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Connecticut Free Printable  for 2025 Connecticut Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

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Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals
Form CT-1040ES

DRAFT 12-8-2023 2024 Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut Form CT-1040ES 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals (Rev. 01/24) Form CT-1040ES can be filed and paid electronically using myconneCT at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT. Who Should File This Coupon: Use this coupon if you are required to make estimated income tax payments for the 2024 taxable year and you do not receive a preprinted coupon package from the Department of Revenue Services (DRS). Coupon packages are mailed in mid-January to those who made estimated income tax payments in the prior year. Please note that each form is year specific. To prevent any delay in processing your return, the correct year’s form must be submitted to DRS. General Instructions Nonresidents and Part‑Year Residents: Nonresident individuals are subject to Connecticut income tax on their Connecticut‑sourced income. Part‑year residents are taxed on all income received while a resident of Connecticut and on income received from Connecticut sources while a nonresident. Connecticut‑sourced income includes but is not limited to income from a business, profession, occupation, or trade conducted in this state as well as income from the rental or sale of real or tangible property located in Connecticut. Convenience of the Employer: Residents of states with a “convenience of the employer” test will be subject to similar rules for work performed for a Connecticut employer. Who Is Required to Make Estimated Payments: You must make estimated income tax payments if: 1. Your Connecticut income tax, after taking into account your Connecticut tax withheld, and any Pass-Through Entity Tax Credit (PE Tax Credit) you are allowed to claim, is $1,000 or more; and 2. You expect your Connecticut income tax withheld (including any PE Tax Credit) to be less than your required annual payment for the 2024 taxable year. Your required annual payment is the lesser of: • 90% of the income tax shown on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return; or • 100% of the income tax shown on your 2023 Connecticut income tax return if you filed a 2023 Connecticut income tax return that covered a 12‑month period. You do not have to make estimated income tax payments if you were a: • Connecticut resident during the 2023 taxable year and you did not file a 2023 income tax return because you had no Connecticut income tax liability; or • Nonresident or part‑year resident with Connecticut‑sourced income during the 2023 taxable year and you did not file a 2023 income tax return because you had no Connecticut income tax liability. If you were a nonresident or part‑year resident and you did not have Connecticut‑sourced income during the 2023 taxable year, then you must use 90% of the income tax shown on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return as your required annual payment. When to File: Estimated payments for the 2024 taxable year are due on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, 2024, and January 15, 2025. Fiscal year filers should follow federal filing dates. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, your estimated payment will be considered timely if filed on the next business day. An estimate will be considered timely if received, or if the date shown by the U.S. Postal Service cancellation mark, is on or before the due date. Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT to make your estimated payments online and receive immediate confirmation that your payment was timely remitted. How Much Should I Pay: Complete the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet on Page  3 to calculate your required annual payment. Special Rules for Farmers and Fishermen: If you are a farmer or fisherman (as defined in Internal Revenue Code §  6654(i)(2)), see Informational Publication 2021(2), Farmer’s Guide to Sales and Use Taxes, Motor Vehicle Fuels Tax, Estimated Income Tax, and Withholding Tax. Pension or Annuity Income Recipients: If your filing status is single, married filing separately, or head of household with federal adjusted gross income (AGI) for the taxable year of less than $75,000 or married filing jointly with federal AGI of less than $100,000, and you receive distributions from certain pensions and annuities, such as from a defined benefit plan, 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b) plans, or from an IRA (other than a Roth IRA), you may be able to deduct all or a portion of such pension or annuity income in determining your Connecticut adjusted gross income (AGI). For assistance in determining whether you are eligible to deduct all or a portion of your pension or annuity, see Pension and Annuity Worksheet on Page 4. Completing the Payment Coupon Complete the attached payment coupons in blue or black ink only. You must enter all the required taxpayer identification information. Enter the payment amount below. In determining your payment amount, you may subtract from your installment amount any available overpayment of 2023 income tax. Form CT-1040ES Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO Box 2932 Hartford CT 06104-2932 1040ES 0124W 01 9999 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals Your first name Middle initial Last name Spouse’s first name Middle initial Last name 2024 (Rev. 01/24) Your Social Security Number  Spouse’s Social Security Number  Mailing address (number and street), Apartment number, PO Box Due date City, town, or post office Payment amount (MM-DD-YYYY) State ZIP code  See coupon instructions on back. Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information. .00 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Members of Partnerships and Shareholders of S corporations: If you are a partner in a partnership or shareholder of an S  corporation, you must continue to include your distributive or pro-rata share of income when determining your estimated payments. However, in determining your estimated payments, you take into account any PE Tax Credit you expect to claim for the 2024 taxable year. Social Security Benefit Adjustment: If your required Connecticut income tax return filing status is single or married filing separately, and you expect your 2024 federal adjusted gross income will be less than $75,000, enter as a subtraction the amount of federally taxable Social Security benefits you expect to report on your 2024 federal Form 1040, Line 6b, or federal Form 1040‑SR, Line 6b. In general, you are required to make estimated payments based upon 100% of your prior year tax or 90% of your current year tax. Because of the potential variability in your income and credits, you may prefer to pay 100% of the tax shown on your 2023 return to avoid underpayment interest (2210 interest). You are required to pay the full amount of your 2024 tax liability by April 15, 2025, either with a timely filed return or with an extension request. Otherwise, you may incur late payment penalties. If your required Connecticut income tax return filing status is married filing jointly, qualifying surviving spouse, or head of household, and you expect your federal adjusted gross income will be less than $100,000, enter as a subtraction the amount of federally taxable Social Security benefits you expect to report on your 2024 federal Form 1040, Line 6b, or federal Form 1040‑SR, Line 6b. Annualized Income Installment Method: If your income varies throughout the year, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the amount of your estimated tax payment for one or more periods by using the annualized income installment method. See Informational Publication 2018(11), A Guide to Calculating Your Annualized Estimated Income Tax Installments and Worksheet CT‑1040 AES. Interest: You may be charged interest if you did not pay enough tax through withholding, estimated payments, or both, by the installment due date, or if any PE Tax Credit reported to you on Schedule CT K‑1, Part 3, Line 1, or Schedule CT‑1041 K‑1, Part 4, Line 1, is not sufficient to cover your tax liability by the installment due date. This is true even if you are due a refund when you file your tax return. Interest is calculated separately for each installment. Therefore, you may owe interest for an earlier installment even if you paid enough tax later to make up for the underpayment. Interest at 1% per month or fraction of a month will be added to the tax due until the earlier of April 15, 2025, or the date on which the underpayment is paid. If you expect your federal adjusted gross income will be above the threshold for your filing status, complete the Social Security Benefit Adjustment Worksheet on Page 4 and include the amount from Line F on Line 2. Line 3: Nonresidents and Part-Year Residents Only: If your Connecticut‑sourced income is greater than your Connecticut adjusted gross income, enter your Connecticut‑sourced income on this line. Line 5: Apportionment Factor: Nonresidents and part‑year residents, if your Connecticut‑sourced income is greater than or equal to your Connecticut adjusted gross income, enter 1.0000. If your Connecticut‑sourced income is less than your Connecticut adjusted gross income, complete the following calculation and enter the result on Line 5. Connecticut-Sourced Income = Line 5 Connecticut Adjusted Gross Income (Line 3) Do not enter a number that is less than zero or greater than 1. If the result is less than zero, enter “0”; if greater than 1 enter 1.0000. Round to four decimal places. If you file your income tax return for the 2024 taxable year on or before January 31, 2025, and pay in full the amount computed on the return as payable on or before that date, you will not be charged interest for failing to make the estimated payment due January 15, 2025. Line 7: Residents and Part-Year Residents Only: Enter the estimated allowable credit for income taxes paid to qualifying jurisdictions. Enter “0,” if not applicable. See instructions for Schedule 2 - Credit for Income Taxes Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions on Form CT‑1040 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY. A farmer or fisherman who files a 2024 Connecticut income tax return on or before March 1, 2025, and pays in full the amount computed on the return as payable on or before that date, will not be charged interest for underpayment of estimated tax. See Payment Options, on Page 8. Line 9: If you expect to owe federal alternative minimum tax for the 2024 taxable year, you may also owe Connecticut alternative minimum tax. Enter your estimated Connecticut alternative minimum tax liability. See instructions for Form CT‑6251, Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return - Individuals. Worksheet Instructions Line 2: Enter the total of your estimated allowable Connecticut modifications. See instructions for Schedule 1 - Modifications to Federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of Form CT‑1040 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY for information about allowable modifications. Line 11: Enter estimated allowable Connecticut income tax credit(s). Enter “0” if you are not entitled to a credit. (Credit for a prior year alternative minimum tax is not allowed if you entered an amount on Line 9.) See instructions for Schedule CT‑IT Credit, Income Tax Credit Summary. Do not include any PE Tax Credit on this line. Instructions continue on Page 8 Form CT‑1040ES (Rev. 01/24) Form CT-1040ES - Tax Payment Coupon Instructions • See Payment Options, on Page 8. • Print all information. Include your spouse’s SSN, if married filing jointly. • Cut along dotted line and mail coupon and payment to the address below. • Make your check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services. • Do not use staples. • DRS may submit your check to your bank electronically. • To ensure proper posting, write your SSN(s) (optional) and “2024 Form CT‑1040ES” on your check. Send completed coupon and payment to­: Department of Revenue Services PO Box 2932 Hartford CT 06104-2932 Page 2 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet 1. Federal adjusted gross income you expect in the 2024 taxable year (from 2024 federal Form 1040ES, 2024 Estimated Tax Worksheet, Line 1). ...........................................1. 