Hawaii Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Extracted from PDF file 2024-hawaii-form-m-19.pdf, last modified August 2002Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return
Clear Form FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION CIGARETTE AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS MONTHLY TAX RETURN Check if M19_I 2023A 01 VID01 PRINT OR TYPE THIS SPACE FOR DATE RECEIVED STAMP Amended Return (Attach Sch AMD) Name Month Ending (MM-YY) DBA Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (TO-###-###-####-##) Federal Employer I.D. No./Social Security No. TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS 1. Wholesale sales for the month (Wholesale Value)..................................................................................................... 1 2. Retail sales for the month (Wholesale Value)............................................................................................................ 2 3. Taxable use of tobacco products (Wholesale Value).................................................................................................. 3 4. Total tobacco products (add lines 1, 2, and 3)............................................................................................................ 4 5. Less non-taxable sales (from page 2, Part I, Non-Taxable Sales of Tobacco Products)............................................ 5 6. Total taxable tobacco products (line 4 minus line 5)................................................................................................... 6 7. Tobacco tax on tobacco products (multiply line 6 by 70%)......................................................................................... 7 LARGE CIGARS 8. Wholesale sales for the month (Wholesale Value)..................................................................................................... 8 9. Retail sales for the month (Wholesale Value)............................................................................................................ 9 10. Taxable use of large cigars (Wholesale Value).......................................................................................................... 10 11. Total large cigars (add lines 8, 9, and 10).................................................................................................................. 11 12. Less non-taxable sales (from page 2, Part I, Non-Taxable Sales of Large Cigars).................................................... 12 13. Total taxable large cigars (line 11 minus line 12)........................................................................................................ 13 14. Tobacco tax on large cigars (multiply line 13 by 50%)............................................................................................... 14 LITTLE CIGARS Total Wholesale Value 15. Number of little cigars sold at wholesale during the month............................................ $ 15 16. Number of little cigars sold at retail during the month.................................................... $ 16 17. Number of little cigars used during the month subject to the tax.................................... $ 17 18. Total number of little cigars sold and used during the month (add lines 15, 16, and 17)........................................... 18 19. Less non-taxable sales (Number of little cigars from page 2, Part I, Non-Taxable Sales of Little Cigars)................. 19 20. Total taxable little cigars (line 18 minus line 19)......................................................................................................... 20 21. Tobacco tax on little cigars (multiply line 20 by $.16 )................................................................................................ 21 E-LIQUIDS AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES 22. Wholesale sales for the month (Wholesale Value)..................................................................................................... 22 23. Retail sales for the month (Wholesale Value)............................................................................................................ 23 24. Taxable use of e-liquids and electronic smoking devices (Wholesale Value)............................................................. 24 25. Total e-liquids and electronic smoking devices (add lines 22, 23, and 24)................................................................. 25 26. Less non-taxable sales (from page 2, Part I, Non-Taxable Sales of E-Liquids and Electronic Smoking Devices)..... 26 27. Total taxable e-liquids and electronic smoking devices (line 25 minus line 26).......................................................... 27 28. Tobacco tax on e-liquids and electronic smoking devices (multiply line 27 by 70%).................................................. 28 TOTAL TAXES 29. Total Tobacco Tax (add lines 7, 14, 21, and 28)......................................................................................................... 29 30. Refund of cigarette tax paid with cigarette tax stamps (from page 4, Part II, line 6).................................................. 30 31. Total Tobacco Tax Due (line 29 minus line 30)........................................................................................................... 31 32. Penalty....................................................................................................................................................................... 32 33. Interest....................................................................................................................................................................... 