Colorado Electronic Filing Declaration - C-Corporation

Form DR 8453C is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Colorado Department of Revenue.
Extracted from PDF file 2023-colorado-form-dr-8453c.pdf, last modified September 2021Electronic Filing Declaration - C-Corporation
*DO=NOT=SEND* DR 8454 (01/26/23) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver CO 80261-0005 Instructions Responsibility for this Form If electronically filing more than one return for a taxpayer or entity/business, a separate DR 8454 is required for each qualifying entity. By participating in the electronic filing option, the PC online filer agrees to maintain this form (DR 8454) for four years from the due date of the return or the date the return was filed, whichever is later. The PC online filer also agrees to present this form upon request to the Department of Revenue at any time during the four-year period. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE IRS OR THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE unless you receive a request from the Colorado Department of Revenue for this document. Line Instructions Name, Address, and Social Security Number Print or type this information in the space provided exactly as it is shown on the electronically filed Colorado tax return form. Part I - TAX RETURN INFORMATION Individual Income Line 1 Report the total income from federal Form 1040, line 9. Line 2 Report the amount of taxable income reported on federal Form 1040, line 15. Line 3 Report the amount of tax reported on Colorado Form 104, line 19. Line 4 Report the amount indicated as Colorado withholding tax from Colorado Form 104 line 20. Corporate Income Line 1 Report the total income from Federal Form 1120. Line 2 Report the amount of taxable income reported on Federal Form 1120. Line 3 Report the amount of tax reported on Colorado Form 112, line 18. Line 4 Report the amount indicated as Colorado payments from Colorado Form 112 line 25. Partnership/S-Corp Income Line 1 Report the total income from federal Schedule K. Line 2 Allowable deduction from federal Schedule K. Line 3 Report the amount of tax reported on Colorado Form 106, line 15 in Part II or line 20 in Part III, if applicable. Line 4 Report the amount indicated as Colorado payments from Colorado Form 106 line 22 in Part IV. Fiduciary Income Line 1 Report the total income from Federal Form 1041. Line 2 Report the amount of taxable income reported on Federal Form 1041. Line 3 Report the amount of tax reported on Colorado Form 105, line 9. Line 4 Report the amount indicated as Colorado payments from Colorado Form 105 line 17. Please note: The name of the estate/trust should be entered in the "Taxpayer Last Name or Business Name" field and the fiduciary name should be entered in the "First Name or Business DBA if different from Business Name" field. Part II - DECLARATION OF TAXPAYER (TAXPAYER USING ERO OR TAXPAYER WHO IS A PC FILER) All Taxpayers All Taxpayers are required to sign and date the DR 8454 at the time of filing. An electronically transmitted income tax return will not be considered complete and/or filed until the DR 8454 has been signed/dated by all appropriate taxpayers. Retain a copy of this form in your records for four years. When feasible, attach this form in PDF format to the e-filed return, but do not mail this form to the Colorado Department of Revenue or the IRS unless requested. Taxpayers Using an Electronic Return Originator (ERO) or Preparer Taxpayers who use an ERO or tax preparer should maintain copies of all information given to them by the ERO or tax preparer for the period covered by the statute of limitations, but are not required to mail anything to the Colorado Department of Revenue at the time of filing. Part III - DECLARATION OF ELECTRONIC RETURN ORIGINATOR (ERO), PREPARER OR TRANSMITTER The ERO or the preparer of the return is required to sign and date the DR 8454 at the time of filing. If the ERO is also the preparer, the check box labeled "Check if also preparer" must be checked. The ERO or preparer is also required to report their Social Security Number or preparer identification number (PTIN) in the space provided. If the taxpayer is the preparer, PART III does not need to be signed/dated. OTHER INFORMATION Colorado Statute of Limitations The general rule for the Colorado statute of limitations is the federal statute of limitations plus one year, or four years from the federal due date of the return or the date the return was filed, whichever is later. DR 8454 on Demand by Colorado Department of Revenue The paid preparer is also responsible for establishing and maintaining a system that allows retrieval of any particular DR 8454 and attachments by taxpayer social security number on demand by the Colorado Department of Revenue. *228454==19999* DR 8454 (01/26/23) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver CO 80261-0005 Page 1 of 1 State of