Georgia Individual Income Tax Return

Extracted from PDF file 2024-georgia-form-500.pdf, last modified February 2011Individual Income Tax Return
RESET PRINT COMPLETED FORM 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Individual Income Tax Return Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 (Approved web version) Page 1 Fiscal Year Beginning STATE ISSUED Select YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE/STATE ID rsion) Fiscal Year Ending YOUR FIRST NAME MI YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 1. LAST NAME (For Name Change See IT-511 Tax Booklet) SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME SUFFIX MI SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER DEPARTMENT USE ONLY LAST NAME SUFFIX ADDRESS (NUMBER AND STREET or P.O. BOX) (Use 2nd address line for Apt, Suite or Building Number) CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED 2. CITY (Please insert a space if the city has multiple names) STATE ZIP CODE 3. (COUNTRY IF FOREIGN) Residency Status 4. Enter your Residency Status with the appropriate number .... ...................................................................................................... 1. FULL- YEAR RESIDENT 2. PART- YEAR RESIDENT TO Omit Lines 9 thru 14 and use Form 500 Schedule 3 if you are a part-year or nonresident filer. 3. NONRESIDENT Filing Status 5. Enter Filing Status with appropriate letter (See I T - 5 1 1 Tax Booklet)................................................................................... .... .... A. Single B. Married filing jointly C. Married filing separately (Spouse’s social security number must be entered above) D. Head of household or Qualifying surviving spouse 6a. Your Date of Birth 6b. Spouse’s Date of Birth s 4. 5. RESET PAGE 2 Georgia Form PREVIOUS PAGE 500 Individual Income Tax Return Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 Pag e YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 2 ( First Name, MI. Social Security Number First Name, MI. Social Security Number First Name, MI. Social Security Number First Name, MI. Social Security Number Last Name Relationship to You SELECT Last Name Relationship to You SELECT Last Name Relationship to You SELECT Last Name Relationship to You SELECT INCOME COMPUTATIONS If amount on line 8, 9, 10, 13 or 15 is negative, use the minus sign (-). Example -3456. 8. Federal adjusted gross income (From Federal Form 1040)..................................... 8. (Do not use FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME) If the amount on Line 8 is $40,000 or more, or your gross income is less than your W-2s you must include a copy of your Federal Form 1040 Pages 1, 2, and Schedule 1. 9. Adjustments from Form 500 Schedule 1 (See IT-511 Tax Booklet) ....................... 9. 10. Georgia adjusted gross income (Net total of Line 8 and Line 9)............................. 10. 11. Standard Deduction (Do not use FEDERAL STANDARD DEDUCTION)................ 11. (See IT-511 Tax Booklet) Enter $12,000 if the filing status from Line 5 is A, C, or D. If the filing status is B, enter $24,000. Use EITHER Line 11 OR Line 12c. (Do not write on both lines). 12. Total Itemized Deductions used in computing Federal Taxable Income. If you use itemized deductions, you must include Federal Schedule A. a. Federal Itemized Deductions (Schedule A- Form 1040)................................... 12a. b. Less adjustments: (See IT-511 Tax Booklet).................................................... 12b. c. Georgia Total Itemized Deductions...................................................................... 12c. 13. Subtract either Line 11 or Line 12c from Line 10; enter balance.......................... 13. RESET PAGE 3 Georgia Form PREVIOUS PAGE 500 Individual Income Tax Return Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 Pag e YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 3 Multiply by $4,000............................... 14. 14. Enter the number from Line 7c. 15a. Income before GA NOL (Line 13 less Line 14 or Schedule 3, Line 14)......... 15a. 15b. Georgia NOL utilized (Cannot exceed Line 15a or the amount after applying the 80% limitation, see IT-511 Tax Booklet for more information)... 15b. 15c. Georgia Taxable Income (Subtract Line 15b from Line 15a)......................... 15c. 16. Tax (Multiply Line 15c by 5.39%. Round to the nearest dollar) ..................... 16. 17. Low Income Credit 17a. 17b. .................................. 17c. 18. Other State(s) Tax Credit (Include a copy of the other state(s) return) ....... 18. 19. Georgia Resident Itemizer Tax Credit (See IT-511 Tax Booklet)................ 19. 20. Credits used from IND-CR Summary Worksheet ......................................... 20. 21. Total Credits Used from Schedule 2 Georgia Tax Credits (must be filed electronically) 21. 22. Total Credits Used (sum of Lines 17-21) cannot exceed Line 16 ................................... 22. 23. Balance (Subtract Line 22 from Line 16) if zero or less than zero, enter zero.... 23. INCOME STATEMENT DETAILS Only enter income on which Georgia tax was withheld. Enter income from W-2s, 1099s, and G2-As on Line 4 GA Wages/Income. For other income statements complete Line 4 using the income reported from Form G2-RP Line 12 or 13; Form G2-LP Line 11, or for Form G2-FL enter zero. (INCOME STATEMENT B) (INCOME STATEMENT A) 1. 1. WITHHOLDING TYPE: W-2 G2-A 1099 G2-FL (INCOME STATEMENT C) 1. WITHHOLDING TYPE: WITHHOLDING TYPE: G2-LP W-2 G2-A G2-LP W-2 G2-A G2-LP G2-RP 1099 G2-FL G2-RP 1099 G2-FL G2-RP 2. EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) SSN 2. EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) SSN 2. 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) SSN 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 5. GA TAX WITHHELD 5.. GA TAX WITHHELD 5. GA TAX WITHHELD PLEASE COMPLETE INCOME STATEMENT DETAILS ON PAGE 4. RESET PAGE 4 Georgia Form PREVIOUS PAGE 500 Individual Income Tax Return Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 Page YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 4 (INCOME STATEMENT E) (INCOME STATEMENT D) 1. 2. 1. WITHHOLDING TYPE: (INCOME STATEMENT F) 1. WITHHOLDING TYPE: WITHHOLDING TYPE: W-2 G2-A G2-LP W-2 G2-A G2-LP W-2 G2-A G2-LP 1099 G2-FL G2-RP 1099 G2-FL G2-RP 1099 G2-FL G2-RP EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) 2. SSN 2. EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) SSN EMPLOYER/PAYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) SSN 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 4. GA WAGES / INCOME 5. 5. GA TAX WITHHELD 5. GA TAX WITHHELD 3. EMPLOYER/PAYER STATE WITHHOLDING ID GA TAX WITHHELD 24. Georgia Income Tax Withheld on Wages and 1099s ............................. 24. 25. Other Georgia Income Tax Withheld ........................................................ 25. 26. Estimated Tax paid for 2024 and Form IT-560 ......................................... 26. 