Colorado Partnership / S-Corporation Pass-Through Entities Tax Booklet

Extracted from PDF file 2024-colorado-form-106.pdf, last modified December 2024Partnership / S-Corporation Pass-Through Entities Tax Booklet
(12/27/24) Booklet Includes: Instructions | DR 0106 | Related Forms 2024 106 { { BOOK Partnership and S Corporation Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Income Tax Filing Guide This book includes: DR 0107 2024 Colorado Nonresident Partner or Shareholder Agreement DR 0158-N Automatic Filing Extension for Composite Nonresident Income Tax Return DR 0106 2024 Colorado Partnership and S corporation and Composite Nonresident Income Tax Return DR 0106K 2024 Colorado K-1 DR 0106CR 2024 Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Credit Schedule Mailing Address FOR FORM DR 0106 AND DR 0106CR With Payment Colorado Department of Revenue Denver, CO 80261-0006 Without Payment Colorado Department of Revenue Denver, CO 80261-0005 These addresses and zip codes are exclusive to the Colorado Department of Revenue, so a street address is not required. Mailing Address FOR FORM DR 0158-N AND DR 0108 Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver, CO 80261-0008 2 *240107==19999* DR 0107 (05/06/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver CO 80261-0008 Page 1 of 1 2024 Colorado Nonresident Partner or Shareholder Agreement Taxable Year of Partner or Shareholder Beginning MM/DD/YYYY Ending MM/DD/YYYY Taxable Year of Partnership or S Corporation Beginning MM/DD/YYYY Ending MM/DD/YYYY Name and Address of Nonresident Partner or Shareholder S S N or I T I N F E I N Name and Address of Partnership or S Corporation Colorado Account Number F E I N Last Name or Business Name Last Name or Business Name First Name Middle Initial First Name Middle Initial Street or Mailing Address Street or Mailing Address City City State ZIP State ZIP I agree to file a Colorado income tax return and make timely payment of all taxes imposed by the state of Colorado with respect to my share of the Colorado income of the Partnership or S Corporation named above. I also agree to be subject to personal jurisdiction in the state of Colorado for purposes of the collection of unpaid income tax together with related penalties and interest. I furthermore understand the Department of Revenue will consider the timely first filing of this agreement as applicable to all future filing periods unless notified otherwise. Taxpayer's or Authorized Agent's Signature Date (MM/DD/YY) Submit this agreement when filing the Colorado form DR 0106 A nonresident partner or shareholder can complete this form DR 0107 to establish that they will report the Colorado source income and pay the Colorado tax on any income derived from a Colorado partnership or S corporation. This form shall be delivered by the nonresident partner or shareholder to the partnership or S corporation, which shall later be submitted by the partnership or S corporation with form DR 0106. This form need only to be filed with the Department for the year in which the agreement is made. See the instructions for Nonresident Partners and Shareholders in the 106 Book and the income tax guidance publications available at for more information. Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Income Tax Return This filing guide will assist you with completing your Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Income Tax Return. Please read through this guide before starting your return. Once you finish the form, file it with a computer, smartphone or tablet using our free and secure system at You may also file using private e-File software or with a paid tax preparer. Filing electronically significantly reduces the chance of errors. If you cannot file electronically, mail your return as instructed. All Colorado forms and publications referenced in this guide are available for download at — the official Taxation website. If you are filing on paper, submitting an incomplete return will delay the processing of your return. Please ensure you submit any supporting forms, schedules, and documentation as requested in the instructions. All Colorado income tax forms and guidance publications are available at our official website, Every partnership and S corporation must file a DR 0106 for any year it is doing business in Colorado. A partnership or S corporation is doing business in Colorado whenever it meets the criteria set forth in Rule 39-22-301(1). Any group, organization, or business entity that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, is treated as a partnership for Colorado income tax purposes, including any limited liability company classified as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Amended Return To report a change or correction to your return, you must complete a new DR 0106 and mark the “Amended Return” box at the top of the form. Enter all fields even if the value has not changed from the original return. Submit all schedules and supporting documentation, even if they were submitted with the original return and have not changed. What’s new this year? Elimination of Form DR 0108 Form DR 0108 has been eliminated for tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2024. Instead, partnerships and S corporations must file composite returns including all nonresident partners and shareholders that have not executed a Nonresident Partner or Shareholder Agreement (form DR 0107). Nonresident partners and shareholders included in a composite return may file their own Colorado income tax returns and claim credit for their share of the Colorado income tax paid by the partnership or S corporation in the composite return. Additional information about composite returns can be found later in these instructions. Changes to Composite Filing Every partnership and S corporation that is required to file form DR 0106 that does not make an election under the SALT Parity Act must file a composite return (Part II of form DR 0106) and make a composite payment of tax on behalf of all of its nonresident partners or shareholders, except for the partners and shareholders that are excluded. In general, any partner or shareholder that is a nonresident individual, estate, or trust must be included in the composite return and payment, but any partner that is a corporation or partnership is not. Additionally, any nonresident partner or shareholder that timely files a Nonresident Partner or Shareholder Agreement (form DR 0107) is excluded from the composite return. The partnership or S corporation may claim a credit allocated to a nonresident partner or shareholder included in a composite return, subject to various limitations. To the extent the credit exceeds the composite payment with respect to the partner or shareholder and the excess may be carried forward or refunded, the amount not applied to the composite payment is passed through to and may only be claimed by the partner or shareholder. A partnership or S corporation may not carry forward or claim a refund for any credit. 