Federal Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Application Information

Form 13424 is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Federal Department of Revenue.
Extracted from PDF file 2020-federal-form-13424.pdf, last modified November 2019Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Application Information
The form you are looking for begins on the next page of this file. Before viewing it, please see the important update information below. New Mailing Address The mailing address for certain forms have change since the forms were last published. The new mailing address are shown below. Mailing Address for Forms 1023, 1024, 1024-A, 1028, 5300, 5307, 5310, 5310-A, 5316, 8717, 8718, 8940: Internal Revenue Service TE/GE Stop 31A Team 105 P.O. Box 12192 Covington, KY 41012–0192 Deliveries by private delivery service (PDS) should be made to: Internal Revenue Service 7940 Kentucky Drive TE/GE Stop 31A Team 105 Florence, KY 41042 This update supplements these forms’ instructions. Filers should rely on this update for the change described, which will be incorporated into the next revision of the form’s instructions. This page intentionally left blank. 5307 Application for Determination for Adopters of Modified Volume Submitter Plans Form (Rev. June 2014) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service OMB No. 1545-0200 (Under sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code) For IRS Use Only ▶ Information about the Form 5307 and the instructions is at www.irs.gov/form5307. For Internal Use Only Review the Procedural Requirements Checklist before completing this application. Complete lines 1j-1m and 2h-2k only if you have a foreign address, see instructions. 1a Name of plan sponsor (employer if single-employer plan) b Address of plan sponsor c City d State f Employer identification number (EIN) g Telephone number j City or town l Province/country e ZIP h Fax number i Employer’s tax year end (MM) k Country name m Foreign postal code 2a Person to contact. If a Power of Attorney is attached, mark box and do not complete this line. Contact person’s name b Contact person’s address c City f Telephone number d State g Fax number h City or town j Province/country e ZIP code i Country name k Foreign postal code If more space is needed for any item, attach additional sheets the same size as this form. Identify each additional sheet with the plan sponsor’s name and EIN and identify each item. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, including accompanying statements and schedules, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. SIGN HERE ▶ Type or print name Date ▶ Type or print title For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 11832Y Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Page 2 Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) 3a Determination requested for (enter applicable number in box) 1 - Initial Qualification — New Plan 2 - Initial Qualification — Existing Plan 3 - Request after Initial Qualification b If 3a is "1" or "2," enter the date the plan was initially adopted. Yes No c Does the VS practitioner have the authority to amend on behalf of the adopting employer? d Does the plan have a determination letter (DL) or did the plan rely on the opinion or advisory letter for the plan's remedial amendment cycle (RAC) immediately preceding the RAC in which the application is filed? If the plan relied on a DL, complete (i) and (ii). If the plan relied on an opinion or advisory letter, go to line 3e. If the plan did not have a DL or did not rely on the opinion or advisory letter, go to line 3f. (i) Date the letter was issued (ii) Year of the Cumulative List considered in the letter e If the plan relied on a favorable opinion or advisory letter as an "identical adopter" of a pre-approved plan for the plan's RAC immediately preceding the cycle in which the application is submitted, complete the following: f (i) Name of sponsor or practitioner (ii) Date of opinion/advisory letter (iii) Serial # of opinion/advisory letter Do any amendments not considered in a prior DL have any discretionary provisions? If "Yes," and the amendment contains only discretionary provisions, mark an "X," in subcolumn (a) of column (iv) in the table. If "Yes," and the amendment contains both interim and discretionary provisions, mark an "X" in subcolumns (a) and (b) of column (iv) in the table. g Complete the following table. If additional space is needed, attach a separate sheet of paper the same size, label it "Attachment to 3g" using the same format as below. (iv) Type of Amendment (ii) (iii) (i) Effective Adoption Amendment ID Date Date (a) (b) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) Interim Discr. . (v) Power to Amend on Behalf of (a) Yes (b) No (vi) (vii) Due Date of Specific Section Tax Return of Plan, Adoption (including Agreement or extensions) Trust Changed (MM/DD/YYYY) or Added (viii) Specific Section of Amendment Creating the Change in (vii) (ix) Is Required Practitioner Statement Attached 3g(1) 3g(2) 3g(3) 3g(4) 3g(5) 3g(6) 3g(7) 3g(8) 3g(9) 3g(10) h Total amendments on line 3g. i Designate the specific tax return that the employer uses to file its federal income tax return. Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Page 3 Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) 4a Name of plan (Plan name cannot exceed 70 characters, including spaces.) b Enter 3-digit plan number c Enter the month on which the plan year ends (MM) d Enter plan’s original effective date e Enter number of participants (If 100 or less, go to line 4f. Otherwise, go to line 5a.) Yes No f Does the plan sponsor have no more than 100 employees who received at least $5,000 of compensation for the preceding year? If "Yes," go to line 4g. If "No," go to line 5a. g Is at least one employee a nonhighly compensated employee? Indicate the type of plan by entering the number from the list below. (Use the lowest number from the list below applicable to the plan.) 5a 1 — defined benefit but not cash balance 2 — cash balance Yes 3 — money purchase 4 — target benefit 5 — 401(k) 6 — profit sharing plan No b If the response to 5a was "1," "2," "3," or "4," was the plan's normal retirement age below 62 any time after May 22, 2007? If "Yes," file Form 5300. If "No," go to line 6a. 6a(1) Is the plan sponsor a member of an affiliated service group, controlled group of corporations, or a group of trades or businesses under common control within the meaning of section 414(b), (c), or (m)? If "Yes," attach the required statement. a(2) Is the plan sponsor a foreign entity or is the plan sponsor a member of an affiliated service group, controlled group of corporations, or a group of trades or businesses under common control within the meaning of section 414(b) or (c) that includes a foreign entity? b Is this a governmental plan under section 414(d)? c(1) Is this a church plan under section 414(e)? If "Yes," go to line 6(c)(2). If "No," go to line 6d. Was an election made by the church to have participation, vesting, funding, etc. provisions apply in accordance with section 410(d)? If "No," file Form 5300. c(2) Does this plan benefit any collectively bargained employees under Regulations section 1.410(b)-6(d)(2)? e Is this an insurance contract plan under section 412(e)(3)? 7 d Have interested parties been given the required notification of this application? Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Page 4 Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Yes 8a b 9a b No Is a separate DL application for this plan currently pending before the IRS? Is this application being filed during the applicable two-year window announced by the Service? Does this plan satisfy one of the design-based safe harbor requirements for contributions or benefits under Regulations section 1.401(a)(4)-2(b) or 3(b)? If "Yes," go to line 9b. If "No," go to line 10a. Is this an election for a determination regarding a design-based safe harbor? If "Yes," complete lines 9c through 9e. If "No," go to line 10a. c Enter the letter ("A" - "E") from the list below that identifies the safe harbor intended to be satisfied. A = 1.401(a)(4)-2(b)(2) defined contribution (DC) plan with a uniform allocation formula B = 1.401(a)(4)-3(b)(3) unit credit defined benefit (DB) plan C = 1.401(a)(4)-3(b)(4)(i)(C)(1) unit credit DB fractional rule plan D = 1.401(a)(4)-3(b)(4)(i)(C)(2) flat benefit DB plan E = 1.401(a)(4)-3(b)(5) insurance contract plan d Does this plan satisfy one of the safe harbor definitions of compensation under Regulation sections 1.414(s)-1(c)(2) or (3)? e List the plan sections that satisfy the design-based safe harbor (including, if applicable, the permitted disparity requirements). 10a b(1) Does this plan have a cash or deferred arrangement (CODA)? If "Yes," go to line 10b(1). If "No," go to line 10e. Does the CODA satisfy a safe harbor? If "Yes," go to line 10b(2). If "No," go to line 10d. b(2) Indicate by using the corresponding number from the instructions, the type of section 401(k) safe harbor that was satisfied. 1. 401(k)(12)(B) 2. 401(k)(12)(C) 3. 401(m)(11)(B) c Does this plan contain a qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) within the meaning of section 401(k)(13)? d e Does this plan contain an eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA) within the meaning of section 414(w)? Does this plan have matching contributions within the meaning of section 401(m)? If "Yes," go to line 10f. If "No," go to line 10g. f Does this plan satisfy the section 401(m) safe harbor? g Does this plan have after-tax employee voluntary contributions within the meaning of section 401(m)? 11 Does this plan utilize the permitted disparity rules of section 401(l)? 12 Is this plan part of an offset arrangement with any other plans? If "Yes," attach the required statement. Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Page 5 Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Yes No 13 Has this plan been involved in a merger, consolidation, spinoff, or a transfer of plan assets or liabilities that was not considered under a previous DL? If "Yes," submit the required attachment. 14a Has the plan been amended or restated to change the plan from a DB plan to a DC plan? If "Yes," go to line 14b. If "No," go to line 15a. Was the change considered in a prior DL? If "No," attach a statement explaining the change. b 15a Does the plan sponsor maintain any other qualified plans under section 401(a)? If "Yes," attach required statement and complete lines 15b and 15c. If "No," go to line 16. b(1) b(2) Does the plan sponsor maintain another plan of the same type (i.e. both this plan and the other plan are DC plans or both are DB plans) that covers non-key employees who are also covered under this plan? If "No," go to line 15c(1). If "Yes," when the plan is top-heavy, do non-key employees covered under both plans receive the top-heavy minimum contribution or benefit under: This plan, or b(3) The other plan? c(1) c(2) If this is a DC plan, does the plan sponsor maintain a DB plan (or if this is a DB plan, does the plan sponsor maintain a DC plan) that covers non-key employees who are also covered under this plan? If "No," go to line 16. If "Yes," when the plan is top-heavy, do non-key employees covered under both plans receive: The top-heavy minimum benefit under the DB plan, c(3) At least a 5% minimum contribution under the DC plan, c(4) The minimum benefit offset by benefits provided by the DC plan, or c(5) Benefits under both plans, using a comparability analysis, at least equal to the minimum benefit. 