27. Schedule 2B Refundable Tax Credits.......................................................... (Cannot be claimed unless filed electronically) 27. 28. Total prepayment credits (Add Lines 24, 25, 26 and 27)........................... 28. 29. If Line 23 exceeds Line 28, subtract Line 28 from Line 23 and enter balance due............................................................................................... 29. 30. If Line 28 exceeds Line 23, subtract Line 23 from Line 28 and enter overpayment .............................................................................................. 30. 31. Amount to be credited to 2025 ESTIMATED TAX ................................. 31. 32. Georgia Wildlife Conservation Fund (No gift of less than $1.00)............. 32. 33. Georgia Fund for Children and Elderly (No gift of less than $1.00)........ 33. 34. Georgia Cancer Research Fund (No gift of less than $1.00) ................. 34. 35. Georgia Land Conservation Program (No gift of less than $1.00)........... 35. 36. Georgia National Guard Foundation (No gift of less than $1.00) ............. 36. 37. Dog & Cat Sterilization Fund (No gift of less than $1.00) ....................... 37. 38. Saving the Cure Fund (No gift of less than $1.00)................................. 38. 39. Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen (REACH) Program ............. (No gift of less than $1.00) 39. (Enter Tax Withheld Only and include W-2s and/or 1099s) (Must include G2-A, G2-FL, G2-LP and/or G2-RP) PRINT COMPLETED FORM RESET PAGE 5 Georgia Form PREVIOUS PAGE 500 Individual Income Tax Return Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 Pag e YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 5 ............................. 40. 40. 41. ' .................. 41. 42. ed...... 42. 43. ............ 43. 44. ...... 44. 45. 29, 32 through 44 ................................................. 45. 46. (If you are due a refund) Subtract the sum of Lines 31 thru 44 from Line 30 46. THIS IS YOUR REFUND........................................................................................ ... Refund Due Mail To: GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PROCESSING CENTER, PO BOX 740392 ATLANTA, GA 30374-0392 If you do not enter Direct Deposit information or if you are a first time filer you will be issued a paper check. Type: Checking 46a. Direct Deposit (U.S. Accounts Only) Savings Account Number Routing Number Mail pages 1-5 and any applicable schedules, forms, documentation. DO NOT staple pages. I/We declare under the penalties of perjury that I/we have examined this return (including accompanying schedules and statements) and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. If prepared by a person other than the taxpayer(s), this declaration is based on all information of which the preparer has knowledge. Taxpayer’s Signature (Check box if deceased) Taxpayer’s Date of Death Taxpayer’s Signature Date Spouse’s Signature (Check box if deceased) Spouse’s Date of Death Taxpayer’s Phone Number Spouse’s Signature Date By providing my e-mail address I am authorizing the Georgia Department of Revenue to electronically notify me at the below e-ma il address regarding any updates to my account(s). Taxpayer’s E-mail Address I authorize DOR to discuss this return with the named preparer. Preparer’s Phone Number Signature of Preparer Name of Preparer Other Than Taxpayer Preparer’s FEIN Preparer’s Firm Name Preparer’s SSN/PTIN/SIDN PREVIOUS PAGE Dos and Don’ts Checklist for the Individual/Fiduciary (525-TV) Payment Voucher Payments can be made electronically on the Georgia Tax Center (GTC) . Do: Use a payment voucher with a valid scanline. Only complete this voucher if you owe taxes. Complete the voucher in its entirety. Write your SSN or FEIN on your check or money order. Make your check or money order payable to: Georgia Department of Revenue Remember if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the tax shall be due on the next day that is not a weekend or holiday. Mail your voucher and payment to the address listed below if your return was filed electronically. Processing Center Georgia Department of Revenue P O Box 740323 Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0323 Mail your return, payment voucher and payment to the address that appears on the return if filing a paper return. Do not: Mail this entire page. Staple your payment and voucher together. Print on both sides of the paper. Handwrite any information. Georgia Public Revenue Code Section 48-2-31 stipulates that taxes shall be paid in lawful money of the United States, free of any expense to the State of Georgia. Cut along dotted line 525-TV (Rev. 08/14/24) Individual or Fiduciary Name and Address: Individual and Fiduciary Payment Voucher 2024 Amended Return Taxpayer’s SSN or Fiduciary FEIN Paper Return Electronically Filed Spouse’s SSN (if joint or combined return) Tax Year Type of Return: [X] 09-INDIVIDUAL Daytime Telephone Number Vendor Code 040 PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE. REMOVE ALL CHECK STUBS. PROCESSING CENTER GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PO BOX 740323 ATLANTA GA 30374-0323 Amount Paid $ RESET SCH 1 PG 1 RETURN TO PAGE 2 Schedule 1 Page 1 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 1 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Adjustments to Income 2024 (Approved web version) See IT-511 Tax Booklet SCHEDULE 1 ADJUSTMENTS to INCOME BASED on GEORGIA LAW ADDITIONS to INCOME 1. Interest on Non-Georgia Municipal and State Bonds ................................... 1. 2. Lump Sum Distributions ......................................................................................... 2. 3. Depreciation ................................................................................................................. 3. 4. Net operating loss carryover deducted on Federal return....................................... 4. 5. Other (Specify) 5. 6. Total Additions (Enter sum of Lines 1-5 here).............................................. 6. SUBTRACTION from INCOME (See IT-511 Tax Booklet) 7. Retirement Income Exclusion Taxpayer Date of Birth: Required for Retirement Income Exclusion and Military Retirement Income Exclusion a. Retirement Income Exclusion - Complete Schedule 1, page 2. 7a. b. . Military Retirement Income Exclusion (Must be under 62 years of age) - Complete Schedule 1, page 3. Type of c. Date of Disability: Disability: 7b. 7c. Spouse Date of Birth: Required for Retirement Income Exclusion and Military Retirement Income Exclusion d. Retirement Income Exclusion - Complete Schedule 1, page 2. 7d. e. . Military Retirement Income Exclusion (Must be under 62 years of age) - Complete Schedule 1, page 3. Type of f. Date of Disability: Disability: 7e. 8. Social Security Benefits (Taxable portion from Federal return) .................... 8. 9. Path2College 529 Plan .............................................................................. 9. 