2. Allowable Connecticut modifications: Additions or subtractions (to your AGI). See instructions. ............2. 3. Connecticut adjusted gross income: Combine Line 1 and Line 2. ...........................................................3. Nonresidents and part-year residents: Enter your Connecticut‑sourced income if greater than your Connecticut adjusted gross income. 4. Connecticut income tax: Complete the Tax Calculation Schedule below. ...............................................4. 5. Apportionment factor: Connecticut residents enter 1.0000. Nonresidents and part‑year residents, see Page 2. ...............................................................................................................................................5. . 6. Multiply Line 5 by Line 4. .........................................................................................................................6. 7. Credit for income taxes paid to qualifying jurisdictions: See instructions. ...............................................7. 8. Subtract Line 7 from Line 6. .....................................................................................................................8. 9. Estimated Connecticut alternative minimum tax: See instructions. .........................................................9. 10. Add Line 8 and Line 9. ...........................................................................................................................10. 11. Estimated allowable credit(s) from Schedule CT‑IT Credit: See instructions. ........................................11. 12. Total estimated income tax: Subtract Line 11 from Line 10. ..................................................................12. 13. Multiply Line 12 by 90% (662/3% for farmers and fishermen). ................................................................13. 14. Enter 100% of the income tax shown on your 2023 Connecticut income tax return. See instructions. ........14. 15. Enter the lesser of Line 13 or Line 14. If Line 14 is blank, enter the amount from Line 13. This is your required annual payment. See caution below. ...............................................................15. Caution: Generally, you may owe interest if you do not prepay (through timely estimates, withholding, pass-through entity tax credit, or all) the lesser of 100% of the income tax shown on your 2023 Connecticut income tax return or 90% of the income tax shown on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return. To avoid interest charges, make sure your estimate is as accurate as possible. You may prefer to pay 100% of the income tax shown on your 2023 Connecticut income tax return. 16. Connecticut income tax withheld or expected to be withheld during the 2024 taxable year. .................16. 16a. Estimated PE Tax Credit for taxable year 2024. ..................................................................................16a. 17. Subtract Lines 16 and 16a from Line 15. If zero (“0”) or less, no estimated payment is required. Or, Subtract Lines 16 and 16a from Line 12. If less than $1,000, no estimated payment is required. ..................17. 18. Installment amount. ...............................................................................................................................18. 25  19. Multiply Line 17 by Line 18. Pay this amount for each installment. .......................................................19. Tax Calculation Schedule 1. Enter Connecticut AGI from 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 3.......................1. .00 2. Enter the exemption amount from Table A, Personal Exemptions. If zero, enter “0.”................................2. .00 3. Connecticut Taxable Income: Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. If less than zero, enter “0.”.........................3. .00 4. Enter amount from Table B, Initial Tax Calculation.....................................................................................4. .00 5. Enter the phase-out amount from Table C, 2% Phase-Out Add-Back. If zero, enter “0.”..........................5. .00 6. Enter the recapture amount from Table D, Tax Recapture. If zero, enter “0.”............................................6. .00 7. Add Lines 4, 5, and 6..................................................................................................................................7. .00 8. Enter the decimal amount from Table E, Personal Tax Credits. If zero, enter “0.”.....................................8. . 9. Multiply the amount on Line 7 by the decimal amount on Line 8...............................................................9. .00 10. Connecticut Income Tax: Subtract Line 9 from Line 7. Enter here and on 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 4.............................................................................................10. .00 Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) Page 3 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Social Security Benefit Adjustment Worksheet .00 Enter the amount you expect to enter on Form CT‑1040 or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 1............................. If your filing status is single or married filing separately, is the amount on Line 1 $75,000 or more? Yes: Complete this worksheet. No: Do not complete this worksheet. * If your filing status is married filing jointly, qualifying surviving spouse, or head of household, is the amount on Line 1 $100,000 or more? Yes: Complete this worksheet. No: Do not complete this worksheet. * *If you answered No to either question, enter as a subtraction modification on the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2, the