5 Nonresident partners and shareholders included in a composite return may file their own Colorado income tax returns and claim credit for their share of the tax paid by the partnership or S corporation in the composite return. Additional information about nonresident partners and shareholders and composite returns can be found later in these instructions. Composite Estimated Payments For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, partnerships and S corporations must remit quarterly estimated payments if its net Colorado tax liability for the year with a composite nonresident return exceeds $5,000. The rules for calculating a partnership’s or S corporation’s required estimated payments are generally the same as the rules for calculating a C corporation’s estimated tax payments. Please see Part 9 of the Colorado Corporate Income Tax Guide for additional information. Colorado K-1s for Resident Partners A partnership or S corporation is required to complete a Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) for each partner or shareholder. Partnerships and S corporations are generally no longer required to complete the Colorado column (Column B) of any Colorado K-1 prepared for a resident partner or shareholder. General Instructions Due Dates You must file this return and pay any amount owed by the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the close of the tax year, which is April 15 for calendar year filers. For filing your return there is an automatic extension of six months, or until October 15 for calendar year filers. However, no extension is available for payment. To make an extension payment before filing, see form DR 0158-N in this book. If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, return will be due the next business day. On or before the due date (including extensions), you must provide each partner or shareholder a copy of their Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K). Copies of the Colorado K-1 must also be transmitted to the Colorado Department of Revenue when you file this return. For more information on transmitting copies of the Colorado K-1, refer to Nonresident Partners and Shareholders Every partnership and S corporation that is required to file form DR 0106 that does not make an election under the SALT Parity Act must file a composite return (Part II of form DR 0106) and make a composite payment of tax on behalf of all of its nonresident partners or shareholders, except for the following partners and shareholders: • Any Colorado resident partner or shareholder, including partners and shareholders that are residents of Colorado for only part of the tax year; • Any nonresident partner that is a corporation or a partnership; • Any nonresident partner or shareholder that is exempt from Colorado income tax under section 3922-112(1), C.R.S.; and • Any nonresident partner or shareholder that timely files a Nonresident Partner or Shareholder Agreement (form DR 0107). Partnerships and S corporations that file a composite return must report on the Colorado K-1 they issue to each included nonresident partner or shareholder their share of the tax paid by the partnership or S corporation with the composite return. Nonresident partners and shareholders may file their own Colorado income tax returns and claim credit for their share of the tax paid by the partnership or S corporation. 6 SALT Parity Act Election Partnerships and S corporations may elect to be subject Colorado income tax at the entity level. The election is binding on all of the partners or shareholders, except for any partner that is a C corporation that is unitary with the partnership. Partnerships and S corporations may make this election, by checking box I on form DR 0106. The partnership or S corporation may also make the election by filing form DR 1705 or by marking the SALT Parity Act election box on form DR 0106EP filed with an estimated tax payment. Check the SALT Parity Election box on every Colorado K-1 issued to a partner or shareholder. If a partnership or S corporation makes a SALT Parity Act election, its tax liability must be calculated with respect to all partners or shareholders (including both residents and nonresidents), except for any partner that is a C corporation that is unitary with the partnership. Each partner or shareholder must also file a return, except that a nonresident individual partner or shareholder whose only Colorado source income is from the partnership or S corporation making the SALT Parity Act election is not required to file a return. A partnership or S corporation that makes a SALT Parity Act election may not also make a composite return on behalf of nonresident partners or shareholders. Each partner or shareholder is allowed a credit against their Colorado income tax liability equal to the share of the tax imposed upon and paid by the entity with respect to the partner’s or shareholder’s income. All other credits are passed through to the partner or shareholder and must be claimed on the return filed by the partner or shareholder along with the refundable SALT Parity Act credit. When a partnership or S corporation makes the SALT Parity Act election, all partners or shareholders must add back any deduction taken under section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code. Estimated Tax Payments In general, a partnership or S corporation must remit quarterly estimated payments if its net Colorado tax liability for the year either with a composite nonresident return or as a result of a SALT Parity Act Election exceeds $5,000. The rules for calculating a partnership’s or S corporation’s required estimated payments are generally the same as the rules for calculating a C corporation’s estimated tax payments. Please see Part 9 of the Colorado Corporate Income Tax Guide. Use form DR 0233 to calculate the estimated tax penalty, if any. If an estimated tax penalty is due, enter the penalty on line 30 of form DR 0106 and submit a copy of form DR 0233 with the return. Partnerships and S corporations making estimated payments must remit payment with form DR 0106EP. Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) Partnerships and S corporations must complete a Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) for each of their partners and shareholders for each tax year. Completed Colorado K-1s must be filed with the Department, as described later in these instructions. On or before the date the Colorado K-1s are filed with the Department, the partnership or S corporation must furnish each partner or shareholder with a copy of the Colorado K-1 reporting their income, deductions, modifications, and credits. Partnerships and S corporations must also advise partners and shareholders of their share of any taxes paid by the entity to another state so they can compute the credit for tax paid to other state(s), and the related state income tax addback. Refer to Rules 39-22-104(3)(d) and 39-22-108 for more information. Detailed instructions regarding modifications and credits are provided with the Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K). 7 Apportionment and Sourcing of Income Partnerships and S corporations doing business in more than one state must apportion or source the income of their nonresident partners and shareholders as described below. See the Corporate Income Tax Guide for details regarding the following apportionment methods. The partnership must compute each nonresident partner’s or shareholder’s share of income and other items that is attributable to Colorado and show the amount attributable to Colorado on the Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K). Partnerships The Colorado-source income resulting from partnership activity is generally determined pursuant to section 39-22-109, C.R.S. (Direct Sourcing), or, at the partnership's election, apportioned and allocated pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S. (Receipts-Factor Apportionment). The ordinary income of a partnership will generally be sourced using receipts-factor apportionment even if the partnership does not elect to apportion and allocate all income using this method. S Corporations Section 39-22-321(1) and (2), C.R.S., requires S corporations to apportion and allocate income pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S. (Receipts-Factor Apportionment). Direct Sourcing Each item of income, gain, loss, is sourced separately to determine whether it is derived from sources within Colorado. In general, items are considered to be derived from sources within Colorado when they are attributable to: • The ownership of any interest in real or tangible personal property in Colorado (see Rule 39-22-109(3)(a)); • A business, trade, profession, or occupation carried on in Colorado (see Rule 39-22-109(3)(b)); or • Intangible property, including annuities, dividends, interest, and gains from the disposition of intangible property, to the extent such income is from property employed in a business, trade, profession, or occupation carried on in Colorado (see Rule 39-22-109(3)(e). Please see section 39-22-109, C.R.S., and Rule 39-22-109 for additional guidance in determining Colorado-source income. Receipts-Factor Apportionment Under formulary apportionment, income from business activity that is taxable both within and outside Colorado is apportioned and allocated in the same manner as the income of a C corporation. Apportionable income must be