Hawaii Amended Basic Business Application

Extracted from PDF file 2024-hawaii-form-bb-1x.pdf, last modified August 2016Amended Basic Business Application
STATE OF HAWAII BASIC BUSINESS APPLICATION FORM BB-1 (Rev. 9/2023) Clear Form This Space For Office Use Only (or Amended Application) For faster service apply online at hitax.hawaii.gov Online applications are processed approximately within 5 business days. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY BB1_F 2023B 01 VID01 1. Purpose of Application — Check only one. For 1b, 1c and 1d, Complete lines 1 through 5 and ONLY the information you are adding, deleting or changing. a. New b. Add c. Delete d. Change (Use Form GEWTARV-1 to CANCEL any tax licenses, registrations or permits) • ATTACH CHECK OR MONEY ORDER HERE • 2. FEIN TIN SSN 3. Hawaii Tax I.D. No. 4. Taxpayer’s/Employer’s/Plan Manager's Legal Name 5. Trade name or doing business as (DBA) name, if any 6. Mailing Care of: 7. Physical location street address of business in Hawaii (if different from mailing) Mailing Street address or P.O. Box Mailing City State Yes No 11. Date of Organization (mm dd yyyy) 13. Accounting period (check only one) Calendar Year (mm dd) Fiscal Year ending Effective (mm dd yyyy) Postal/Zip Code Limited Partnership Nonprofit Government Other (Please specify) 9. Does all or part of this business qualify for 10. Date Business Began in Hawaii a disability exemption? (See Instructions) State If none, provide name, phone number and address of the person performing services in HI. Postal/Zip Code 8. Type of legal organization Corporation S Corporation General Partnership Sole Proprietorship Single-Member LLC LLC Physical location City 12. State of Organization (mm dd yyyy) 15. NAICS and business activity (See Instructions) 14. Accounting method (check only one) Cash Accrual Effective (mm dd yyyy) 16. Business Phone 17. Parent Corporation’s FEIN 18. Name of Parent Corporation Alternate Phone Fax Number E-mail address 19. Parent Corporation’s Mailing Address 20. List all sole proprietors, partners, members, or corporate officers (See Instructions) Attach a separate sheet of paper if more space is required. FEIN/TIN/SSN Name (Individuals - Last, First, M.I.) Title Residential Address Contact Phone No. FEIN TIN SSN FEIN TIN SSN 21. TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE DUE. Add the amounts from lines 22b through 22j. Attach a check or money order made payable to "HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR" in U.S. dollars drawn on any U.S. Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 CERTIFICATION: The above statements are hereby certified to be correct to the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned who is duly authorized to sign this application. Mail the completed application to: HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION P.O. Box 1425 Honolulu, HI 96806-1425 Signature of Owner, Partner or Member, Officer, or Agent Print Name BB11C0S1 ID NO 01 Title Date 02 Date Activity Began in Hawaii -OREffective Date If Changing Filing Period* (mm dd yyyy) Form BB-1, Page 2 22. Select Tax Type(s): Filing Period Mo. Qtr. Semi Fee (See also http://labor.hawaii.gov/ui/) 22a. Withholding 22b. General Excise/Use — Select ONLY one type of GE/Use license: Fee Due BB1_F 2023B 02 VID01 no fee GET/Use Tax 24 $20.00 GE One-Time Event $20.00 Please enter the name of the One-time Event (See Instructions) Use Tax Only no fee Seller’s collection no fee 22c. Transient Accommodations 22d. Timeshare Occupancy 25 1-5 units - $5.00 6 or more units - $15.00 24 Number of Timeshare Plans represented 22e. 22f. 22g. Transient Accommodations Broker, Travel Agency, and Tour Packager $15.00 and Car-Sharing Vehicle 24 $20.00 Liquid Fuel Distributor no fee Refine 22h. Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer 24 22i. Liquor Manufacture Compound $5.00 Attach a copy of your county liquor license Dealer (See Instructions) $2.50 All others no fee (See also http://ag.hawaii.gov/cjd/tobacco-enforcement-unit/) Cigarette & Tobacco 23 License: Dealer Wholesaler Retail Tobacco Permit 24 23. $15.00 Rental Motor Vehicle, Tour Vehicle, Produce 22j. x $250.00 Number of retail locations x $50.00 Have you ever been cited for a cigarette/tobacco violation? Yes No If you answered "Yes," attach a sheet specifying violation(s), date of occurrence(s), current status or final disposition, and explain any mitigating circumstances. Check the appropriate tax type and list the address(es) of your general excise (GE); transient accommodations (TA) rental real property; rental motor vehicle, tour vehicle, and/or car-sharing vehicle (RV); Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer's Permit (Fuel); and/or Retail Tobacco Permit (RTP) business locations. For Retail Tobacco locations, (1) check the appropriate box(es) if you are selling electronic smoking devices (ESD) and/or e-liquid (ELQ) and (2) if location is a vehicle, include the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), otherwise include the name of the retail location. Attach a list if more space is needed. GE TA RV Fuel RTP Address Name or VIN 24. ESD ELQ ESD ELQ 25. Resort Time Share Vacation Plan Information. List each resort time