Colorado Income Tax Declaration for Online Electronic Filing Do not mail this form to the IRS or the Colorado Department of Revenue. Retain with your records. For Tax Year (MM/DD/YY) or Fiscal Year beginning (MM/DD/YY) Tax Type Individual Income (DR 0104) Corporate Income (DR 0112) Partnership/S-Corp Income (DR 0106) Fiduciary Income (DR 0105) Taxpayer Last Name or Business Name First Name or Business DBA if different from Business Name Middle Initial Spouse's Last Name (if applicable) First Name Middle Initial Taxpayer SSN or ITIN Spouse SSN or ITIN (if applicable) Taxpayer or Business Address FEIN City State ZIP Part I — Tax Return Information 1. Total Income from your federal return (see instructions for more information) 2. Taxable Income (or allowable deduction) from your federal return (see instructions for more information) 1 $ 3. Colorado Tax from your Colorado return (see instructions for more information) 4. Colorado Tax Withheld or Payments, from your Colorado return (see instructions or more information) Part II — Declaration of Tax Payer 3 $ 2 $ 4 $ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the information I have provided for electronic filing and the amounts shown in Part I above agree with the amounts shown on my Federal/Colorado income tax returns, and that said tax returns, statements, schedules and attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that I (or my Electronic Return Originator (ERO) if applicable) may be required to provide paper copies of this declaration, my returns, withholding statements, schedules, and attachments upon request by the Colorado Department of Revenue at any time during the period covered by the Colorado statute of limitations. Signature Date (MM/DD/YY) Spouse's Signature (If Joint Return, Both Must Sign) Date (MM/DD/YY) Part III — Declaration of ERO/Preparer/Transmitter If the transmitter did not prepare the tax return, check here If I am not the preparer, I declare only that the amounts shown in Part I above agree with the amounts shown on the taxpayer's Federal/Colorado income tax returns. If I am the preparer, under penalties of perjury I declare that I have reviewed the above taxpayer's Federal/Colorado income tax returns and that the information provided to me by the taxpayer and the amounts shown in Part I above agree with the amounts shown on said tax returns, and that said tax returns, statements, schedules, and attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. As preparer, I further declare that I have obtained the taxpayer's signature on this form at the time of filing and have provided the taxpayer with copies of all forms and information filed. I also agree to maintain this signed Form (DR 8454) for the period covered by the Colorado statute of limitations, and to provide paper copies of this declaration, said returns, withholding statements, schedules and attachments upon request by the Colorado Department of Revenue at any time during this period. ERO's Signature Preparer Identification Number, Your SSN, or ITIN Date (MM/DD/YY) Check if also Preparer
DR 8454 State of Colorado Income Tax Declaration for Online Electronic Filing
More about the Colorado Form DR 8453C Corporate Income Tax
When feasible attach in PDF format to your e-filed return Do not mail this form to the IRS or the Colorado Department of Revenue Retain with your records.
We last updated the Electronic Filing Declaration - C-Corporation in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Colorado Department of Revenue. You can print other Colorado tax forms here.
eFile your Colorado tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Colorado and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Colorado Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 64 Colorado income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form DR 0074 | Enterprise Zone Pre-Certification for Business |
Form DR 0077 | Enterprise Zone Certification - Research/Development Expenditures |
Form 106 | Partnership / S-Corporation Pass-Through Entities Tax Booklet |
Form DR 0076 | Enterprise Zone Certification -- Rehabilitation Expenditures |
112 Booklet | C-Corporation Income Tax Return Booklet |
View all 65 Colorado Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Colorado usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Colorado Form DR 8453C from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Colorado Form DR 8453C
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form DR 8453C in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

DR 8454 State of Colorado Income Tax Declaration for Online Electronic Filing

DR 8454 State of Colorado Income Tax Declaration for Online Electronic Filing

State of Colorado Corporate Income Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing and DR 8453C
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Colorado Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.