apportioned using the receipts factor. Nonapportionable income may either be directly allocated to the appropriate state or treated as apportionable income, subject to receipts-factor apportionment. Complete and include Part V with your return if you are sourcing income using receipts-factor apportionment. For more information on apportionment and allocation, refer to Part 6 of the Colorado Corporate Income Tax Guide. Not Apportioning Income If a partnership or S corporation has no income from business activity outside Colorado, then the partnership or S corporation will source 100% of its income to Colorado. DR 0106 Instructions Taxpayer Information Enter the following information for the partnership or S corporation: 8 • Fiscal year beginning and ending dates if the tax year is not a calendar year. You must use the same tax year for Colorado as for federal tax purposes; • Mark if this is an amended return; • Legal name and, if applicable, “doing business as” or trade name; • Colorado Account Number (C A N), which is 8 digits and is also used on sales tax and wage withholding forms; • Federal Employer Identification Number (F E I N); and • Mailing address, for the Department to send letters regarding your income tax account. Listed or Reportable Transaction Mark if you are required to report a federal listed or reportable transaction, or a Colorado listed transaction. You must also attach I R S form 8886 or Colorado form DR 1831, as applicable. Refer to sections 39-22-651 through 659, C.R.S., and the related rules, for further information. Box A Legal Form Mark the box that represents the true legal form of the partnership or S corporation filing this return. Boxes B and C Depreciable Assets Enter the beginning and ending depreciable assets from the federal return net of any accumulated depreciation. Refer to line 10b (columns (b) and (d)) of Schedule L of I R S form 1120-S or line 9b (columns (b) and (d)) of Schedule L of I R S form 1065), as applicable. Box D Principal Business Activity Enter a short description of the partnership’s or S corporation’s principal business activity or profession including the principal product or service. Box E Commencement Date Enter the date the partnership was organized or the S corporation was incorporated, as applicable. Box F Final Return If this is the partnership’s or S corporation’s final Colorado income tax return, mark box F. Box G Federal Changes Mark this box G if, for any of the previous four tax years: • The I R S made any adjustments to the partnership’s or S corporation’s federal income tax return, including any adjustments resulting from a waiver of restrictions on assessment and collection of deficiency, acceptance of overassessment, acceptance of an examining officer’s findings, notice of final partnership adjustments, or otherwise; or • The partnership or S corporation filed an amended federal return, a federal claim for refund, or a federal administrative adjustment request. Provide the date of the adjustment and explain the nature of the adjustment in the space under this Box G. Box H Number of Partners or Shareholders Enter the number of partners or shareholders as of the end of the tax year. Box I SALT Parity Act Election Mark this box I to elect to be subject to tax at the entity level under the SALT Parity Act (section 3922-343, C.R.S.). Mark this box I if the partnership or S corporation previously filed an election on form 9 DR 1705 or DR 0106EP. This election is binding for this tax year on all partners and shareholders, regardless of whether the partner or shareholder is an individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, and regardless of whether the partner or shareholder is a resident or nonresident, except that the election does not apply to any partner that is a C corporation that is unitary with the partnership. Complete Part III of this return. Do not complete Part II of this return. Mark the SALT Parity Election box on all Colorado K-1 forms (DR 0106K) and complete the forms accordingly. Part I: Income and Modifications Line 1 Ordinary Income or (Loss) Enter the ordinary income or (loss) from line 1 of federal Schedule K (I R S form 1065). Enter income and gains as positive numbers; enter losses and deductions as negative numbers. For paper returns, put negative amounts in parentheses, for example, ($1,234). Line 2 Other Income or (Loss) Enter the total of all other income listed on federal Schedule K. For partnerships, this is the total of the amounts entered on lines 2, 3c, 4c, 5, 6a, 7, 8, 9a, 10 and 11 of federal Schedule K (I R S form 1065). For S corporations, this is the total of the amounts entered on lines 2, 3c, 4, 5a, 6, 7, 8a, 9 and 10 of federal Schedule K (I R S form 1120-S). Also include any gain or loss on the sale, exchange, or other disposition of property reported on a statement attached for line 20c of Schedule K (I R S Form 1065) or line 17d of Schedule K (I R S Form 1120-S) for which a section 179 deduction has been passed through to partners or shareholders. Enter income and gains as positive numbers; enter losses and deductions as negative numbers. For paper returns, put negative amounts in parentheses, for example, ($1,234). Line 3 Business meals addition Enter the Business meals deducted pursuant to section 274(k) of the Internal Revenue Code reported in Column A on line 10 of the Colorado K-1s (DR 0106K) prepared by the partnership or S corporation for its partners or shareholders. Line 4 Other modifications increasing federal income Enter the total additions reported in Column A on lines 9 and 11 of the Colorado K-1s (DR 0106K) prepared by the partnership or S corporation for its partners or shareholders. Line 5 Subtotal Sum of lines 1 through 4. Line 6 Federal Deductions Enter the total federal deductions reported on line 12 of the Colorado K-1s (DR 0106K) prepared by the partnership or S corporation for its partners or shareholders. Line 7 Colorado Marijuana and Natural Medicine Business Deduction For Colorado-licensed marijuana and natural medicine businesses, enter the amount of any expenditure that is eligible to be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code because marijuana and natural medicine are controlled substances under federal law. To calculate this subtraction, you must prepare a pro forma I R S Form 1065 or 1120-S (and associated schedules) without regard to section 280E. The Colorado deduction is the difference between the ordinary business income (loss) calculated on the actual I R S Form 1065 or 1120-S and the pro forma I R S Form 1065 or 1120-S. You must submit the pro forma federal forms and schedules, the actual federal forms and schedules, and your license number from the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division (M E D) or Natural Medicine Division (N M D) with your Colorado return. Enter the subtraction on this line 7 as a positive number. 10 Line 8 Other Modifications Decreasing Federal Income Enter the total subtractions reported on line 13 of the Colorado K-1s (DR 0106K) prepared by the partnership or S corporation for its partners or shareholders, excluding any Colorado marijuana and natural medicine business subtraction reported on line 7 of form DR 0106. Line 9 Enter the sum of lines 6 through 8. Line 10 Modified Federal Taxable Income Subtract line 9 from line 5. Line 11 Apportionment and allocation method Partnerships • If the partnership has no income from business activity outside of Colorado, mark the box indicating that all income is Colorado income. • For a partnership with income from sources within and outside of Colorado, refer to the general instructions for Apportionment and Sourcing of Income to determine the proper sourcing method. • If the partnership is making an election under section 39-22-203(1)(a), C.R.S., to apportion or allocate income pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S., mark the Part V box and complete Part V of this form. • If the partnership is using direct sourcing, mark the Other box. S Corporations • If the S corporation has no income from business activity outside of Colorado, mark the box indicating that all income is Colorado income. • For an S corporation with income from sources within and outside