33 34. Total Amount Due With Return (add lines 31, 32, and 33)......................................................................................... 34 35. AMENDED RETURN ONLY – Amount paid (overpaid) on original return. (See Instructions)................................... 35 36. AMENDED RETURN ONLY – Balance due (refund) with amended return. (See Instructions)................................ 36 37. Amount of Your Payment............................................................................................................................................ 37 DECLARATION: I declare, under the penalties set forth in section 231-36, HRS, that this is a true, correct, and complete return, prepared in accordance with the provisions of chapter 245, HRS, the Cigarette Tax and Tobacco Tax Law, and chapter 18-245, HAR. Signature of Owner, Partner, Member, or Principal Corporate Officer Print name of signatory Title Date ID NO 01 FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) Name PAGE 2 Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (TO-###-###-####-##) Month Ending (MM-YY) TO PART I - LIST OF NON-TAXABLE SALES NON-TAXABLE SALES OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, LARGE CIGARS, LITTLE CIGARS, E-LIQUIDS, AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES: (1) Sales to the United States, including any agency or instrumentality thereof; or (2) Sales that are shipped to a point outside the State for subsequent sale or use outside the State, including sales made under section 212-8, HRS, to any common carrier for consumption out-of-state by the crew or passengers on such carrier; and sales by wholesalers from U.S. licensed bonded warehouses to foreign fishing vessels and to common carriers for out-of-state consumption by the crew or passengers. M19_I 2023A 02 VID01 TOBACCO PRODUCTS (Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed.) Exempt Category Indicate as (1) or (2) Name of Purchasers Wholesale Value $ $ TOTAL (Enter total here and on page 1, line 5) LARGE CIGARS (Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed.) Exempt Category Indicate as (1) or (2) Name of Purchasers Wholesale Value $ $ TOTAL (Enter total here and on page 1, line 12) LITTLE CIGARS (Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed.) Exempt Category Indicate as (1) or (2) Number of Little Cigars Name of Purchasers $ TOTAL (Enter totals here. Also enter total number of little cigars on page 1, line 19) E-LIQUIDS AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES (Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed.) Exempt Category Indicate as (1) or (2) Wholesale Value Name of Purchasers $ Wholesale Value $ TOTAL (Enter total here and on page 1, line 26) $ NON-TAXABLE SALES OF CIGARETTES (Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed.): Sales to the United States, including any agency or instrumentality thereof. Note: Do not include in this list, sales of cigarettes that are shipped to a point outside the State for subsequent sale or use outside the State, including sales made under section 212-8, HRS, to any common carrier for consumption out-of-state by the crew or passengers on such carrier; and sales by wholesalers from U.S. licensed bonded warehouses to foreign fishing vessels and to common carriers for out-of-state consumption by the crew or passengers. These sales should be listed on page 3, Part II, Refund of Cigarette Tax Paid With Cigarette Tax Stamps. Number of Name of Purchasers Wholesale Value Cigarettes $ TOTAL (Enter totals here. Also enter total number of cigarettes on page 4, Part IV, line 5) $ FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) ID NO 01 FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) PAGE 3 Name Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (TO-###-###-####-##) Month Ending (MM-YY) TO PART II - REFUND OF CIGARETTE TAX PAID WITH CIGARETTE TAX STAMPS SCHEDULE 1 — CIGARETTES SHIPPED OUTSIDE OF THE STATE FOR SALE OR USE OUTSIDE THE STATE Attach copy of Form M-104, Export Exemption Certificate for Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes Number of Cigarettes per Package Number of Packages Shipped Outside Hawaii Number of Cigarette Tax Stamps on Package (A) (B) (C) 20 Purchase Value (C) x ($3.20 less any discount) (D) 1 Other than 20 Amount of Refund (B) x (D) (E) $ $ $ $ 1. Refund (Add all amounts in column (E)) $ SCHEDULE 2 — CIGARETTES WHICH BECAME THE SUBJECT OF A CASUALTY LOSS Attach copy of claim of loss to insurance company for inventory lost or destroyed Number of Cigarettes per Package Number of Packages Subject to a Casualty Loss (B) (A) Number of Cigarette Tax Stamps on Package Purchase Value (C) x ($3.20 less any discount) (D) (C) 20 1 Other than 20 Amount of Refund (B) x (D) (E) $ $ $ $ 2. Refund (Add all amounts in column (E)) $ SCHEDULE 3 — STALE CIGARETTES RETURNED TO MANUFACTURER Attach copy of certification from manufacturer for return of stale cigarettes TABLE 1: Use Table 1 for cigarette packages with yellow or red stamps which were distributed (as defined in sec. 245-1, HRS) after June 30, 2010, and prior to July 1, 2011. See instructions. Number of Cigarettes per Package Serial Number of Stamps (A) (B) Number of Packages Returned to the Manufacturer (C) Number of Cigarette Tax Stamps on Package (D) 20 Purchase Value (D) x ($3.00 less any discount) (E) 1 Other than 20 Amount of Refund (C) x (E) (F) $ $ $ $ 3a. Refund (Add all amounts in Column (F)) $ TABLE 2: Use Table 2 for cigarette packages with light gray or yellow stamps which were distributed (as defined in section 245-1, HRS) after June 30, 2011. See instructions. Number of Cigarettes per Package Serial Number of Stamps (A) (B) Number of Packages Returned to the Manufacturer (C) Number of Cigarette Tax Stamps on Package (D) 20 Purchase Value (D) x ($3.20 less any discount) (E) 1 Other than 20 Amount of Refund (C) x (E) (F) $ $ $ $ 3b. Refund (Add all amounts in Column (F)) $ SCHEDULE 4 — OVERPAYMENT OF TAX ON CIGARETTE PACKAGES CONTAINING MORE THAN 20 CIGARETTES Number of Cigarettes per Package Tax on Package of Cigarettes (A) x $.16 (B) (A) Number of Cigarette Tax Stamps on Package (C) Purchase Value (C) x ($3.20 less any discount) (D) Amount of Refund [(D) - (B)] x Number of Cigarette Packages (E) $ $ $ $ $ $ 4. Refund (Add all amounts in column (E)) $ Schedule 5 Continued on Page 4 M19_I 2023A 03 VID01 FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) ID NO 01 FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) PAGE 4 Name Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (TO-###-###-####-##) TO Month Ending (MM-YY) PART II - REFUND OF CIGARETTE TAX PAID WITH CIGARETTE TAX STAMPS (CONTINUED) SCHEDULE 5 — REFUND FOR DAMAGED CIGARETTE TAX STAMPS AFFIXED TO CIGARETTE PACKAGES Proof of damaged cigarette tax stamps shall be offered for inspection and examination at any time upon request of the Department of Taxation or the Department of the Attorney General. See instructions. 5. Number of cigarette tax stamps that were damaged while being affixed to the cigarette packages x Purchase Price = $ 6. Total refund of cigarette tax paid with cigarette tax stamps. Add lines 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, and 5. Enter total here and on page 1, line 30 $ PART III - SCHEDULE OF CIGARETTE BRANDS SOLD List the cigarette brand, cigarette brand style, and number of cigarettes sold (both wholesale and retail sales) during the month. Attach a separate schedule if more space is needed. Cigarette Brand Cigarette Brand Style Number of Cigarettes Sold Total Number of Cigarettes Sold PART IV - SCHEDULE OF CIGARETTES SOLD, USED, AND POSSESSED CIGARETTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL WHOLESALE VALUE Number of cigarettes sold at wholesale during the month............................................. $ 1 Number of cigarettes sold at retail during the month...................................................... $ 2 Number of cigarettes used during the month subject to the tax..................................... $ 3 Total number of cigarettes sold and used during the month (add lines 1, 2, and 3)....................................................... 4 Less non-taxable sales (Number of cigarettes from page 2, Part I, Non-Taxable Sales of Cigarettes)......................... 5 Total taxable cigarettes (line 4 minus line 5).................................................................................................................. 6 PART V - CIGARETTE TAX STAMPS INVENTORY Caution: See instructions before completing Part V. YELLOW STAMPS 1. Number of cigarette tax stamps on hand at beginning of the month........................................ 2. Number of cigarette tax stamps purchased during the month.................................................. 3. Number of cigarette tax stamps transferred in during the month............................................. 4. Add lines 1, 2, and 3................................................................................................................. 5. Number of cigarette tax stamps affixed to cigarette packages during the month..................... 6. Number of cigarette tax stamps transferred out during the month........................................... 7. Number of unused cigarette tax stamps returned for a refund during the month..................... 8. Add lines 5, 6, and 7................................................................................................................. 9. Number of cigarette tax stamps on hand at end of the month (line 4 minus line 8)................. LIGHT GRAY STAMPS M19_I 2023A 04 VID01 FORM M-19 (REV. 2023) ID NO 01
Form M-19, Rev. 2023, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return
More about the Hawaii Form M-19 Other TY 2024
We last updated the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form M-19, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form M-19 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther Hawaii Other Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 164 Hawaii income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form HW-14 (Obsolete) | Periodic Withholding Tax Return |
Form HW-3 | Employer’s Annual Return & Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld from Wages |
Form HW-4 | Employee's Withholding Exemption and Status Certificate |
Form ITPS-COA | Change of Address |
Form HW-16 | Dependent Care Provider's Identification and Certification |
View all 165 Hawaii Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form M-19 from the Department of Taxation in February 2025.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form M-19
We have a total of ten past-year versions of Form M-19 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form M-19, Rev. 2023, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2023, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2021, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2021, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2019, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2019, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2011, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2011, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2011, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return

Form M-19, Rev. 2011, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Monthly Tax Return
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While we do our best to keep our list of Hawaii Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.