amount of federally taxable Social Security benefits you expect to report on federal Form 1040, Line 6b, or federal Form 1040-SR, Line 6b. A. Enter the amount you reported on federal Publication 505 **, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, Worksheet 2‑2, Line 1. If Line A is zero or less, stop here. Otherwise, go to Line B. .................. A. B. Enter the amount you reported on federal Publication 505 **, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, Worksheet 2‑2, Line 10. If Line B is zero or less, stop here. Otherwise, go to Line C. ............... B. C. Enter the lesser of Line A or Line B. ................................................................................................... C. D. Multiply Line C by 25% (.25). .............................................................................................................. D. E. Expected taxable amount of Social Security benefits you reported on federal Publication 505 **, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, Worksheet 2‑2, Line 19. ............................. E. F. Social Security benefit adjustment: Subtract Line D from Line E. Enter the amount here and as a subtraction on the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2. If Line D is greater than or equal to Line E, enter “0.” ............................................................................. F. ** To obtain federal Publication 505, visit the IRS website at www.irs.gov or call the IRS at 800‑829‑3676. Pension and Annuity Worksheet Line 1: Enter the amount you expect to enter on Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY. ............. Line 1. .00 If your filing status is single, married filing separately or head of household, is the amount on Line 1 $75,000 or more? Yes: Complete this worksheet. No: Do not complete this worksheet. * If your filing status is married filing jointly, is the amount on Line 1 $100,000 or more? Yes: Complete this worksheet. No: Do not complete this worksheet. * * If you answered No to either question and you are an IRA recipient (other than a Roth IRA), enter as a subtraction modification 50% of the amount of such distribution on the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2, the amount of IRA distribution reported on federal Form 1040, or federal Form 1040 SR, Line 4b. * If you answered No to either question and you are a pension or annuity recipient (other than an IRA recipient), enter as a subtraction modification on the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2, the amount of pension and annuity reported on federal Form 1040 or federal Form 1040 SR, Line 5b. From the amount on Line 5b, subtract military retirement pay, Tier 1 and Tier 2 railroad retirement benefits, and Connecticut teachers' retirement pay. Line 2: Enter 50% of the amount of IRA (other than a Roth IRA), reported on federal Form 1040 or federal Form 1040 SR, Line 4b. Enter 100% of the amount of pensions and annuities reported on federal Form 1040 or federal Form 1040-SR, Line 5b. From the amount on Line 5b, subtract military retirement pay, Tier 1 and Tier 2 railroad retirement benefits, and Connecticut teachers' retirement pay, as applicable. ................................................................................................................................ Line 2. Line 3: Enter the decimal amount from the Pension and Annuity Phase-Out Table on Page 5. ........ Line 3. Line 4: Multiply Line 2 by Line 3. Enter the amount here and as a subtraction on the 2024 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Worksheet, Line 2. .................................................................... Line 4. Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) .00 . .00 Page 4 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Pension and Annuity Phase-Out Table Single, Married Filing Separately or Head of Household Married Filing Jointly Federal AGI More Than Less Than or Equal To Federal AGI PhaseOut More Than Less Than or Equal To PhaseOut $0 $75,000 1 $0 $100,000 1 $75,000 $77,499 .85 $100,000 $104,999 .85 $77,500 $79,999 .70 $105,000 $109,999 .70 $80,000 $82,499 .55 $110,000 $114,999 .55 $82,500 $84,999 .40 $115,000 $119,999 .40 $85,000 $87,499 .25 $120,000 $124,999 .25 $87,500 $89,999 .10 $125,000 $129,999 .10 $90,000 $94,999 .05 $130,000 $139,999 .05 $95,000 $99,999 .025 $140,000 $149,999 .025 $100,000 and up 0 $150,000 and up 0 Table A - Personal Exemptions for 2024 Taxable Year Enter the exemption amount on the Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 2. Use the filing status you expect to report on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return and your Connecticut AGI* (from Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 1) to determine your exemption. Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing Separately Head of Household Qualifying Surviving Spouse Connecticut AGI * Exemption Connecticut AGI * Exemption Connecticut AGI * Exemption Connecticut AGI * Exemption Single More Than Less Than More Than Less Than More Than Less Than More Than Less Than or Equal To or Equal To or Equal To or Equal To $ 0 $30,000 $15,000 $ 0 $48,000 $24,000 $ 0 $24,000 $12,000 $ 0 $38,000 $30,000 $31,000 $14,000 $48,000 $49,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $11,000 $38,000 $39,000 $31,000 $32,000 $13,000 $49,000 $50,000 $22,000 $25,000 $26,000 $10,000 $39,000 $40,000 $32,000 $33,000 $12,000 $50,000 $51,000 $21,000 $26,000 $27,000 $ 9,000 $40,000 $41,000 $33,000 $34,000 $11,000 $51,000 $52,000 $20,000 $27,000 $28,000 $ 8,000 $41,000 $42,000 $34,000 $35,000 $10,000 $52,000 $53,000 $19,000 $28,000 $29,000 $ 7,000 $42,000 $43,000 $35,000 $36,000 $ 9,000 $53,000 $54,000 $18,000 $29,000 $30,000 $ 6,000 $43,000 $44,000 $36,000 $37,000 $ 8,000 $54,000 $55,000 $17,000 $30,000 $31,000 $ 5,000 $44,000 $45,000 $37,000 $38,000 $ 7,000 $55,000 $56,000 $16,000 $31,000 $32,000 $ 4,000 $45,000 $46,000 $38,000 $39,000 $ 6,000 $56,000 $57,000 $15,000 $32,000 $33,000 $ 3,000 $46,000 $47,000 $39,000 $40,000 $ 5,000 $57,000 $58,000 $14,000 $33,000 $34,000 $ 2,000 $47,000 $48,000 $40,000 $41,000 $ 4,000 $58,000 $59,000 $13,000 $34,000 $35,000 $ 1,000 $48,000 $49,000 $41,000 $42,000 $ 3,000 $59,000 $60,000 $12,000 $35,000 and up $ 0 $49,000 $50,000 $42,000 $43,000 $ 2,000 $60,000 $61,000 $11,000 $50,000 $51,000 $43,000 $44,000 $ 1,000 $61,000 $62,000 $10,000 $51,000 $52,000 $44,000 and up $ 0 $62,000 $63,000 $ 9,000 $52,000 $53,000 $63,000 $64,000 $ 8,000 $53,000 $54,000 $64,000 $65,000 $ 7,000 $54,000 $55,000 $65,000 $66,000 $ 6,000 $55,000 $56,000 $66,000 $67,000 $ 5,000 $56,000 and up $67,000 $68,000 $ 4,000 $68,000 $69,000 $ 3,000 $69,000 $70,000 $ 2,000 $70,000 $71,000 $ 1,000 $71,000 and up $ 0 $19,000 $18,000 $17,000 $16,000 $15,000 $14,000 $13,000 $12,000 $11,000 $10,000 $ 9,000 $ 8,000 $ 7,000 $ 6,000 $ 5,000 $ 4,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 0 * Form CT-1040NR/PY filers must use income from Connecticut sources if it exceeds Connecticut adjusted gross income. Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) Page 5 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Table B - Initial Tax Calculation for 2024 Taxable Year Enter the tax calculation amount on the Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 4 and continue to Line 5. Use the filing status you expect to report on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return. This is the initial tax calculation of your tax liability. It does not include personal tax credits, the 2% phase-out or tax recapture. Single or Married Filing Separately If the amount on Line 3 of the Tax Calculation Schedule is: Less than or equal to:...................................................... $ 10,000................ 2.00% More than $10,000, but less than or equal to.................. $ 50,000................ $200 plus 4.5% of the excess over $10,000 More than $50,000, but less than or equal to.................. $100,000............... $2,000 plus 5.5% of the excess over $50,000 More than $100,000, but less than or equal to................ $200,000............... $4,750 plus 6.0% of the excess over $100,000 More than $200,000, but less than or equal to................ $250,000............... $10,750 plus 6.5% of the excess over $200,000 More than $250,000, but less than or equal to................ $500,000............... $14,000 plus 6.9% of the excess over $250,000 More than $500,000......................................................................................$31,250 plus 6.99% of the excess over $500,000 Single or Married Filing Separately Examples: Line 3 is $13,000, Line 4 is $335 $13,000 - $10,000 $3,000 X .045 $300 + $135 = = = Line 3 is $525,000, Line 4 is $32,998 $3,000 $135 $335 $525,000 - $500,000 $25,000 x .0699 $31,250 + $1,748 = $25,000 = $1,748 = $32,998 Married Filing Jointly/Qualifying Surviving Spouse If the amount on Line 3 of the Tax Calculation Schedule is: Less than or equal to:...................................................... $ 20,000................ 2.00% More than $20,000, but less than or equal to.................. $100,000............... $400 plus 4.5% of the excess over $20,000 More than $100,000, but less than or equal to................ $200,000............... $4,000 plus 5.5% of the excess over $100,000 More than $200,000, but less than or equal to................ $400,000............... $9,500 plus 6.0% of the excess over $200,000 More than $400,000, but less than or equal to................ $500,000............... $21,500 plus 6.5% of the excess over $400,000 More than $500,000, but less than or equal to................ $1,000,000............ $28,000 plus 6.9% of the excess over $500,000 More than $1,000,000...................................................................................$62,500 plus 6.99% of the excess over $1,000,000 Married Filing Jointly/Qualifying Surviving Spouse Examples: Line 3 is $22,500, Line 4 is $513 $22,500 - $20,000 $2,500 x .045 $600 + $113 = = = $2,500 $113 $513 Line 3 is $1,100,000, Line 4 is $69.490 $1,100,000 - $1,000,000 = $100,000 $100,000 x .0699 = $6,990 $62,500 + $6,990 = $69,490 Head of Household If the amount on Line 3 of the Tax Calculation Schedule is: Less than or equal to:...................................................... $ 16,000................ 2.00% More than $16,000, but less than or equal to.................. $ 80,000................ $320 plus 4.5% of the excess over $16,000 More than $80,000, but less than or equal to.................. $160,000............... $3,200 plus 5.5% of the excess over $80,000 More than $160,000, but less than or equal to................ $320,000............... $7,600 plus 6.0% of the excess over $160,000 More than $320,000, but less than or equal to................ $400,000............... $17,200 plus 6.5% of the excess over $320,000 More than $400,000, but less than or equal to................ $800,000............... $22,400 plus 6.9% of the excess over $400,000 More than $800,000......................................................................................$50,000 plus 6.99% of the excess over $800,000 Head of Household Examples: Line 3 is $20,000, Line 4 is $680 $20,000 - $16,000 $4,000 x .045 $320 + $180 = = = $4,000 $180 $500 Line 3 is $825,000, Line 4 is $51,748 $825,000 - $800,000 $25,000 x .0699 $50,000 + $1,748 = $25,000 = $1,748 = $51,748 Table C - 2% Phase-Out Add-Back Enter the phase-out amount on the Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 5. Use the filing status you expect to report on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return and your Connecticut AGI * (Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 1) to determine your phase-out amount. Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse Single Married Filing Separately Head of Household Connecticut AGI* Connecticut AGI* Connecticut AGI* Connecticut AGI* 2% 2% 2% 2% More Than Less Than Phase-Out More Than Less Than Phase-Out More Than Less Than Phase-Out More Than Less Than Phase-Out or Equal To Add-Back or Equal To Add-Back or Equal To Add-Back or Equal To Add-Back $ 0 $ 56,500 $ 61,500 $ 66,500 $ 71,500 $ 76,500 $ 81,500 $ 86,500 $ 91,500 $ 96,500 $101,500 $ 56,500 $ 61,500 $ 66,500 $ 71,500 $ 76,500 $ 81,500 $ 86,500 $ 91,500 $ 96,500 $101,500 and up $ 0 $ 25 $ 50 $ 75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $200 $225 $250 $ 0 $100,500 $105,500 $110,500 $115,500 $120,500 $125,500 $130,500 $135,500 $140,500 $145,500 $100,500 $105,500 $110,500 $115,500 $120,500 $125,500 $130,500 $135,500 $140,500 $145,500 and up $ 0 $ 50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 $ 0 $50,250 $52,750 $55,250 $57,750 $60,250 $62,750 $65,250 $67,750 $70,250 $72,750 $50,250 $52,750 $55,250 $57,750 $60,250 $62,750 $65,250 $67,750 $70,250 $72,750 and up $ 0 $ 25 $ 50 $ 75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $200 $225 $250 $ 0 $ 78,500 $ 78,500 $ 82,500 $ 82,500 $ 86,500 $ 86,500 $ 90,500 $ 90,500 $ 94,500 $ 94,500 $ 98,500 $ 98,500 $102,500 $102,500 $106,500 $106,500 $110,500 $110,500 $114,500 $114,500 and up $ 0 $ 40 $ 80 $120 $160 $200 $240 $280 $320 $360 $400 * Form CT-1040NR/PY filers must use income from Connecticut sources if it exceeds Connecticut adjusted gross income. Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) Page 6 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Table D - Tax Recapture Enter the recapture amount on the Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 6. Use the filing status you expect to report on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return and your Connecticut AGI * (Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 1) to determine your recapture amount. Single or Married Filing Separately Connecticut AGI * More Than Less Than or Equal To $ 0 $105,000 $110,000 $115,000 $120,000 $125,000 $130,000 $135,000 $140,000 $145,000 $150,000 $200,000 $205,000 $210,000 $215,000 $220,000 $225,000 $230,000 $235,000 $240,000 $245,000 $250,000 $255,000 $260,000 $265,000 $270,000 $275,000 $280,000 $285,000 $290,000 $295,000 $300,000 $305,000 $310,000 $315,000 $320,000 $325,000 $330,000 $335,000 $340,000 $345,000 $500,000 $505,000 $510,000 $515,000 $520,000 $525,000 $530,000 $535,000 $540,000 $105,000 $110,000 $115,000 $120,000 $125,000 $130,000 $135,000 $140,000 $145,000 $150,000 $200,000 $205,000 $210,000 $215,000 $220,000 $225,000 $230,000 $235,000 $240,000 $245,000 $250,000 $255,000 $260,000 $265,000 $270,000 $275,000 $280,000 $285,000 $290,000 $295,000 $300,000 $305,000 $310,000 $315,000 $320,000 $325,000 $330,000 $335,000 $340,000 $345,000 $500,000 $505,000 $510,000 $515,000 $520,000 $525,000 $530,000 $535,000 $540,000 and up Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse Connecticut AGI * Recapture Amount $ 0 $ 25 $ 50 $ 75 $ 100 $ 125 $ 150 $ 175 $ 200 $ 225 $ 250 $ 340 $ 430 $ 520 $ 610 $ 700 $ 790 $ 880 $ 970 $1,060 $1,150 $1,240 $1,330 $1,420 $1,510 $1,600 $1,690 $1,780 $1,870 $1,960 $2,050 $2,140 $2,230 $2,320 $2,410 $2,500 $2,590 $2,680 $2,770 $2,860 $2,950 $3,000 $3,050 $3,100 $3,150 $3,200 $3,250 $3,300 $3,350 $3,400 More Than Less Than or Equal To $ 0 $210,000 $220,000 $230,000 $240,000 $250,000 $260,000 $270,000 $280,000 $290,000 $300,000 $400,000 $410,000 $420,000 $430,000 $440,000 $450,000 $460,000 $470,000 $480,000 $490,000 $500,000 $510,000 $520,000 $530,000 $540,000 $550,000 $560,000 $570,000 $580,000 $590,000 $600,000 $610,000 $620,000 $630,000 $640,000 $650,000 $660,000 $670,000 $680,000 $690,000 $1,000,000 $1,010,000 $1,020,000 $1,030,000 $1,040,000 $1,050,000 $1,060,000 $1,070,000 $1,080,000 $210,000 $220,000 $230,000 $240,000 $250,000 $260,000 $270,000 $280,000 $290,000 $300,000 $400,000 $410,000 $420,000 $430,000 $440,000 $450,000 $460,000 $470,000 $480,000 $490,000 $500,000 $510,000 $520,000 $530,000 $540,000 $550,000 $560,000 $570,000 $580,000 $590,000 $600,000 $610,000 $620,000 $630,000 $640,000 $650,000 $660,000 $670,000 $680,000 $690,000 $1,000,000 $1,010,000 $1,020,000 $1,030,000 $1,040,000 $1,050,000 $1,060,000 $1,070,000 $1,080,000 and up Head of Household Connecticut AGI * Recapture Amount $ 0 $ 50 $ 100 $ 150 $ 200 $ 250 $ 300 $ 350 $ 400 $ 450 $ 500 $ 680 $ 860 $1,040 $1,220 $1,400 $1,580 $1,760 $1,940 $2,120 $2,300 $2,480 $2,660 $2,840 $3,020 $3,200 $3,380 $3,560 $3,740 $3,920 $4,100 $4,280 $4,460 $4,640 $4,820 $5,000 $5,180 $5,360 $5,540 $5,720 $5,900 $6,000 $6,100 $6,200 $6,300 $6,400 $6,500 $6,600 $6,700 $6,800 More Than $ 0 $168,000 $176,000 $184,000 $192,000 $200,000 $208,000 $216,000 $224,000 $232,000 $240,000 $320,000 $328,000 $336,000 $344,000 $352,000 $360,000 $368,000 $376,000 $384,000 $392,000 $400,000 $408,000 $416,000 $424,000 $432,000 $440,000 $448,000 $456,000 $464,000 $472,000 $480,000 $488,000 $496,000 $504,000 $512,000 $520,000 $528,000 $536,000 $544,000 $552,000 $800,000 $808,000 $816,000 $824,000 $832,000 $840,000 $848,000 $856,000 $864,000 Less Than or Equal To $168,000 $176,000 $184,000 $192,000 $200,000 $208,000 $216,000 $224,000 $232,000 $240,000 $320,000 $328,000 $336,000 $344,000 $352,000 $360,000 $368,000 $376,000 $384,000 $392,000 $400,000 $408,000 $416,000 $424,000 $432,000 $440,000 $448,000 $456,000 $464,000 $472,000 $480,000 $488,000 $496,000 $504,000 $512,000 $520,000 $528,000 $536,000 $544,000 $552,000 $800,000 $808,000 $816,000 $824,000 $832,000 $840,000 $848,000 $856,000 $864,000 and up Recapture Amount $ 0 $ 40 $ 80 $ 120 $ 160 $ 200 $ 240 $ 280 $ 320 $ 360 $ 400 $ 540 $ 680 $ 820 $ 960 $1,100 $1,240 $1,380 $1,520 $1,660 $1,800 $1,940 $2,080 $2,220 $2,360 $2,500 $2,640 $2,780 $2,920 $3,060 $3,200 $3,340 $3,480 $3,620 $3,760 $3,900 $4,040 $4,180 $4,320 $4,460 $4,600 $4,680 $4,760 $4,840 $4,920 $5,000 $5,080 $5,160 $5,240 $5,320 * Form CT-1040NR/PY filers must use income from Connecticut sources if it exceeds Connecticut adjusted gross income. Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) Page 7 of 8 DRAFT 12-8-2023 Table E - Personal Tax Credits for 2024 Taxable Year Enter the decimal amount on the Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 8. Use the filing status you expect to report on your 2024 Connecticut income tax return and your Connecticut AGI * (Tax Calculation Schedule, Line 1) to determine your decimal amount. Single Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse Married Filing Separately Head of Household Connecticut AGI* Connecticut AGI* Decimal Connecticut AGI* Decimal Connecticut AGI* Decimal Decimal More Than Less Than Amount More Than Less Than Amount More Than Less Than Amount More Than Less Than Amount or Equal To or Equal To or Equal To or Equal To $15,000 $18,800 .75 $24,000 $30,000 .75 $12,000 $15,000 .75 $19,000 $24,000 .75 $18,800 $19,300 .70 $30,000 $30,500 .70 $15,000 $15,500 .70 $24,000 $24,500 .70 $19,300 $19,800 .65 $30,500 $31,000 .65 $15,500 $16,000 .65 $24,500 $25,000 .65 $19,800 $20,300 .60 $31,000 $31,500 .60 $16,000 $16,500 .60 $25,000 $25,500 .60 $20,300 $20,800 .55 $31,500 $32,000 .55 $16,500 $17,000 .55 $25,500 $26,000 .55 $20,800 $21,300 .50 $32,000 $32,500 .50 $17,000 $17,500 .50 $26,000 $26,500 .50 $21,300 $21,800 .45 $32,500 $33,000 .45 $17,500 $18,000 .45 $26,500 $27,000 .45 $21,800 $22,300 .40 $33,000 $33,500 .40 $18,000 $18,500 .40 $27,000 $27,500 .40 $22,300 $25,000 .35 $33,500 $40,000 .35 $18,500 $20,000 .35 $27,500 $34,000 .35 $25,000 $25,500 .30 $40,000 $40,500 .30 $20,000 $20,500 .30 $34,000 $34,500 .30 $25,500 $26,000 .25 $40,500 $41,000 .25 $20,500 $21,000 .25 $34,500 $35,000 .25 $26,000 $26,500 .20 $41,000 $41,500 .20 $21,000 $21,500 .20 $35,000 $35,500 .20 $26,500 $31,300 .15 $41,500 $50,000 .15 $21,500 $25,000 .15 $35,500 $44,000 .15 $31,300 $31,800 .14 $50,000 $50,500 .14 $25,000 $25,500 .14 $44,000 $44,500 .14 $31,800 $32,300 .13 $50,500 $51,000 .13 $25,500 $26,000 .13 $44,500 $45,000 .13 $32,300 $32,800 .12 $51,000 $51,500 .12 $26,000 $26,500 .12 $45,000 $45,500 .12 $32,800 $33,300 .11 $51,500 $52,000 .11 $26,500 $27,000 .11 $45,500 $46,000 .11 $33,300 $60,000 .10 $52,000 $96,000 .10 $27,000 $48,000 .10 $46,000 $74,000 .10 $60,000 $60,500 .09 $96,000 $96,500 .09 $48,000 $48,500 .09 $74,000 $74,500 .09 $60,500 $61,000 .08 $96,500 $97,000 .08 $48,500 $49,000 .08 $74,500 $75,000 .08 $61,000 $61,500 .07 $97,000 $97,500 .07 $49,000 $49,500 .07 $75,000 $75,500 .07 $61,500 $62,000 .06 $97,500 $98,000 .06 $49,500 $50,000 .06 $75,500 $76,000 .06 $62,000 $62,500 .05 $98,000 $98,500 .05 $50,000 $50,500 .05 $76,000 $76,500 .05 $62,500 $63,000 .04 $98,500 $99,000 .04 $50,500 $51,000 .04 $76,500 $77,000 .04 $63,000 $63,500 .03 $99,000 $99,500 .03 $51,000 $51,500 .03 $77,000 $77,500 .03 $63,500 $64,000 .02 $99,500 $100,000 .02 $51,500 $52,000 .02 $77,500 $78,000 .02 $64,000 $64,500 .01 $100,000 $100 ,500 .01 $52,000 $52,500 .01 $78,000 $78,500 .01 $64,500 and up .00 $100,500 and up .00 $52,500 and up .00 $78,500 and up .00 * Form CT-1040NR/PY filers must use income from Connecticut sources if it exceeds Connecticut adjusted gross income. Line 14: If your 2023 Connecticut income tax return covered a 12‑month period, enter 100% of the income tax shown on your return (from Form CT‑1040, Line 14, or Form CT‑1040NR/PY, Line 16). If you were a resident during the 2023 taxable year and you did not file a 2023 Connecticut income tax return because you had no Connecticut income tax liability, enter “0.” If you were a nonresident or part‑year resident during the 2023 taxable year with Connecticut‑sourced income and you did not file a 2023 Connecticut income tax return because you had no Connecticut income tax liability, enter “0.” All other taxpayers must leave Line 14 blank. Line 16a: Enter the estimated PE Tax Credit. You may receive a PE Tax Credit if you are a member or a shareholder of a pass‑through entity subject to the Connecticut Pass‑Through Entity Tax, or if you are a beneficiary of a trust or estate that is a member or a shareholder of a pass‑through entity subject to the Connecticut Pass‑Through Entity Tax. The PE Tax Credit will be reported to you on Schedule CT K‑1 or on Schedule CT‑1041 K‑1. Payment Options Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT to pay your Connecticut estimated taxes electronically. Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card Pay Electronically: Electronic payments can be made through our online portal called myconneCT at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT. 1. Pay by ACH Debit/Direct Payment: Using this option authorizes DRS to electronically withdraw a payment from your bank account (checking or savings) on a date you select up to the due date. There is no fee to pay by ACH debit. Form CT-1040ES (Rev. 01/24) 2. Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card: You may elect to pay your tax liability using a credit card (American Express®, Discover®, Master Card®, Visa®) or comparable debit card. A convenience fee will be charged by the credit card service provider. You will be informed of the amount of the fee and may elect to cancel the transaction. Your payment will be effective on the date that you make the charge. At the end of the transaction, you will receive a confirmation number for your records. As a reminder, even if you pay electronically, you must still file your return by the due date. Tax not paid on or before the due date will be subject to penalty and interest. Do not mail Form CT‑1040ES if you make your payment by credit card or debit card. Pay by Mail Make your check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services. To ensure your payment is applied to your account, write “2024 Form CT‑1040ES” and your Social Security Number (SSN), optional, on the front of your check. Be sure to sign your check and paper clip it to the front of the coupon. Do not send cash. DRS may submit your check to your bank electronically. Completing the Payment Coupon: Complete all required taxpayer identification information in blue or black ink only. Enter the payment amount where indicated on the coupon. In determining your payment amount, you may subtract from your installment amount any available overpayment of 2023 income tax. If you file this coupon, DRS will mail you personalized, preprinted coupons for the remaining quarters of the 2024 taxable year. Page 8 of 8
Extracted from PDF file 2024-connecticut-form-ct-1040es.pdf, last modified December 2023

