.25 $13.50 $13.75 $13.99 $14.24 $14.49 $14.74 $14.98 $15.23 $15.48 $15.73 $15.97 $16.22 $16.47 $16.72 $16.96 $17.21 $17.46 $17.71 $17.95 $18.20 $18.45 $18.70 $18.94 $19.19 $19.44 $19.69 $19.93 $20.18 $20.43 $20.68 $20.92 $21.17 $21.42 $21.67 $21.91 $22.16 $22.41 $22.66 $22.90 $23.15 $6.41 $6.65 $6.90 $7.15 $7.40 $7.64 $7.89 $8.14 $8.39 $8.63 $8.88 $9.13 $9.38 $9.62 $9.87 $10.12 $10.37 $10.61 $10.86 $11.11 $11.36 $11.60 $11.85 $12.10 $12.35 $12.59 $12.84 $13.09 $13.34 $13.58 $13.83 $14.08 $14.33 $14.57 $14.82 $15.07 $15.32 $15.56 $15.81 $16.06 $16.31 $16.55 $16.80 $17.05 $17.30 $17.54 $17.79 $18.04 $18.29 $18.53 $1.79 $2.04 $2.28 $2.53 $2.78 $3.03 $3.27 $3.52 $3.77 $4.02 $4.26 $4.51 $4.76 $0.14 $5.01 $0.39 $5.25 $0.64 $5.50 $0.89 $5.75 $1.13 $6.00 $1.38 $6.24 $1.63 $6.49 $1.88 $6.74 $2.12 $6.99 $2.37 $7.23 $2.62 $7.48 $2.87 $7.73 $3.11 $7.98 $3.36 $8.22 $3.61 $8.47 $3.86 $8.72 $4.10 $8.97 $4.35 $9.21 $4.60 $9.46 $4.85 $0.23 $9.71 $5.09 $0.48 $9.96 $5.34 $0.72 $10.20 $5.59 $0.97 $10.45 $5.84 $1.22 $10.70 $6.08 $1.47 $10.95 $6.33 $1.71 $11.19 $6.58 $1.96 $11.44 $6.83 $2.21 $11.69 $7.07 $2.46 $11.94 $7.32 $2.70 $12.18 $7.57 $2.95 $12.43 $7.82 $3.20 $12.68 $8.06 $3.45 $12.93 $8.31 $3.69 $13.17 $8.56 $3.94 $13.42 $8.81 $4.19 $13.67 $9.05 $4.44 $13.92 $9.30 $4.68 $0.07 Page 13 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Bi-weekly Payroll Period Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $1.90 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $ Wages $750 $755 $760 $765 $770 $775 $780 $785 $790 $795 $800 $805 $810 $815 $820 $825 $830 $835 $840 $845 $850 $855 $860 $865 $870 $875 $880 $885 $890 $895 $900 $905 $910 $915 $920 $925 $930 $935 $940 $945 $950 $955 $960 $965 $970 $975 $980 $985 $990 995 $1,000 $755 $760 $765 $770 $775 $780 $785 $790 $795 $800 $805 $810 $815 $820 $825 $830 $835 $840 $845 $850 $855 $860 $865 $870 $875 $880 $885 $890 $895 $900 $905 $910 $915 $920 $925 $930 $935 $940 $945 $950 $955 $960 $965 $970 $975 $980 $985 $990 $995 $1,000 or more Page 14 $37.25 $37.50 $37.74 $37.99 $38.24 $38.49 $38.73 $38.98 $39.23 $39.48 $39.72 $39.97 $40.22 $40.47 $40.71 $40.96 $41.21 $41.46 $41.70 $41.95 $42.20 $42.45 $42.69 $42.94 $43.19 $43.44 $43.68 $43.93 $44.18 $44.43 $44.67 $44.92 $45.17 $45.42 $45.66 $45.91 $46.16 $46.41 $46.65 $46.90 $47.15 $47.40 $47.64 $47.89 $48.14 $48.39 $48.63 $48.88 $49.13 $49.38 $32.63 $32.88 $33.13 $33.37 $33.62 $33.87 $34.12 $34.36 $34.61 $34.86 $35.11 $35.35 $35.60 $35.85 $36.10 $36.34 $36.59 $36.84 $37.09 $37.33 $37.58 $37.83 $38.08 $38.32 $38.57 $38.82 $39.07 $39.31 $39.56 $39.81 $40.06 $40.30 $40.55 $40.80 $41.05 $41.29 $41.54 $41.79 $42.04 $42.28 $42.53 $42.78 $43.03 $43.27 $43.52 $43.77 $44.02 $44.26 $44.51 $44.76 $28.02 $28.26 $28.51 $28.76 $29.01 $29.25 $29.50 $29.75 $30.00 $30.24 $30.49 $30.74 $30.99 $31.23 $31.48 $31.73 $31.98 $32.22 $32.47 $32.72 $32.97 $33.21 $33.46 $33.71 $33.96 $34.20 $34.45 $34.70 $34.95 $35.19 $35.44 $35.69 $35.94 $36.18 $36.43 $36.68 $36.93 $37.17 $37.42 $37.67 $37.92 $38.16 $38.41 $38.66 $38.91 $39.15 $39.40 $39.65 $39.90 $40.14 $23.40 $18.78 $23.65 $19.03 $23.89 $19.28 $24.14 $19.52 $24.39 $19.77 $24.64 $20.02 $24.88 $20.27 $25.13 $20.51 $25.38 $20.76 $25.63 $21.01 $25.87 $21.26 $26.12 $21.50 $26.37 $21.75 $26.62 $22.00 $26.86 $22.25 $27.11 $22.49 $27.36 $22.74 $27.61 $22.99 $27.85 $23.24 $28.10 $23.48 $28.35 $23.73 $28.60 $23.98 $28.84 $24.23 $29.09 $24.47 $29.34 $24.72 $29.59 $24.97 $29.83 $25.22 $30.08 $25.46 $30.33 $25.71 $30.58 $25.96 $30.82 $26.21 $31.07 $26.45 $31.32 $26.70 $31.57 $26.95 $31.81 $27.20 $32.06 $27.44 $32.31 $27.69 $32.56 $27.94 $32.80 $28.19 $33.05 $28.43 $33.30 $28.68 $33.55 $28.93 $33.79 $29.18 $34.04 $29.42 $34.29 $29.67 $34.54 $29.92 $34.78 $30.17 $35.03 $30.41 $35.28 $30.66 $35.53 $30.91 $14.16 $14.41 $14.66 $14.91 $15.15 $15.40 $15.65 $15.90 $16.14 $16.39 $16.64 $16.89 $17.13 $17.38 $17.63 $17.88 $18.12 $18.37 $18.62 $18.87 $19.11 $19.36 $19.61 $19.86 $20.10 $20.35 $20.60 $20.85 $21.09 $21.34 $21.59 $21.84 $22.08 $22.33 $22.58 $22.83 $23.07 $23.32 $23.57 $23.82 $24.06 $24.31 $24.56 $24.81 $25.05 $25.30 $25.55 $25.80 $26.04 $26.29 $9.55 $9.80 $10.04 $10.29 $10.54 $10.79 $11.03 $11.28 $11.53 $11.78 $12.02 $12.27 $12.52 $12.77 $13.01 $13.26 $13.51 $13.76 $14.00 $14.25 $14.50 $14.75 $14.99 $15.24 $15.49 $15.74 $15.98 $16.23 $16.48 $16.73 $16.97 $17.22 $17.47 $17.72 $17.96 $18.21 $18.46 $18.71 $18.95 $19.20 $19.45 $19.70 $19.94 $20.19 $20.44 $20.69 $20.93 $21.18 $21.43 $21.68 $4.93 $5.18 $5.43 $5.67 $5.92 $6.17 $6.42 $6.66 $6.91 $7.16 $7.41 $7.65 $7.90 $8.15 $8.40 $8.64 $8.89 $9.14 $9.39 $9.63 $9.88 $10.13 $10.38 $10.62 $10.87 $11.12 $11.37 $11.61 $11.86 $12.11 $12.36 $12.60 $12.85 $13.10 $13.35 $13.59 $13.84 $14.09 $14.34 $14.58 $14.83 $15.08 $15.33 $15.57 $15.82 $16.07 $16.32 $16.56 $16.81 $17.06 $0.31 $0.56 $0.81 $1.06 $1.30 $1.55 $1.80 $2.05 $2.29 $2.54 $2.79 $3.04 $3.28 $3.53 $3.78 $4.03 $4.27 $4.52 $4.77 $0.15 $5.02 $0.40 $5.26 $0.65 $5.51 $0.89 $5.76 $1.14 $6.01 $1.39 $6.25 $1.64 $6.50 $1.88 $6.75 $2.13 $7.00 $2.38 $7.24 $2.63 $7.49 $2.87 $7.74 $3.12 $7.99 $3.37 $8.23 $3.62 $8.48 $3.86 $8.73 $4.11 $8.98 $4.36 $9.22 $4.61 $9.47 $4.85 $9.72 $5.10 $9.97 $5.35 $10.21 $5.60 $10.46 $5.84 $10.71 $6.09 $10.96 $6.34 $11.20 $6.59 $11.45 $6.83 $11.70 $7.08 $11.95 $7.33 $12.19 $7.58 $12.44 $7.82 $0.24 $0.49 $0.73 $0.98 $1.23 $1.48 $1.72 $1.97 $2.22 $2.47 $2.71 $2.96 $3.21 4.95% of the amount in excess of $1000 plus: $49.50 $44.88 $40.27 $35.65 $31.03 $26.42 $21.80 $17.18 $12.57 $7.95 $3.33 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Semi-monthly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $2.06 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on Line 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 $170 $175 $180 $185 $190 $195 $200 $205 $210 $215 $220 $225 $230 $235 $240 $245 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 $170 $175 $180 $185 $190 $195 $200 $205 $210 $215 $220 $225 $230 $235 $240 $245 $250 $0.12 $0.37 $0.62 $0.87 $1.11 $1.36 $1.61 $1.86 $2.10 $2.35 $2.60 $2.85 $3.09 $3.34 $3.59 $3.84 $4.08 $4.33 $4.58 $4.83 $5.07 $0.07 $5.32 $0.32 $5.57 $0.57 $5.82 $0.81 $6.06 $1.06 $6.31 $1.31 $6.56 $1.56 $6.81 $1.80 $7.05 $2.05 $7.30 $2.30 $7.55 $2.55 $7.80 $2.79 $8.04 $3.04 $8.29 $3.29 $8.54 $3.54 $8.79 $3.78 $9.03 $4.03 $9.28 $4.28 $9.53 $4.53 $9.78 $4.77 $10.02 $5.02 $10.27 $5.27 $10.52 $5.52 $10.77 $5.76 $11.01 $6.01 $11.26 $6.26 $11.51 $6.51 $11.76 $6.75 $12.00 $7.00 $12.25 $7.25 $0.02 $0.27 $0.52 $0.76 $1.01 $1.26 $1.51 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 Page 15 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Semi-monthly Wages Payroll Period Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $2.06 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $250 $255 $260 $265 $270 $275 $280 $285 $290 $295 $300 $305 $310 $315 $320 $325 $330 $335 $340 $345 $350 $355 $360 $365 $370 $375 $380 $385 $390 $395 $400 $405 $410 $415 $420 $425 $430 $435 $440 $445 $450 $455 $460 $465 $470 $475 $480 $485 $490 $495 Page 16 $255 $260 $265 $270 $275 $280 $285 $290 $295 $300 $305 $310 $315 $320 $325 $330 $335 $340 $345 $350 $355 $360 $365 $370 $375 $380 $385 $390 $395 $400 $405 $410 $415 $420 $425 $430 $435 $440 $445 $450 $455 $460 $465 $470 $475 $480 $485 $490 $495 $500 $12.50 $12.75 $12.99 $13.24 $13.49 $13.74 $13.98 $14.23 $14.48 $14.73 $14.97 $15.22 $15.47 $15.72 $15.96 $16.21 $16.46 $16.71 $16.95 $17.20 $17.45 $17.70 $17.94 $18.19 $18.44 $18.69 $18.93 $19.18 $19.43 $19.68 $19.92 $20.17 $20.42 $20.67 $20.91 $21.16 $21.41 $21.66 $21.90 $22.15 $22.40 $22.65 $22.89 $23.14 $23.39 $23.64 $23.88 $24.13 $24.38 $24.63 $7.50 $7.74 $7.99 $8.24 $8.49 $8.73 $8.98 $9.23 $9.48 $9.72 $9.97 $10.22 $10.47 $10.71 $10.96 $11.21 $11.46 $11.70 $11.95 $12.20 $12.45 $12.69 $12.94 $13.19 $13.44 $13.68 $13.93 $14.18 $14.43 $14.67 $14.92 $15.17 $15.42 $15.66 $15.91 $16.16 $16.41 $16.65 $16.90 $17.15 $17.40 $17.64 $17.89 $18.14 $18.39 $18.63 $18.88 $19.13 $19.38 $19.62 $2.50 $2.74 $2.99 $3.24 $3.49 $3.73 $3.98 $4.23 $4.48 $4.72 $4.97 $5.22 $0.22 $5.47 $0.46 $5.71 $0.71 $5.96 $0.96 $6.21 $1.21 $6.46 $1.45 $6.70 $1.70 $6.95 $1.95 $7.20 $2.20 $7.45 $2.44 $7.69 $2.69 $7.94 $2.94 $8.19 $3.19 $8.44 $3.43 $8.68 $3.68 $8.93 $3.93 $9.18 $4.18 $9.43 $4.42 $9.67 $4.67 $9.92 $4.92 $10.17 $5.17 $10.42 $5.41 $10.66 $5.66 $10.91 $5.91 $11.16 $6.16 $11.41 $6.40 $11.65 $6.65 $11.90 $6.90 $12.15 $7.15 $12.40 $7.39 $12.64 $7.64 $12.89 $7.89 $13.14 $8.14 $13.39 $8.38 $13.63 $8.63 $13.88 $8.88 $14.13 $9.13 $14.38 $9.37 $14.62 $9.62 $0.16 $0.41 $0.66 $0.91 $1.16 $1.40 $1.65 $1.90 $2.15 $2.39 $2.64 $2.89 $3.14 $3.38 $3.63 $3.88 $4.13 $4.37 $4.62 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Semi-monthly Payroll Period Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $2.06 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) Wages $500 $505 $510 $515 $520 $525 $530 $535 $540 $545 $550 $555 $560 $565 $570 $575 $580 $585 $590 $595 $600 $605 $610 $615 $620 $625 $630 $635 $640 $645 $650 $655 $660 $665 $670 $675 $680 $685 $690 $695 $700 $705 $710 $715 $720 $725 $730 $735 $740 $745 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $505 $510 $515 $520 $525 $530 $535 $540 $545 $550 $555 $560 $565 $570 $575 $580 $585 $590 $595 $600 $605 $610 $615 $620 $625 $630 $635 $640 $645 $650 $655 $660 $665 $670 $675 $680 $685 $690 $695 $700 $705 $710 $715 $720 $725 $730 $735 $740 $745 $750 $24.87 $25.12 $25.37 $25.62 $25.86 $26.11 $26.36 $26.61 $26.85 $27.10 $27.35 $27.60 $27.84 $28.09 $28.34 $28.59 $28.83 $29.08 $29.33 $29.58 $29.82 $30.07 $30.32 $30.57 $30.81 $31.06 $31.31 $31.56 $31.80 $32.05 $32.30 $32.55 $32.79 $33.04 $33.29 $33.54 $33.78 $34.03 $34.28 $34.53 $34.77 $35.02 $35.27 $35.52 $35.76 $36.01 $36.26 $36.51 $36.75 $37.00 $19.87 $20.12 $20.37 $20.61 $20.86 $21.11 $21.36 $21.60 $21.85 $22.10 $22.35 $22.59 $22.84 $23.09 $23.34 $23.58 $23.83 $24.08 $24.33 $24.57 $24.82 $25.07 $25.32 $25.56 $25.81 $26.06 $26.31 $26.55 $26.80 $27.05 $27.30 $27.54 $27.79 $28.04 $28.29 $28.53 $28.78 $29.03 $29.28 $29.52 $29.77 $30.02 $30.27 $30.51 $30.76 $31.01 $31.26 $31.50 $31.75 $32.00 $14.87 $15.12 $15.37 $15.61 $15.86 $16.11 $16.36 $16.60 $16.85 $17.10 $17.35 $17.59 $17.84 $18.09 $18.34 $18.58 $18.83 $19.08 $19.33 $19.57 $19.82 $20.07 $20.32 $20.56 $20.81 $21.06 $21.31 $21.55 $21.80 $22.05 $22.30 $22.54 $22.79 $23.04 $23.29 $23.53 $23.78 $24.03 $24.28 $24.52 $24.77 $25.02 $25.27 $25.51 $25.76 $26.01 $26.26 $26.50 $26.75 $27.00 $9.87 $10.12 $10.36 $10.61 $10.86 $11.11 $11.35 $11.60 $11.85 $12.10 $12.34 $12.59 $12.84 $13.09 $13.33 $13.58 $13.83 $14.08 $14.32 $14.57 $14.82 $15.07 $15.31 $15.56 $15.81 $16.06 $16.30 $16.55 $16.80 $17.05 $17.29 $17.54 $17.79 $18.04 $18.28 $18.53 $18.78 $19.03 $19.27 $19.52 $19.77 $20.02 $20.26 $20.51 $20.76 $21.01 $21.25 $21.50 $21.75 $22.00 $4.87 $5.12 $0.11 $5.36 $0.36 $5.61 $0.61 $5.86 $0.86 $6.11 $1.10 $6.35 $1.35 $6.60 $1.60 $6.85 $1.85 $7.10 $2.09 $7.34 $2.34 $7.59 $2.59 $7.84 $2.84 $8.09 $3.08 $8.33 $3.33 $8.58 $3.58 $8.83 $3.83 $9.08 $4.07 $9.32 $4.32 $9.57 $4.57 $9.82 $4.82 $10.07 $5.06 $0.06 $10.31 $5.31 $0.31 $10.56 $5.56 $0.56 $10.81 $5.81 $0.80 $11.06 $6.05 $1.05 $11.30 $6.30 $1.30 $11.55 $6.55 $1.55 $11.80 $6.80 $1.79 $12.05 $7.04 $2.04 $12.29 $7.29 $2.29 $12.54 $7.54 $2.54 $12.79 $7.79 $2.78 $13.04 $8.03 $3.03 $13.28 $8.28 $3.28 $13.53 $8.53 $3.53 $13.78 $8.78 $3.77 $14.03 $9.02 $4.02 $14.27 $9.27 $4.27 $14.52 $9.52 $4.52 $14.77 $9.77 $4.76 $15.02 $10.01 $5.01 $15.26 $10.26 $5.26 $15.51 $10.51 $5.51 $15.76 $10.76 $5.75 $16.01 $11.00 $6.00 $16.25 $11.25 $6.25 $16.50 $11.50 $6.50 $16.75 $11.75 $6.74 $17.00 $11.99 $6.99 $0.01 $0.26 $0.51 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.74 $1.99 Page 17 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Semi-monthly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $2.06 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $750 $755 $760 $765 $770 $775 $780 $785 $790 $795 $800 $805 $810 $815 $820 $825 $830 $835 $840 $845 $850 $855 $860 $865 $870 $875 $880 $885 $890 $895 $900 $905 $910 $915 $920 $925 $930 $935 $940 $945 $950 $955 $960 $965 $970 $975 $980 $985 $990 $995 Page 18 $755 $760 $765 $770 $775 $780 $785 $790 $795 $800 $805 $810 $815 $820 $825 $830 $835 $840 $845 $850 $855 $860 $865 $870 $875 $880 $885 $890 $895 $900 $905 $910 $915 $920 $925 $930 $935 $940 $945 $950 $955 $960 $965 $970 $975 $980 $985 $990 $995 $1,000 $37.25 $37.50 $37.74 $37.99 $38.24 $38.49 $38.73 $38.98 $39.23 $39.48 $39.72 $39.97 $40.22 $40.47 $40.71 $40.96 $41.21 $41.46 $41.70 $41.95 $42.20 $42.45 $42.69 $42.94 $43.19 $43.44 $43.68 $43.93 $44.18 $44.43 $44.67 $44.92 $45.17 $45.42 $45.66 $45.91 $46.16 $46.41 $46.65 $46.90 $47.15 $47.40 $47.64 $47.89 $48.14 $48.39 $48.63 $48.88 $49.13 $49.38 $32.25 $32.49 $32.74 $32.99 $33.24 $33.48 $33.73 $33.98 $34.23 $34.47 $34.72 $34.97 $35.22 $35.46 $35.71 $35.96 $36.21 $36.45 $36.70 $36.95 $37.20 $37.44 $37.69 $37.94 $38.19 $38.43 $38.68 $38.93 $39.18 $39.42 $39.67 $39.92 $40.17 $40.41 $40.66 $40.91 $41.16 $41.40 $41.65 $41.90 $42.15 $42.39 $42.64 $42.89 $43.14 $43.38 $43.63 $43.88 $44.13 $44.37 $27.25 $27.49 $27.74 $27.99 $28.24 $28.48 $28.73 $28.98 $29.23 $29.47 $29.72 $29.97 $30.22 $30.46 $30.71 $30.96 $31.21 $31.45 $31.70 $31.95 $32.20 $32.44 $32.69 $32.94 $33.19 $33.43 $33.68 $33.93 $34.18 $34.42 $34.67 $34.92 $35.17 $35.41 $35.66 $35.91 $36.16 $36.40 $36.65 $36.90 $37.15 $37.39 $37.64 $37.89 $38.14 $38.38 $38.63 $38.88 $39.13 $39.37 $22.24 $22.49 $22.74 $22.99 $23.23 $23.48 $23.73 $23.98 $24.22 $24.47 $24.72 $24.97 $25.21 $25.46 $25.71 $25.96 $26.20 $26.45 $26.70 $26.95 $27.19 $27.44 $27.69 $27.94 $28.18 $28.43 $28.68 $28.93 $29.17 $29.42 $29.67 $29.92 $30.16 $30.41 $30.66 $30.91 $31.15 $31.40 $31.65 $31.90 $32.14 $32.39 $32.64 $32.89 $33.13 $33.38 $33.63 $33.88 $34.12 $34.37 $17.24 $17.49 $17.74 $17.99 $18.23 $18.48 $18.73 $18.98 $19.22 $19.47 $19.72 $19.97 $20.21 $20.46 $20.71 $20.96 $21.20 $21.45 $21.70 $21.95 $22.19 $22.44 $22.69 $22.94 $23.18 $23.43 $23.68 $23.93 $24.17 $24.42 $24.67 $24.92 $25.16 $25.41 $25.66 $25.91 $26.15 $26.40 $26.65 $26.90 $27.14 $27.39 $27.64 $27.89 $28.13 $28.38 $28.63 $28.88 $29.12 $29.37 $12.24 $12.49 $12.74 $12.98 $13.23 $13.48 $13.73 $13.97 $14.22 $14.47 $14.72 $14.96 $15.21 $15.46 $15.71 $15.95 $16.20 $16.45 $16.70 $16.94 $17.19 $17.44 $17.69 $17.93 $18.18 $18.43 $18.68 $18.92 $19.17 $19.42 $19.67 $19.91 $20.16 $20.41 $20.66 $20.90 $21.15 $21.40 $21.65 $21.89 $22.14 $22.39 $22.64 $22.88 $23.13 $23.38 $23.63 $23.87 $24.12 $24.37 $7.24 $7.49 $7.73 $7.98 $8.23 $8.48 $8.72 $8.97 $9.22 $9.47 $9.71 $9.96 $10.21 $10.46 $10.70 $10.95 $11.20 $11.45 $11.69 $11.94 $12.19 $12.44 $12.68 $12.93 $13.18 $13.43 $13.67 $13.92 $14.17 $14.42 $14.66 $14.91 $15.16 $15.41 $15.65 $15.90 $16.15 $16.40 $16.64 $16.89 $17.14 $17.39 $17.63 $17.88 $18.13 $18.38 $18.62 $18.87 $19.12 $19.37 $2.24 $2.49 $2.73 $2.98 $3.23 $3.48 $3.72 $3.97 $4.22 $4.47 $4.71 $4.96 $5.21 $0.21 $5.46 $0.45 $5.70 $0.70 $5.95 $0.95 $6.20 $1.20 $6.45 $1.44 $6.69 $1.69 $6.94 $1.94 $7.19 $2.19 $7.44 $2.43 $7.68 $2.68 $7.93 $2.93 $8.18 $3.18 $8.43 $3.42 $8.67 $3.67 $8.92 $3.92 $9.17 $4.17 $9.42 $4.41 $9.66 $4.66 $9.91 $4.91 $10.16 $5.16 $10.41 $5.40 $10.65 $5.65 $10.90 $5.90 $11.15 $6.15 $11.40 $6.39 $11.64 $6.64 $11.89 $6.89 $12.14 $7.14 $12.39 $7.38 $12.63 $7.63 $12.88 $7.88 $13.13 $8.13 $13.38 $8.37 $13.62 $8.62 $13.87 $8.87 $14.12 $9.12 $14.37 $9.36 $0.15 $0.40 $0.65 $0.90 $1.14 $1.39 $1.64 $1.89 $2.13 $2.38 $2.63 $2.88 $3.12 $3.37 $3.62 $3.87 $4.11 $4.36 $1,000 or more 4.95% of the amount in excess of $1000 plus: $ 49.50 $44.50 $39.50 $34.50 $29.49 $24.49 $19.49 $14.49 $9.49 $4.49 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Monthly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $4.13 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $120 $130 $140 $150 $160 $170 $180 $190 $200 $210 $220 $230 $240 $250 $260 $270 $280 $290 $300 $310 $320 $330 $340 $350 $360 $370 $380 $390 $400 $410 $420 $430 $440 $450 $460 $470 $480 $490 Booklet IL-700-T (R-06/23) $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $120 $130 $140 $150 $160 $170 $180 $190 $200 $210 $220 $230 $240 $250 $260 $270 $280 $290 $300 $310 $320 $330 $340 $350 $360 $370 $380 $390 $400 $410 $420 $430 $440 $450 $460 $470 $480 $490 $500 $0.25 $0.74 $1.24 $1.73 $2.23 $2.72 $3.22 $3.71 $4.21 $4.70 $5.20 $5.69 $6.19 $6.68 $7.18 $7.67 $8.17 $8.66 $9.16 $9.65 $10.15 $0.14 $10.64 $0.64 $11.14 $1.13 $11.63 $1.63 $12.13 $2.12 $12.62 $2.62 $13.12 $3.11 $13.61 $3.61 $14.11 $4.10 $14.60 $4.60 $15.10 $5.09 $15.59 $5.59 $16.09 $6.08 $16.58 $6.58 $17.08 $7.07 $17.57 $7.57 $18.07 $8.06 $18.56 $8.56 $19.06 $9.05 $19.55 $9.55 $20.05 $10.04 $20.54 $10.54 $21.04 $11.03 $21.53 $11.53 $22.03 $12.02 $22.52 $12.52 $23.02 $13.01 $23.51 $13.51 $24.01 $14.00 $24.50 $14.50 $0.04 $0.54 $1.03 $1.53 $2.02 $2.52 $3.01 $3.51 $4.00 $4.50 Page 19 Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Illinois Income Tax withholding at 4.95 percent (.0495) Based on allowances claimed on Form IL-W-4, Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate. Monthly Payroll Period Wages Number of allowances claimed on Line 1 of Form IL-W-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at but less (Subtract $4.13 for each allowance least than Withhold this amount of Illinois Income Tax —— claimed on L ine 2 of Form IL-W-4.) $500 $510 $520 $530 $540 $550 $560 $570 $580 $590 $600 $610 $620 $630 $640 $650 $660 $670 $680 $690 $700 $710 $720 $730 $740 $750 $760 $770 $780 $790 $800 $810 $820 $830 $840 $850 $860 $870 $880 $890 $900 $910 $920 $930 $940 $950 $960 $970 $980 $990 Page 20 $510 $520 $530 $540 $550 $560 $570 $580 $590 $600 $610 $620 $630 $640 $650 $660 $670 $680 $690 $700 $710 $720 $730 $740 $750 $760 $770 $780 $790 $800 $810 $820 $830 $840 $850 $860 $870 $880 $890 $900 $910 $920 $930 $940 $950 $960 $970 $980 $990 $1,000 $25.00 $25.49
2023 Booklet IL-700-T
More about the Illinois Form IL-700-T Individual Income Tax
Booklet for Illinois Withholding Tax Tables
We last updated the Illinois Withholding Tax Tables Booklet in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Illinois Department of Revenue. You can print other Illinois tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther Illinois Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 75 Illinois income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form IL-1040-PTR | Property Tax Rebate Form |
Form IL-1040 | Individual Income Tax Return |
Form IL-1040-ES | Estimated Income Tax Payments for Individuals |
Schedule ICR | Illinois Tax Credits |
Schedule NLD | Illinois Net Loss Deduction |
View all 76 Illinois Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Illinois usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Illinois Form IL-700-T from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Illinois Form IL-700-T
We have a total of two past-year versions of Form IL-700-T in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Booklet IL-700-T

2022 IL-700-T, Illinois Withholding Tax Tables
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Illinois Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.