share vacation plan represented by you. Attach a list if more space is needed. New Add Cancel DCCA Plan No. BB12C0S1 Plan Name Plan Address * NOTE: The requested change will take effect after the current filing period is over. The filing frequency cannot be changed retroactively. Form BB-1 (REV. 9/2023) ID NO 01 STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION Instructions Form BB-1 (REV. 9/2023) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM BB-1 BASIC BUSINESS APPLICATION CHANGES YOU SHOULD NOTE Act 62, Session Laws of Hawaii 2023, amends the license and permit fees for a cigarette and tobacco wholesaler or dealer from $2.50 to $250 annually and the retail tobacco permit fee from $20 to $50 annually per retail location. The act further requires retail tobacco dealers to specify whether each place of business sells electronic smoking devices, e-liquid, or both. The Department's effective dates for the above amended license and permit fees are July 1, 2023, for cigarette and tobacco wholesalers or dealers and December 1, 2023, for the retail tobacco permit fee. ABOUT THIS FORM Form BB-1 is designed for electronic scanning that permits faster processing with fewer errors. To avoid delays: 1. Print amounts only on those lines that are applicable. 2. Use only black or dark blue ink pen. Do not use red ink, pencils, felt tip pens, or erasable pens. 3. Because this form is read by a machine, please print your numbers inside the boxes like this: 4. 1234567890X Do NOT print outside the boxes. PURPOSE OF FORM Use this form to: 1. Register for various tax licenses and permits with the Department of Taxation (DOTAX) and to obtain a corresponding Hawaii Tax Identification Number (Hawaii Tax I.D. No.). 2. Add a license/permit/registration not applied for on your previously filed Form BB-1. 4. Make changes to a previously filed Form BB-1. 5. Delete information provided on a previously filed Form BB-1. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS (Note: Reference to “spouse” is also a reference to “civil union partner.”) Line 1. Check only 1 box. For Boxes 1b, 1c and 1d, complete lines 2 through 5 and ONLY the information you are adding, deleting or changing. If you wish to CANCEL a license or permit, complete and submit Form GEW-TA-RV-1. Line 2. Enter your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Tax Identification Number (TIN), or Social Security Number (SSN). All businesses (except sole proprietorships with no employees) and nonprofits must have a FEIN. If you are a subsidiary member of a controlled group of corporations, be sure to complete lines 17, 18, 19 and 20. If you are a sole proprietorship or a single-member LLC, please complete line 20. Line 3. New applications, leave blank. For all other uses of this form, enter your Hawaii Tax I.D. No. (e.g., GE/Use I.D. No., RV I.D. No., TA Reg. No.). Line 4. Enter your legal name. Your name should match the name on your tax return. • Sole proprietorship. Enter your last name, first name, and middle initial. If you changed your last name without informing the Social Security Administration (SSA), include your last name in parentheses as shown on your social security card. For example, Garcia (Smith), Maria K. • Corporation, S corporation, general or limited partnership, nonprofit, limited liability company (LLC) including a single-member LLC. Enter the entity’s legal name as shown on the entity’s organizing document (such as your articles of incorporation, partnership agreement). • Disregarded entity. Enter the disregarded entity’s legal name on line 4 and the owner’s name on line 20. The name on line 20 should match the owner’s name on the owner’s income tax return. For example, if an individual owns a single-member LLC that is disregarded for federal income tax purposes, report the individual owner’s name on line 20. If the owner is also a disregarded entity, enter the first owner that is not disregarded for federal income tax purposes. Even though an entity may be disregarded for income tax purposes, it is treated as a separate entity and must obtain its own license and file its own tax returns for all other state taxes including general excise (GE), transient accommodations (TA), fuel, rental motor vehicle, tour vehicle, and car-sharing vehicle (RVST), liquor, and cigarette and tobacco tax. Line 5. Enter your trade name or doing business as (DBA) name, if any. Line 6. Complete with your mailing address. To change your mailing address, DO NOT use this form. Please complete Form ITPS-COA. Line 7. Complete with the business' physical street address or location. If this address is the same as your mailing address, do not complete line 7. To add, change or delete your business' physical street address or location, DO NOT use this form. Please complete Form ITPS-COA. Line 8. Check the box to indicate your type of legal organization. If you are a trust, an estate, limited liability partnership (LLP), or any other entity not listed, please check the “Other” box and write your business entity type. Line 9. Disability Exemption — A blind, deaf, or totally disabled person may exempt $2,000 of gross income from GE tax. All other gross income is subject to 0.5% GE tax. To apply, file Form