Colorado, mark the Part V box and complete Part V of this form. Part II: Composite Return Complete lines 12 through 16 of this form only if a composite return is being filed for nonresident partners or shareholders. If the partnership or S corporation is making a SALT Parity Act Election (see Box I), then do not complete Part II, but go to Part III. Refer to the general instructions for nonresident partners and shareholders for more information about composite returns and other options. Line 12 Colorado-source income Enter the Colorado-source income of the nonresident partners or shareholders who are included in this composite return. This amount should equal the sum of the amounts on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 13 in column B of the Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) for all nonresident partners or shareholders included in this composite return. Do not include guaranteed payments from line 4 of the Colorado K-1. Nonresident partners with Colorado-source guaranteed payments must file their own Colorado income tax return to report guaranteed payments and pay any applicable Colorado income tax. In computing this amount do not include any of the following partners or shareholders: • Partners that are corporations or partnership; • Resident partners or shareholders; or • Partners or shareholders whose net Colorado-source income is negative (sum of the amounts on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 13 in column B of the Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K)). 11 Line 13 Colorado Tax Multiply the amount on line 12 by 4.25% (0.0425). If a composite return is filed, the amount reported on line 13 of form DR 0106 must equal the sum of the amounts reported on line 16 of the Colorado K-1s (DR 0106K) of all nonresident partners or shareholders included in the composite return. Line 14 Credits from the DR 0106CR Enter the nonrefundable tax credits from the Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Credit Schedule (DR 0106CR) line 40, Column C that are allocated to the nonresident partners or shareholders included in the composite return and applied toward tax on the composite return. The partnership or S corporation may claim a credit allocated to a nonresident partner or shareholder only to the extent that the nonresident partner or shareholder could have, under any applicable restrictions, claimed the credit on a return they filed. To the extent the credit exceeds the composite payment with respect to the partner or shareholder, the amount not applied to the composite payment is passed through to and may only be claimed by the partner or shareholder. Do not include any amounts from Column B on this line. Every partnership and S corporation must submit a completed form DR 0106CR with its return. Line 15 Gross Conservation Easement Credit Enter the gross conservation easement credit allocated to the nonresident partners or shareholders included in the composite return and applied toward tax on the composite return. This amount must match form DR 1305G line 33, and you must submit DR 1305G with your return. Line 16 Net Tax Add lines 14 and 15, then subtract that sum from line 13. The sum of lines 14 and 15 may not exceed the amount on line 13. If you completed lines 12-16, then skip Part III and go to Part IV. Part III: SALT Parity Act Income Tax Return Complete lines 17 through 20 only if the partnership or S corporation is making a SALT Parity Act election for this tax year. Refer to the general instructions regarding SALT Parity Act elections, and the instructions for Box I, for more information. If the partnership or S corporation is making a SALT Parity Act election, do not complete Part II of this form. Line 17 Resident Income Enter the total of all resident partners' or shareholders' income, excluding any resident partner whose net income from the partnership is negative. This amount should equal the sum of the amounts on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 13 in column A of the Colorado K-1 for all resident partners or shareholders, except for any resident partner whose net income from the partnership is negative. Line 18 Nonresident Income Enter the total of all nonresident partners' or shareholders' Colorado-source income, excluding any nonresident partner whose net income from the partnership is negative. This amount should equal the sum of the amounts on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 13 in column B of the Colorado K-1 for all nonresident partners or shareholders, except for any nonresident partner whose net income from the partnership is negative. Line 19 Colorado Taxable Income Enter the sum of lines 17 and 18. Line 20 Colorado Tax Multiply line 19 by 4.25% (0.0425). 12 Part IV: Computation of Amount Owed or Overpayment Line 21 Colorado Tax Enter the amount from either line 16 (Part II) or line 20 (Part III) of this form. Part II and Part III should not both be completed, as a partnership or S corporation may file a composite return (by completing Part II) or make a SALT Parity Act election (and complete Part III), but it may not do both. Line 22. In-Lieu-Of Amount If a partnership's 2024 federal return was audited by the I R S and the partnership has made an election pursuant to section 39-22-601.5(3)(d), C.R.S., to pay an amount in lieu of taxes owed by its direct and indirect partners, the partnership must file an amended 2024 Colorado return and enter on line 22 the in-lieu-of amount determined under section 39-22-601.5(3)(e), C.R.S. Line 24 Estimated Tax, Extension Payments, and Credits Enter the total credit for prepayments. Carefully review your payment records and include the following: • Estimated tax payments for 2024 (verify at; • Any overpayment from 2023 that was carried forward to 2024; • Extension payments remitted with the DR 0158-N; and • Payments remitted with the DR 1079 to satisfy withholding requirements for the sale of Colorado real estate that closed during the tax year for which you are filing this return. You must submit the DR 1079 with your return. Line 25 Withholding from Lottery or Gambling Winnings Enter the total of any Colorado withholding reported on Form W-2G from lottery or gambling winnings. This will not apply to most taxpayers. You must submit the W-2G(s) with your return. Line 26 Additional Credit from form DR 0619 Enter the additional credit from form DR 0619, line 3 or 10. Line 27 Enter the sum of lines 24, 25, and 26. Line 28 Delinquent Payment Penalty If 90% of the tax is not paid by the original due date (without extension), you must add a delinquent payment penalty. The penalty is the greater of $5 or 5% of the additional tax due for the first month of delinquency and 0.5% for each additional month up to a maximum of 12%. A delinquent payment penalty will also apply if the remaining tax due is not paid by the extension due date. Line 29 Interest Interest is due on any unpaid tax balance paid after the original due date (without extension). For information about calculating interest, see Department guidance publication Tax Topics: Penalties and Interest. Line 30 Estimated Tax Penalty Enter the amount from DR 0233 line 22, and submit the DR 0233 with the return. This penalty is due if: • The partnership or S corporation is filing a composite return or making a SALT Parity Act election; • The net tax liability is greater than or equal to $5,000; and • Any of the required quarterly estimated tax payments were not remitted. If the amount paid exceeds the Department's calculations, any overpayment will be refunded to you. 13 Line 31 Amount Owed If line 23 is greater than line 27, subtract line 27 from line 23 and add any penalty or interest due from lines 28, 29, and 30. Line 32 Overpayment If line 27 is greater than line 23, subtract line 23 from line 27. Line 33 Estimated Tax Credit Enter the amount from line 32 that you want to credit to next year's estimated tax. Line 34 Refund Amount Subtract line 33 from line 32. Direct Deposit: You have the option of authorizing the Department to directly deposit these funds into your bank account. Otherwise, a refund check will be mailed to the address you have designated on this return. Enter the routing number, account