Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule

Extracted from PDF file 2024-colorado-form-dr-1366.pdf, last modified October 2024Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule
*DO=NOT=SEND* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 2024 Certified Economic Development Credit Schedule General Instructions Use this form to claim tax credits certified by the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) that were issued for business activity in Enterprise Zones or CHIPS Zones where the taxpayer was not also issued a refund certificate by OEDIT. If you were issued a refund certificate, please do not use this form to claim any credits you earned after the refund certificate was issued. Instead complete form DR 1370 to claim any refundable credits. If you have any Enterprise Zone credits carried forward from tax years prior to the issuance of the refund certificate, please complete this form DR 1366 to claim those carryforward credits. Do not use this form to claim an Enterprise Zone Contribution Credit. Instead, claim that credit on your relevant credit schedule. Any taxpayer who claims any Enterprise Zone or CHIPS Zone credits is required to file their returns electronically (§39-30-111, C.R.S.) and most software products and tax preparers have the ability to meet this requirement. Revenue Online can also be used to file your return and attachments electronically. If you are unable to file electronically, include this DR 1366 schedule and any supporting documentation with your paper return. However, the Department strongly recommends electronic filing for taxpayers with Enterprise Zone credits. Failure to file electronically may result in delays processing your return. You must submit copies of certification forms generated from the EZ Tax Credit online system with your tax return. For more information about these credits, go to: • Enterprise Zone Tax Guide; •; and • Follow the instructions to calculate the credit amount(s) that will be used to offset your tax liability. Only use current year credit generated once all carryforward credit has been exhausted. Partnerships and S Corporations: Form DR 1366 must be completed for the partnership or S corporation to calculate the credits available for pass-through. Complete this copy of the DR 1366 calculating the amount of credit generated and available for use by all partners or shareholders (including both resident and non-resident members). A partnership or S corporation filing a composite nonresident return may claim the included nonresident partners’ or shareholders’ shares of the credits, up to the amount of their tax and subject to any additional limitations. Any credit not applied toward tax in a composite nonresident return must be allocated to partners and shareholders on their form DR 0106K. The total number of credits claimed on the composite nonresident return and allocated to partners or shareholders on their form DR 0106K must sum to the amounts on the DR 1366. Partners or shareholders will complete their own DR 1366 to claim their share of credits from their DR 0106K on their own returns. Important information regarding the refundable investment tax credit for renewable energy investments: The $750,000 cap is applicable at the partnership or S corporation level. The combination of credits claimed and used by investors/owners and any members cannot exceed $750,000 for a tax year. *DO=NOT=SEND* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PART I: Investment Tax Credits Section A - Carryforward of refundable credit for renewable energy investment (for refundable elections made prior to January 1, 2021) If you earned renewable energy investment tax credits by placing renewable energy investments in service after January 1, 2015, but before January 1, 2021, AND you made an election to make such credits refundable, complete this section A of the form. Line 1 - Enter the total refundable amount of renewable energy investment credit generated in prior years remaining for use this year in the credit available column. Enter the amount of refundable renewable energy investment credit claimed this year in the credit used column. The amount of credit used on this line may not exceed $750,000. Section B - Limitation for allowable Investment Tax Credit, Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit, Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit, and Job Training Investment Tax Credit Multiple limitations restrict the amount of credit a taxpayer can use for a given tax year. If the credit allowed to the taxpayer exceeds these limits, the taxpayer can generally carry forward the excess credit for application toward the tax due for subsequent tax years. The amount of credit a taxpayer can use in a given tax year is the lesser of: • the taxpayer’s net tax liability; • the sum of $5,000 plus 50% of the taxpayer’s tax net liability in excess of $5,000; or • $750,000. The $750,000 limit applies to any credit applied toward tax, any refund the taxpayer receives for a renewable energy investment, and to the combined total of credit applied and refund claimed by the taxpayer for the tax year. If a taxpayer claims a $750,000 refund for a renewable energy investment, the taxpayer cannot apply any credit toward tax for the same tax year. The $750,000 limit does not apply to any credit the taxpayer has carried forward from a tax year prior to 2014. Section C - Credit Available and Used for Investment Tax Credit, Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit, Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit, and Job Training Investment Tax Credit Line 8 - Enter your current year Investment Tax Credit, including any carryforward from prior years. The credit amount is 3% of your investment amount. Do not report Renewable Energy Investments, Commercial Vehicle Investments, or Job Training Investments on this line. Line 9 - Enter your current year Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit, include any carryforward from prior years. The credit amount is 3% of your investment amount. Only report Renewable Energy Investments on this line. Line 10 - Enter your current year Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit, include any carryforward from prior years. The credit amount is 1.5% of your investment amount. Only report Commercial Vehicle Investments on this line. Line 11 - Enter your current year Job Training Investment Tax Credit, include any carryforward from prior years. The credit amount is 12% of your investment amount. Only report Job Training Investments on this line. Line 12 - Sum lines 8 through 11. The amount of credit allowed for use in Column B on line 12 may not exceed the limit calculated on line 7 of the previous section. Additionally, the sum of the amount in Column B on line 12 and the amount on line 1 cannot exceed $750,000. *DO=NOT=SEND* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PART II: Business Facility New Employee Credits In order to calculate the credits in Part II, please use worksheet 1 below. Worksheet 1: Business Facility New Employee Credits A. Enter the monthly average of business facility employees for the current tax year. This number may include fractional employees expressed as x.xx ...... B. Highest total number of business facility employees for any prior tax year (enter zero for first year of operation) ........................................................... C. Increase in business facility employees, line A minus line B. ........................ D. Business Facility New Employee Credit: Enter line C multiplied by $1,100. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the “credit available” column on line 13 of form DR 1366. ........................... 00 E. Enter the number of business facility employees from line C that are located in an enhanced rural enterprise zone. This number may include fractional employees expressed as x.xx. ...................................................................... F. Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone New Employee Credit: Enter line E multiplied by $2,000. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the credit available column on line 14 of form DR 1366.... 00 G. Enter the number of business facility employees from line C if the business facility adds value through manufacturing or processing agricultural commodities. This number may include fractional employees expressed as x.xx. ............................................................................................ H. Agricultural Processing New Employee Credit: Enter line G multiplied by $500. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the credit available column on line 15 of form DR 1366. ...................... 00 I. Enter the number of enhanced rural business facility employees from line G if the business facility adds value through manufacturing or processing agricultural commodities. This number may include fractional employees expressed as x.xx. ............................................................................................ J. Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone Agricultural Processing New Employee Credit: Enter line I multiplied by $500. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the credit available column on line 16 of form DR 1366. .............................................. 00 K. For the first two full tax years the taxpayer is located in the enterprise zone only, enter the number of business facility employees from line A that meet the requirements for the employee health insurance credit. This number may include fractional employees expressed as x.xx. .................................. L. Employee Health Insurance Credit: Enter line K multiplied by $1,000. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the credit available column on line 17 of form DR 1366. .................. 00 *DO=NOT=SEND* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PART III: Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation Credit In order to calculate the Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation Credit in Part III, please use worksheet 2 below. If you are claiming credit for more than one commercial structure, complete a separate worksheet for each commercial structure. Worksheet 2: Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation Credit A. Current year qualified expenditures from your credit certificate(s). If you are claiming credit for more than one commercial structure, make sure to include copies of all credit certificates you received. .................................... B. Enter the smaller of $50,000 or 25% of line A. Round to the nearest dollar, add any carryforward from prior years, and enter in the credit available column on line 19 of form DR 1366. ............................................................. 00 00 PART IV: Research and Experimental Activities Credit In order to calculate any current year Research and Experimental Activities Credit in Part IV, please use worksheet 3 below. Complete the remainder of the form following the instructions to claim allowable credit you earned in prior periods. Worksheet 3: Research and Experimental Activities Credit A. Enter the current year qualified expenditures. .............................................. B. Enter the first preceding year expenditures. ................................................. C. Enter the second preceding year expenditures. ........................................... D. Enter the sum of lines B and C. .................................................................... E. Enter 50% of line D. ...................................................................................... F. Enter line A minus line E. .............................................................................. G. Allowable amount: 3% of line F. .................................................................... H. Enter 25% of the amount on line G. .............................................................. I. Any unused carryforward credit from prior years. ......................................... J. Enter the sum of lines H and I and transfer to line 20 of the DR 1366. .......... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *DO=NOT=SEND* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PART V: Transfer to Income Tax forms Summarize your credits as noted on the form instructions and transfer the totals from line 25 through line 28 to the appropriate credit schedule or return form as indicated. This page was intentionally left blank. *241366==19999* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 1 of 5 2024 Certified Economic Development Credit Schedule Last Name or Business Name First Name Middle Initial Social Security Number, ITIN, or FEIN and CAN If you are claiming credit passed through from a Partnership or S Corporation, enter the FEIN or Colorado Account Number of the Partnership or S Corporation. PART I: Investment Tax Credits Section A - Carryforward of refundable credit for renewable energy investment (for refundable elections made prior to January 1, 2021) Please submit copies of the credit certificates that were issued to generate each original refundable renewable energy investment tax credit. 1. Refundable Renewable Energy Investment Credit. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 Section B - Limitation for allowable Investment Tax Credits 2. Current year tax liability 3. Statutory credit limitation 4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If line 2 is less than line 3 enter 0 5. 50% of line 4 6. Sum of lines 3 and 5 7. Enter the smaller of lines 2 or 6, but not more than $750,000. This is the current year limit for allowable credit $ 00 $ 5,000 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 *241366==29999* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 2 of 5 Last Name or Business Name (match page 1) First Name (match page 1) Middle Initial Social Security Number, ITIN, or FEIN and CAN (match page 1) Section C - Investment Tax Credit, Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit, Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit, and Job Training Investment Tax Credit Please submit copies of the credit certificates that were issued to generate each tax credit. 