10. Interest on United States Obligations (See IT-511 Tax Booklet)................... 10. 11. Depreciation .............................................................................................. 11. 12. Other Adjustments (Specify) 12. 13. Total Subtractions (Enter sum of Lines 7-12 here) ....................................... 13. 14. Net Adjustments (Line 6 less Line 13). Enter Net Total here and on Line 9 of Page 2 (+ or -) of Form 500 or 500 X .......................................... 14. 7f. RESET SCH 1 PG 2 PREVIOUS PAGE Schedule 1 Page 2 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 1 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Adjustments to Income 2024 (Approved web version) SCHEDULE 1 RETIREMENT INCOME EXCLUSION See IT-511 Tax Booklet (TAXPAYER) (SPOUSE) 1. Salary and wages ...................................... 2. Other Earned Income (Losses)................. 3. Total Earned Income .................................. 4. Maximum Earned Income.......................... 5000 5. The lesser of Line 3 or 4; if zero or less, enter zero .................................................. 6. Interest Income......................................... 7. Dividend Income....................................... 8. Alimony .................................................... 9. Capital Gains (Losses)............................. 10. Other Income (Losses).............................. (See IT-511 Tax Booklet) 11. Taxable IRA Distributions......................... 12. Taxable Pensions .................................... 13. Rental, Royalty, Partnership, S Corp, etc. Income (Losses).....(See IT-511 Tax Booklet) 14. Total of Lines 6 through 13; if zero or less, enter zero ................................................ 15. Add Lines 5 and14 ................................... 16. Maximum Allowable Exclusion* ................ 17. The lesser of Lines 15 and 16; enter here and on Form 500, Schedule 1, Lines 7a & d for Retirement Exclusion or Lines 7c & f for Retirement Exclusion for Disability......................... *If age 62-64 or less than age 62 and permanently disabled enter $35,000, or if age 65 or older enter $65,000. 5000 RESET SCH 1 PG 3 PREVIOUS PAGE Schedule 1 Page 3 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 1 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Adjustments to Income 2024 (Approved web version) SCHEDULE 1 MILITARY RETIREMENT INCOME EXCLUSION See IT-511 Tax Booklet Do I Qualify for Military Retirement Exclusion? 1. Do you have any military retirement income? No. You do not qualify. Do not complete this page. Yes. You may qualify if you meet the age requirements. 2. Are you under the age of 62? No. You do not qualify. Do not complete this page. Yes. You qualify for Military Retirement Income Exclusion. Complete this page. 3. Include this page with your Form 500/500X, if applicable. (TAXPAYER) (SPOUSE) 1. Taxable Military Retirement from 1099-R 2. Base Military Exclusion............................. 17500 17500 3. Enter the lesser of Line 1 or Line 2 ......... If your taxable military retirement is less than 17,501 STOP HERE and enter line 3 on Schedule 1, Line 7b and 7e. 4. Taxable Georgia Salary and Wages............... 5. Other Earned Georgia Income....................... 6. Total Georgia Earned Income......................... If your Georgia earned income is less than 17,501 STOP HERE and enter line 3 on Schedule 1, Line 7b and 7e. 7. Total additional Military Exclusion allowed....... 8. Enter the lesser of Line 1 or Line 7. Enter this amount on Schedule 1, Lines 7b and e....... 35000 35000 (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 2 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Georgia Tax Credits 2024 (Approved web version) SCHEDULE 2 GEORGIA TAX CREDIT USAGE AND CARRYOVER 1. Credit Code ............................................................................................... See IT-511 Tax Booklet 1. SELECT 2. Credit remaining from previous years (If from a business, do not include amounts elected to be applied to withholding)................................... 2. 3. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR 4. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 5. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 6. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 7. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 8. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 9. Total available credit for this tax year (sum of Lines 2 through 8)......................... 9. 10. Enter the amount of the credit sold (only certain credits can be sold, see IT-511 Tax Booklet ) ........................................................................................ 10. 11. Credit used for this tax year.................................................................................... 11. 12. Potential carryover to next tax year, if applicable (Line 9 less Lines 10 and 11)..... 12. CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY Schedule 2 Page 1 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 2B YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Georgia Tax Credits 2024 (Approved web version) SCHEDULE 2B REFUNDABLE TAX CREDITS See IT-511 Tax Booklet Note: A purchased Timber Tax Credit is not a refundable tax credit. Use Schedule 2 if the Timber Tax Credit was purchased. 1. Credit Code ............................................................................................... SELECT 1. 2. Credit remaining from previous years (If from a business, do not include amounts elected to be applied to withholding)................................... 2. 3. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR FEIN/SSN CREDIT GENERATED THIS TAX YEAR 4. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 5. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 6. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 7. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 8. COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME CREDIT CERTIFICATE # 9. Total available credit for this tax year (sum of Lines 2 through 8)......................... CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY CREDITS MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY Schedule 2B Page 1 500 Georgia Form 9. 10. Enter the amount of the credit sold (only certain credits can be sold, see IT-511 Tax Booklet ) ........................................................................................ 10. 11. Credit used for this tax year.................................................................................... 11. 12. Potential carryover to next tax year, if applicable (Line 9 less Lines 10 and 11)..... 