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Hawaii Free Printable Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax for 2025 Hawaii Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax

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Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax
Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

Clear Form FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION MONTHLY RETURN OF LIQUID FUEL TAX (STATE AND COUNTY) AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, ENERGY, AND FOOD SECURITY TAX THIS SPACE FOR DATE RECEIVED STAMP For Sales AFTER June 30, 2020 TO BE FILED BY DISTRIBUTOR • PRINT OR TYPE • IF APPLICABLE, CHECK BOX:  Initial Return   Final Return    Amended Return Name of Distributor Federal Employer I.D. No or Social Security No. DBA or C/O Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (LD-###-###-####-##) LD – Month Ending (MM-YY) NOTE: This return with payment must be submitted to the Department of Taxation on or before the 20th day of the month following the close of the filing period. PART I — COMPUTATION OF FUEL TAX AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, ENERGY, AND FOOD SECURITY TAX LIQUID FUEL CLASSIFICATION On Highway Diesel Oil and Liquid Fuel 1. Diesel - On Hwy. Gals. 2. Gasoline & Other Liquid Fuel   Gals. 3. Total (Add lines 1 and 2) Gals. 4. Tax Rate 5. Total Tax for On Highway Diesel Oil and Liquid Fuel (a) (b) CITY & COUNTY COUNTY OF MAUI OF HONOLULU (Use Part II Summary) (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) COUNTY OF KAUAI (e) Add cols. a to d TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES 1 2 3 32.5¢ 40¢e 39¢d 33¢ 5 On Highway Alternative Fuel 6. Biodiesel - On Hwy. Gals. 7. Tax Rate 8. Total Tax for On Highway Biodiesel 9. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) - On Hwy.   Gals. 10. Tax Rate 11. Total Tax for On Highway CNG 12. Ethanol - On Hwy. Gals. 13. Tax Rate 14. Total Tax for On Highway Ethanol 15. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - On Hwy. Gals. 16. Tax Rate 17. Total Tax for On Highway LNG 18. LPG - On Hwy. Gals. 19. Tax Rate 20. Total Tax for On Highway LPG 21. Methanol - On Hwy. Gals. 22. Tax Rate 23. Total Tax for On Highway Methanol 24. Other Alternative Fuel (See Instr.) Gals. 25. Tax Rate (See Instructions) 26. Total Tax for other On Highway Alternative Fuel 6 12.3¢ 4¢ 4¢d 4¢ 8 9 12.2¢c 15.9¢c,e 15.4¢c,d 12.4¢c 11 12 4.8¢ 13.9¢e 5.7¢d 4.9¢ 14 15 12.2¢b 15.9¢b,e 15.4¢b,d 12.4¢b 17 18 10.6¢ 16.7¢e 12.8¢d 10.8¢ 20 21 3.7¢ 13.4¢e 4.4¢d 3.8¢ 23 24 26 Continue on page 2 DECLARATION I declare, under the penalties set forth in section 231-36, HRS, that this is a true, correct, and complete return, prepared in accordance with the provisions of chapter 243, HRS, the Fuel Tax Law, and chapter 18-243, HAR. (   ) Signature Type or Print Name and Title Date Daytime Phone Number M20A_I 2020A 01 VID01 ID NO 01 FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) PAGE 2 Name Hawaii Tax ID Number (LD-###-###-####-##) Month Ending (MM-YY) LD – PART I — COMPUTATION OF FUEL TAX AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, ENERGY, AND FOOD SECURITY TAX LIQUID FUEL CLASSIFICATION (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU Off Highway Liquid Fuel 27. Aviation Gals. 28. Diesel - Off Hwy. Gals. 29. Total (Add lines 27 and 28) Gals. 30. Tax Rate 31. Total Tax for Off Highway Aviation and Diesel Oil 32. Naphtha - Power-Generating Facility Gals. 33. Tax Rate 34. Total Tax for Off Highway Naphtha (b) COUNTY OF MAUI (Use Part II Summary) (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) COUNTY OF KAUAI (e) Add cols. a to d TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES 27 28 29 1¢ 1¢ 1¢ 1¢ 31 32 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 34 Liquid Fuel for Small Boats (See Instructions.) 35. Diesel 36. Tax Rate 37. Total Tax for Diesel Oil 38. Gasoline 39. Tax Rate 40. Total Tax for Gasoline Gals. 35 1¢ 1¢ 1¢ 1¢ 37 38 Gals. 32.5¢ 40¢e 39¢d 33¢ 40 41. Grand Total Gallons - Add lines 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 29, 32, 35, and 38 41 42. Total Fuel Tax - Add lines 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 31, 34, 37, and 40 42 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, ENERGY, AND FOOD SECURITY TAX 43a. Petroleum Productsa 43a $1.05 43b. Tax Rate 43b 43c. Total Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax on Petroleum Products   Multiply line 43a by 43b................ 44a. Fossil Fuel Productsb 44a $0.19 44b. Tax Rate 44b 44c. Total Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax on Fossil Fuel Products   Multiply line 44a by 44b............... 45. Total Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax — Add lines 43 and 44............................................................ 46. TOTAL TAXES DUE — Add line 42, column (e) and line 45...................................................................................................... 47. AMENDED RETURN ONLY – Amount paid on original return. (See Instructions)..................................................................... 