N-172 with DOTAX. • If Form N-172 was approved, check YES and attach a copy of your approval letter. • If Form N-172 was not approved or not filed, check NO. Line 13. Check the box to indicate your annual tax accounting period. If you use a fiscal year, enter the date your fiscal year ends (mm-dd). • Calendar Year — 12 consecutive months (01-01 through 12-31). • Fiscal Year — 12 consecutive months ending on the last day of any month except December. It also includes a fiscal year that varies from 52 to 53 weeks that may not end on the last day of the month. If you are changing your accounting period, enter the effective date (mm-dd-yyyy) of the change. Line 14. Check the box to indicate your accounting method. • Cash — Check this box if you report your income when you actually or constructively receive it. For example, if you performed a service in March and received payment in May, you would report the income in May when you received the payment. • Accrual — Check this box if you report your income when it is earned. For example, if you performed a service in February and received payment in April, you would report the income in February when you earned it. If you are changing your accounting method, enter the effective date (mm-dd-yyyy) of the change. Line 15. List your six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and principal business activity. Your NAICS code is the business or professional activity code that you will report on your federal income tax return. The codes are online at: http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ or in the federal income tax return instructions. If you have multiple activities, list the percentage of your gross receipts that each activity represents. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet. • Example 1: 541110 Legal services • Example 2: 236110 Building construction (single-family residential 70%, hotel 10%, commercial 10%, industrial 10%). Line 20. Based on the type of legal organization selected on line 8, check the appropriate box and enter the FEIN, TIN or SSN (I.D. number is REQUIRED); then complete the name title, residential address, and contact telephone number of the: • Sole proprietor and spouse (if applicable) • Corporate, Nonprofit or other officer • Fiduciary • Partner • Member For governmental entities, line 20 is optional. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet of paper with the required information. Line 21. Total Registration Fee Due — Add lines 22b thru 22j. Attach a check or money order made payable to "HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR" in U.S. dollars drawn on any U.S. bank. Line 22. Select the license(s)/permit(s) you are registering for or the license(s) whose filing period you are changing. Enter the applicable information, filing period(s), and fee(s) due. Select Tax Type(s) — Check the box for each license/permit for which you are registering or for each license whose filing period you are changing. Date Activity Began in Hawaii -OR- Effective Date If Changing Filing Period — If you are registering for a GE/Use, TA, RVST, Liquid Fuel, Liquor, or Cigarette & Tobacco license/permit, enter the date your activity began in Hawaii. If you are changing a filing period, enter the effective date of the change in the mm-dd-yyyy format. Note: The requested change will take effect after the current filing period is over. The filing frequency cannot be changed retroactively. Form BB-1 Instructions (REV. 9/2023) Filing Period — Estimate your annual tax liability for each tax type you are registering for. Then use the table below to select a filing period. You may choose a more frequent filing period than required, but may not choose a less frequent filing period. You may find it convenient to use the same filing period for your GE/Use, TA, and RVST taxes. If you are changing a filing period, check the box of the new filing period. Type GE/Use TA RVST Annual Estimated Tax Liability Filing period $0 — $2,000 Semiannually $2,001 — $4,000 Quarterly More than $4,000 Monthly GE One-Time Event Monthly Withholding Quarterly Liquid Fuel, Liquor, and Cigarette & Tobacco Monthly Fee Due — If you are registering for a GE/Use, TA, RVST, Liquid Fuel, Liquor, or Cigarette & Tobacco license/permit, enter the fee due (if any) for that license/ permit. If you are changing a filing period, leave the fee due blank. There is no fee to make a change. 22a. Withholding — Check this box if you will be withholding Hawaii income tax from your employees' wages. 22b. General Excise (GE)/Use — Select ONLY one type of GE/Use license: • GE Tax/Use Tax — Check this box if you intend to engage in business in Hawaii, including but not limited to manufacturing, producing, selling goods, providing services, leasing real or personal property, providing construction contracting services, licensing intangibles, or earning commissions. Also, complete line 24 with a list of the addresses of your GE business locations. • GE One-Time Event — Check this box if you are applying for a one-time event license such as a fundraiser, exhibition, or conference. Also, enter the name of your event (for example, XYZ Learning Center’s Desktop Publishing Conference). • Use Tax Only — Check this box if you are a business not subject to the GE tax, such as certain public service companies, but are subject to the use tax. • Seller’s Collection — Check this box if you are an out-of-state business not subject to the GE/Use taxes and volunteer to collect the applicable 4% or 4.5% use tax from your Hawaii customers. 