8. Investment Tax Credit. Do not report Renewable Energy Investments, Commercial Vehicle Investments or Job Training Investments on this line. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 9. Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit. Only report Renewable Energy Investments on this line. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 10. Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit. Only report Commercial Vehicle Investments on this line. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 11. Job Training Investment Tax Credit. Only report Job Training Investments on this line. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 12. Sum of lines 8 through 11. Column A is the amount of credit available and Column B is the total amount of credit used which may not exceed the amount on line 7. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 *241366==39999* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 3 of 5 Last Name or Business Name (match page 1) First Name (match page 1) Middle Initial Social Security Number, ITIN, or FEIN and CAN (match page 1) PART II: Business Facility New Employee Credits Please submit copies of the credit certificates that were issued to generate each tax credit. 13. Business Facility New Employee Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 14. Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone New Employee Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 15. Agricultural Processing New Employee Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 16. Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone Agricultural Processing New Employee Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 17. Employee Health Insurance Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 18. Sum of lines 13 through 17. Column A is the amount of credit available and Column B is the total amount of credit used. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 *241366==49999* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 4 of 5 Last Name or Business Name (match page 1) First Name (match page 1) Middle Initial Social Security Number, ITIN, or FEIN and CAN (match page 1) PART III: Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation Credit Please submit copies of the credit certificates that were issued to generate each tax credit. 19. Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 PART IV: Research and Experimental Activities Credit Please submit copies of the credit certificates that were issued to generate each tax credit. 20. Current year Research & Experimental Activities Credit Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 21. Enter 25% of the allowable amount from the applicable 2021 credit schedule. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 22. Enter 25% of the allowable amount from the applicable 2022 credit schedule. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 23. Enter 25% of the allowable amount from the applicable 2023 credit schedule. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 *241366==59999* DR 1366 (10/01/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 5 of 5 Last Name or Business Name (match page 1) First Name (match page 1) Middle Initial Social Security Number, ITIN, or FEIN and CAN (match page 1) 24. Sum of lines 20 through 23. Column A is the amount of credit available and Column B is the total amount of credit used. Credit Available Column A Credit Used Toward Tax Liability Column B 00 00 PART V: Transfer to Income Tax forms 25. Nonrefundable Credit Available - Sum of Column A of lines 12, 18, 19, and 24. Transfer this amount to line 14A of DR 0106CR. $ 00 26. Nonrefundable credits - Sum of column B of lines 12, 18, 19, and 24. Enter this amount on the line of the applicable credit form as follows $ 00 Form DR 0104, Individual Income Tax Return Line 17 Form DR 0105, Fiduciary Income Tax Return Line 16 Form DR 0106CR, Partnership and S Corporation Credit Schedule Form Line 14C Form DR 0112, Corporate Income Tax Return Line 21 27. Refundable Credit Available - Enter the amount of line 1, Column A here. Transfer this amount to line 30A of DR 0106CR $ 00 28. Enter the amount from line 1, Column B. Enter this amount on the line of the applicable credit form as follows $ 00 Form DR 0104CR, Individual Income Tax Return Line 8 Form DR 0105, Fiduciary Income Tax Return Line 27 Form DR 0106CR, Partnership and S Corporation Credit Schedule Line 30C Form DR 0112, Corporate Income Tax Return Line 32 This page was intentionally left blank.
DR 1366 2024 Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule
More about the Colorado Form DR 1366 Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024
Use this form to calculate enterprise zone credits earned in the current tax year and to report any carryforward amounts from previous years (or any applicable carry back amounts). Total non-refundable credit claimed cannot exceed the statutory limit or current year tax liability. Any taxpayer who claims an enterprise zone credit is statutorily required to file their returns electronically (ยง39-30-111, C.R.S.) and most software products and tax preparers have the ability to meet this requirement.
We last updated the Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form DR 1366, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form DR 1366 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Colorado tax forms here.
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eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Colorado and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Colorado Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 64 Colorado income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form DR 0074 | Enterprise Zone Pre-Certification for Business |
Form DR 0077 | Enterprise Zone Certification - Research/Development Expenditures |
Form 106 | Partnership / S-Corporation Pass-Through Entities Tax Booklet |
Form DR 0076 | Enterprise Zone Certification -- Rehabilitation Expenditures |
112 Booklet | C-Corporation Income Tax Return Booklet |
View all 65 Colorado Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Colorado usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Colorado Form DR 1366 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.
Form DR 1366 is a Colorado Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Colorado Form DR 1366
We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form DR 1366 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

DR 1366 2024 Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule

DR 1366 2023 Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule

DR 1366 2022 Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule

2021 Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule DR 1366

DR 1366

DR 1366
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Colorado Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.