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Georgia Free Printable  for 2025 Georgia Fiduciary Income Tax Return

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Fiduciary Income Tax Return
Form 501

PRINT HELP RESET Georgia Form 501 ( Rev. 09/10/24) Fiduciary Income Tax Return 2024 (Approved web version) Page 1 Department Use Only Fiscal Year Beginning Fiscal Year Ending Change in Trust or Estate Name Grantor Trust Change in Fiduciary Trust is a Qualified Funeral Trust Change of Address Estate is a Bankruptcy Estate 500 UET Exception Attached Enter your Residency Status with the appropriate number 1. Full-Year 2. Part Year _______________________ to ___________________ 3. Nonresident A. Federal Employer ID No. Name of Estate or Trust B. Date of Decedent’s Death Name of Fiduciary Date of Creation of Trust Title of Fiduciary (Apt., Suite or Building Number) C. Address of Fiduciary (Number and Street) City Telephone No. State Zip Code Country Schedule 1 - Computation of Tax 1. Income of fiduciary (Adjusted total income from attached Form 1041)............................. 1. 2. Adjustments: (List of all items in Schedule 2, Page 3)...................................................... 2. 0 3. Total (Net total of Lines 1 and 2) ................................................................................... 3. 0 4. Beneficiaries’ Share of Income (Total of Schedule 3)....................................................... 4. 0 5. Balance (Line 3 less Line 4)............................................................................................ 5. 0 6. Exemptions: 6. 0 7a. 0 6a. Trust $1350 6b. Estate $2700 ................................................ 7a. Georgia Taxable Income before GA NOL (Line 5 less Line 6 or Line 14, Schedule 4)... 7b. Georgia NOL utilized (cannot exceed Line 7a or the amount after applying the 80% limitation, see instructions for more information)............................................................ 7b. 7c. Net taxable income of fiduciary (Line 7a less Line 7b).................................................... 7c. 0 8. Total tax............................................................................................................................. 9. Credits used 9a. Other state(s) tax credit used (Include a copy of the other state(s) tax return)....................................................................... 8. 0 9a. 9b. Schedule 5 (credits cannot be claimed unless filed electronically) 9b. 9c. Total Credits used (9a plus 9b cannot exceed Line 8)........................ 9c. 10. Tax less credits used (Net total of Line 8 less Line 9c, if 0 or less, enter 0).............. 10. 0 Georgia Form 501 Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN Page 2 Schedule 1- Computation of Tax (continued) 11. 11a. Georgia Estimated Tax Paid...................................................................... 11a. 11b. Georgia Tax Withheld (1099, G2-A, G2-LP and/or G2-RP) ....................... 11b. 11c. Schedule 5B Refundable Tax Credits........................................................ 11c. (Cannot be claimed unless filed electronically) 11d. Total (Add Lines 11a, 11b and 11c)............................................................ 11d. 0 0 12. Balance of tax due. If Line 10 exceeds Line 11d, enter Line 10 less Line 11d.............. 12. 13. Overpayment. If Line 11d exceeds Line 10, enter Line 11d less Line 10....................... 13. 0 14. Amount from Line 13 to be credited to next year’s estimated tax.................................... 14. 15. Interest............................................................................................................................ 15. 16. Late payment penalty ................................................................................................... 16. 17. Late filing penalty ......................................................................................................... 17. 18. Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax (UET) ......................................................... 18. 19. (If you owe) Add Lines 12, 15 thru 18. Make check payable to Georgia Department of Revenue. 19. 20. (If you are due a refund) Subtract the sum of Lines 14 thru 18 from Line 13. This is your refund. 20. 0 Mail To: Georgia Department of Revenue Processing Center PO Box 740316 Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0316 Direct Deposit Options 20a. Direct Deposit (For U.S. Accounts Only) Type: Checking Routing Number Savings Account Number See Instructions in the IT-511 booklet for further details. If you do not enter Direct Deposit information or if you are a first time filer you will be issued a paper check. DECLARATION: I/We declare under the penalties of perjury that I/we have examined this return (including accompanying schedules and statements) and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. If prepared by a person other than the taxpayer, this declaration is based on all information of which the preparer has knowledge. SIGNATURE OF FIDUCIARY DATE PHONE NUMBER By providing my e-mail address I am authorizing the Georgia Department of Revenue to electronically notify me at the below e-mail address regarding any updates to my account(s). Check the box to authorize the Georgia Department of Revenue to discuss the contents of this return with the named preparer. FIDUCIARY E-MAIL ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF PREPARER OTHER THAN FIDUCIARY DATE NAME OF PREPARER OTHER THAN FIDUCIARY PHONE NUMBER PREPARER’S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER THE FIDUCIARY MUST ATTACH TO THIS RETURN A COPY OF ITS FEDERAL RETURN AND SUPPORTING SCHEDULES Georgia Form 501 Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN Page 3 Schedule 2 - Adjustments to Income ADDITIONS 1. Municipal bond interest - Other states............................................................................... 1. 2. Income tax deduction other than Georgia......................................................................... 2. 3. Expense allocable to exempt income (Other than U.S. obligations)................................. 