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Connecticut Free Printable  for 2025 Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return

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Alternative Minimum Tax Return
Form CT-6251

DRAFT 10-18-2024 2024 Form CT-6251 Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut (Rev. 12/24) Page 1 of 2 6251 1224W 01 9999 Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return - Individuals You must attach this form to the back of Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY. Do not use staples. Complete in blue or black ink only. Your Social Security Number Spouse’s Social Security Number   Your first name  MI  If joint return, spouse’s first name  Last name (If two last names, insert a space between names.)  MI  Last name (If two last names, insert a space between names.)  Part 1 – Read the instructions before you complete this form. 1. Federal alternative minimum taxable income: See instructions. 1. .00 2. Additions to federal alternative minimum taxable income: See instructions. 2. .00  3. .00 4. Subtractions from federal alternative minimum taxable income: See instructions. 4. .00 5. Adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income: Subtract Line 4 from Line 3. 6. Enter $133,300 if filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; $85,700 if single or head of household; or $66,650 if filing separately. 5. .00  6. .00 7. Enter $1,218,700 if filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; $609,350 if single or head of household; or $609,350 if filing separately.  7. .00 8. Subtract Line 7 from Line 5. If zero or less, enter “0” here and on Line 9.  8. .00 9. Multiply Line 8 by 25% (.25). 10. Exemption: Subtract Line 9 from Line 6. If zero or less, enter “0.” If you were under age 24 at the end of 2024, see instructions.  9. .00 10. .00  11. .00 12. .00 13. .00 14. Adjusted federal tentative minimum tax: Subtract Line 13 from Line 12.  14. .00 15. Multiply Line 14 by 19% (.19).  15. .00 16. Multiply Line 5 by 5.5% (.055).  16. .00 17. Connecticut minimum tax: Enter the lesser of Line 15 or Line 16. 18. Apportionment factor: Residents, enter 1.0000; nonresidents and part-year residents, see instructions.  17. .00 19. Apportioned Connecticut minimum tax: Multiply Line 17 by Line 18.  19. .00 20. .00  21. .00 22. .00 23. .00 3. Add Line 1 and Line 2. 11. Subtract Line 10 from Line 5. If more than zero, go to Line 12. If zero or less, enter “0” here and on Line 23 and skip Lines 12 through 22. 12. If Lines 2 and 4 above are zero, enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 7, here. If you entered an amount on Lines 2 or 4 above and: You filed federal Form 2555, see the Line 12 instructions for the amount to enter. You completed Part III of federal Form 6251, complete Part 2 of this form and enter the amount from Line 52 here. All others: If Line 11 is $232,600 or less ($116,300 or less if filing separately), multiply Line 11 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply Line 11 by 28% (.28) and subtract $4,652 ($2,326 if filing separately) from the result. 13. Alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit from federal Form 6251, Line 8. 20. Connecticut income tax from Form CT‑1040, Line 6, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 10. 21. Net Connecticut minimum tax: Subtract Line 20 from Line 19. If zero or less, enter “0.” 22. Credit for alternative minimum tax paid to qualifying jurisdictions: Residents and part‑year residents only, from Schedule A, Line 61. 23. Subtract Line 22 from Line 21. Enter the amount here and on Form CT‑1040, Line 9, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 13. 18. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. . Page 1 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 Form CT-6251 Page 2 of 2 (Rev. 12/24) 6251 1224W 02 9999 Part 2 Your Social Security Number  Complete Part 2 of this form only if you are required to complete Part III of federal Form 6251. 24. Enter the amount from Line 11. If you are filing federal Form 2555, enter the amount from Line 3 of the Connecticut Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet on Page 6. 24. .00 25. Enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 13. See instructions. 25. .00 26. Enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 14. See instructions.  26. .00 27. Enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 15. See instructions. 27. .00 28. Enter the smaller of Line 24 or Line 27.  28. .00 29. Subtract Line 28 from Line 24. 30. If Line 29 is $232,600 or less ($116,300 or less if filing separately), multiply Line 29 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply Line 29 by 28% (.28) and subtract $4,652 (2,326 if filing separately) from the result.  29. .00  30. .00  31. .00 32. Enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 20. See instructions. 32. .00 33. Subtract Line 32 from Line 31. If zero or less, enter “0.”  33. .00 34. Enter the smaller of Line 24 or Line 25.  34. .00 35. Enter the smaller of Line 33 or Line 34.  35. .00 36. Subtract Line 35 from Line 34. 37. Enter $518,900 if single; $291,850 if filing separately; $583,750 if filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; or $551,750 if head of household.  