12. RESET SCH 3 RETURN TO PAGE 3 Schedule 3 Page 1 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) Schedule 3 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Part-Year Nonresident 2024 (Approved web version) DO NOT USE LINES 9 THRU 14 OF PAGES 2 AND 3 FORM 500 or 500X SCHEDULE 3 COMPUTATION OF GEORGIA TAXABLE INCOME FOR ONLY PART-YEAR RESIDENTS AND NONRESIDENTS. Column A must equal Column B plus Column C. See IT-511 Tax Booklet for other state(s) tax credits. FEDERAL INCOME AFTER GEORGIA ADJUSTMENT (COLUMN A) INCOME NOT TAXABLE TO GEORGIA (COLUMN B) GEORGIA INCOME (COLUMN C) 1. WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS, etc 1. WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS, etc 1. WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS, etc 2. INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS 2. INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS 2. INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS 3. BUSINESS INCOME OR (LOSS) 3. BUSINESS INCOME OR (LOSS) 3. BUSINESS INCOME OR (LOSS) 4. OTHER INCOME OR (LOSS) 4. OTHER INCOME OR (LOSS) 4. OTHER INCOME OR (LOSS) 5. TOTAL INCOME: TOTAL LINES 1 THRU 4 5. 5. 6. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 1040 6. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 1040 7. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 500, SCHEDULE 1 7. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 500, SCHEDULE 1 7. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 500, SCHEDULE 1 8. ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME: LINE 5 PLUS OR MINUS LINES 6 AND 7 8. 8. 9. RATIO: Divide Line 8, Column C by Line 8, Column A TOTAL INCOME: TOTAL LINES 1 THRU 4 ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME: LINE 5 PLUS OR MINUS LINES 6 AND 7 6. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS FROM FORM 1040 9. (% cannot be negative and cannot exceed 100%) (See IT-511 Tax Booklet) 10. Standard Deduction Itemized 10. (For Standard Deduction - Enter $12,000 if the filing status is Single, Married filing separately, Head of household or Qualifying surviving spouse. If filing status is Married filing jointly, enter $24,000) multiply by $4,000 .......... 11. 12. Total Deductions and Exemptions: Add Lines 10 and 11 .......................................... 12. 13. Multiply Line 12 by Ratio on Line 9 and enter result.................................................... 13. 14. Income before GA NOL: Subtract Line 13 from Line 8, Column C Enter here and on Line 15a, Page 3 of Form 500 or Form 500X................................ 14. 11. Enter the number on Line 7c from Form 500 or Form 500X TOTAL INCOME: TOTAL LINES 1 THRU 4 ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME: LINE 5 PLUS OR MINUS LINES 6 AND 7 % RESET INDCR01 Form IND-CR 201 PREVIOUS PAGE Page State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 1 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable.– Disabled Person Home Purchase or Retrofit Credit - Tax Credit 201 O.C.G.A.§ 48-7-29.1 provides a disabled person credit equal to the lesser of $500 per residence or the taxpayer’s income tax liability for the purchase of a new single-family home that contains all of the accessibility features listed below. It also provides a credit equal to the lesser of the cost or $125 to retrofit an existing single-family home with one or more of these features. The disabled person must be the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s spouse if a joint return is filed. Qualified features are: One no-step entrance allowing access into the residence. Interior passage doors providing at least a 32-inch-wide opening. Reinforcements in bathroom walls allowing installation of grab bars around the toilet, tub, and shower, where such facilities are provided. Light switches and outlets placed in accessible locations. To qualify for this credit, the disabled person must be permanently disabled and have been issued a permanent parking permit by the Department of Revenue or have been issued a special permanent parking permit by the Department of Revenue. This credit can be carried forward 3 years. For more information, see Regulation 560-7-8-.44. 1. Credit remaining from previous years............................................................................. 1. 2. Purchase of a home that contains all four accessibility features OR total of accessibility features added to retrofit a home (up to $125 per feature) cannot exceed $500 per residence................................................................................................................... 2. 3. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 1).......................................................................................................... 3. 4. Potential carryover to next tax year (Line 1 plus Line 2 less Line 3) .............................. 4. RESET INDCR02 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 202 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Child and Dependent Care Expense Credit - Tax Credit 202 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.10 provides taxpayers with a credit for qualified child & dependent care expenses. The credit is a percentage of the credit claimed and allowed under Internal Revenue Code § 21 and claimed by the taxpayer on the taxpayer’s Federal income tax return. This credit cannot be carried forward. The credit is computed as follows: 1. Amount of child & dependent care expense credit claimed on Federal Form 1040. 1. 2. Georgia allowable rate ...................................................................................... 2. 3. Allowable Child & Dependent Care Expense Credit (Line 1 x .30)............................ 3. 4 . Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 2)..................................................................................................................... 4. 30% RESET INDCR03 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 203 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Georgia National Guard/Air National Guard Credit - Tax Credit 203 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.9 provides a tax credit for Georgia residents who are members of the National Guard or Air National Guard and are on active duty full time in the United States Armed Forces, or active duty training in the United States Armed Forces for a period of more than 90 consecutive days. The credit shall be claimed and allowed in the year in which the majority of such days are served. In the event an equal number of consecutive days are served in two calendar years, then the exclusion shall be claimed and allowed in the year in which the ninetieth day occurs. The credit shall apply with respect to each taxable year in which such member serves for such qualifying period of time. The credit cannot exceed the amount expended for qualified life insurance premiums nor the taxpayer’s income tax liability. Qualified life insurance premiums are the premiums paid for insurance coverage through the service member’s Group Life Insurance Program administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Any unused tax credit is allowed to be carried forward to the taxpayer’s succeeding year’s tax liability. 