3. 4. Net operating loss carryover deducted on the Federal return .......................................... 4. 5. Other ................................................. 5. 6. TOTAL ADDITIONS........................................................................................................................................ 6. 0 SUBTRACTIONS 7. Interest - U.S. Government Obligations (Must be reduced by direct and indirect interest expense). 7. 8. Income Tax Refund other than Georgia............................................................................ 8. 9. Reserved 9. 10. Other ............................................... 10. 11. TOTAL SUBTRACTIONS................................................................................................................................ 11. 0 12. NET ADJUSTMENT: Total additions less total subtractions. (Enter here and on Line 2, Schedule 1 or Schedule 4, Line 7)....... 12. 0 Schedule 3 - Beneficiaries’ Share of Income (For each Beneficiary complete Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, Country, ID Number and Share of Income) Name A Name Name ZIP ID Number Country Share of Income State ZIP ID Number Country Share of Income Address City D State Address City C Share of Income Address City B ID Number State ZIP Enter total (Including additional Beneficiaries’ Share of Income from attached schedule). Enter here and on Line 4, Schedule 1 or Line 12, Schedule 4 Country Georgia Form 501 Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN Page 4 Schedule 4 - Computation of Georgia Taxable Income For Part Year and Nonresident Fiduciary Enter your Residency Status with the appropriate number.......................... (ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR) Part Year Resident to Total Income From All Sources Column A 1. Interest Income ..................................................................... 1. 2. Dividend Income .................................................................... 2. 3. Business Income or (loss) ..................................................... 3. 4. Other Income or (loss) .......................................................... 4. 5. Total Income (Add Lines 1 through 4).................................... 5. 6. Total deductions used in arriving at Adjusted Total Income from Form 1041 ..................................................................... 6. 7. Net Adjustments from Schedule 2 ......................................... 7. 8. Total (Line 5 minus Line 6 plus or minus Line 7) ................... 8. 9. Ratio: Divide Line 8 Col. B by Line 8 Col. A (% cannot be negative and cannot exceed 100%) Enter percentage here .................................................................... 9. 10. Exemptions: (Trusts $1350, Estates $2700) ........................................................... 10. 11. Part Year/Nonresident exemption (Multiply Line 9 by Line 10) ............................... 11. 12. Beneficiaries share of GA income from Schedule 3................................................. 12. 13. Total Deductions (Add Lines 11 and 12) ................................................................. 13. 14. Georgia taxable income before GA NOL (Line 8 Col. B less Line 13). Enter here and on Form 501 Line 7a. ..................................................... 14. Georgia Source Income Column B (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN Page 5 Schedule 5- Credit Usage and Carryover (ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR) 1. Complete a separate schedule for each Credit Code. 2. Total the amounts on Line 13 of each schedule and enter the total on the credit line of the return. 3. If there is a credit eligible for carryover to this tax year, please complete a schedule even if the credit is not used for this tax year. 4. See the instructions for a list of credit codes. 5. See the relevant forms, statutes, and regulations to determine how the credit is allocated to the owners and to determine when carryovers expire. 6. If the credit for a particular credit code originated with more than one person or company, enter separate information on Lines 3 through 9 below. 7. The credit certificate number is issued by the Department of Revenue for credits that are preapproved. If applicable, please enter the Department of Revenue credit certificate number where indicated. 8. Before the Line 14 carryover is applied to next tax year, the amount must be reduced by any amounts elected to be applied to withholding for this tax year and by any carryovers that have expired. For the credit generated this tax year, list the Company Name, ID Number, and Credit Certificate number if applicable. Purchased credits should also be included. If the credit originated with this taxpayer, enter this taxpayer's name and ID# below. 1. Credit Code SELECT 2. Credit remaining from previous years (do not include amounts elected to be applied to withholding) 3. Company Name Credit Certificate # 4. Company Name Credit Certificate # 5. Company Name Credit Certificate # 6. Company Name Credit Certificate # 7. Company Name Credit Certificate # 8. Company Name Credit Certificate # 9. Company Name Credit Certificate # 10. Total available credit for this tax year (sum of Lines 2 through 9) 11. Enter the amount of the credit sold (only certain credits can be sold, see instructions) 12. List the credit allocated to the beneficiaries (See Schedule 6) 13. Credit used for this tax year, enter here and on 501 Line 9b 14. Potential carryover to next tax year (Line 10 less Lines 11,12, and 13) ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number Credit Generated this Tax Year 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 0 CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY 501 Georgia Form Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN SCHEDULE 5B Page 6 Schedule 5B Refundable Tax Credits (ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR) 1. Complete a separate schedule for each Credit Code. 2. Total the amounts on Line 13 of each schedule and enter the total on the credit line of the return. 