number, and account type. The routing number is 9 digits. Account numbers can be up to 17 characters with numbers and letters. Include hyphens, but do not enter spaces or special symbols. Contact your financial institution to ensure you are using the correct information and they will honor a direct deposit. Intercepted Refunds: The Department will intercept your refund if you owe taxes or other debts to the State of Colorado or the I R S. Paid Preparer Authorization Mark the "Yes" box to appoint the paid preparer entered on the return as the designee to receive and inspect confidential tax information related to this tax return. If a firm or organization is listed, this tax information authorization will apply to any of its employees. A designee may: • Call for information about the return, including processing time and refund status; • Request copies of notices, bills or transcripts related to the return; and • Respond to inquiries regarding calculations and supporting documentation for the return. However, a designee cannot sign any form or protest, request any other change to the account, receive any refund, or otherwise represent or act on behalf of the taxpayer with the Colorado Department of Revenue. This authorization expires four years after the date the return is signed. A taxpayer may change or revoke it, or an appointee may withdraw from it. For more information, see the instructions for form DR 0145. Signature and Preparer The law requires the return to be signed under penalty of perjury. The return must be signed by a partner duly authorized to act on behalf of the partnership or an officer of the S corporation that is duly authorized to act on its behalf. If the return was prepared by a paid preparer, enter the preparer’s name and phone number. File and Pay You may file this return and pay any amount due using our free and secure system at If you are mailing this return with a check or payment, send it to: Colorado Department of Revenue Denver CO, 80261-0006 If you are mailing this return without a check or payment, send it to: Colorado Department of Revenue Denver CO, 80261-0005 14 *240158-N19999* (0049) DR 0158-N (06/26/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver CO 80261-0008 Page 1 of 1 2024 Automatic Filing Extension for Partnerships and S Corporations Income Tax Return Filing extensions are granted automatically. Return this form only if you need to make an additional payment of tax. Colorado income tax returns for partnerships and S corporations are due the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the end of your tax year, or by April 15 for traditional calendar year filers. If you are unable to file by your prescribed due date, you may file under extension. This will allow you an additional six months to file your return, or until October 15 for traditional calendar year filers. If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, payment will be due the next business day. While there is an extension to file, there is not an extension to the payment due date. Penalty and interest are assessed if certain payment criteria are not met. Please review Tax Topics: Penalties and Interest for more information on penalty and interest. Pay Online Visit to pay online. Online payments reduce errors and provide instant payment confirmation. Revenue Online also allows users to submit various forms and to monitor their tax account. The DR 0158-N is not required to be sent if an online payment is made. Please be advised that a small processing fee may apply to e-check or credit card payments. Required Payment Partnerships and S corporations are generally required to make payments when filing a composite return or a return making an election under the SALT Parity Act. This extension payment, along with any estimated payments, will be applied to the composite or SALT Parity Act liability. DR 0158-N Fiscal Year Beginning (MM/DD/24) For the calendar year 2024 or the fiscal year Fiscal Year Ending (MM/DD/YY) Return this form with check or money order payable to the "Colorado Department of Revenue". Mail payments to Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver, Colorado 80261-0008. This address and ZIP code is exclusive to the Colorado Department of Revenue, so a street address is not required. Write your Colorado Account Number or Federal Employer Identification Number and “2024 DR 0158-N” on your check or money order. Do not send cash. Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with this form. FEIN Colorado Account Number Business Name Address City State ZIP Amount of Payment The State may convert your check to a one-time electronic banking transaction. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day received by the State. If converted, your check will not be returned. If your check is rejected due to insufficient or uncollected funds, the Department of Revenue may collect the payment amount directly from your bank account electronically. $ DO NOT CUT – Return Full Page. IF NO PAYMENT IS DUE, DO NOT FILE THIS FORM. DR 0106 (10/14/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 1 of 5 *240106==19999* 2024 Colorado Partnership and S Corporation Income Tax Return Fiscal Year Beginning (MM/DD/24) Fiscal Year Ending (MM/DD/YY) (0043) Mark for Amended Return Name of Organization Colorado Account Number (C A N) Doing Business As Federal Employer ID Number (F E I N) Address City State ZIP If you are including a statement disclosing a listed or reportable transaction, mark this box A. This return is being filed for (mark one): Partnership S Corporation LLC LP LLP LLLP Association B. Beginning depreciable assets from federal return C. Ending depreciable assets from federal return D. Business or profession E. Date of organization or incorporation (MM/DD/YY) Non-Profit F. If this is a final return, mark this box G. If the I R S has made any adjustments to your federal return or you have filed amended federal returns during the last four years, mark this box: H. Number of partners or shareholders as of year end Explain: I. If this partnership or S corporation is electing to be subject to tax at the entity level under the SALT Parity Act (section 39-22-343, C.R.S.) for this income tax year, mark this box. Round to the nearest dollar Part I: Income and Modifications 1. Ordinary income from federal Schedule K 1 00 2. Sum of all other income 2 00 3. Business meals deducted pursuant to section 274(k) of the Internal Revenue Code 3 00 4. Other modifications increasing federal income 4 00 5. Sum of lines 1 through 4 5 00 6. Allowable deductions from federal Schedule K 6 00 7. Colorado Marijuana and Natural Medicine Business Deduction 7 00 8. Other modifications decreasing federal income 8 00 9. Sum of lines 6 through 8 9 00 *240106==29999* Name of Organization (match page 1) C A N or F E I N (match page 1) 10. Modified federal taxable income, subtract line 9 from line 5 11. Apportionment and allocation method: Part V Form 106 DR 0106 (10/14/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 2 of 5 Other (include explanation) 10 00 Income is all Colorado Income 11 Part II: Composite Nonresident Income Tax Return Do not complete lines 12-16 unless you are filing a composite nonresident return. 12. Colorado-source income of nonresident partners or shareholders electing to be included in this composite filing. 12 00 13. Tax; 4.25% of the amount on line 12 13 14. Credits from the DR 0106CR line 40 column C, you must include the DR 0106CR with your return. 14 15. Gross Conservation Easement credit allocated to these partners or shareholders from the DR 1305G line 33. You must submit the DR 1305G with your return. 15 16. Net tax, sum of lines 14 and 15, then subtract this sum from line 13. The sum of lines 14 and 15 may not exceed the amount on line 13. 