Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return

Extracted from PDF file 2024-connecticut-form-op-186.pdf, last modified November 2018Individual Use Tax Return
Form OP-186 Department of Revenue Services PO Box 5030 Hartford CT 06102-5030 (Rev. 12/18) OP186 0718W 01 9999 Enter Calendar Year Beginning Complete the return in blue or black ink only. and Ending M M - D D - Y Y Y Y M M - D D - Y Y Y Y Your first name Taxpayer Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return M M - D D - Y Y Y Y MI Last name Your Social Security Number Type or Print If a joint return, spouse’s first name MI Last name Spouse’s Social Security Number Home address Number and street PO Box City, town, or post office State ZIP code Summary of Use Tax Due 1a. Total tax due at 1% from Schedule A, Column 7.......................... 1a. .00 1b. Total tax due at 2.99% from Schedule B, Column 7...................... 1b. .00 1c. Total tax due at 6.35% from Schedule C, Column 7..................... 1c. .00 1d. Total tax due at 7.75% from Schedule D, Column 7...................... 1d. .00 1. Total tax due: Add Lines 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d............................................................................ 1. .00 2. Penalty: If this is a late return, enter a penalty of 10% (.10) of the total tax due..................... 2. .00 3. Interest: 1% (.01) of the total tax due per month or fraction of a month from the due date..... 3. .00 4. Total amount due: Add Lines 1, 2, and 3................................................................................ 4. .00 Enter the calendar year the purchases being reported were made at the top of this return. Enter your name and Social Security Number (SSN) in the spaces provided above. You may file a separate return or a joint return. If you are filing a joint return, enter your spouse’s name and SSN. Your filing status for income tax purposes does not affect your filing status for use tax purposes. Use this form to report and pay Connecticut use tax. This form may be used to report a single transaction or multiple transactions occurring in the same calendar year. You may file more than one use tax return for a given calendar year, but you cannot combine transactions from different years. Use tax may also be reported on your Connecticut income tax return (Forms CT-1040 or CT-1040NR/PY). Items listed below are subject to a 7.75% tax rate. • Most motor vehicles exceeding $50,000; • Each piece of jewelry exceeding $5,000; • Each piece of clothing or pair of footwear exceeding $1,000; and • A handbag, luggage, umbrella, wallet, or watch exceeding $1,000. See Informational Publication 2016(19), Q & A on the Connecticut Individual Use Tax. If no tax is due, do not file this return. Due Date: This return may be filed at the time of purchase, but not later than April 15 for purchases made during the preceding calendar year. Do not mail this return with your income tax return. Make your check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services. To ensure your payment is applied to your account, write the calendar year of the return, “Form OP-186”, and your SSN (optional) on the front of your check. Do not send cash. The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) may submit your check to your bank electronically. Mail this return with your check to: Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO Box 5030 Hartford CT 06102-5030 Declaration: I declare under penalty of law that I have examined this return (including any accompanying schedules and statements) and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, complete, and correct. I understand the penalty for willfully delivering a false return or document to DRS is a fine of not more than $5,000, imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. The declaration of a paid preparer other than the taxpayer is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge. Your signature Date Spouse’s signature Date ( Sign Here M M - D D - Y Y Y Y Keep a Paid preparer’s signature Date copy of this return for your records. Firm’s name and address M M - D D - Y Y Y Y ) Preparer’s SSN or PTIN FEIN M M - D D - Y Y Y Y Form OP-186 Back (Rev. 12/18) OP186 0718W 02 9999 Schedule A - 1% Tax Rate: Computer and Data Processing Services Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Date of Purchase Description of Services Retailer or Service Provider Purchase Price CT Tax Due (Col. 4 X .01) Column 6 Column 7 Taxes Paid Balance Due (Col. 5 minus Col. 6) Add Column 7 amounts and enter total here and on front, Line 1a. ............................................................................ Schedule B - 2.99% Tax Rate: Vessels, Motors for Vessels and Trailers Used for Transporting Vessels Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Date of Purchase Description of Goods Retailer Purchase Price CT Tax Due (Col. 4 X .0299) Taxes Paid Balance Due (Col. 5 minus Col. 6) Add Column 7 amounts and enter total here and on front, Line 1b. ............................................................................ Schedule C - 6.35% Tax Rate Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Date of Purchase Description of Goods or Services Retailer or Service Provider Purchase Price CT Tax Due (Col. 4 X .0635) Column 6 Column 7 Taxes Paid Balance Due (Col. 5 minus Col. 6) Add Column 7 amounts and enter total here and on front, Line 1c. ............................................................................ Schedule D - 7.75% Tax Rate Column 1 Column 2 Date of Purchase Description of Goods Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Retailer Purchase Price CT Tax Due (Col. 4 X .0775) Column 6 Column 7 Taxes Paid Balance Due (Col. 5 minus Col. 6) Add Column 7 amounts and enter total here and on front, Line 1d. ............................................................................ Schedules A Through D Instructions Complete Schedule A for purchases of computer and data processing services subject to the 1% tax rate. Complete Schedule B for purchases of vessels, motors for vessels and trailers used for transporting vessels subject to the 2.99% tax rate, effective July 1, 2018. Complete Schedule C for purchases subject to the 6.35% tax rate. Complete Schedule D for purchases subject to the 7.75% tax rate. Column 1: Enter the month and day of the purchase. Column 2: Enter a brief description of the taxable item or service purchased (jewelry, computer, etc.). Column 3: Enter the name of the retailer the item or service was purchased from. Column 4: Enter the purchase price. Column 5: Multiply the purchase price in Column 4 by the applicable tax rate and enter the result. Column 6: If you paid sales tax to another state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory, enter the amount paid. Column 7: Subtract the amount entered in Column 6 from the amount entered in Column 5 and enter the difference in Column 7. Do not enter negative amounts. If zero or less, enter “0.” Add Column 7 amounts and enter total. If no tax is due, do not file this return. If you require additional lines, create an identical schedule, include the Column 7 amounts in the total, and attach it to the back of this return.
Form OP-186
More about the Connecticut Form OP-186 Other Tax Return TY 2024
We last updated the Individual Use Tax Return in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form OP-186, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form OP-186 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Connecticut tax forms here.
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Form Code | Form Name |
Form OP-186 | Individual Use Tax Return |
View all 86 Connecticut Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Connecticut usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Connecticut Form OP-186 from the Department of Revenue Services in February 2025.
Form OP-186 is a Connecticut Other form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Connecticut Form OP-186
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form OP-186 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

OP-186, Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return

OP-186, Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return

OP-186 Approved 20130716.indd

OP-186 Approved 20130716.indd

OP-186, Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return

OP-186, Connecticut Individual Use Tax Return
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While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.