36. .00  37. .00 38. Enter the amount from Line 33.  38. .00 39. Enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 27. See instructions.  39. .00 40. Add Line 38 and Line 39.  40. .00 41. Subtract Line 40 from Line 37. If zero or less, enter “0”.  41. .00 42. Enter the smaller of Line 36 or Line 41.  42. .00 43. Multiply Line 42 by 15% (.15).  43. .00 44. Add Line 35 and Line 42.  44. .00 31. Enter:  $94,050, if filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse;  $47,025, if single or filing separately; or  $63,000, if head of household. - If Line 44 and Line 24 are the same, skip Lines 45 through 49 and go to Line 50. Otherwise, go to Line 45. - 45. Subtract Line 44 from Line 34.  45. .00 46. Multiply Line 45 by 20% (.20).  46. .00 - If Line 26 is zero or blank, skip Lines 47 through 49 and go to Line 50. Otherwise, go to Line 47. - 47. Add Lines 29, 44, and 45.  47. .00 48. Subtract Line 47 from Line 24.  48. .00 49. Multiply Line 48 by 25% (.25).  49. .00 50. Add Lines 30, 43, 46, and 49. 51. If Line 24 is $232,600 or less ($116,300 or less if filing separately), multiply Line 24 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply Line 24 by 28% (.28) and subtract $4,652 ($2,326 if filing separately) from the result.  50. .00  51. .00 52. Enter the smaller of Line 50 or Line 51 here and on Line 12. If you are filing federal Form 2555, do not enter this amount on Line 12. Enter it on Line 4 of the Connecticut Foreign Earned Income Worksheet on Page 6 of the instructions. 52. .00 Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. Page 2 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 Form CT-6251 Schedule A Schedule A - Credit for Alternative Minimum Tax Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions You must attach a copy of your return filed with the qualifying jurisdiction(s) or your credit will be disallowed. .00 53. Modified adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income: See instructions............. 53. Column A Name For each column, enter the following: 54. Enter qualifying jurisdiction’s name and two‑letter code. ................................. 54. 55. Enter the non‑Connecticut adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income included on Line 53 which is subject to a qualifying jurisdiction’s alternative minimum tax. .......................... 55. 56. Divide Line 55 by Line 53. Round to four decimal places. ............................... 56. Code Name Column B .00 . Code .00 . 57. Enter the net Connecticut minimum tax (from Form CT‑6251, Line 21). Part‑Year Residents, see instructions. .......................................................... 57. .00 .00 58. Multiply Line 56 by Line 57. .............................................................................. 58. .00 .00 59. Alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction: See instructions. ..... 59. .00 .00 60. Enter the lesser of Line 58 or Line 59. ............................................................. 60. .00 .00 61. Total credit: Add Line 60, all columns. Enter amount here and on Line 22 on the front of this form. . 61. .00 If you claim credit for alternative minimum tax paid to another state of the United States, a political subdivision within another state, or the District of Columbia, enter the appropriate two-letter code. For a list of the standard two-letter code for each state, see Schedule 2 - Credit for Income Taxes Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions in the instructions to Form CT‑1040 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY. Form CT-6251 Schedule A (Rev. 12/24) Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. Page 3 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 This page intentionally left blank. Form CT-6251 (Rev. 12/24) Page 4 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 General Instructions Purpose Taxpayers who are subject to and required to pay the federal alternative minimum tax are subject to the Connecticut alternative minimum tax. Use this form to calculate your Connecticut alternative minimum tax liability and attach it directly behind your Connecticut income tax return. Do not use staples. Taxpayers who do not have a federal alternative minimum tax liability are not required to complete this form. Please note that each form is year specific. To prevent any delay in processing your return, the correct year’s form must be submitted to the Department of Revenue Services (DRS). Who Must File This Form You are required to file Form CT‑6251, Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return - Individuals, if either of the following conditions is true for the 2024 taxable year:  You were a Connecticut resident or part‑year resident and had a federal alternative minimum tax liability; or  You were a Connecticut nonresident with a federal alternative minimum tax liability and you had Connecticut‑sourced income. Line Instructions Name and Social Security Number Enter your name and Social Security Number (SSN) as it appears on your Connecticut income tax return in the space provided at the top of the form. If you are filing a joint return, also enter your spouse’s name and SSN. Part 1 Line 1 Residents, part-year residents, and nonresidents should enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 4. Part‑year residents must also include or exclude any tax preference items and adjustments attributable to a future year which accrued up to the time of a change in residence. If your federal filing status is married filing separately follow the instructions to 2024 federal Form  6251, Line  4, to calculate the amount to enter. If you meet one of the requirements above, you must file Form CT‑6251 even if your Connecticut alternative minimum tax is zero. If your federal filing status is married filing jointly, but you file separate Connecticut income tax returns, you must recalculate your federal 6251 using only your share of Lines 1 through 3 from federal Form 6251 and enter the result here. This amount may differ from the amount entered on federal Form 6251, Line 4. What Is the Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Line 2 The Connecticut alternative minimum tax is a tax imposed on certain individuals, trusts, and estates in addition to their regular income tax. The tax is computed on the lesser of 19% of the adjusted federal tentative minimum tax or 5.5% of the adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income. What Is the Adjusted Federal Tentative Minimum Tax The adjusted federal tentative minimum tax is your federal tentative minimum tax with certain Connecticut modifications. Part-Year Residents and Nonresidents Connecticut part-year residents and nonresidents must first compute the Connecticut minimum tax as if they were Connecticut residents, then apportion their Connecticut minimum tax. Credits Connecticut residents and part-year residents are allowed a credit for minimum taxes paid to a qualifying jurisdiction on the income taxed by both Connecticut and that jurisdiction. The credit may not exceed the amount of tax otherwise due. You may be able to claim a credit against your Connecticut income tax for Connecticut alternative minimum tax paid in a prior year. See the instructions to Form CT‑8801, Credit for Prior Year Connecticut Minimum Tax for Individuals, Trusts, and Estates. Filing Status Your filing status on Form CT‑6251 must match the Connecticut income tax filing status as reported on the front of Form CT‑1040, Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Connecticut Nonresident and Part‑Year Resident Income Tax Return. If you and your spouse are filing a joint federal income tax return and you file separate Connecticut income tax returns, either because you qualify and elect to do so or because you are required to do so, the federal rules for allocating income apply. You must recalculate your federal alternative minimum tax liability as if your filing status for federal income tax purposes was single. If upon your recalculation you would have had a federal alternative minimum tax liability, you are subject to Connecticut alternative minimum tax and you are required to calculate Form CT‑6251 as a single individual. Where the calculation of any individual federal items are subject to limitations (for example, alternative tax net operating loss deduction); the items may have to be recalculated if Connecticut modifications apply. Form CT-6251 Instructions (Rev. 12/24) To compute the additions to federal alternative minimum taxable income, use the amount entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 38, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 40, minus: • Any modification for a taxable lump‑sum distribution from a qualified plan not included in federal adjusted gross income, as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 33, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 35; • Any interest or dividend income on U.S. government obligations or securities exempt from federal income tax, but taxable for Connecticut income tax purposes, to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line  37, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 39; • Any modification for the amount of distributions from an MRA established pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 32‑9zz to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line  37 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 39; • Any modification for compensation required to be recognized under 26 U.S.C. § 457A that is attributable to services performed in Connecticut as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 37, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 39; • Any modification for federal § 168(k) bonus depreciation for property placed in service during the year as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 36 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 38; and • Any modification for federal § 179 deduction as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 36a or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 38a. Exclude from Line  2 the amount of federally tax‑exempt interest or exempt‑interest dividends under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §  852(b)(5) from non‑Connecticut private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986, and included on federal Form 6251, Line 2g. Enter the net amount on Line 2. Line 4 To compute the subtractions from federal alternative minimum taxable