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District of Columbia Free Printable  for 2025 District of Columbia Lower Income Homeownership Exemption Program

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Lower Income Homeownership Exemption Program
Form ROD 9

The Lower Income Homeownership Exemption Program Government of the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue Recorder of Deeds 1101 4th Street, SW Washington, DC 20024 Phone (202)727-5374 Individual applicants must complete Part I through Part IV, non-profit organizations, shared equity investors and cooperative housing associations must complete Part I through Part V, of the application for Lower Income/Shared Equity Homeownership Exemption (D.C. Law 5-31). In order to qualify, your income must fall under the household income limits against all person(s) in the household. The purchase price of the property shall not exceed $556,000.00. The Lower Income Homeownership Exemption program, if you qualify, will abate your real property taxes for the first five (5) years you are in your home, depending on when you apply. If the transfer is under a Shared Equity Financing Agreement (SEF), a copy of the SEF Agreement must accompany the claim for exemption. If the transfer is under the Non-Profit Housing Organization provision, a copy of the organization's certification under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code must accompany the claim for exemption. If the transfer is under the Cooperative Housing Association provision, a list of all tenants and a completed Part Ill (Household Gross Income Schedule), along with proof of income for each qualifying tenant must accompany the claim for exemption. An exemption if approved, shall be effective the October 1 following the date your deed is recorded. The filing deadline for the Lower Income Homeownership Exemption-Tax Abatement application received in any given tax year is September 30. Once approved, a notice from the Office of Tax and Revenue's (OTR) Real Property Tax Administration will be sent to you stating the effective dates the property will be placed in a non-taxable status. Once that notice is received, the applicant should notify and send a copy of the notice to the agency or person(s) to whom they pay their real property taxes. If the household ceases to qualify for the lower Income Homeownership Exemption, it is the responsibility of the owner to provide written notification to OTR's Special Programs Unit within 30 days of the change in eligibility. Email [email protected]. Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) Government of the District of Columbia In order to consider your Lower Income Homeownership Exemption TaxAbatement application, the following documentary evidence is required: Office of Tax and Revenue Recorder of Deeds 1101 4th Street, SW Washington,DC 20024 Phone (202)727-5374 1. The Lower Income Homeownership Exemption Application (FP-420). 2. Copy of the Settlement Statement. 3. Copy of Sales Contract. 4. Proof of Annual Household Income: Evidence of income includes, but is not limited to, current pay stubs, Employment letters, Social Security statements, public assistance statements, retirement allotment, and unemployment compensation. In addition, we require your previous year's income tax returns and Income Statement (W-2). 5. If all eligible working person(s) in the household are not working, state in a Notarized affidavit that the eligible person(s) is not working, the last employment that person(s) held, and why that person(s) is not working now. 6. For self-employed person(s) you must provide a notarized Profit and Loss Statement, under penalty of perjury, for current income and previous year's income tax returns. Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) Government of the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue LOWER INCOME/SHARED EQUITY HOMEOWNERSHIP EXEMPTION [ DC CODE SEC. 47-3502 (a) (1) 2001 ED.] Recorder of Deeds 1101 4th Street, SW Washington , DC 20024 QUALIFYING INCOME TABLE: EFFECTIVE: October 1, 2023 Phone (202)727-5374 Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD INCOME LIMITS 1. $80,100 2. $91,500 3. $102,960 4. $114,360 5. $123,540 6. $132,660 7. $141,840 8. $150,960 Government of the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue Recorder of Deeds ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONES LOWER INCOME HOMEOWNERSHIP EXEMPTION [ DC CODE SEC. 47-3502 (b) (4) 2001 ED.] 1101 4th Street, SW Washington , DC 20024 Phone (202)727-5374 QUALIFYING INCOME TABLE: EFFECTIVE: October 1, 2023 PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) HOUSEHOLD INCOME LIMITS 1. $117,098 2. $133,826 3. $150,554 4. $167,282 5. $177,737 6. $177,737 7. $177,737 8. $177,737 APPLICATION A Lower Income/Share Equity Homeownership Exemption (D.C.Law 5-31) Government of the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue Recorder of Deeds 1101 4th Street, SW Washington , DC 20024 Phone (202)727-5374 First Name MI Last Name Claimant’s Social Security Number Address Spouse’s Social Security Number City State Zip Code Apt. No. If address of property for which exemption is being claimed is different from above, list here: Is the property for which the exemption is being claimed: (check one) Private Home Apartment Condominium PART I 1. Total Household Gross Income (from Part III, Line t) 2. Qualifying Income (from Qualifying Income Table) Net difference (if Line 2 exceeds Line 1, you qualify for This exemption) PART II 1. Square 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. $ Suffix Lot Is the property being transferred $ $ Designation of purchased property. in fee simple cooperative housing association pursuant to a shared equity agreement to a non-profit organization economic development zone If transferred pursuant to shared equity agreement, is the lower-income household receiving a credit against rent? YES NO If property is owned by cooperative housing association are at least 50% of the dwelling units contained therein occupied by households which meet income limitation? YES NO If transferred to a non-profit organization, has that Organization been approved by the Internal Revenue Service? YES NO If transferred to a non-profit organization, does that organization intend to transfer the property within 1 year to a household subject to the income limitations? YES NO YES NO 7. Have you ever owned real estate before? If YES, state where 8. Purchase price $ 9. Amount of mortgage $ (attach copy of sales contract and settlement sheet) 10. Date mortgage finally due (matures) 11. Do you own the property 100%? If NO, what is your ownership interest? Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) % YES NO 12.. If you own less than 100% interest in the property, state name of owner of remainder. *** 13. Do you have an option to purchase any interest Not now owned by you? YES NO 14. Did you receive a credit on the purchase price of the property? If YES, state amount: YES 15. Did you purchase the property from a member of your YES NO YES NO $ NO Family? If YES, state name of seller: Did you reside in the property 12 months per year? If NO, how many months during the year do you reside in the property? 16. Do you own (in part or whole) any other real property? YES NO YES NO If YES, state where: 17. Have you ever applied for the Lower Income Homeownership Exemption program before? If YES, indicate date and disposition of your application. PART III Household Gross Income Schedule You must include the total income of all members living in the household you own or rent. Source of Income (a) Wages, salary, tips, bonus, commissions, fees (b) Dividents & Interest (c) Business Income (d) Pensions & Annuities (e) Capital gain & profits (f) Alimony Received (g) Social Security and/or Railroad Retirement (h) Unemployment insurance and/or Workman’s compensation (i) Support money and/or public assistance grants (j) Sick pay excluded from home (k) Military compenstation (l) Fellowship awards and grants (m) Life insurance proceeds (n) Veteran’s pensions and disability payments (o) GI bill benefits (p) Loss time insurance (q) Income subject to Unincorporated Business Tax (r) Cash distributions (s) Other (specify) (t) TOTAL HOUSEHOLD GROSS INCOME (enter here and on Line 1, Part 1, Page 2) Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) (1) Claimant (2) Spouse (3) All Others (4) TOTAL Household Residents Other than Claimant List name, relationship, and social security number of all persons residing in the household. Name Relationship Social Security No. Age I hereby swear or affirm under penalty of this law that this return, including any accompanying Schedules and Statements , has been examined by me/us and to the best of my/our information, knowledge and belief that statements and representations are correct and true. 1/we hereby acknowledge that any false statement or misrepresentations 1/we made on this return is punishable by criminal penalties under the laws of the District of Columbia. Signature of Claimant Date Signature of Preparer if other than Claimant Date Claimant’s Telephone No. (Home) Claimant's Telephone No. (Work) Print Name of Preparer if other than Claimant Sworn and subscribed before me this (Notarial Seal) Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) day of , 20___. Notary Public PART V Certification of Non-Profit Organizations, Shared Equity Investors and Cooperative Housing Associations A. Single Family Residence I, _ , a duly authorized officer of hereby certify under oath, Non-profit Housing Organization that the intends to transfer the property Non-profit Housing Organization herein before described to a lower income household within three years from the date of acquisition by Non-profit Housing Organization Authorized Signature Title Sworn and subscribed before me this day of (Notarial Seal) , 20___. Notary Public B. Multi-Family Dwelling I, , a duly authorized officer of hereby certify under oath, Non-profitHousing Organization intends to transfer at least 35% that the Non-profit Housing Organization of the units in the herein before described real property to lower income households within three years from the date of acquisition by Non-profit Housing Organization Authorized Signature Title Sworn and subscribed before me this (Notarial Seal) Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) day of , 20___. Notary Public C. Shared Equity Financing I,(We) , person(s) acquiring qualified ownership interest in the property herein/before described pursuant a SEF agreement, hereby certify that the CEF agreement is intended to meet the requirements set forth in D.C. Law 5-31 Authorized Signature Title Sworn and subscribed before me this day of , 20___. Notary Public (Notarial Seal) D. Cooperative Housing Association I, , a duly authorized officer of hereby certify under oath, Cooperative Housing Organization intends to transfer at least 50% that the Non-profit Housing Organization of the units in the herein before described real property to lower income households within three years from the date of acquisition by Cooperative Housing Organization Authorized Signature Title Sworn and subscribed before me this (Notarial Seal) Form ROD 9 (Rev. 10/2023) day of , 20___. Notary Public
Extracted from PDF file 2024-district-of-columbia-form-rod-9.pdf, last modified July 2017

