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Idaho Free Printable Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit for 2025 Idaho Application for Amusement Device Permit

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Application for Amusement Device Permit
Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

Form ADT Application for Amusement Device Permit State Use Only Mail application and payment to: Idaho State Tax Commission PO Box 36 Boise ID 83722-0410 Use this application for amusement device permits (decals). You must display decals on each currency- or tokenoperated amusement device in service. Examples: pinball machine, jukebox, video game, etc. Legal business name Assumed business name Mailing address Employer Identification Number (EIN ) City State ZIP code Social Security number (SSN) Business phone number Contact Person Information Name Title Phone number and extension Email address Fax number Section 1 1. Purpose of registration (select one): New applicant Change legal name Change assumed business name Add/Change location Change in partners, shareholders, or managing members 2. Enter your active Idaho seller’s permit number, if applicable. If you have a current Idaho seller’s permit and information about your business hasn’t changed, go to section 2. 3. Date business began in Idaho 4. Date incorporated 5. State of incorporation 6. Month tax year ends 7. Describe your business activities in Idaho. Include the date the activities began in Idaho. 8. Have you ever had a permit or account number issued by us? Yes If yes, list all permit or account numbers. No 9. Type of business (select one): Sole proprietorship Partnership S corporation Corporation Nonprofit Government Fiduciary or trust Limited liability company 10. List (a) owner and spouse of sole proprietorship, (b) all partners of partnership, (c) all corporate officers for a corporation, or (d) all members for an LLC. (Use additional sheet, if necessary.) Name EFO00148 08-21-2020 Address of residence SSN or EIN and phone number Corporate Title % Owned Director? yes/no Page 1 of 2 Form ADT (continued) Section 2 11. List the business’s physical location - No PO Box or mail drop addresses (Use additional sheet, if necessary.) Street address City State ZIP code Street address City State ZIP code Street address City State ZIP code 12. If you operate amusement devices at locations other than your own business, please include below. (Use additional sheet, if necessary.) Device 1 Street address City State ZIP code City State ZIP code City State ZIP code Device 2 Street address Device 3 Street address Section 3 13. Enter the number of amusement device decals requested. See instructions for decal requirements. Number of decals for machines or devices in service x $42.00 = Total Due Section 4 Complete the applicable section if you’re requesting a transfer of existing decals (see instructions for transfer types). 14. Are you the new owner of a business with existing decals registered to the previous owner? Yes No Enter the previous owner’s name: Enter the date you acquired the business: List of decals to be transferred: 15. Did you change the name of your business? Yes No Provide your business’s previous name: List of decals to be transferred: Certification: I certify that I am authorized as an owner, partner, corporate officer, member, or representative to sign this document and that the statements made are correct and true to the best of my knowledge. (For sole proprietors, the spouse must also sign this form.) Print name Signature Date Print name Signature Date EFO00148 08-21-2020 Page 2 of 2
Extracted from PDF file 2024-idaho-form-2.pdf, last modified March 2021

More about the Idaho FORM 2 Other TY 2024

You must get an amusement device permit (decal) for each currency- or token-operated machine or device used for amusement or entertainment you have in service. Amusement device permits (decals) are valid from July 1 to June 30 and must be renewed annually. A renewal form will be sent to you in June each year so you can renew your decals by July 1.

We last updated the Application for Amusement Device Permit in February 2025, so this is the latest version of FORM 2, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of FORM 2 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Idaho tax forms here.

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Download all ID tax forms View all 66 Idaho Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Idaho usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Idaho FORM 2 from the State Tax Commission in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Historical Past-Year Versions of Idaho FORM 2

We have a total of twelve past-year versions of FORM 2 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 FORM 2

Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

2023 FORM 2

Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

2022 FORM 2

Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

2021 FORM 2

Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

2020 FORM 2

Form ADT, Application for Amusement Device Permit

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Idaho Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/idaho/form-2