income, use the total amount entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 50, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 52, minus:  Any modification for refunds of state and local income taxes entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 42, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 44; Page 5 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024  Any modification for Tier  1 Railroad Retirement Benefits and Supplemental Annuities, as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 43, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 45;  Any modification for the amount of any distributions you received from the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) as a designated beneficiary to the extent included in your federal adjusted gross income, and to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any modification for the amount of interest earned on contributions established for a designated beneficiary under the Connecticut Homecare Option Program for the Elderly to the extent the interest is includable in the federal adjusted gross income of the designated beneficiary and to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any modification for the amount of income received from the U.S. government as retirement pay for a retired member of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 44, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 46;  Any modification for the amount of contributions made to an MRA established pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 32-9zz to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any modification for the amount of Connecticut Teachers’ Retirement pay that you entered on your Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 45 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 47;  Any modifications for the deduction of financial assistance received from the Crumbling Foundations Assistance fund, amounts paid under the Collapsing Foundations Credit Enhancements Program or financial assistance received from a municipality to repair concrete foundations that have deteriorated due to the presence of pyrrhotite to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any amount subtracted as a modification for costs incurred in connection with the donation of human bone marrow, or all or part of a human liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine or lung for the purpose of organ transplantation to the extent included on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any modification for § 168(k) bonus depreciation as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 48a or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 50a, for the taxable year;  Any modification for income received by a general partner of a venture capital fund as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51;  Any modification for the §  179 deduction as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 49 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 51, for the taxable year; and  Any modification for pension or annuity income, as entered on Form CT‑1040, Schedule 1, Line 48b or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 50b.  Any modification for Chapter 420f or 420h that are not claimed for federal income tax purposes, as entered on Form CT-1040, Schedule 1, Line 48c or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Schedule 1, Line 50c. Include on Line  4 the amount of federally tax‑exempt interest or exempt-interest dividends under IRC § 852(b)(5) from Connecticut private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986, and included on federal Form 6251, Line 2g. Enter the net amount on Line 4. Line 10 If you were under age 24 at the end of 2024, follow the instructions to federal Form 6251, Line 5, to calculate the exemption amount. Line 12 If Line 2 or Line 4 of Form CT‑6251 is greater than zero and you claimed a foreign earned income exclusion, housing exclusion, or housing deduction on federal Form  2555, you must complete the Connecticut Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet, below. Line 18 Residents: Must enter 1.0000. Nonresidents and Part‑Year Residents: To arrive at the apportionment factor, divide your total items of income, gain, loss, or deduction from Connecticut sources associated with your adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income by your total adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income from Form CT‑6251, Line 5. To determine the total items of income, gain, loss, or deduction from Connecticut sources, you must net out certain modifications that may have been included in the amount shown on Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 6. Refer to the instructions for Lines 2 and 4. You must further adjust the amount from Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 6, for any items entered on federal Form 6251, Lines 2c through 2f, and 2h through 2t and Line 3, connected with or derived from Connecticut sources. Part 2 If you completed Part III of federal Form 6251, complete Part 2 and enter the amount from Form CT‑6251, Line 52, on Part 1, Line 12. However, if Line 2 and Line 4 are zero, skip Part 2 of this form and enter the amount from federal Form 6251, Line 7, on Line 12. Lines 25, 26, 27, 32, and 39 When entering an amount on Lines 25, 26, 27, 32, and 39, you must include the Schedule 1 modification for the gain or loss on the sale of Connecticut state and local government bonds from Form CT‑1040, Line 35 or Line 47, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 37 or Line 49. Connecticut Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet - Keep for your records. 