Hawaii Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest

Extracted from PDF file 2024-hawaii-form-n-288b.pdf, last modified August 2003Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest
Clear Form STATE OF HAWAII __ DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION FORM N-288B (REV. 2019) Copy A - For State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest • File Copies A and B of this form with the Department of Taxation. • DO NOT file Form N-288B if the transfer of property has already taken place. The Department of Taxation will not approve Form N-288B after the date of transfer reported on line 4a has passed. • Please be sure to complete ALL lines and attach ALL supporting documentation OR your application will be rejected. • See Instructions on the back of Copy B. 1 Name of applicant (Transferor/seller) Identification number (SSN or FEIN) Daytime phone no. of applicant ( ) Mailing address where you want withholding certificate sent City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 2 Names of all transferors/sellers (Attach additional sheets if more than one transferor/seller.) Identification number (SSN or FEIN) Address (number and street) City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 3 Names of all transferees/buyers (Attach additional sheets if more than one transferee/buyer.) I.D. no. (Last 4 numbers of the SSN or FEIN) Address (number and street) City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 4 Description of Hawaii real property transaction: a Date of transfer (month, day, year). DO NOT file Form N-288B if the transfer of property has already taken place. The Department of Taxation will not approve Form N-288B after the date of transfer has passed. b Location and general description of property (Include tax map key number)_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Check the box to indicate the reason a withholding certificate should be issued. NOTE: The transferor/seller is required under section 235-92, HRS, to file an income tax return whether or not the person derives a taxable gain. a The transferor/seller will not realize any gain with respect to the transfer. (Complete 5a on the back of Copy A.) b There will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding required under section 235-68(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes, after payment of all costs, including selling expenses and the amount of any mortgage or lien secured by the property. (Complete 5b on the back of Copy A.) 6 Was the property used at anytime as a rental?.................................. Yes No Hawaii Tax I.D. Number If yes, enter your Hawaii Tax I.D. Number. GE - - - Please Sign Here I hereby declare under penalties provided by section 231-36, HRS, that I have examined this application and accompanying attachments, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. hh____________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ hh____________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ Signature Title (If applicable) Spouse’s signature (If applicable) Title (If applicable) Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Approved: Disapproved: Month Amount required to be withheld Day Year Month Day Year $ Signature N288B_I 2019A 01 VID01 ID NO 01 FORM N-288B FORM N-288B (REV. 2019) 5a. Calculation and written justification showing that the transferor/seller will not realize any gain with respect to the transfer. Attach a copy of a tentative statement from your escrow company for this transaction showing the gross sales price. Also attach a copy of your closing escrow statement from your purchase or acquisition of this property. (Note: You must provide documentation for all items in the calculation. Do NOT include any carryforward, net operating or suspended passive activity losses on line 2b.) 1. Sales Price $___________________________ 2a. Purchase price of property ____________________________ 2b. Add: Improvements (attach schedule) ____________________________ Selling expenses ____________________________ Other (attach list and schedule) ____________________________ 2c. Less: Depreciation (attach schedule) ____________________________ ____________________________ Other (attach list and schedule) 3. Adjusted basis of property. (Line 2a plus line 2b, minus line 2c) 4. Line 1 minus line 3. If greater than zero, you DO NOT qualify for a waiver of the withholding. Do not file this form with the State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation. Exception: If this property was used as your main home and you may qualify to exclude the entire gain, use Form N-103 as a worksheet and attach Form N-103 to this Form N-288B. $___________________________ $___________________________ 5b. Calculation and written justification showing that there will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding required under section 235-68(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes, after payment of all costs, including selling expenses and the amount of any mortgage or lien secured by the property. Attach a copy of a tentative statement from your escrow company for this transaction showing the distribution of funds received. 1a. Sales price $___________________________ 1b. Sales proceeds to be received in forms other than cash (describe) ___________________________________ ____________________________ 1c. Sales proceeds to be received in cash (Line 1a minus line 1b) ____________________________ 2a. Selling expenses. Attach a schedule or list below to indicate the breakdown of your calculations. $ _________________________ 2b. Mortgage(s) secured by the property sold to be paid off with cash proceeds _________________________ 2c. Other (list): 3. Add lines 2a through 2c $___________________________ 4. Amount to be withheld. Line 1c minus line 3 (If less than zero, enter zero) $___________________________ STATE OF HAWAII __ DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION FORM N-288B (REV. 2019) Copy B - To be returned to Transferor/seller Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest • File Copies A and B of this form with the Department of Taxation. • DO NOT file Form N-288B if the transfer of property has already taken place. The Department of Taxation will not approve Form N-288B