16 Does any amendment to the plan reduce or eliminate any section 411(d)(6) protected benefit? If "Yes," attach the required statement. Yes No 17 If this is a DC plan, are trust earnings and losses allocated on the basis of account balances? If "No," attach a statement explaining how they are allocated. Yes 18 NA No Is any issue involving this plan currently pending or has any issue related to this plan been resolved during the current RAC by: (1) Internal Revenue Service, (2) Department of Labor, (3) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, (4) Any court (including bankruptcy), or (5) The Voluntary Correction Program of the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System. If "Yes," attach a statement with the contact person's name (IRS Agent, DOL Investigator, etc.) and telephone number. Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Page 6 Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014) Procedural Requirements Checklist Use this list to ensure that your submitted package is complete. Failure to supply the appropriate information may result in a delay in the processing of the application. Yes No 1. Is Form 8717, User Fee for Employee Plan Determination Request, attached to your submission? 2. Is the appropriate user fee for your submission attached to Form 8717? 3. If appropriate, is Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, or a privately designed authorization attached? (For more information, see the Disclosure Request by Taxpayer in the instructions and Rev. Proc. 2014-4, 2014-1 I.R.B. 125, updated annually.) 4. Is a copy of your plan’s latest determination letter or advisory letter, if any, attached? 5. Have you included a copy of the plan, trust, and all amendments adopted or effective during the current RAC? 6. Is the EIN of the plan sponsor/employer (NOT the trust’s EIN) entered on line 1i? 7. If you answered "Yes" to line 6a(1) have you included the information requested in the instructions? 8. Have you included: Form 8905, Certification of Intent to Adopt a Pre-approved Plan, if applicable; A copy of the plan document and adoption agreement, if applicable; The current advisory letter; A list of modifications (For each modification of the approved specimen, is a separate written representation made by the VS practitioner that explains how the plan or trust instrument differs from the approved specimen plan and explains the effect of the modification of the approved specimen plan attached?); A copy of the trust instrument; and A copy of all amendments? 9. Have interested parties been given the required notification of this application? Make sure line 7 is completed. 10. If line 12 is "Yes," is the required statement attached? 11. If line 13 is "Yes," is the required statement attached? 12. If line 14b is "No," is the required statement attached? 13. If line 15a is "Yes," is the required statement attached? 14. If line 16 is "Yes," is the required statement attached? 15. If line 17 is "No," is the required statement attached? 16. If line 18 is "Yes," is the required statement attached? 17. Is the application signed and dated? (Stamped signatures are not acceptable; see Rev. Proc. 2014-4 updated annually.) Form 5307 (Rev. 6-2014)
Form 5307 (Rev. June 2014)
More about the Federal Form 13424 Corporate Income Tax
We last updated the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Application Information in July 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2020. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Federal Internal Revenue Service. You can print other Federal tax forms here.
eFile your Federal tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Federal and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Federal Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 774 Federal income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Federal Form 13424.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form 13424-B | Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Interim and Year-End Report Controversy Issues |
Form 13424-C | Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Advocacy Information |
Form 13424-F | Volunteer / Pro Bono Time Reporting |
Form 13424-I | Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) LITC Tax Information Authorization |
View all 775 Federal Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
The Internal Revenue Service usually releases income tax forms for the current tax year between October and January, although changes to some forms can come even later. We last updated Federal Form 13424 from the Internal Revenue Service in July 2021.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Federal Form 13424
We have a total of eight past-year versions of Form 13424 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form 5307 (Rev. June 2014)

Form 13424 (Rev. 4-2018)

Form 13424 (Rev. 4-2018)

Form 13424 (Rev. 4-2016)

Form 13424 (Rev. 4-2016)

Form 13424 (Rev. 8-2014)

Form 13424 (Rev. 9-2012)

Form 13424 (Rev. 5-2011)
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Federal Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.