1. Enter the amount from Form CT-6251, Line 11. ............................................................................................... 1. 2. Enter the amount from your (and your spouse’s if filing jointly) federal Form 6251, Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2c. ............................................................. 2. 3. Add Line 1 and Line 2. ..................................................................................................................................... 3. 4. Tax amount on Line 3. • If you completed Part III of federal Form 6251, you must complete Part 2 of Form CT-6251. Enter the amount from Line 3 of this worksheet on Part 2, Line 24, of Form CT-6251. Complete the rest of Part 2 of Form CT-6251 and enter the amount from Line 52 here. • All others: If line 3 is $232,600 or less ($116,300 or less if filing separately), multiply Line 3 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply Line 3 by 28% (.28) and subtract $4,652 ($2,326, if filing separately) from the result. ................................. 4. 5. Tax on amount on Line 2. If Line 2 is $232,600 or less ($116,300 or less if filing separately), multiply Line 2 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply Line 2 by 28% (.28) and subtract $4,652 ($2,326, if filing separately) from the result. ..................................... 5. 6. Subtract Line 5 from Line 4. Enter here and on Form CT-6251, Line 12. If zero or less, enter “0.” ................................................. 6. Form CT-6251 Instructions (Rev. 12/24) Page 6 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 Schedule A Credit for Alternative Minimum Tax Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions Connecticut Residents and Part‑Year Residents Only Residents Use Schedule A to claim a credit against the net Connecticut minimum tax liability for alternative minimum tax paid during the taxable year to a qualifying jurisdiction. Credit may be claimed only if the income on which taxes were paid was derived from or connected with sources within the qualifying jurisdiction. Part-Year Residents Use Schedule A to claim a credit against the net Connecticut minimum tax liability for alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction on items of income, gain, loss, or deduction attributable to that jurisdiction during the period of Connecticut residency. A qualifying jurisdiction includes another state of the United States, a local government within another state, or the District of Columbia. A qualifying jurisdiction does not include the State of Connecticut, the United States, or a foreign country or its provinces (for example, Canada and Canadian provinces). No credit is allowed for any of the following:  Alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction on income not derived from or connected with sources within the qualifying jurisdiction;  Alternative minimum tax paid to a jurisdiction that is not a qualifying jurisdiction;  Alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction, if you claimed credit for alternative minimum tax paid to Connecticut on that qualifying jurisdiction’s alternative minimum tax return or income tax return; or  Payments of alternative minimum tax made to a qualifying jurisdiction on income not subject to the Connecticut alternative minimum tax. No credit is allowed for tax paid on dividends or interest income unless derived from property employed in a business or trade carried on in that jurisdiction. However, credit is allowed for tax paid on wages earned for services performed in a qualifying jurisdiction. The allowed credit must be separately computed for each qualifying jurisdiction. Use separate columns for each qualifying jurisdiction for which you are claiming a credit. Attach a copy of all alternative minimum tax returns filed with qualifying jurisdictions directly following Form CT‑6251. Schedule A provides two columns, A and B, to compute the credit for two qualifying jurisdictions. If you need more than two columns, create a worksheet identical to Schedule A and attach it to the back of your Form CT‑6251. If you are claiming credit for alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction and to one of its political subdivisions, follow these rules to determine your credit. A. If the same amount of adjusted alternative minimum taxable income is taxed by both the city and the state: 1. Use only one column of Schedule A to calculate your credit; 2. Enter the same amount of adjusted alternative minimum taxable income taxed by both city and state in that column on Form CT‑6251, Schedule A; and 3. Combine the amounts of alternative minimum tax paid to the city and the state and enter the total on Line 59 of that column. B. If the amounts of adjusted alternative