1. Credit remaining from previous years....................................................... 1. 2. Enter amount of qualified life insurance premiums ............................................ 2. 3 . Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 3)...................................................................................... 3. 4. Carryover to next tax year (Line 1 plus Line 2 less Line 3)......................... 4. RESET INDCR04 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 204 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Qualified Caregiving Expense Credit - Tax Credit 204 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.2 provides a qualified caregiving expense credit equal to 10 percent of the cost of qualified caregiving expenses for a qualifying family member. The credit cannot exceed $150. Qualified services include Home health agency services, personal care services, personal care attendant services, homemaker services, adult day care, respite care, or health care equipment and other supplies which have been determined by a physician to be medically necessary. Services must be obtained from an organization or individual not related to the taxpayer or the qualifying family member. The qualifying family member must be at least age 62 or been determined disabled by the Social Security Administration. A qualifying family member includes the taxpayer or an individual who is related to the taxpayer by blood, marriage or adoption. Qualified caregiving expenses do not include expenses that were subtracted to arrive at Georgia net taxable income or for which amounts were excluded from Georgia net taxable income. There is no carryover or carry-back available. The credit cannot exceed the taxpayer’s income tax liability. For more information, see Regulation 560-7-8-.43. Qualifying Family Member Name: Name: SS# Age, if 62 or over Relationship If disabled, date of disability Additional Qualifying Family Member Name, if applicable: Name: SS# Age, if 62 or over Relationship If disabled, date of disability 1. Qualified caregiving expenses........................................................................... 1. 2. Percentage limitation....................................................................................... 2. 10% 3. Line 1 multiplied by Line 2................................................................................ 3. 4. Maximum credit............................................................................................... 4. 150 5. Enter the lesser of Line 3 or Line 4 ...................................................................... 5. 6. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 4).................................................................................................................... 6. RESET INDCR06 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 206 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Disaster Assistance Credit - Tax Credit 206 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.4 provides for a credit for a taxpayer who receives disaster assistance during a taxable year from the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency or the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The amount of the credit is equal to $500 or the actual amount of the disaster assistance, whichever is less. The credit cannot exceed the taxpayer’s income tax liability. Any unused tax credit can be carried forward to the succeeding years’ tax liability but cannot be carried back to the prior years’ tax liability. The approval letter from the disaster assistance agency must be enclosed with the return. The following types of assistance qualify: Grants from the Department of Human Services’ Individual and Family Grant Program. Grants from GEMA/HS and/or FEMA. Loans from the Small Business Administration that are due to disasters declared by the President or Governor. Disaster assistance agency 1. Credit remaining from previous years............................................................ 1. 2. Date assistance was received.................................................................... 2. 3. Amount of the disaster assistance received................................................. 3. 4. Maximum credit........................................................................................ 4. 5. Enter the lesser of Line 3 or Line 4................................................................. 5. 6. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include in IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 6).......................................................................................... 6. 7. Carryover to next tax year (Line 1 plus Line 5 less Line 6) ............................ 7. 500 , , , RESET INDCR07 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 207 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Rural Physicians Credit - Tax Credit 207 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29 provides for a $5,000 tax credit for rural physicians. The tax credit may be claimed for not more than five years. There is no carryover or carry-back available. The credit cannot exceed the taxpayer’s income tax liability. In order to qualify, the physician must, on or before May 15, 2024, meet the following conditions: 1. The physician must have started working in a rural county after July 1, 1995. If the physician worked in a rural county prior to that date, a period of at least three years must have elapsed before the physician returns to work in a rural county. 2. The physician must practice and reside in a rural county. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003, a physician qualifies for the credit if they practice in a rural county and reside in a county contiguous to a rural county. A rural county is defined as one with 65 or fewer persons per square mile according to the United States Decennial Census of 1990 or any future such census. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, the United States Decennial Census of 2010 is used. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2022, the United States Decennial Census of 2020 is used (see regulation 560-7-8-.20 for transition rules). A listing of rural counties for purposes of the rural physicians credit may be obtained at the following web page: 3. The physician must be licensed to practice medicine in Georgia, primarily admit patients to a rural hospital, and practice in the fields of family practice, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, or general surgery. A rural hospital is defined as an acute-care hospital located in a rural county that contains 80 or fewer beds. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003, a rural hospital is defined as an acute-care hospital located in a rural county that contains 100 or fewer beds. For more information, see Regulation 560-7-8-.20. Only enter the information for the taxpayer and/or the spouse if they are a rural physician. Taxpayer 1. County of residence Spouse 1. County of residence 2. County of practice 2. County of practice 3. Type of practice 3. Type of practice 4. Date started working as a rural physician 4. Date started working as a rural physician 5. Number of hospital beds in the rural hospital 5. Number of hospital beds in the rural hospital 6. Rural physicians credit, enter $5,000 per rural physician......... 6. 7. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 7)..................................................... 7. RESET INDCR08 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 208 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Adoption of a Foster Child Credit for Adoptions Occurring in Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2008 and before January 1, 2021-Tax Credit 208 Georgia Code Section 48-7-29.15 provides an income tax credit for the adoption of a qualified foster child. The amount of the credit is $2,000 per qualified foster child per taxable year, commencing with the year in which the adoption becomes final, and ending in the year in which the adopted child attains the age of 18. This credit applies to adoptions occurring in the taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008 and before January 1, 2021. Any unused credit can be carried forward until used. 1. Credit remaining from previous years.................................................. 1. 2. Enter $2,000 per qualified foster child.................................................. 2. 3. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 8)................................................................................. 3. 4. Carryover to next year (Line 1 plus Line 2 less Line 3)........................ 4. RESET INDCR09 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 209 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Eligible Single-Family Residence Tax Credit - Tax Credit 209 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.17 provides taxpayers a credit for the purchase of an eligible single-family residence located in Georgia. An eligible single-family residence is a single-family structure (including a condominium unit as defined in O.C.G.A.§ 44-3-71) that is occupied for residential purposes by a single family, that is: a) Any residence (including a new residence, one occupied at the time of sale, or a previously occupied residence) that was for sale prior to May 11, 2009 and that remained for sale after May 11, 2009; or b) A residence with respect to which a foreclosure event has taken place and which is owned by the mortgagor or the mortgagor’s agent; or c) An owner-occupied residence with respect to which the owner’s acquisition indebtedness was in default on or before March 1, 2009. Acquisition indebtedness is debt incurred in acquiring, constructing, or substantially improving a qualified residence and which is secured by such residence. Refinanced debt is acquisition debt if at least a portion of such debt refinances the principal amount of existing acquisition indebtedness. A taxpayer is allowed the tax credit for a purchase of one eligible single-family residence made between June 1, 2009 and November 30, 2009. The credit amount is the lesser of 1.2 percent of the purchase price of the eligible single-family residence or $1,800.00. The amount of the tax credit that may be claimed and allowed in a single tax year cannot exceed the lesser of 1/3 of the credit or the taxpayer’s income tax liability. Any unused tax credit can be carried forward but cannot be carried back. The taxpayer must have claimed the credit in 2009 in order to claim the unused credit below. 1. Total credit. (Enter amount from 2009 IND-CR, Part 9, Line 5.)............................... 1. 2. Maximum allowed per year................................................................................... 2. 33.33% 3. Maximum credit allowed, (multiply Line 1 by Line 2)................................................ 3. 4. Enter unused credit (Total credit less amounts used in previous years).................. 4. 5. Credit allowed, lesser of Line 3 or Line 4.................................................................. 5. 6. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 9)........................................................................................................................ 6. 7. Carryover to next tax year (Line 4 less Line 6)............................................................. 7. RESET INDCR12 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 212 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24 v2) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Community Based Faculty Preceptor Tax Credit - Tax Credit 212 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.22 provides an income tax credit for a community based faculty preceptor that conducts a preceptorship rotation(s). This tax credit is applicable for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019 and ending on or before December 31, 2026. For a community based faculty preceptor who is a physician as defined in O.C.G.A. § 43-34-21, the credit shall accrue on a per preceptorship rotation basis in the amount of $500 for the first, second, or third preceptorship rotation and $1,000 for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth preceptorship rotation completed in one calendar year. For a community based faculty preceptor who is an advanced practice registered nurse as defined in O.C.G.A. § 43-26-3 or a physician assistant as defined in O.C.G.A. § 43-34-102, the credit shall accrue on a per preceptorship rotation basis in the amount of $375 for the first, second, or third preceptorship rotation and $750 for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth preceptorship rotation completed in one calendar year. An individual shall not accrue credit for more than ten preceptorship rotations in one calendar year. The credit cannot be carried forward and cannot be carried back. Certification from the Area Health Education Centers Program Office at Augusta University must be enclosed with the return. By filing this form I certify that I did not receive payment during such tax year from any source for the training of a medical student, advanced practice registered nurse student, or physician assistant student. A. Community Based Faculty Preceptor Tax Credit for a physician First through Third Rotation 1. Number of Rotations (enter no more than 3) X (not to exceed $1,500)................................................... 500 1. Fourth through Tenth Rotation 2. Number of Rotations (enter no more than 7) X 1000 (not to exceed $7,000) ............................................................ 2. 3. Add Line 1 and Line 2, Current Year Credit Amount (cannot exceed $8,500)............. 3. B. Community Based Faculty Preceptor Tax Credit for an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant. First through Third Rotation 1. Number of Rotations (enter no more than 3) X (not to exceed $1,125)................................................... 