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Connecticut Free Printable  for 2025 Connecticut Estimated Corporation Business Tax Payment Coupons

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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Estimated Corporation Business Tax Payment Coupons
Form CT-1120 ES

CT-1120 ESA Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut A 2024 Estimated Connecticut Corporation Business Tax 1120ES 0124W 01 9999 Connecticut Tax Registration Number  Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)  M M - D D - Y Y Y Y Corporation/Designated Taxable Member name Type of return This return MUST be filed electronically! Address (number and street) (Rev. 01/24) See instructions. Payment Coupon - First Installment income For  year ending 2024 Separate Combined Unitary PO Box DO NOT MAIL paper return to DRS. City, town, or post office State Payment amount due ZIP code .00  Closing month has changed (Attach explanation). Complete Schedule 1, on reverse, to calculate your payment amount. Due date: 15th day of the 3rd month of the income year. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, this return will be considered timely if filed by the next business day. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. File and pay Form CT-1120ES electronically using myconneCT at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT. Who must file: Every corporation or combined group carrying on business or having the right to carry on business in Connecticut whose estimated current year tax liability, as shown on Schedule 1, Line 5, is more than $1,000. This return must be filed and paid electronically. Only taxpayers that receive a waiver from electronic filing from the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) may file paper estimated payment coupons. Form DRS‑EWVR, Electronic Filing and Payment Waiver Request, can be found on the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS. If you received a waiver from the electronic filing and payment requirement from DRS, complete these payment coupons in blue or black ink only. Make checks payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services, and mail to: Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO Box 2974 Hartford, CT 06104-2974 To ensure payment is applied to the correct account, write “2024 Form CT‑1120” and the corporation’s Connecticut Tax Registration Number on the front of the check. Do not use staples. Please note that each form is year specific. To prevent any delay in processing your return, the correct year’s form must be submitted to DRS. Combined Unitary Filers The tax shown on the prior year return (Schedule 1, Line 1) is the total tax due from all the taxable members of the combined group that filed with the designated taxable member in the prior year. All estimated tax payments should be made by the designated taxable member using its Connecticut Tax Registration Number. CT-1120 ESB Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut B 2024 Estimated Connecticut Corporation Business Tax 1120ES 0124W 01 9999 Connecticut Tax Registration Number M M - D D - Y Y Y Y  Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)  Corporation/Designated Taxable Member name Type of return This return MUST be filed electronically! Address (number and street) Separate Combined Unitary PO Box DO NOT MAIL paper return to DRS. City, town, or post office (Rev. 01/24) See instructions. Payment Coupon - Second Installment income For  year ending 2024 State Payment amount due ZIP code  Closing month has changed (Attach explanation). .00 Complete Schedule 1, on reverse, to calculate your payment amount. Due date: 15th day of the 6th month of the income year. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, this return will be considered timely if filed by the next business day. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. 1120ES 0124W 02 9999 Schedule 1 - First Installment Calculation 1. Tax shown on prior year return (including surtax) before any tax credits, multiplied by 30% (.30). 1. 2. Estimated current year tax before applying Corporation Business Tax credits. 2. .00 3. Multiply Line 1 by 50.01% (0.5001). See instructions for Form CT-1120RC and Form CT-1120 RDC credit utilization. 3. .00 4. Estimated Corporation Business Tax credits: Do not exceed amount on Line 3. 4. .00 5. Subtotal: Subtract Line 4 from Line 2. .00 5. .00 6. Current year first installment: Multiply Line 5 by 27% (.27) or enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column A. 6. .00 7. First installment due: Lesser of Line 1 or Line 6. 7. .00 8. Overpayment from prior year. 8. .00 9. Payment due with this coupon: Subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Enter amount here and on CT‑1120 ESA, Payment amount due line. 9. .00 CT-1120 ESA Back (Rev. 01/24) Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT to file and pay this return electronically. Limit on credits: The amount of tax credits otherwise allowable against the Corporation Business Tax for any income year shall not exceed 50.01% of the amount of tax due prior to the application of tax credits. For 2024, Research and Development and Research and Experimental Expenditures tax credits that remain after the application of the 50.01% limitation may be further used, provided that the total of all tax credits used shall not exceed 70% of the tax liability. Interest: For more information, see portal.ct.gov/DRS/ Corporation-Tax/Tax-Information. Annualization: If a corporation establishes that its annualized income installment is less than Schedule 1, Line  9, then the corporation must enter on Schedule 1, Line 9, the following: • CT  1120  ESA, First Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column A; • CT‑1120  ESB, Second Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column B; • CT‑1120  ESC, Third Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column C; or • CT‑1120  ESD, Fourth Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column D. 1120ES 0124W 02 9999 Schedule 1 - Second Installment Calculation 1. Tax shown on prior year return (including surtax) before any tax credits, multiplied by 70% (.70). 1. 2. Estimated current year tax before applying Corporation Business Tax credits. 2. .00 3. Multiply Line 1 by 50.01% (0.5001). See instructions for Form CT-1120RC and Form CT-1120 RDC credit utilization. 3. .00 4. Estimated Corporation Business Tax credits: Do not exceed amount on Line 3. 4. .00 5. Subtotal: Subtract Line 4 from Line 2. .00 5. .00 6. Current year second installment: Multiply Line 5 by 63% (.63) or enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column B. 6. .00 7. Second installment due: Lesser of Line 1 or Line 6. 