3. If there is a credit eligible for carryover to this tax year, please complete a schedule even if the credit is not used for this tax year. 4. See the instructions for a list of credit codes. 5. See the relevant forms, statutes, and regulations to determine how the credit is allocated to the owners and to determine when carryovers expire. 6. If the credit for a particular credit code originated with more than one person or company, enter separate information on Lines 3 through 9 below. 7. The credit certificate number is issued by the Department of Revenue for credits that are preapproved. If applicable, please enter the Department of Revenue credit certificate number where indicated. 8. Before the Line 14 carryover is applied to next tax year, the amount must be reduced by any amounts elected to be applied to withholding for this tax year and by any carryovers that have expired. For the credit generated this tax year, list the Company Name, ID Number, and Credit Certificate number if applicable. Purchased credits should also be included. If the credit originated with this taxpayer, enter this taxpayer's name and ID# below. Note: A purchased Timber Tax Credit is not a refundable tax credit. Use Schedule 5 if the Timber Tax Credit was purchased. 1. Credit Code SELECT 2. Credit remaining from previous years (do not include amounts elected to be applied to withholding) 3. Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 4. Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 5. Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year ID Number 6. Company Name Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 7. Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 8.Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 9. Company Name ID Number Credit Certificate # Credit Generated this Tax Year 10. 11. 12. 13. 10. Total available credit for this tax year (sum of Lines 2 through 9) 11. Enter the amount of the credit sold (only certain credits can be sold, see instructions) 12. List the credit allocated to the beneficiaries (See Schedule 6) 13. Credit used for this tax year,enter here and on 501 Line 11c 14. Potential carryover to next tax year (Line 10 less Lines 11,12, and 13) 14. 0 0 CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY 501 Georgia Form Fiduciary Income Tax Return Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) TAXPAYER’S FEIN Page 7 Schedule 6- Credit Allocation to Beneficiaries (ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR) Credits are apportioned between the fiduciary and their respective beneficiaries on the basis of the income of the fiduciary and the income that is distributed to the beneficiaries. List the details regarding the amounts allocated to the beneficiaries for each credit code. More than one credit code can be entered on this schedule. th SELECT 1. 2. SELECT 3. SELECT 4. SELECT SELECT 5. 6. SELECT 7. SELECT 8. SELECT SELECT 9. 10. SELECT 11. SELECT 12. SELECT 13. SELECT 14. SELECT 15. SELECT 16. SELECT SELECT 17. SELECT 18. SELECT 19. 20. SELECT 21. SELECT 22. SELECT 23. SELECT SELECT 24. SELECT 25. 26. SELECT SELECT 27. SELECT 28. SELECT 29. 30. SELECT SELECT 31. 32. SELECT SELECT 33. SELECT 34. Credit Code Name of Beneficiary ID Number of Beneficiary Amount Allocated Credit Certificate # CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY 501 Georgia Form PRINT RESET SCHEDULE 7 F (Rev. 09/10/24) Fiduciary Income Tax Return 2024 (Approved web version) Page 8 FARM LOSS (2 2) YEAR $ ________________ $ ________________ INSURANCE LOSS (2 2) YEAR $ ________________ 1. Enter your taxable income from Form 501, Line 7a......................................................................................... 2. Total Distributions (Charitable and Income Distribution Deductions)................................................................ 3. Current Year Net Loss (Add Line 1 and Line 2)........................................................................................... 4. Exemptions claimed .................................................................................................................................... 5. Nonbusiness Capital losses before limitation. Enter as a positive number................................................. 6. Total nonbusiness apital gains (without regard to I.R.C. Section 1202 exclusion).......................................... 7. If Line 5 is more than Line 6, enter the difference; otherwise enter zero.................................................................. 8. If Line 6 is more than Line 5, enter the difference; otherwise enter zero.......................................................... 9. Nonbusiness deductions.............................................................................................................................. 10. Nonbusiness income other than Capital gains........................................................................................................ 11. Add Lines 9 and 10....................................................................................................................................... 12. Excess nonbusiness deductions (Line 9 less Line 11. If less than zero, enter zero)............................................ 13. Excess nonbusiness income (Line 11 less Line 9. If less than zero, enter zero. Cannot exceed line 8)...... 14. Total business Capital losses before limitation. Enter as a positive number................................................... 15.. Total business Capital gains (without regard to I.R.C. section 1202 exclusion) .............................................. 16. Add Lines 13 and 15............................................................................................................................................... 17. If Line 14 is more than Line 16, enter the difference; otherwise enter zero............................................................ 18. Add Lines 7 and 17............................................................................................................................................... 19. Enter your et apital oss before the $3,000 ederal limitation................................................................. 