after the date of transfer reported on line 4a has passed. • Please be sure to complete ALL lines and attach ALL supporting documentation OR your application will be rejected. • See Instructions on the back of Copy B. 1 Name of applicant (Transferor/seller) Daytime phone no. of applicant ( ) Mailing address where you want withholding certificate sent City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 2 Names of all transferors/sellers (Attach additional sheets if more than one transferor/seller.) Address (number and street) City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 3 Names of all transferees/buyers (Attach additional sheets if more than one transferee/buyer.) I.D. no. (Last 4 numbers of the SSN or FEIN) Address (number and street) City, State, and ZIP code (province, postal code, and country) 4 Description of Hawaii real property transaction: a Date of transfer (month, day, year). DO NOT file Form N-288B if the transfer of property has already taken place. The Department of Taxation will not approve Form N-288B after the date of transfer has passed. b Location and general description of property (Include tax map key number)_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Check the box to indicate the reason a withholding certificate should be issued. NOTE: The transferor/seller is required under section 235-92, HRS, to file an income tax return whether or not the person derives a taxable gain. a The transferor/seller will not realize any gain with respect to the transfer. (Complete 5a on the back of Copy A.) b There will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding required under section 235-68(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes, after payment of all costs, including selling expenses and the amount of any mortgage or lien secured by the property. (Complete 5b on the back of Copy A.) 6 Was the property used at anytime as a rental?.................................. Yes No Hawaii Tax I.D. Number If yes, enter your Hawaii Tax I.D. Number. GE - - - Please Sign Here I hereby declare under penalties provided by section 231-36, HRS, that I have examined this application and accompanying attachments, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. hh____________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ hh____________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ Signature Title (If applicable) Spouse’s signature (If applicable) Title (If applicable) Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Approved: Disapproved: Month Amount required to be withheld Day Year Month Day Year $ Signature FORM N-288B INSTRUCTION STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION Instructions for Form N-288B FORM N-288B Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest (REV. 2019) NOTE: References to “married” and “spouse” are also references to “in a civil union” and “civil union partner,” respectively.) General Instructions Purpose of Form Use Form N-288B to apply for a withholding certificate to waive or adjust withholding on dispositions by nonresident persons of Hawaii real property interest. Use this form only for applications based on (1) a claim that the transferor/seller will not realize any gain with respect to the transfer, or (2) a claim that there will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding required under section 235-68(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), after payment of all costs, including selling expenses and the amount of any mortgage or lien secured by the property. If a nonresident transferor/seller transfers two or more Hawaii real property interests, one Form N-288B should be filed for each property transferred. Who Can Apply for a Withholding Certificate The transferor/seller can file Form N-288B. If two or more nonresident transferors/sellers jointly transfer a Hawaii real property interest, a separate Form N-288B should be filed for each nonresident transferor/seller applying for a withholding certificate. One Form N-288B should be filed for a taxpayer and spouse if they will be filing a joint return for the year in which they transferred their Hawaii real property interest. Withholding Certificate Upon receipt of Form N-288B, the State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation (Department) shall determine whether the transferor/seller has realized or will realize any gain with respect to the transfer, or whether there will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding. After the form has been approved or disapproved, a copy of the form will be returned to the transferor/seller, who shall thereafter transmit the form to the transferee/buyer. If the Department is satisfied that no gain will be realized, the Department will waive the withholding requirement and the transferee/buyer is not required to withhold any tax. The transferee/buyer shall attach a copy of the Form N-288B to Forms N-288 and N-288A, which must still be filed with the Department. If the Department is satisfied that there will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding, the Department will adjust the amount required to be withheld and the transferee/buyer shall withhold the adjusted amount and submit the payment, Form N-288, Form N-288A, and Form N-288B to the Department. When to File Form N-288B Form N-288B must be filed with the Department no later than 10 working days prior to the date of transfer. Forms N-288B filed later than 10 working days prior to the date of transfer will not be accepted and will be returned to the transferor/ seller. The Department will not approve Forms N-288B after the date of transfer reported on line 4a has passed. Timely mailing of Form N288B by U.S. mail or any delivery service designated for purposes of section 7502 of the federal Internal Revenue Code will be treated as timely filed. See Tax Information Release No. 97-3 for more information. Where to Send Form N-288B Copies A and B of Form N-288B must be mailed or hand delivered to the taxation district office listed below which is located in the county where the closing of the sale is taking place, or the county in which the property is located. After the form has been approved or disapproved, copy B of Form N-288B will be returned to the transferor/ seller at the address specified on line 1. If copy B of Form N-288B is not submitted, a copy of the form will not be returned to the transferor/seller. We do not fax confidential information concerning Form N-288B, nor do we accept Form N-288B through fax. Specific Instructions Line 2. Enter “Same as line 1” unless you are entering another address. If you entered a mailing address on line 1 that is not your actual address, enter your actual address on line 2. If there are multiple transferor/sellers, attach additional sheets giving the required information about each one, indicating ownership percentage and residency status. Line 3. Enter the name, address, and identification number (last 4 numbers of the SSN or FEIN), if any, of the transferee/buyer. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) to certain aliens who are required to have a U. S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain, a social security number. The last 4 numbers of the ITIN issued by the IRS must be used as the individual’s identification number. If the individual has applied for an ITIN but the IRS has not yet issued the ITIN, write “Applied For.” If there are multiple transferee/buyers, attach additional sheets giving the required information about each one. Line 4. Enter the appropriate information. In 4b, enter the address and description of the property. Include the tax map key number. Line 5. If 5a is checked, 5a on the back of Copy A must be completed. If 5b is checked, 5b on the back of Copy A must be completed. return whether or not the person derives a taxable gain. Line 6. If the property was used as a rental property at anytime by the transferor/seller(s), check the box marked “yes” and fill in the appropriate Hawaii Tax I.D. Number. If not, check the box marked “no.” Back of Copy A Line 5a(1). Enter the gross sales price from the sale. Attach a copy of a tentative statement from your escrow company for this transaction showing the gross sales price, the transferor(s)/seller(s), and the transferee(s)/buyer(s). Line 5a(2a). Purchase price of property (attach tentative statement). Line 5a(2b). Improvements: Attach schedule of improvements with contracts, invoices, receipts and any supporting documents. Selling expenses: List selling expenses such as commissions, state transfer taxes, etc. Other: Attach list and schedule any evidence supporting your claim. Line 5a(4). Line 1 minus line 3. If greater than zero, you DO NOT qualify for a waiver of withholding. Do not submit Form N-288B. Exception: If the sale of the property was your main home and you qualify to exclude the entire gain, use Form N-103 as a worksheet and attach Form N-103 to Form N-288B. Line 5b(1a). Enter the gross sales price from the sale. Attach a copy of a tentative statement from your escrow company for this transaction showing the distribution of funds received, the transferor(s)/ seller(s), and the transferee(s)/buyer(s). Line 5b(1b). Enter the amount of sales proceeds to be received in forms other than cash, such as an agreement of sale or purchase money mortgage. Line 5b(2a). Enter any expense of sale, such as commissions and state transfer taxes. Line 5b(2c). Enter any other cost associated with the sale of the property, such as liens secured by the property. Signature Form N-288B must be signed by an individual, a responsible corporate officer, a member or general partner of a partnership, or a trustee, executor, or other fiduciary of a trust or estate. If Form N288B is being filed by a taxpayer and spouse, both must sign the form. In addition, Form N-288B may be signed by an authorized agent with a power of attorney. NOTE: The transferor/seller is required under section 235-92, HRS, to file an income tax MAILING ADDRESSES OAHU DISTRICT OFFICE OFFICE AUDIT BRANCH - N-288B P. O. BOX 259 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809-0259 (830 PUNCHBOWL STREET, #228) 808-587-1644 MAUI DISTRICT OFFICE RE: N-288B 54 S. HIGH STREET, #208 WAILUKU, HAWAII 96793-2198 808-984-8500 HAWAII DISTRICT OFFICE RE: N-288B 75 AUPUNI STREET, #101 HILO, HAWAII 96720-4245 808-974-6321 KAUAI DISTRICT OFFICE RE: N-288B 3060 EIWA STREET, #105 LIHUE, HAWAII 96766-1889 808-274-3456
Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest
More about the Hawaii Form N-288B Individual Income Tax Nonresident TY 2024
We last updated the Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form N-288B, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form N-288B directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther Hawaii Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 164 Hawaii income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
N-11 | Individual Income tax Return (Resident) |
Form N-11 | Individual Income Tax Return (Resident Form) |
Form N-15 | Individual Income Tax Return (Nonresidents and Part Year Residents) |
Form N-13 | Individual Income Tax Return (Resident Short Form) OBSOLETE |
Form N-200V | Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher |
View all 165 Hawaii Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form N-288B from the Department of Taxation in February 2025.
Form N-288B is a Hawaii Individual Income Tax form. Many states have separate versions of their tax returns for nonresidents or part-year residents - that is, people who earn taxable income in that state live in a different state, or who live in the state for only a portion of the year. These nonresident returns allow taxpayers to specify which which income is subject to the state's taxes, and which is not.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form N-288B
We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form N-288B in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

N-288A (Rev.2019), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

Form N-288B, Rev. 2019, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2018, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2016, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2016, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2014, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest

Form N-288B, Rev. 2014, Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interest
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Hawaii Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.