More about the District of Columbia Form ROD 9 Other Tax Credit TY 2024

The Lower Income Homeownership Exemption program, if you qualify, will abate your real property taxes for the first five (5) years you are in your home, depending on when you apply. Form ROD 9 requires you to list multiple forms of income, such as wages, interest, or alimony .

We last updated the Lower Income Homeownership Exemption Program in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form ROD 9, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form ROD 9 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other District of Columbia tax forms here.

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Other District of Columbia Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional nineteen District of Columbia income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form FP-7/CA Real Property Recordation and Transfer Tax Affidavit Addendum
First Level Review Property Tax First Level Administrative Review Application (Property Tax Appeal)
Form ASD-100 Homestead Deduction, Senior Citizen and Disabled Property Tax Relief Application
Form ASD-105 Cancellation of Homestead Deduction - Senior Citizen/Disabled Tax Relief
Form ASD-110 Application for Tax Deferral for Low-Income Senior Property Owners and Low-Income Property Owners

Download all DC tax forms View all 20 District of Columbia Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

District of Columbia usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated District of Columbia Form ROD 9 from the Office of Taxpayer Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Form ROD 9 is a District of Columbia Other form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

Historical Past-Year Versions of District of Columbia Form ROD 9

We have a total of three past-year versions of Form ROD 9 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of District of Columbia Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/districtofcolumbia/form-rod-9