7. .00 8. Amount paid with Form CT‑1120 ESA, plus overpayment from prior year. 8. .00 9. Payment due with this coupon: Subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Enter amount here and on CT‑1120 ESB, Payment amount due line. 9. .00 CT-1120 ESB Back (Rev. 01/24) Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. CT-1120 ESC Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut C 2024 Estimated Connecticut Corporation Business Tax 1120ES 0124W 01 9999 Connecticut Tax Registration Number  Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)  M M - D D - Y Y Y Y Corporation/Designated Taxable Member name Type of return This return MUST be filed electronically! Address (number and street) (Rev. 01/24) See instructions. Payment Coupon - Third Installment income For  year ending 2024 Separate Combined Unitary PO Box DO NOT MAIL paper return to DRS. City, town, or post office State Payment amount due ZIP code .00  Closing month has changed (Attach explanation). Complete Schedule 1, on reverse, to calculate your payment amount. Due date: 15th day of the 9th month of the income year. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, this return will be considered timely if filed by the next business day. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. File and pay Form CT-1120ES electronically using myconneCT at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT. Who must file: Every corporation or combined group carrying on business or having the right to carry on business in Connecticut whose estimated current year tax liability, as shown on Schedule 1, Line 5, is more than $1,000. This return must be filed and paid electronically. Only taxpayers that receive a waiver from electronic filing from the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) may file paper estimated payment coupons. Form DRS‑EWVR, Electronic Filing and Payment Waiver Request, can be found on the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS. If you received a waiver from the electronic filing and payment requirement from DRS, complete these payment coupons in blue or black ink only. Make checks payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services, and mail to: Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO Box 2974 Hartford, CT 06104-2974 To ensure payment is applied to the correct account, write “2024 Form CT‑1120” and the corporation’s Connecticut Tax Registration Number on the front of the check. Do not use staples. Please note that each form is year specific. To prevent any delay in processing your return, the correct year’s form must be submitted to DRS. Combined Unitary Filers The tax shown on the prior year return (Schedule 1, Line 1) is the total tax due from all the taxable members of the combined group that filed with the designated taxable member in the prior year. All estimated tax payments should be made by the designated taxable member using its Connecticut Tax Registration Number. CT-1120 ESD Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut D 2024 Estimated Connecticut Corporation Business Tax 1120ES 0124W 01 9999 Connecticut Tax Registration Number M M - D D - Y Y Y Y  Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)  Corporation/Designated Taxable Member name Type of return This return MUST be filed electronically! Address (number and street) Separate Combined Unitary PO Box DO NOT MAIL paper return to DRS. City, town, or post office (Rev. 01/24) See instructions. Payment Coupon - Fourth Installment income For  year ending 2024 State Payment amount due ZIP code  Closing month has changed (Attach explanation). .00 Complete Schedule 1, on reverse, to calculate your payment amount. Due date: 15th day of the 12th month of the income year. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, this return will be considered timely if filed by the next business day. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. 1120ES 0124W 02 9999 Schedule 1 - Third Installment Calculation 1. Tax shown on prior year return (including surtax) before any tax credits, multiplied by 80% (.80). 1. 2. Estimated current year tax before applying Corporation Business Tax credits. 2. .00 3. Multiply Line 1 by 50.01% (0.5001). See instructions for Form CT-1120RC and Form CT-1120 RDC credit utilization. 3. .00 4. Estimated Corporation Business Tax credits: Do not exceed amount on Line 3. 4. .00 5. Subtotal: Subtract Line 4 from Line 2. .00 5. 6. Current year third installment: Multiply Line 5 by 72% (.72) or enter the amount from Worksheet CT-1120AE, Line 20, Column C. 6. .00 .00 7. Third installment due: Lesser of Line 1 or Line 6. 7. .00 8. Amount paid with Form CT-1120 ESA, Form CT-1120 ESB, plus overpayment from prior year. 8. .00 9. Payment due with this coupon: Subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Enter amount here and on CT-1120 ESC, Payment amount due line. 9. .00 CT-1120 ESC Back (Rev. 01/24) Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT to file and pay this return electronically. Limit on credits: The amount of tax credits otherwise allowable against the Corporation Business Tax for any income year shall not exceed 50.01% of the amount of tax due prior to the application of tax credits. For 2024, Research and Development and Research and Experimental Expenditures tax credits that remain after the application of the 50.01% limitation may be further used, provided that the total of all tax credits used shall not exceed 70% of the tax liability. Interest: For more information, see portal.ct.gov/DRS/ Corporation-Tax/Tax-Information. Annualization: If a corporation establishes that its annualized income installment is less than Schedule 1, Line  9, then the corporation must enter on Schedule 1, Line 9, the following: • CT  1120  ESA, First Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column A; • CT‑1120  ESB, Second Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column B; • CT‑1120  ESC, Third Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column C; or • CT‑1120  ESD, Fourth Installment, enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column D. 1120ES 0124W 02 9999 Schedule 1 - Fourth Installment Calculation 1. Tax shown on prior year return (including surtax) before any tax credits, multiplied by 100% (1.00). 1. 2. Estimated current year tax before applying Corporation Business Tax credits. 2. .00 3. Multiply Line 1 by 50.01% (0.5001). See instructions for Form CT-1120RC and Form CT-1120 RDC credit utilization. 3. .00 4. Estimated Corporation Business Tax credits: Do not exceed amount on Line 3. 4. .00 5. Subtotal: Subtract Line 4 from Line 2. .00 5. .00 6. Current year fourth installment: Multiply Line 5 by 90% (.90) or enter the amount from Worksheet CT‑1120AE, Line 20, Column D. 6. .00 7. Fourth installment due: Lesser of Line 1 or Line 6. 7. .00 8. Amount paid with Form CT‑1120 ESA, Form CT‑1120 ESB, Form CT‑1120 ESC, plus overpayment from prior year. 8. .00 9. Payment due with this coupon: Subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Enter amount here and on CT‑1120 ESD, Payment amount due line. 9. .00 CT-1120 ESD Back (Rev. 01/24) Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-connecticut-form-ct-1120-es.pdf, last modified December 2023