22c. Transient Accommodations (TA) — Check this box if you rent a transient accommodation (for example, a house, condominium, hotel room) to a transient for less than 180 consecutive days. Also, complete line 24 with a list of the addresses of your TA rental real property. If you are a time share plan manager, check the Timeshare Occupancy box to register for TA. 22d. Timeshare Occupancy — Check this box if 1) you are a time share plan manager and this is your initial registration of the resort time share vacation plan(s) that you represent, or 2) you are adding a new plan(s). A one-time $15.00 fee must be paid for each plan you represent. Also, complete line 25 with a list of the resort time share vacation plan(s) you represent. 22e. Transient Accommodations Broker, Travel Agency, and Tour Packager — Check this box if you are a transient accommodations broker, travel agency, or tour packager who enters into arrangements to furnish transient accommodations at noncommissioned negotiated contract rates. A one-time $15.00 fee is paid to register for a transient accommodations tax license. 22f. Rental Motor Vehicle, Tour Vehicle, and Car-Sharing Vehicle (RVST) — Check this box if you intend to rent out motor and/or tour vehicles or operate a car-sharing organization. Also, complete line 24 with a list of the addresses of your RVST business locations. 22g. Liquid Fuel Distributor — Check this box if you refine, manufacture, produce, or compound liquid fuel in the state or import liquid fuel into the state with the intention of selling or using the liquid fuel in the state. Also, check the box that indicates what you do. 22h. Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer — Check this box if you purchase liquid fuel from licensed distributors with the intention of selling the liquid fuel to consumers. Also, complete line 24 with a list of the addresses of your Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer's Permit business locations. 22i. Liquor — Check this box and indicate if you intend to be a dealer (manufacturer, wholesaler, brewpub, winery, small craft producer) or other than a dealer of liquor. Also, attach a copy of your county liquor license. 22j. Cigarette & Tobacco — Check this box and indicate how you intend to deal with cigarette and tobacco products: • License — Indicate if you intend to be a dealer or a wholesaler of cigarettes and tobacco products: • "Dealer" means any person coming into possession of cigarettes or tobacco products which have not been acquired from an authorized permit holder or licensee under chapter 245, Hawaii Revised Statutes, or any person rendering a distribution service who buys and maintains, at a person's place of business, a stock of cigarettes or tobacco products that have not been acquired from a licensee and who distributes or uses such cigarettes or tobacco products. • "Wholesaler" means a person rendering a distribution service who buys and maintains, at the person's place of business, a stock of cigarettes or tobacco products that the person uses, possess, or distributes only to retailers, or other wholesalers, or both. Also, complete line 23 on whether you have been cited for a cigarette/tobacco violation. If you answered "Yes," attach a sheet specifying violation(s), date of occurrence(s), current status or final disposition, and explain any mitigating circumstances. • Retail Tobacco Permit — Check this box if you intend to sell cigarettes and tobacco products to consumers. You must obtain a separate retail tobacco permit for each retail location (including vehicles) where you sell retail tobacco products. You must conspicuously display your permit at your retail location at all times. If your retail location is a vehicle, you must have your permit in the vehicle. You MUST complete line 23 on whether you have been cited for a tobacco violation, and line 24 with a list of the addresses of your business locations (if the location is a vehicle, include the Vehicle Identification Number). SIGNATURE LINE — An owner, partner or member, corporate officer, or authorized agent (e.g., CPA or attorney) with a power of attorney, must sign and date the application. SUBMITTAL OF FORM — Please retain a copy of your application for your records. If you file: • In person, you will receive a Hawaii Tax I.D. No. immediately. • Online at hitax.hawaii.gov, your application will be processed approximately within five business days. For more information on available electronic services, see tax.hawaii.gov/eservices. • By mail, your application will be processed in approximately three to four weeks. Mail the original application to: DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION P.O. Box 1425 Honolulu, HI 96806-1425 WHERE TO GET INFORMATION — HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION P.O. Box 259 Honolulu, HI 96809-0259 Tel. No.: 808-587-4242 Toll-Free: 1-800-222-3229 