16 00 Part III: SALT Parity Act Income Tax Return 00 00 00 Do not complete lines 17-20 unless you are filing a return for a partnership or S corporation making the election under the SALT Parity Act. 17. Resident partners' or shareholders' total share of income 17 00 18. Colorado-source income of nonresident partners or shareholders 19. Colorado taxable income of partnership or S corporation, sum of lines 17 and 18 18 00 19 00 20. Net Tax; 4.25% of the amount on line 19 20 00 Part IV: Computation of Amount Owed and Overpayment 21. Enter the amount from line 16 or line 20, whichever applies 22. In-lieu-of amount determined under section 39-22-601.5(3)(e), C.R.S., for partnership audit adjustment 21 00 22 00 23. Subtotal; sum of lines 21 and 22 23 00 24. Estimated tax, extension payments, and credits 24 00 25. Withholding from lottery or gambling winnings 26. Additional credit from form DR 0619, line 3 and 10, you must submit the DR 0619 with your return. 25 00 26 00 27. Subtotal; sum of lines 24, 25, and 26 27 00 28. Penalty (include on line 31) 28 00 29. Interest (include on line 31) 29 00 30. Estimated Tax Penalty (include on line 31) 30 00 *240106==39999* Form 106 DR 0106 (10/14/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 3 of 5 Name of Organization (match page 1) C A N or F E I N (match page 1) 31. If line 23 is greater than line 27, enter amount owed 31 32. Overpayment, subtract line 23 from line 27 32 00 33. Overpayment to be credited to 2025 estimated tax 33 00 34. Overpayment to be refunded 34 00 I declare this return to be true, correct and complete under penalty of perjury in the second degree. Declaration of preparer is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Direct Deposit Routing Number Type: Checking Savings Account Number Do you want to allow the paid preparer entered below to discuss this return and any related information with the Colorado Department of Revenue? See the instructions. Yes Signature of partner or signature and title of officer Date (MM/DD/YY) Person or firm preparing return (name and phone number) Date (MM/DD/YY) No The State may convert your check to a one-time electronic banking transaction. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day received by the State. If converted, your check will not be returned. If your check is rejected due to insufficient or uncollected funds, the Department of Revenue may collect the payment amount directly from your bank account electronically. File and pay at: If you are filing this return with a check or payment, If you are filing this return without a check or payment, please mail the return to: please mail the return to: COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver, CO 80261-0006 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver, CO 80261-0005 These addresses and ZIP codes are exclusive to the Colorado Department of Revenue, so a street address is not required. *240106==49999* DR 0106 (10/14/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 4 of 5 Name of Organization (match page 1) Form 106 Part V C A N or F E I N (match page 1) Part V: Apportionable Income Apportioned to Colorado by use of the Receipts Factor Do not send federal return forms or schedules with this return. Complete this form in accordance with section 39-22-303.6 C.R.S., and the regulations thereunder. 1. Total modified federal taxable income from the DR 0106, Part I, line 10 Apportionable Income Apportioned to Colorado by use of the Receipts Factor Do Not Include Foreign-source income modified out on the DR 0106, Part I, Line 8 Colorado Everywhere 2. Gross receipts from the sale of 00 tangible personal property 2 3. Gross receipts from the sale of 00 3 services 4. Gross receipts from the sale, rental, 00 lease, or license of real property 4 5. Gross receipts from the rental, lease, or 00 license of tangible personal property 5 6. Gross receipts from the sale, rental, lease, 00 or license of intangible property 6 7. Distributive share of partnership 00 factors 7 8. Total receipts (total of lines 2 00 through 7 in each column) 8 9. Line 8 (Colorado) divided by line 8 (Everywhere) 9 Complete lines 10 and 13 only if nonapportionable income is being directly allocated. If all income is being treated as apportionable income, enter 0 (zero) on lines 10 and 13. 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 % 10. Less income directly allocable to any state, including Colorado: (a) Net rents and royalties from real or tangible property 00 (b) Capital gains and losses 00 (c) Interest and dividends 00 (d) Patents and copyright royalties 00 (e) Other nonapportionable income 00 10 00 11. Modified federal taxable income subject to apportionment, subtract line 10(f) from line 1 11 00 12. Income apportioned to Colorado, line 9 multiplied by line 11 12 00 (f) Total income directly allocable [add lines (a) through (e)] *240106==59999* DR 0106 (10/14/24) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Page 5 of 5 Name of Organization (match page 1) Form 106 Part V C A N or F E I N (match page 1) 13. Add income directly allocable to Colorado: (a) Net rents and royalties from real or tangible property 00 (b) Capital gains and losses 00 (c) Interest and dividends 00 (d) Patents and copyright royalties 00 (e) Other nonapportionable income 00 (f) Total income directly allocable [add lines (a) through (e)] 13 00 14 00 14. Total income apportioned and allocated to Colorado, sum of lines 12 and 13(f). 15. Pursuant to §39-22-303.6(8) C.R.S., taxpayer elects to treat all income as apportionable income for the tax year covered by this return. Partnership Instructions for Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) Partnerships must complete a Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K) for each of its partners for each tax year. Completed Colorado K-1s must be filed with the Department, as described below. On or before the date the Colorado K-1s are filed with the Department, the partnership must furnish each partner with a copy of the Colorado K-1 reporting their income, deductions, modifications, and credits. Due Dates Colorado K-1s are due to be filed the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the close of the tax year, or after the automatic six-month extension, if applicable. Colorado K-1s for calendar year 2024 are due on April 15, 2025. If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the Colorado K-1s will be due the next business day. Filing Colorado K-1s with the Department Partnerships must submit a copy of each partner’s Colorado K-1 to the Department. These copies may be submitted in spreadsheet or XML form at Partnerships may also enter the data manually at Partnerships who file through MeF can submit each partner's Colorado K-1 as part of their partnership return. Finally, paper copies may be submitted with the Annual Transmittal of DR 0106K – Colorado K-1 Forms cover sheet (form DR 1706) by mail to: Colorado Department of Revenue Denver, CO 80261-0006 Do not submit the copies of the Colorado K-1s issued to partners (or the DR 1706 transmittal form) as an attachment to any paper form DR 0106 filed by the partnership. Completing the Colorado K-1 Fiscal Year Filers If the partnership’s tax year is a fiscal year, enter the dates the partnership’s fiscal year begins and ends. Information About the Partner Enter the partner’s name and address. Enter the partner’s applicable tax identification number. If the partner is an individual, enter the individual’s social security number (S S N) or individual taxpayer identification number (I T I N). If the partner is an estate, trust, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, enter the partner’s federal employer identification number (F E I N). Check the applicable box to indicate whether the partner is a Colorado resident or nonresident. Check the applicable box to indicate the partner is a resident if they were a Colorado resident for the entire tax year or for any part of the tax year. • An individual is a Colorado resident if they are domiciled in Colorado or if they maintain a permanent place of abode in Colorado and spend in the aggregate more than six months of the taxable year in Colorado. See Part 1 of the Colorado Individual Income Tax Guide for additional assistance in determining Colorado residency for individuals. • An estate is a Colorado resident if it is the estate of a deceased person that is administered in Colorado in a proceeding other than an ancillary proceeding. • A trust is a Colorado resident if it is administered in Colorado. A C corporation that is a partner in a partnership is a Colorado resident partner if it is organized under Colorado law. A partnership that is a partner in another partnership is a Colorado resident partner if it is organized under Colorado law. A limited liability company (LLC) that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes is treated as a partnership for Colorado income tax purposes. 