More about the Connecticut Form CT-1120 ES Corporate Income Tax Estimated TY 2024

We last updated the Estimated Corporation Business Tax Payment Coupons in March 2024, so this is the latest version of Form CT-1120 ES, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CT-1120 ES directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Connecticut tax forms here.

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Related Connecticut Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 85 Connecticut income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Connecticut Form CT-1120 ES.

Form Code Form Name
Form CT-1120 A-LP Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment of Limited Partnership Interests
Form CT-1120X Amended Corporation Business Tax Return
Form CT-1120 CC Authorization and Consent to be Included in a Combined Return
Form CT-1120 Instructions Connecticut Corporation Business Tax Instructions
Form CT-1120 Corporation Business Tax Return
Form CT-1120 A-BMC Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment Computation - Motor Bus and Motor Carrier Companies
Form CT-1120 A-BPE Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment Computation - Broadcasters and Production Entities
Form CT-1120 A-CCA Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment Computation of Income Credit Card Activities
Form CT-1120 A-FS Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment Computation of Income From Financial Service Company Activities
Form CT-1120 A-IRIC Corporation Business Tax Return Approtionment Computation of Income From Services to Regulated Investment Companies

Download all CT tax forms View all 86 Connecticut Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Connecticut usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Connecticut Form CT-1120 ES from the Department of Revenue Services in March 2024.

Show Sources >

Form CT-1120 ES is a Connecticut Corporate Income Tax form. While most taxpayers have income taxes automatically withheld every pay period by their employer, taxpayers who earn money that is not subject to withholding (such as self employed income, investment returns, etc) are often required to make estimated tax payments on a quarterly basis. Failure to make correct estimated payments can result in interest or penalties.

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Connecticut Form CT-1120 ES

We have a total of three past-year versions of Form CT-1120 ES in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/connecticut/form-ct-1120-es