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Hawaii Free Printable Form HW-26 Rev 2018 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages for 2025 Hawaii Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

Form HW-26 (Obsolete) is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Hawaii Department of Revenue.

It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. Please use the link below to download 2019-hawaii-form-hw-26.pdf, and you can print it directly from your computer.

Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages
Form HW-26 Rev 2018 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA  FORM HW-26 (REV. 2018) 34 Clear Form STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE THE EMPLOYER’S ANNUAL RETURN AND RECONCILIATION OF HAWAII INCOME TAX WITHHELD FROM WAGES (FORM HW-3) Please read instructions below before preparing form. TAXPAYER’S NAME: ______________________________________________ BUSINESS NAME (DBA): ________________________________________ HAWAII TAX I.D. NO. ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ WH -  ____ ___________________________________________________ LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR FEIN OR SSN: ____ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________POSTAL/ZIP CODE +4:___________ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____    ATTACH YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER HERE           APPLICATION is hereby made for an extension of time to file the employer’s return and reconciliation of Hawaii income tax withheld from wages (FORM HW-3). a. For calendar year ending December 31, 20______ b. An extension is requested until (No more than 60 days See Instructions below.) _________/________/________ MO DAY YR c.  This extension is necessary for the following reasons (See Instructions below):       ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________       ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________       ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE. (If no payment is due, enter “0.”) Attach your check or money order payable to “HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR” in U.S. dollars drawn on any U.S. bank to Form HW-26. Write “HW-26,” the tax year, and your Hawaii Tax I.D. No. on your check or money order. Mail to: HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION, P. O. BOX 3827, HONOLULU, HI 96812-3827. You may also e-pay at:   tax.hawaii.gov/eservices/.................................................................................................................................... $ DECLARATION I declare under the penalties set forth in section 231-36, HRS, that the statements contained herein are true and correct, prepared in accordance with the withholding provisions of the Hawaii Income Tax Law and the rules issued thereunder. SIGNATURE OF TAXPAYER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT WITH POWER OF ATTORNEY DATE   INSTRUCTIONS 1. Extensions will only be granted for a period of 60 days or less. 2. Extensions will only be granted for a good reason (e.g., hospitalization of taxpayer). A full explanation of the reasons why you need an extension must be given. 3. This extension of time to file is NOT AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO PAY. If additional income taxes withheld are due for the year, write the amount due on line d. Your check or money order for the entire amount, payable to “HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR” in U.S. dollars drawn on any U.S. bank must be attached to this form. 4. Submit the completed form to the Hawaii Department of Taxation ON OR BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF FEBRUARY, FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE CALENDAR YEAR. Where the business terminates or permanently stops paying wages, the completed form must be submitted on or before the due date of your final periodic withholding tax return (FORM HW-14). Applications for extensions filed after the applicable date will not be granted. 5. IMPORTANT — Approved applications for extensions are ONLY valid if all quarterly periodic returns (FORM HW-14) for the year have been filed. 6. IMPORTANT— The total period for which extensions will be granted cannot exceed 60 days. MAILING ADDRESS HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION P.O. Box 3827 Honolulu, HI 96812-3827 FORM HW-26  HW26_I 2018A 01 VID01 ID NO 01 34
Extracted from PDF file 2019-hawaii-form-hw-26.pdf, last modified August 2003

More about the Hawaii Form HW-26 (Obsolete) Other Extension


We last updated the Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages in April 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Hawaii Department of Taxation. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.

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Other Hawaii Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 164 Hawaii income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form HW-14 (Obsolete) Periodic Withholding Tax Return
Form HW-3 Employer’s Annual Return & Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld from Wages
Form HW-4 Employee's Withholding Exemption and Status Certificate
Form ITPS-COA Change of Address
Form HW-16 Dependent Care Provider's Identification and Certification

Download all HI tax forms View all 165 Hawaii Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form HW-26 (Obsolete) from the Department of Taxation in April 2021.

Show Sources >

Form HW-26 (Obsolete) is a Hawaii Other form. The IRS and most states will grant an automatic 6-month extension of time to file income tax and other types of tax returns, which can be obtained by filing the proper extension request form. Obtaining an extension will prevent you from being subject to often very large failure-to-file penalties. However, in most cases this extension does not exempt you from the requirement to pay any tax owed in full by the return's original filing date.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form HW-26 (Obsolete) in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2019 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2018 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

2018 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2018 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

2017 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2010 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

2016 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2010 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

Forms 2010 2015 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2010 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

Forms 2010 2012 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2010 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

Forms 2010 2011 Form HW-26 (Obsolete)

Form HW-26 Rev 2010 Application for Extension of Time to File the Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld From Wages

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Hawaii Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/hawaii/form-hw-26-obsolete