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Hawaii Free Printable N-288A (Rev.2024), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests for 2025 Hawaii Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest

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Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest
N-288A (Rev.2024), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

Clear Form FORM N-288A STATE OF HAWAII—DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION Statement of Withholding on Dispositions By Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests (REV. 2024) THIS SPACE FOR DATE RECEIVED STAMP Calendar Year 2025 Copy A — Submit to the State of Hawaii - Department N288A_I 2024A 01 VID01       of Taxation. See Copy C for Instructions 1. Description and Location of Property Transferred (Include tax map key number) 4. Transferor/Seller is an:  Individual or RLT  Corporation  S corporation 2. Transferor/Seller’s Share of Amount Realized 3. Date of Transfer OR  Installment Payment Date 5. Transferor/Seller’s Hawaii Income Tax Withheld  Partnership  Trust or Estate 6. Transferor/Seller’s Business Name 6a. Transferor/Seller’s FEIN 7. Transferor/Seller’s First Name 7a. Transferor/Seller’s SSN M.I. Last Name Suffix Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country 8. Transferor/Seller’s Street Address 9. City or Province State 10. Transferee/Buyer’s Name 11. Transferee/Buyer’s FEIN 12. Transferee/Buyer’s Street Address 13. Transferee/Buyer’s SSN 14. City or Province State Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country THIS FORM IS TO BE USED FOR TRANSFERS OR PAYMENTS MADE IN 2025 ONLY. ATTACH THIS COPY OF FORM(S) N-288A AND YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO FORM N-288 (Payable to “Hawaii State Tax Collector”) 288AC0S1 ID NO 01 FORM N-288A (REV. 2024) FORM N-288A STATE OF HAWAII—DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION (REV. 2024) Statement of Withholding on Dispositions By Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests 1. Description and Location of Property Transferred (Include tax map key number) 4. Transferor/Seller is an:  Individual or RLT  Corporation  S corporation THIS SPACE FOR DATE RECEIVED STAMP Calendar Year Copy B 2025 Send to Transferor/Seller.  This information is being furnished to the State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation.  See Instructions on back of this copy. 2. Transferor/Seller’s Share of Amount Realized 3. Date of Transfer OR  Installment Payment Date 5. Transferor/Seller’s Hawaii Income Tax Withheld  Partnership  Trust or Estate 6. Transferor/Seller’s Business Name 6a. Transferor/Seller’s FEIN 7. Transferor/Seller’s First Name 7a. Transferor/Seller’s SSN M.I. Last Name Suffix Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country 8. Transferor/Seller’s Street Address 9. City or Province State 10. Transferee/Buyer’s Name 11. Transferee/Buyer’s FEIN 12. Transferee/Buyer’s Street Address 13. Transferee/Buyer’s SSN 14. City or Province State Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country THIS FORM IS TO BE USED FOR TRANSFERS OR PAYMENTS MADE IN 2025 ONLY. FORM N-288A (REV. 2024) INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSFEROR/SELLER Generally, a 7.25% withholding obligation must be withheld by the transferee/buyer when a nonresident person disposes of their Hawaii real property. Even though tax may or may not have been withheld, you are required to file a Form N-15, N-20, N-30, N-35 or N-40 to report the sale or other disposition. CERTIFICATE TO WAIVE OR ADJUST WITHHOLDING If there is insufficient funds to pay the withholding required, the transferor/ seller may file Form N-288B to apply for a withholding certificate to waive or adjust the withholding. This form is used only for applications based on (1) a claim that the transferor/seller will not realize any gain with respect to the transfer, or (2) a claim that there will be insufficient proceeds to pay the withholding required under section 235-68(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), after payment of all costs, including selling expenses and the amount of any mortgage or lien secured by the property. NOTE: Form N-288B should be filed no later than 10 working days prior to the date of transfer. Form N-288B will not be approved after the date of transfer has passed. See Form N-288B for more information. REFUND The transferor/seller may file for a refund if the real property interest is in excess of the transferor/seller’s tax liability on Form N-288C. The nonresident transferor/seller is still required to file a Hawaii income tax return (Forms N-15, N-20, N-30, N-35, or N-40) after the end of the taxable year, report the entire Hawaii source income for the year including the transaction and pay any additional tax due on the income or request a refund. See Form N-288C for more information. NOTE: Under section 235-111, HRS, any claim for a credit or refund of an overpayment of taxes must be filed within three years from the due date of the return, or within two years from the time the tax was paid, whichever is later. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM N-288A References to “married” and “spouse” are also references to “in a civil union” and “civil union partner,” respectively. Prepare Form N-288A for each nonresident transferor/seller subject to withholding. If two or more nonresident transferors/sellers jointly transfer a Hawaii real property interest, prepare a separate Form N-288A for each nonresident transferor/seller. A separate Form N-288A should also be prepared for both taxpayer and spouse whether or not they will be filing a joint return for the year in which they transferred their Hawaii real property interest. Attach Copy A of Form(s) N-288A and your check or money order to Form N-288. Joint Transferors/Sellers If one or more nonresident persons and one or more resident persons jointly transfers Hawaii real property interest, first, determine the amount subject to withholding by allocating the amount realized from the transfer among the transferors/sellers based on their capital contribution to the property. For this purpose, a taxpayer and spouse are treated as having contributed 50% each. Second, withhold on the total amount allocated to nonresident transferors/sellers. Third, credit the amount withheld among the nonresident