More about the Connecticut Form CT-1040ES Individual Income Tax Estimated TY 2024

You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Department of Revenue Services of Connecticut on a quarterly basis.

We last updated the Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals in March 2024, so this is the latest version of Form CT-1040ES, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CT-1040ES directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Connecticut tax forms here.

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Related Connecticut Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 85 Connecticut income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Connecticut Form CT-1040ES.

Form Code Form Name
CT-1040ES (Current Year) Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

Download all CT tax forms View all 86 Connecticut Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Connecticut usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Connecticut Form CT-1040ES from the Department of Revenue Services in March 2024.

Show Sources >

Form CT-1040ES is a Connecticut Individual Income Tax form. While most taxpayers have income taxes automatically withheld every pay period by their employer, taxpayers who earn money that is not subject to withholding (such as self employed income, investment returns, etc) are often required to make estimated tax payments on a quarterly basis. Failure to make correct estimated payments can result in interest or penalties.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Connecticut Form CT-1040ES

We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form CT-1040ES in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2019 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat) 20170919.indd

2018 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat) 20170919.indd

2017 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat) 20170919.indd

2016 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2017 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

2016 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals 2015 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2016 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

2015 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals 2014 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2015 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

2014 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals 2013 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2014 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

2012 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals 2012 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2012 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

2011 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals 2011 Form CT-1040ES

CT-1040ES (flat), 2011 Estimated Connecticut Income Tax Payment Coupon for Individuals

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/connecticut/form-ct-1040es