23 Part-Year Resident Partners If a partner was a resident for only part of the tax year, check the box to indicate that they were a resident and complete the Colorado K-1 for the partner following the instructions for resident partners. SALT Parity Act Election If the partnership has made an election for the tax year pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to tax at the entity level, check the applicable box to indicate the SALT Parity Act election. A SALT Parity Act election made by a partnership is binding on all of its partners, regardless of whether the partner is an individual, corporation, or other legal entity, and regardless of whether the partner is a resident or nonresident. The election does not apply to any partner that is a C corporation that is unitary with the partnership. Check the box to indicate that they are an excluded nonresident. Nonresident Partners If the partner is a nonresident of Colorado and an individual, estate, or trust, check the applicable box to indicate whether the partnership is filing a composite return that includes the partner, the partnership has filed or is filing a DR 0107 for the partner, or the partnership is making a SALT Parity Act election. If the partner is a nonresident of Colorado and is a corporation or partnership, check the box to indicate that they are an excluded nonresident. A form DR 0107 filed with the Department for a nonresident partner remains in effect for future tax years. The partnership does not need to submit a new form DR 0107 for the same nonresident partner each year. Information About the Partnership Enter the partnership’s name, address, and either Colorado account number or federal employer identification number (F E I N). Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other items On each Colorado K-1, the partnership must report in Column A (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items) the partner’s distributive share of each item listed. In Column B (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado), the partnership must report for each nonresident partner the portion of each listed item derived from sources in Colorado or otherwise attributable to Colorado. In each column, enter income and gains as positive numbers; enter losses and deductions as negative numbers. For paper returns, put negative amounts in parentheses, for example, ($1,234). The following instructions provide guidance for determining the amounts to enter in each column. Federal Income and Deductions Enter on lines 1 through 8 and line 12 in Column A the income and deduction information from the partner’s federal Schedule K-1. Enter income and gains as positive numbers. Enter any losses on lines 1, 2, 3, or 8, and any federal deductions on line 12, as negative amounts. Colorado K-1 (Form DR 0106K) Partner’s Schedule K-1 (I R S Form 1065) 1. Ordinary business income (loss) Box 1 2. Net rental real estate income (loss) Box 2 3. Other net rental income (loss) Box 3 4. Total guaranteed payments Box 4c 5. Interest and dividends Sum of Boxes 5 and 6a 6. Royalties Box 7 7. Net capital gain Sum of Boxes 8, 9a, and 10 8. Other income (loss) Box 11 12. Federal deductions Sum of Boxes 12 and 13 24 Complete lines 1 through 13 in Column B for each nonresident partner that is an individual, estate, or trust. Leave these lines in Column B blank for all resident partners and for all partners that are corporations or partnerships. Enter on line 4 in Column B (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado) the portion of the nonresident partner’s guaranteed payments from Column A that is derived from sources within Colorado as determined pursuant to 1 C C R 201-2, Rule 39-22109(3)(b)(xii). Enter on lines 1 through 3, lines 5 through 8, and line 12 in Column B the portions of the nonresident partner’s distributive shares of income and deduction from Column A that are derived from sources within Colorado as determined pursuant to section 39-22-203(1)(a), C.R.S. Amounts derived from sources within Colorado are either determined in accordance with the provisions of section 3922-109, C.R.S., and Rule 39-22-109 or, at the partnership’s election, apportioned or allocated to Colorado pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S., and the related rules. See Part V of form DR 0106 and General Information Letter 22-003. Line 9 State income tax addback Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items (Column A) For all partners that are not C corporations, enter on line 9 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of any state income tax that was either: • deducted by the partnership on line 14 of I R S Form 1065 for the tax year, or • reported on line 9 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. Report on line 9 the partner’s distributive share of all deducted state income taxes, regardless of the state to which the income tax was paid or accrued. For all partners that are C corporations, enter on line 9 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of any Colorado income tax that was either: • deducted by the partnership on line 14 of I R S Form 1065 for the tax year, or • reported on line 9 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. The partner’s distributive share of the deduction is determined with the same ratio used to determine the partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or loss generally for federal income tax purposes. Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B) Enter on line 9 in Column B the partner’s distributive share of any Colorado income tax deducted by the partnership on line 14 of I R S Form 1065 for the tax year. The partner’s distributive share of the deduction claimed by the partnership must be determined in accordance with the partner's distributive share, for federal income tax purposes, of partnership taxable income or loss generally. Line 10 Business meals addition Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items (Column A) Enter the partner’s distributive share of any federal business deduction claimed by the S corporation for the income tax year for business meals under section 274(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. The partner’s distributive share of any addition is determined with the same ratio used to determine the partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or loss generally for federal income tax purposes. 25 Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B) Include on line 10 in Column B the amount of the business meals addback from Column A to the extent that the business meal expenses were in Colorado. Line 11 Other Colorado additions Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items (Column A) Enter on line 11 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of any required Colorado additions not reported on lines 9 or 10. Report on line 11 the partner’s distributive share of any addition required for non-Colorado state or local bond interest, including any non-Colorado state or local bond interest reported on line 11 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. The required addition does not include any amortization of the bond premium and is reduced by the amount of the deductions required by the Internal Revenue Code to be allocated to the interest income. Report on line 11 the partner’s distributive share of following additions, including any of the following additions reported on line 11 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. The partner’s distributive share of any addition is determined with the same ratio used to determine the partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or loss generally for federal income tax purposes. • Business expenses deducted by the partnership in the calculation of federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance of services in Colorado; • Expenses deducted by the partnership in the calculation of federal taxable income that were incurred with respect to expenditures made at, or payments made to, any club that is licensed pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that has a policy to restrict membership on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, or national origin. Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B) Enter on line 11 in Column B the portions of the partner’s distributive shares of the additions from Column A that are attributable to Colorado. Include on line 11 in Column B the full amount of any of the following additions entered in Column A: • Business expenses deducted by the partnership in the calculation of federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance of services in Colorado; and • Expenses deducted by the partnership in the calculation of federal taxable income that were incurred with respect to expenditures made at, or payments made to, any club that is licensed pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that has a policy to restrict membership on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, or national origin. See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-202, and 39-22-203, C.R.S., and 1 C C R 201-2, Rules 39-22-109 and 39-22-110 for additional information regarding Colorado additions. Line 13 Colorado subtractions Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items (Column A) Enter on line 13 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of any allowable Colorado subtractions. Enter subtractions on line 13 as a negative amount. 26 Report on line 13 the partner’s distributive share of any interest income on obligations of the United States and its possessions, including any U.S. Government interest reported on line 13 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. Report on line 13 the partner’s distributive share of following subtractions, including any of the following subtractions reported on line 13 of a Colorado K-1 issued to the partnership by a lower-tier partnership in which the partnership was a partner. The partner’s distributive share of any subtraction is determined with the same ratio used to determine the partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or loss generally for federal income tax purposes. • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code because marijuana is a controlled substance under federal law; • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado Natural Medicine Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code because natural medicine is a controlled substance under federal law; • If the partnership is an “export taxpayer” as defined in section 39-22-206, C.R.S., any partnership income or gain that constitutes foreign source income for federal income tax purposes; • For all partners that are not C corporations, the amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of income taxes imposed by Colorado or any other taxing jurisdiction to the extent included in the partnership’s gross income for federal income tax purposes but not previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado income tax purposes; and • For all partners that are C corporations, the amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of income taxes imposed by Colorado to the extent included in the partnership’s gross income for federal income tax purposes but not previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado income tax purposes. Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B) Enter on line 13 in Column B the portions of the partner’s distributive shares of the subtractions from Column A that are attributable to Colorado. Include on line 13 in Column B the full amount of any of the following subtraction entered in Column A: • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code because marijuana is a controlled substance under federal law; and • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado Natural Medicine Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code because natural medicine is a controlled substance under federal law. Include on line 13 in Column B the amount of the following subtraction entered in Column A to the extent the underlying or related income is included on lines 1 through 8 in Column A: • The amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of income taxes imposed by Colorado or any other taxing jurisdiction to the extent included in the partnership’s gross income for federal income tax purposes but not previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado income tax purposes. See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-202, and 39-22-203, C.R.S., and 1 C C R 201-2, Rules 39-22-109 and 39-22-110 for additional information regarding Colorado subtractions. Lines 14 and 15 Partner’s Share of Total Receipts and Non-Apportionable Income Lines 14 and 15 of the Colorado K-1 must be completed for any partner that is a C corporation or that is treated as a C corporation for Colorado income tax purposes, but is not required for any other partner, unless the partner needs the information reportable on these lines for the preparation of their Colorado income tax return. 27 Enter on line 14 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of the total receipts from line 8 in the “Everywhere” column of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. Enter on line 14 in Column B the partner’s distributive share of the total receipts from line 8 in the “Colorado” column of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. The partner’s distributive shares of receipts entered in both columns are determined with the same ratio used to determine the partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or loss generally for federal income tax purposes. Enter on line 15 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of the total income directly allocable to any state from line 10 of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. Enter on line 15 in Column B the partner’s distributive share of the total income directly allocable to Colorado from line 13 of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. The partner’s distributive shares of directl
2024 106 Book, Partnership and S Corporation
More about the Colorado Form 106 Corporate Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024
Colorado Pass-Through Entities and Composite Filing for Nonresidents Income Tax Filing Guide: This book includes:
- DR 0106 2017 Colorado Pass-Through Entity Composite Nonresident Income Tax Form
- DR 0107 Colorado Nonresident Partner, Shareholder or Member Agreement
- DR 0108 Statement of Colorado Tax Remittance for Nonresident Partner, Shareholder or Member
- DR 0158-N Automatic Filing Extension for Composite Nonresident Income Tax Return
- DR 0106CR Colorado Pass-Through Entity Credit Schedule
We last updated the Partnership / S-Corporation Pass-Through Entities Tax Booklet in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 106, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 106 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Colorado tax forms here.
eFile your Colorado tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Colorado and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Colorado Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 64 Colorado income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Colorado Form 106.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form 106EP | Colorado Composite Nonresident Estimated Tax Payment Form |
View all 65 Colorado Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Colorado usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Colorado Form 106 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.
Form 106 is a Colorado Corporate Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Colorado Form 106
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form 106 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 106 Book, Partnership and S Corporation

2023 106 Book, Partnership and S Corporation

2022 Book 106 Partnership and S Corporations and Composite Filing for Nonresidents
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Colorado Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.