20. I.R.C. section 1202 exclusion (50% exclusion for gain from certain small business stock)................................. 21. Line 19 less Line 20. If less than zero, enter zero................................................................................................. 22. Enter your et Capital Loss after the $3,000 Federal limitations................................................................ 23. Excess Capital losses (Line 21 less Line 22)............................................................................................... .. 24. If Line 22 is more than Line 21, enter the difference. If less than zero, enter zero................................................. 25. Capital loss add back (Line 18 less Line 23). If less than zero, enter zero........................................................ 26 RESERVED 27. Add Lines 4, 12, 20, 24, and 25................................................................................................................... 28. Loss amount. Combine Lines 3 and 27....................................................................................................... 29. IRC Section 461(l) loss eligible to be carried forward only. Enter as a negative.......................................... 30. Total Loss. Line 28 (if Line 28 is a negative) and Line 29. (Enter here and above on the amount line for Total Loss : Portion)..................................................... TOTAL LOSS(ES): 0 $ ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. If no, complete Part II and attach a copy of Federal Form 1045. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 501 Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Approved web version) Page 9 NOL YEAR ENDED ______________________ Return as filed or liability as last determined YEAR ENDED ______________________ Liability after application of carry-back Return as filed or liability as last determined Liability after application of carry-back 1. Federal adjusted gross income. (exclude Federal NOL) 2. Georgia adjustments. See instructions. 3. Net operating loss. See instructions. 4. Georgia adjusted gross income. Net total of Lines 1, 2 and 3. 5. 6. Line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . See instructions. Line . 7. Exemptions. See instructions. 8. Taxable income. Line Line . 9. Income Tax. 10. Credits. See instructions. 11. Tax after credits. Line Line . 12. Enter Line 11 column (b) (d) 0 0 13. Decrease in tax. Line 11 less Line 12. 0 0 Dos and Don’ts Checklist for the Individual/Fiduciary (525-TV) Payment Voucher Payments can be made electronically on the Georgia Tax Center (GTC) gtc.dor.ga.gov/ . Do: Use a payment voucher with a valid scanline. Only complete this voucher if you owe taxes. Complete the voucher in its entirety. Write your SSN or FEIN on your check or money order. Make your check or money order payable to: Georgia Department of Revenue Remember if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the tax shall be due on the next day that is not a weekend or holiday. Mail your voucher and payment to the address listed below if your return was filed electronically. Processing Center Georgia Department of Revenue P O Box 740323 Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0323 Mail your return, payment voucher and payment to the address that appears on the return if filing a paper return. Do not: Mail this entire page. Staple your payment and voucher together. Print on both sides of the paper. Handwrite any information. Georgia Public Revenue Code Section 48-2-31 stipulates that taxes shall be paid in lawful money of the United States, free of any expense to the State of Georgia. Print Clear Cut along dotted line 525-TV (Rev. 09/10/24) Individual or Fiduciary Name and Address: Individual and Fiduciary Payment Voucher Amended Return Taxpayer’s SSN or Fiduciary FEIN Paper Return Electronically Filed Spouse’s SSN (if joint or combined return) Tax Year Type of Return: [X]10-FIDUCIARY Daytime Telephone Number PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE. REMOVE ALL CHECK STUBS. PROCESSING CENTER GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PO BOX 740323 ATLANTA GA 30374-0323 52500024101220000000000000004000000000009 Amount Paid $ Vendor Code 040
Extracted from PDF file 2024-georgia-form-501.pdf, last modified September 2024

More about the Georgia Form 501 Corporate Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024

We last updated the Fiduciary Income Tax Return in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 501, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 501 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Georgia tax forms here.

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Related Georgia Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 30 Georgia income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Georgia Form 501.

Form Code Form Name
Form 501X Amended Fiduciary Income Tax Return

Download all GA tax forms View all 31 Georgia Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Georgia usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Georgia Form 501 from the Department of Revenue in January 2025.

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Form 501 is a Georgia Corporate Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Georgia Form 501

We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form 501 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2022 Form 501


2021 Form 501


2020 Form 501


2019 Form 501


2018 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

2017 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

2016 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

Fiduciary Income Tax Return 2015 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

Fiduciary Income Tax Return 2014 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

PDF Form Pack generated by formuPack 2012 Form 501

PDF Form Pack

2011 Form 501

TSD_Fiduciary_Income_Tax_Return_501_2011 DRAFT PG. 1

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Georgia Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/georgia/form-501