Telephone for the hearing impaired: 808-587-1418 Toll-Free for the hearing impaired: 1-800-887-8974 tax.hawaii.gov UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE — If you have or plan to have employees, you must register with the Unemployment Insurance Division within 20 days after services in employment are first performed. For more information: DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Unemployment Insurance Division 830 Punchbowl St., Room 437 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel. No.: 808-586-8982 labor.hawaii.gov/ui/ CIGARETTE AND TOBACCO— Cigarette and tobacco dealers and wholesalers are obligated to file monthly reports with the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General - Tobacco Enforcement Unit. For more information: DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Tobacco Enforcement Unit 425 Queen Street Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel. No.: 808-586-1203 Email: [email protected] ag.hawaii.gov/cjd/tobacco-enforcement-unit/ Clear Form STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION GENERAL EXCISE/USE; TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS; RENTAL MOTOR VEHICLE, TOUR VEHICLE & CAR-SHARING VEHICLE SURCHARGE; AND HAWAII WITHHOLDING FORM VP-1 (REV. 2022) TAX PAYMENT VOUCHER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PURPOSE OF FORM Use this form ONLY if submitting Form BB-1 or submitting a payment without a tax return. If payment is submitted with a return (general excise/use, transient accommodations, withholding and rental motor vehicle, tour vehicle & car-sharing vehicle surcharge), DO NOT attach Form VP-1 to the tax return. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT Form VP-1 payments can be made electronically through hitax. hawaii.gov. HOW TO COMPLETE FORM 1) Print the name in the space provided. 2) Check the appropriate “Tax Type” box. 3) Check the appropriate “Filing Type” box and fill in the period or year in the space provided. If filing Form BB-1, check the box “License Fee.” Add lines 22b through 22f on Form BB-1 and enter the amount of payment in the space provided. Enter the last day of the first filing period. For example, — — — — Form (Rev. 2022) — — VP-1 — — — — — for a calendar year quarterly filer who began business on January 21, 2022, the first filing period end date is 03-31-22. 4) In the space provided, print the Hawaii Tax I.D. No. starting with the tax type (i.e. GE, TA, WH or RV), the 10 digit account number with the 2 digit extension; and the amount of payment. 5) Make the check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to the “Hawaii State Tax Collector.” Make sure the name, tax type, filing period, and Hawaii Tax I.D. # appear on the check or money order. Do not postdate the check. Do not send cash. WHERE TO FILE Detach Form VP-1 along the dotted line and mail the payment along with Form VP-1 to the address listed below. If filing Form BB-1, attach the payment and Form VP-1 to the front of the Form BB-1 and mail to the address below. DETACH HERE — Hawaii Department of Taxation P.O. Box 1425 Honolulu, HI 96806-1425 — STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION — — — — — — — — DO NOT WRITE OR STAPLE IN THIS SPACE TAX PAYMENT VOUCHER DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTOCOPY OF THIS FORM VP1_F 2022A 01 VID01 Name (Please print): Tax Type (check only 1) Filing Type (check only 1) Enter Date as MM-DD-YY General Excise (GE) Transient Accommodations (TA) Hawaii Withholding (WH) Rental Motor, Tour & Car-Sharing Vehicles (RV) VP-1C0S1 License Fee 1st Period End Periodic Return Period End Annual Return Tax Year End ID NO 01 Print the amount of your payment in the space provided. ATTACH THIS VOUCHER WITH CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO “HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR.” Write the tax and filing types, and your Hawaii Tax I.D. Number on your check or money order. Hawaii Tax I.D. Number Amount of Payment Clear Form STATE OF HAWAII –– DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION FORM VP-2 MISCELLANEOUS TAXES PAYMENT VOUCHER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (REV. 2023) PURPOSE OF FORM Use this form ONLY if submitting Form BB-1 or submitting a payment without a tax return. Account Type: Liquor Non-Permit Account LN-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Liquor Tax Permit Account LQ-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXP Liquor Tax Account LQ-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Cigarette & Tobacco License Account TO-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXL Cigarette & Tobacco Account TO-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Tobacco Use Account (Social Security Number) XXX-XX-XXXX Liquid Fuel Distributor License Account LD-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer’s Permit Account LR-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXP Liquid Fuel Use Account LU-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Franchise Tax Account FR-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Public Service Company Tax Account PS-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX Estate Tax Account ET-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XX If payment is submitted with a return (e.g., franchise tax return), DO NOT attach Form VP-2 to the tax return. INTERNET FILING Form VP-2 can be filed and paid electronically through the State’s Internet portal at hitax.hawaii.gov. For more information, go to tax.hawaii.gov/eservices/. HOW TO COMPLETE THE FORM 1) Print your name in the space provided. 