transferors/sellers as they mutually agree. The transferors/sellers must request that the withholding be credited as agreed upon by the 10th day after the date of transfer. If no agreement is reached, credit the withholding by evenly dividing it among the nonresident transferors/sellers. Line by line instructions Box 1 — Enter a description of the property including its location and the nature of any substantial improvements, such as an apartment building or warehouse. Include the tax map key. Box 2 — Enter the amount realized by the transferor/seller whose name appears on this form. If the transferor/seller is reporting the gain under the installment method, enter the principal portion of the total payments for the year. The transferor/seller must provide written notification to the transferee/buyer prior to the transfer date if the transferor/seller will elect out of the installment method and report the gain in full in the year of sale. If a transferee/buyer does not receive written notification, the transferee/ buyer shall assume that the transferor/seller will report the gain under the installment method. Box 3 — Enter the date of transfer. For payments on an installment sale, enter the payment date of the installment and check the “Installment Payment Date” box. Box 4 — Check the applicable box to indicate whether the transferor/seller is an individual or revocable living trust, a partnership, a corporation, an S corporation, or trust (including an irrevocable trust) or estate. If the transferor/seller is an LLC that files a partnership return, check the box for a partnership. If the transferor/seller is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, check the box for an individual. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, check the box for an individual or revocable living trust. For all other trusts and estates, check the box for a trust or estate. Box 5 — Enter the Hawaii income tax withheld by the transferor/seller whose name appears on this form. If there are two or more nonresident transferors/sellers, indicate the respective amounts withheld for each nonresident transferor/seller on a separate Form N-288A. If the amount required to be withheld has been waived or exempted, enter zero (0). If the amount required to be withheld has been reduced or waived by the Department of Taxation, attach a copy of the approved Form N-288B. If one or more of the transferors/sellers are exempt from the withholding and you are issuing the exempt transferor/seller Form N-288A, attach a copy of the exempt transferor/seller’s Form N-289. If the transferor/seller is a partnership, an S corporation, or a trust or estate, please attach a schedule showing the name, identification number, and amount of the withholding allocated to each partner or member, S corporation shareholder, or beneficiary of the trust or estate. For trusts and final-year estates, this schedule does not replace the election that needs to be made on Form N-40T. Box 6 — Enter the transferor/seller’s business name. Box 6a — Enter the transferor/seller’s federal employer identification number (FEIN). If the transferor/seller is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, enter the social security number of the individual in box 7a. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, enter the social security number of the individual in box 7a. For all other trusts and estates, enter the federal employer identification number of the trust or estate in box 6a. Box 7 — Enter the transferor/seller’s name. Box 7a — Enter the transferor/seller’s social security number (SSN). Box 8 — Enter the transferor/seller’s street address. Box 9 — Enter the transferor/seller’s City or Province, State, Postal/ZIP code and Non U.S.A. County (if applicable). NOTE: If your mailing address has changed, you must notify the Department of the change by completing Form ITPS-COA, Change of Address Form. Failure to do so may delay any important notices or correspondence to you. Box 10 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s name. Box 11 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s FEIN. If the transferee/buyer is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, enter the social security number of the individual in box 13. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, enter the social security number of the individual in box 13. For all other trusts and estates, enter the federal employer identification number of the trust or estate in box 11. Box 12 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s street address. Box 13 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s social security number (SSN). Box 14 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s City or Province, State, Postal/ZIP code and Non U.S.A. County (if applicable). NOTE: If your mailing address has changed, you must notify the Department of the change by completing Form ITPS-COA, Change of Address Form. Failure to do so may delay any important notices or correspondence to you. For definitions and rules, see the Instructions for Form N-288. FORM N-288A STATE OF HAWAII—DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION (REV. 2024) Statement of Withholding on Dispositions By Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests 1. Description and Location of Property Transferred (Include tax map key number) 4. Transferor/Seller is an:  Individual or RLT  Corporation  S corporation THIS SPACE FOR DATE RECEIVED STAMP Calendar Year Copy C 2025 For Transferee’s/Buyer’s Records. 