375 1. 750 2. Fourth through Tenth Rotation 2. Number of Rotations (enter no more than 7) X (not to exceed $5,250)................................................... 3. Add Line 1 and Line 2, Current Year Credit Amount (cannot exceed $6,375)............. 3. C. Community Based Faculty Preceptor Tax Credit Total 1.Credit used this year (enter no more than the total of Line A3 and Line B3)(enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 10)................................................ 1. RESET INDCR13 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 213 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable. – Adoption of a Foster Child Credit for Adoptions Occurring in Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2021- Tax Credit 213 O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.15 provides an income tax credit for the adoption of a qualified foster child. This credit applies to adoptions occurring in taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021. The amount of the credit is $6,000 per qualified foster child per taxable year, commencing with the year in which the adoption becomes final, for five taxable years and $2,000 per qualified foster child per taxable year thereafter, and ending in the year in which the adopted child attains the age of 18. This credit cannot be carried forward. 1. Enter $6,000 per qualified foster child (if in first five taxable years of the adoption)...................................................................................... 1. 2. Enter $2,000 per qualified foster child (for years after first five taxable years of adoption)....................................................................... 2. 3. Add Line 1 and Line 2, Current Year Credit Amount ............................. 3. 4. Credit used this year (enter no more than the amount on line 3)(enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 11).................. 4. RESET INDCR14 Form PREVIOUS PAGE Page IND-CR 214 State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 1 2024 (Rev. 08/01/24) (Approved web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – Include with Form 500 or 500X, if this schedule is applicable.– Teacher Recruitment and Retention Credit – Tax Credit 214 A taxpayer who is designated by the Department of Education as a participating teacher in the teacher recruitment and retention program provided for in Code Section 20-2-251 shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed by Code Section 48-7-20 in an amount equal to $3,000.00 per school year for up to five school years, which must be consecutive. Only teachers who have been designated as qualifying by the Department of Education should complete this form. For more information about the designation: Please note: Each designated teacher may claim a credit amount of $3,000.00 per qualifying school year for no more than five school years, which must be consecutive, subject to conditions set forth in Code Section 20-2-251. The credit taken on any year tax return cannot exceed your tax liability for the year. Any unused amounts of the credit can be carried forward for three years. For more information, see Georgia Code Sections 20-2-251 and 48-7-29.23. 1. Credit remaining from previous year ................................................................................ 1. . 2. Credit generated this tax year .......................................................................................... 2. . 3. Total credit available (Line 1 + Line 2).............................................................................. 3. 4. Credit used this tax year (enter here and include on IND-CR Summary Worksheet Line 12) .............................................................................................................................. 4. 5. Potential carryover to next tax year (Line 3 less Line 4)...................................................... 5. RESET SUMMARY Georgia Form RETURN TO PAGE 3 Page IND-CR Summary Worksheet (Rev. 08/01/24) State of Georgia Individual Credit Form Georgia Department of Revenue 2024 (Approved web version) 1 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IND-CR SUMMARY SCHEDULE WORKSHEET 1. Only Georgia Individual Tax Credits (series 200) are claimed on Form IND-CR supporting schedules (IND-CR 201 through 214). 2. Enter the amount of credit used for the current tax year from each applicable IND-CR schedules on Lines 1-12. 3. If there is a credit remaining from previous years eligible for carryover for this tax year, the supporting IND-CR schedule must be completed even if the credit is not used for this tax year. 4. The total of Line 13 should be entered on Form 500 or Form 500X, Page 3, Line 20. 5. All applicable IND-CR schedules must be attached to Form 500 or Form 500X for the credit(s) to be allowed on the return. Note: The other state(s) tax credit and low income credit are claimed directly on Form 500. Series 100 Georgia tax credits (except Schedule 2B refundable tax credits) are claimed on Form 500 Schedule 2 and returns that include the series 100 credits must be filed electronically. The total credit amount used from the low income credit, the other state(s) tax credit, all IND-CR schedules, and all Schedule 2s cannot exceed the tax liability listed on Line 16 of Form 500 or 500X. 1. Disabled Person Home Purchase or Retrofit Credit (IND-CR 201, Line 3) ............ 1. 2 . Child and Dependent Care Expense Credit (IND-CR 202, Line 4) ........................ 2. 3. Georgia National Guard /Air National Guard Credit (IND-CR 203, Line 3) ............ 3. 4. Qualified Caregiving Expense Credit (IND-CR 204, Line 6) .................................. 4. 5. Reserved ............................................................................................................... 5. 6 . Disaster Assistance Credit (IND-CR 206, Line 6) .................................................. 6. 7. Rural Physicians Credit (IND-CR 207, Line 7) ...................................................... 7. 8. Adoption of a Foster Child Credit for Adoptions Occurring in Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2008 and Before January 1, 2021 (IND-CR 208, Line 3)............................................................................................... 8. 9. Eligible Single-Family Residence Credit (IND-CR 209, Line 6) ............................. 9. 1 0 . Community Based Faculty Preceptor Credit (IND-CR 212, Line C1) .................. 10. 11. Adoption of a Foster Child Credit for Adoptions Occurring in Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2021 (IND-CR 213, Line 4)................................ 11. 1 2 . Teacher Recruitment and Retention Credit (IND-CR 214, Line 4)......................... 12. 