minimum taxable income taxed by both the city and state are not the same: 1. Use two columns on Form CT‑6251, Schedule A; 2. Include only the same amount of adjusted alternative minimum taxable income taxed by both jurisdictions in the first column; and 3. Include the excess amount of adjusted alternative minimum taxable income taxed by only one of the jurisdictions in the next column. Attach a copy of the alternative minimum tax return filed with each qualifying jurisdiction to the back of your Form CT-6251. Form CT-6251 Schedule A Instructions (Rev. 12/24) Page 7 of 8 DRAFT 10-18-2024 Line 53 Line Instructions Line 58 Residents: Enter the amount of adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income from Form CT‑6251, Line 5. However, if a taxpayer’s adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income includes a net loss derived from or connected with sources in a qualifying jurisdiction(s), the taxpayer must add the net loss to the amount of adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income from Line 5 and enter the result. Part-Year Residents: Enter the portion of adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income from Form CT‑6251, Line 5, attributable to the residency portion of the taxable year. However, if a part-year resident’s adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income includes a net loss derived from or connected with sources in a qualifying jurisdiction(s), the taxpayer must add the net loss to the amount of adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income from Line 5 attributable to the residency portion of the taxable year. Line 54 Enter the name and the two‑letter code of each qualifying jurisdiction to which you paid alternative minimum tax for which you are claiming credit. Line 55 Enter the amount of the adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income included on Line  53 subject to a qualifying jurisdiction’s alternative minimum tax. Line 56 Divide the amount on Line 55 by the amount on Line 53. The result may not exceed 1.0000. Round to four decimal places. Line 57 Multiply the percentage arrived at on Line  56 by the amount reported on Line 57. Line 59 Residents: Enter the total amount of alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction. Part‑Year Residents: Enter the amount of alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction on items of income, gain, loss, or deduction derived from or connected with sources in that jurisdiction during the residency portion of the taxable year. If the alternative minimum tax paid to that jurisdiction was also based on income earned during the nonresidency portion of your taxable year, you must prorate the amount of tax for which you are claiming credit. The proration is based upon the relationship that the income earned in that jurisdiction during your Connecticut residency bears to the total amount of income that you earned in that jurisdiction in the taxable year. Alternative minimum tax paid means the lesser of your tax liability to the qualifying jurisdiction or the tax you paid to that jurisdiction as reported on a return filed with that jurisdiction, but not any penalty or interest. Line 60 Enter the lesser of the amounts reported on Line 58 or Line 59. Line 61 Add the amounts from Line 60, Column A; Line 60, Column B; and Line 60 of any additional worksheets. The amount on Line 61 cannot exceed the total of Line 58. Enter the total on Line 61 and on Line 22. Residents: Enter the amount from Form CT‑6251, Line 21. Part-Year Residents: Enter the portion of the 2024 net Connecticut minimum tax liability attributable to the residency portion of the taxable year. Form CT-6251 Schedule A Instructions (Rev. 12/24) Page 8 of 8
Extracted from PDF file 2024-connecticut-form-ct-6251.pdf, last modified October 2024

More about the Connecticut Form CT-6251 Individual Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024

We last updated the Alternative Minimum Tax Return in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form CT-6251, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CT-6251 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Connecticut tax forms here.

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Other Connecticut Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 85 Connecticut income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
CT-1040ES (Current Year) Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals
Tax Instruction Booklet Form CT-1040 Instruction Booklet
Form CT-1040ES Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals
Form CT-W4P Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments
Form CT-1040 Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return

Download all CT tax forms View all 86 Connecticut Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Connecticut usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Connecticut Form CT-6251 from the Department of Revenue Services in January 2025.

Show Sources >

Form CT-6251 is a Connecticut Individual Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Connecticut Form CT-6251

We have a total of five past-year versions of Form CT-6251 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/connecticut/form-ct-6251