2. Transferor/Seller’s Share of Amount Realized 3. Date of Transfer OR  Installment Payment Date 5. Transferor/Seller’s Hawaii Income Tax Withheld  Partnership  Trust or Estate 6. Transferor/Seller’s Business Name 6a. Transferor/Seller’s FEIN 7. Transferor/Seller’s First Name 7a. Transferor/Seller’s SSN M.I. Last Name Suffix Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country 8. Transferor/Seller’s Street Address 9. City or Province State 10. Transferee/Buyer’s Name 11. Transferee/Buyer’s FEIN 12. Transferee/Buyer’s Street Address 13. Transferee/Buyer’s SSN 14. City or Province State Postal/ZIP code Non U.S.A. Country THIS FORM IS TO BE USED FOR TRANSFERS OR PAYMENTS MADE IN 2025 ONLY. FORM N-288A (REV. 2024) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM N-288A References to “married” and “spouse” are also references to “in a civil union” and “civil union partner,” respectively. Prepare Form N-288A for each nonresident transferor/seller subject to withholding. If two or more nonresident transferors/sellers jointly transfer a Hawaii real property interest, prepare a separate Form N-288A for each nonresident transferor/seller. A separate Form N-288A should also be prepared for both taxpayer and spouse whether or not they will be filing a joint return for the year in which they transferred their Hawaii real property interest. Attach Copy A of Form(s) N-288A and your check or money order to Form N-288. Joint Transferors/Sellers If one or more nonresident persons and one or more resident persons jointly transfers Hawaii real property interest, first, determine the amount subject to withholding by allocating the amount realized from the transfer among the transferors/sellers based on their capital contribution to the property. For this purpose, a taxpayer and spouse are treated as having contributed 50% each. Second, withhold on the total amount allocated to nonresident transferors/sellers. Third, credit the amount withheld among the nonresident transferors/sellers as they mutually agree. The transferors/sellers must request that the withholding be credited as agreed upon by the 10th day after the date of transfer. If no agreement is reached, credit the withholding by evenly dividing it among the nonresident transferors/sellers. Line by line instructions Box 1 — Enter a description of the property including its location and the nature of any substantial improvements, such as an apartment building or warehouse. Include the tax map key. Box 2 — Enter the amount realized by the transferor/seller whose name appears on this form. If the transferor/seller is reporting the gain under the installment method, enter the principal portion of the total payments for the year. The transferor/seller must provide written notification to the transferee/buyer prior to the transfer date if the transferor/seller will elect out of the installment method and report the gain in full in the year of sale. If a transferee/buyer does not receive written notification, the transferee/ buyer shall assume that the transferor/seller will report the gain under the installment method. Box 3 — Enter the date of transfer. For payments on an installment sale, enter the payment date of the installment and check the “Installment Payment Date” box. Box 4 — Check the applicable box to indicate whether the transferor/seller is an individual or revocable living trust, a partnership, a corporation, an S corporation, or trust (including an irrevocable trust) or estate. If the transferor/seller is an LLC that files a partnership return, check the box for a partnership. If the transferor/seller is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, check the box for an individual. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, check the box for an individual or revocable living trust. For all other trusts and estates, check the box for a trust or estate. Box 5 — Enter the Hawaii income tax withheld by the transferor/seller whose name appears on this form. If there are two or more nonresident transferors/sellers, indicate the respective amounts withheld for each nonresident transferor/seller on a separate Form N-288A. If the amount required to be withheld has been waived or exempted, enter zero (0). If the amount required to be withheld has been reduced or waived by the Department of Taxation, attach a copy of the approved Form N-288B. If one or more of the transferors/sellers are exempt from the withholding and you are issuing the exempt transferor/seller Form N-288A, attach a copy of the exempt transferor/seller’s Form N-289. If the transferor/seller is a partnership, an S corporation, or a trust or estate, please attach a schedule showing the name, identification number, and amount of the withholding allocated to each partner or member, S corporation shareholder, or beneficiary of the trust or estate. For trusts and final-year estates, this schedule does not replace the election that needs to be made on Form N-40T. Box 6 — Enter the transferor/seller’s business name. Box 6a — Enter the transferor/seller’s federal employer identification number (FEIN). If the transferor/seller is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, enter the social security number of the individual in box 7a. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, enter the social security number of the individual in box 7a. For all other trusts and estates, enter the federal employer identification number of the trust or estate in box 6a. Box 7 — Enter the transferor/seller’s name. Box 7a — Enter the transferor/seller’s social security number (SSN). Box 8 — Enter the transferor/seller’s street address. Box 9 — Enter the transferor/seller’s City or Province, State, Postal/ZIP code and Non U.S.A. County (if applicable). NOTE: If your mailing address has changed, you must notify the Department of the change by completing Form ITPS-COA, Change of Address Form. Failure to do so may delay any important notices or correspondence to you. Box 10 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s name. Box 11 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s FEIN. If the transferee/buyer is a single member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, and the only member is an individual, enter the social security number of the individual in box 13. If the transferor/seller is a revocable living trust, or any other trust in which an individual is treated as the owner of the trust, enter the social security number of the individual in box 13. For all other trusts and estates, enter the federal employer identification number of the trust or estate in box 11. Box 12 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s street address. Box 13 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s social security number (SSN). Box 14 — Enter the transferee/buyer’s City or Province, State, Postal/ZIP code and Non U.S.A. County (if applicable). NOTE: If your mailing address has changed, you must notify the Department of the change by completing Form ITPS-COA, Change of Address Form. Failure to do so may delay any important notices or correspondence to you. For definitions and rules, see the Instructions for Form N-288.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-hawaii-form-n-288a.pdf, last modified September 2018