2) Check the appropriate “Tax Type” box. If you are making a tax payment for an Estate, enter the decedent’s social security number (SSN) in the space provided below the checkbox. 3) Check the appropriate “Filing Type” box and fill in the period or year in the space provided. If you are filing a Form BB-1, check the box “License Fee.” Add lines 22g through 22j on Form BB-1 and enter the amount of payment in the space provided. Enter the last day of your first filing period. (e.g., you are a calendar year quarterly filer and began business on January 21, 2023, your first filing period end date is 0331-23.) 4) — 5) Make your check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to the “Hawaii State Tax Collector.” Make sure your name, tax type, filing period, Hawaii Tax I.D. No., and daytime phone number appear on your check or money order. Do not postdate your check. Do not send cash. WHERE TO FILE Detach Form VP-2 along the dotted line and mail the payment along with Form VP-2 to the address listed below. If filing Form BB-1, attach the payment and Form VP-2 to the front of Form BB-1 and mail to address below: Print your Hawaii Tax I.D. Number, using the following formats. If you are applying for a new number, leave the Hawaii Tax I.D. Number box blank. — Form — — — VP-2 — — — — — — DETACH HERE — STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION (Rev. 2023) HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION P.O. BOX 1530 HONOLULU, HI 96806-1530 — — — — — — — — — DO NOT WRITE OR STAPLE IN THIS SPACE MISCELLANEOUS TAX PAYMENT VOUCHER Name (Please print): Tax Type (check only 1) Filing Type (check only 1) Enter Date as MM-DD-YY o Liquor o Cigarette & Tobacco o Fuel o Liquid Fuel Retail Dealer o Franchise (FR) o Public Service Company (PS) o Estate (ET) o License Fee 1st Period End Period Begin Period End o Payment for: ____ - ____ - ____ ____ - ____ - ____ ____ - ____ - ____ o Estate Extension Payment Date of Death ____ - ____ - ____ Decedent’s SSN: ____ - ____ - ______ Extension to Date ____ - ____ - ____ VP2_I 2023A 01 VID01 Hawaii Tax I.D. Number: ID NO 01 ____ !!!!!!!!-!! !!!,!!!,!!!.!! Hawaii Tax I.D. Number Amount of Payment Print the amount of your payment in the space provided. ATTACH THIS VOUCHER WITH CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO “HAWAII STATE TAX COLLECTOR.” Write the tax and filing types, your Hawaii Tax I.D. Number, and daytime phone number on your check or money order.
Form BB-1, Rev. 9/2023, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application
More about the Hawaii Form BB-1X Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
We last updated the Amended Basic Business Application in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form BB-1X, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form BB-1X directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Hawaii tax forms here.
eFile your Hawaii tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Hawaii and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Hawaii Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 164 Hawaii income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form EFT-1 (Obsolete) | Authorization for Electronic Funds Transfer |
Form N-318 (Obsolete) | High Technology Business Investment Tax Credit |
Form N-201V | Business Income Tax Payment Voucher |
Form N-350 | Cesspool Upgrade, Conversion or Year Connection Income Tax Credit |
Form N-342 | Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit |
View all 165 Hawaii Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Hawaii usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Hawaii Form BB-1X from the Department of Taxation in February 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Hawaii Form BB-1X
We have a total of twelve past-year versions of Form BB-1X in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form BB-1, Rev. 9/2023, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev. 9/2023, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev 2022, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev 2021, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev 2019, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev 2019, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1, Rev 2018, State of Hawaii Basic Business Application

Form BB-1X Rev 2014: State of Hawaii Basic Business Amended Application

Form BB-1X Rev 2014: State of Hawaii Basic Business Amended Application

Form BB-1X Rev 2014: State of Hawaii Basic Business Amended Application

Form BB-1X Rev 2012: State of Hawaii Basic Business Amended Application

Form BB-1X Rev 2006: State of Hawaii Basic Business Amended Application
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Hawaii Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.