1 3 . Total of Lines 1 through 12 (Enter here and on Form 500/500X, Page 3 Line 20) 13. All applicable IND-CR Schedules (201, etc.) must be attached to Form 500 or Form 500X. Keep IND-CR Summary Worksheet for your records. RETURN TO PAGE 1 (Rev. 08/01/24) 4 web version) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER LAST NAME YOUR FIRST NAME TYPE OF LOSS: TYPE OF LOSS: PORTION: NORMAL LOSS FARM LOSS (2)YEAR INSURANCE LOSS Total Loss(es) PORTION: (2) YEAR pages, Parts I, II and III use the minus sign (-) for Booklet for detailed instructions. 1. Georgia Income ) ..................................... 2. 3. Excess Nonbusiness Deductions ).................. 3. xcess of Nonbusiness Capital losses after $3,000 limitation er Nonbusiness apital gains ...................................................... 4. 5. Reserved........................................................................................................................ 5. 6. Total of Lines 1 - 4. See instructions....................................................................... 6. 7. IRC Section 461(l) loss eligible to be carried forward only negative .) ( 7. 8. Total Loss . (Must be a negative amount . ................................................... 1. 2. Georgia Exemption ( 4. negative ) If no, complete Part III and attach a copy of Federal Form 1045. MUST INCLUDE PAGES 1-5 OF FORM 500 MUST INCLUDE PAGES 1-5 OF FORM 500 RESET SCH4 PG1 PREVIOUS PAGE Schedule 4 Page 2 500 Georgia Form (Rev. 08/01/24) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Schedule 4 Net Operating Loss Application 2024 Part II: NOL Worksheet Georgia Nonbusiness Income 1. Excess of Nonbusiness Capital gains over Nonbusiness Capital losses ................... 1. 2. Dividends .......................................................................................................................... 2. 3. Interest .............................................................................................................. 3. 4. Alimony (received) ............................................................................................ 4. 5. Pensions/Annuities ............................................................................................ 5. 6. GA adjustment for retirement exclusion ........................................................... 6. 7. GA adjustment for U.S. Interest ....................................................................... 7. 8. GA adjustment for non-Georgia municipal interest........................................... 8. 9. Other (specify) .................................................... 9. ........................................................... 10. 10. Total Nonbusiness Income (Add Lines 1 - 9) Georgia Nonbusiness Deductions 1 . ............. 1 . ..................................... 2. 3. Alimony (paid) ................................................................................................... 3. 14. Forfeited interest/penalty on early withdrawal .................................................. 4. 5. Contribution to a deductible IRA........................................................................ 5. 6. Other (specify) ................................................. 6. 17. Total Nonbusiness Deductions (Add Lines 11-16) ........................................... 7. 2. Contributions to self-employed 8. Excess of Nonbusiness Deductions (Line 17) less Nonbusiness Income (Line 10) If zero or less, enter zero. Enter here and on Form 500 Net Operating Loss Application Part 1, Line 3 .................................................................................... 8. MUST INCLUDE PAGES 1-5 OF FORM 500 MUST INCLUDE PAGES 1-5 OF FORM 500 RESET SCH4 PG2 RESET SCH4 PG3 PREVIOUS PAGE (Rev. 08/01/24) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Schedule 4 2024 web version) *YEAR ENDED (a) Return as filed or liability as last determined 1. Federal adjusted gross income (exclude Federal NOL) 2. Georgia adjustments. See instructions 3. Net operating loss. See instructions 4. Georgia adjusted gross income. Net total of Lines 1, 2 and 3 5. Deductions. See instructions 6. Subtract Line 5 from Line 4 7. Exemptions. See instructions 8. Taxable income. Subtract Line 7 from Line 6 9. Income Tax 10. Credits. See instructions 11. Tax after credits. Subtract Line 10 from Line 9 12. Enter Line 11 column (b) 13. Decrease in tax. Subtract Line 12 from Line 11 (b) RESET SCH4 PG4 PREVIOUS PAGE Schedule 4 (Rev. 08/01/24) YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Schedule 4 2024 web version) *YEAR ENDED (a) Return as filed or liability as last determined 1. Federal adjusted gross income (exclude Federal NOL) 2. Georgia adjustments. See instructions 3. Net operating loss. See instructions 4. Georgia adjusted gross income. Net total of Lines 1, 2 and 3 5. Deductions. See instructions 6. Subtract Line 5 from Line 4 7. Exemptions. See instructions 8. Taxable income. Subtract Line 7 from Line 6 9. Income Tax 10. Credits. See instructions 11. Tax after credits. Subtract Line 10 from Line 9 12. Enter Line 11 column (b) 13. Decrease in tax. Subtract Line 12 from Line 11 (b)
GA500 Individual Income Tax Return
More about the Georgia Form 500 Individual Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024
Form 500 is the general income tax return form for all Georgia residents.
Form 500 requires you to list multiple forms of income, such as wages, interest, or alimony .
We last updated the Individual Income Tax Return in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 500, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 500 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Georgia tax forms here.
eFile your Georgia tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Georgia and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Georgia Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 30 Georgia income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Georgia Form 500.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form 500-ES | Estimated Quarterly Tax Return |
Form 500-EZ | Individual Income Tax Return (Short Version) |
Form 500-NOL | Net Operating Loss Adjustment |
Form 500-UET | Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individual/Fiduciary |
View all 31 Georgia Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Georgia usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Georgia Form 500 from the Department of Revenue in January 2025.
Form 500 is a Georgia Individual Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Georgia Form 500
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form 500 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

GA500 Individual Income Tax Return

GA500 Individual Income Tax Return

GA500 Individual Income Tax Return

GA500 Individual Income Tax Return

GA500 Individual Income Tax Return


GA Form 500 Indvidual Income Tax Return

GA Form 500 Indvidual Income Tax Return

GA 500 Long Form


TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Georgia Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.