More about the Hawaii Form N-288A Individual Income Tax Nonresident TY 2024

We last updated the Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons on Property Interest in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form N-288A, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form N-288A directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.

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Other Hawaii Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 164 Hawaii income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
N-11 Individual Income tax Return (Resident)
Form N-11 Individual Income Tax Return (Resident Form)
Form N-15 Individual Income Tax Return (Nonresidents and Part Year Residents)
Form N-13 Individual Income Tax Return (Resident Short Form) OBSOLETE
Form N-200V Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher

Download all HI tax forms View all 165 Hawaii Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form N-288A from the Department of Taxation in January 2025.

Show Sources >

Form N-288A is a Hawaii Individual Income Tax form. Many states have separate versions of their tax returns for nonresidents or part-year residents - that is, people who earn taxable income in that state live in a different state, or who live in the state for only a portion of the year. These nonresident returns allow taxpayers to specify which which income is subject to the state's taxes, and which is not.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form N-288A

We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form N-288A in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2024), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2023 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2023), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2022 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2022), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2021 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2021), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2020 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2020), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2019 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2019), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2018 Form N-288A

N-288A (Rev.2018), Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by NonResident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2017 Form N-288A

Form N-288A Rev 2017 Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

2016 Form N-288A

Form N-288A Rev 2016 Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

Forms 2015 - Fillable 2015 Form N-288A

Form N-288A Rev 2015 Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

Forms 2014 - Fillable 2014 Form N-288A

Form N-288A Rev 2014 Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Nonresident Persons of Hawaii Real Property Interests

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Hawaii Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/hawaii/form-n-288a