48. AMENDED RETURN ONLY – Balance due (refund) with amended return. (See Instructions) 43 44 45 46 47 48 Complete Parts II, III, and IV on pages 3 and 4 a Does not include aviation fuel. b Effective July 1, 2015, LNG calculation is based on the energy content of 128,714 BTU. c Effective July 1, 2015, CNG calculation is based on the energy content of 128,621 BTU. d Effective July 1, 2019, Hawaii County Resolution No. 212-17 (Draft 2), increases the tax on diesel oil and liquid fuel. e Effective July 1, 2020, Maui County Resolution No. 20-82 increases the tax on diesel oil and liquid fuel. M20A_I 2020A 02 VID01 ID NO 01 FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) PAGE 3 Name Hawaii Tax ID Number (LD-###-###-####-##) Month Ending (MM-YY) LD – PART II — SUMMARY OF GALLONS TAXABLE IN THE COUNTY OF MAUI LIQUID FUEL CLASSIFICATION (a) ISLAND OF MAUI (b) ISLAND OF LANAI (c) ISLAND OF MOLOKAI (d) Add cols. a to c TOTAL FOR COUNTY OF MAUI On Highway Diesel Oil and Liquid Fuel Diesel - On Hwy. Gals. Gasoline & Other Liquid Fuel Gals. On Highway Alternative Fuel Biodiesel - On Hwy. Gals. LPG - On Hwy. Methanol - On Hwy. Gals. Gals. Other Alternative Fuel - On Hwy. Gals. Compressed Natural Gas - On Hwy. Gals. Ethanol - On Hwy. Gals. Liquefied Natural Gas - On Hwy. Gals. Off Highway Liquid Fuel Aviation Gals. Diesel - Off Hwy. Gals. Naphtha - Power-Generating Facility Gals. Liquid Fuel for Small Boats Diesel Gasoline Gals. Gals. Note: Gallons taxable in the County of Maui, column (d), should be entered in Part I, column (b). PART III — SUMMARY OF EXEMPT SALES IN GALLONS Gallons (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES Liquid fuel sold for official Federal Government use:    1. Used on military bases:    a. Diesel    b. Gasoline    c. Alternative Fuels    2. Not used on military bases:    a. Diesel    b. Gasoline    c. Alternative Fuels Sales in the foreign trade zone Sales of bonded aviation fuel to air carriers coming from or going to foreign ports Sales to another licensed distributor Liquid fuel sold for use in Kalawao County Liquid fuel sold to an intra-county ferry operating solely within the county of Maui* Other exempt sales of liquid fuel: Total Gallons Note: Total Gallons, column (e) should be equal to the amount of exempt sales entered on the schedules in Part IV. * Applies to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007. M20A_I 2020A 03 VID01 ID NO 01 FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) FORM M-20A (REV. 2020) PAGE 4 Name Hawaii Tax ID Number (LD-###-###-####-##) Month Ending (MM-YY) LD – PART IV — SUMMARY OF SALES IN GALLONS On Highway Diesel Oil and Liquid Fuel (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES 1. Total sales 2. Exempt sales 3. Deduction for retail sales from Form M-2 4. Add lines 2 and 3 5. Taxable sales (Line 1 minus line 4) Note: Taxable sales (line 5) should be the same amount entered in Part I, line 3. On Highway - Alternative Fuel (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI 1. Total sales 2. Exempt sales 3. Deduction for retail sales from Form M-2 4. Add lines 2 and 3 5. Taxable sales (Line 1 minus line 4) Note: Taxable sales (line 5) should be the same as the total of the amounts entered in Part I, lines 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24. Off Highway Aviation, Diesel Oil, and Naphtha (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES (c) COUNTY OF HAWAII (d) (e) Add cols. a to d COUNTY OF KAUAI TOTAL OF ALL COUNTIES 1. Total sales 2. Exempt sales 3. Deduction for retail sales from Form M-2 4. Add lines 2 and 3 5. Taxable sales (Line 1 minus line 4) Note: Taxable sales (line 5) should be the same amount entered in Part I, lines 29 and 32. Small Boats - Diesel Oil (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI 1. Total sales 2. Deduction for retail sales from Form M-2 3. Taxable sales (Line 1 minus line 2) Note: Taxable sales (line 3) should be the same amount entered in Part I, line 35. Small Boats - Gasoline (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI 1. Total sales 2. Deduction for retail sales from Form M-2 3. Taxable sales (Line 1 minus line 2) Note: Taxable sales (line 3) should be the same amount entered in Part I, line 38. Off Highway Alternative Fuel (Gallons) (a) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU (b) COUNTY OF MAUI 1. Total sales 2. Exempt sales 3. Net sales (Line 1 minus line 2) Note: Net sales (line 3) is not taxable pursuant to section 243-4(c)(3), HRS. M20A_I 2020A 04 VID01 ID NO 01 FORM M-20A (REV. 2020)
Extracted from PDF file 2024-hawaii-form-m-20a.pdf, last modified July 2003

More about the Hawaii Form M-20A Other TY 2024

We last updated the Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form M-20A, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form M-20A directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.

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Other Hawaii Other Forms:

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Form Sources:

Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form M-20A from the Department of Taxation in February 2025.

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Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form M-20A

We have a total of ten past-year versions of Form M-20A in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2023 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2022 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2021 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2020 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2020, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2019 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 9/2019, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2018 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2018, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2017 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev. 2017, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

2016 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev 1/2016, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

Forms 2015 - Fillable 2015 Form M-20A

Form M-20A, Rev 2015, Monthly Return of Liquid Fuel Tax (State and County) and Environmental Response, Energy, and Food Security Tax

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** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/hawaii/form-m-20a