California Short Form – Sales and Use Tax Return
CDTFA-401-EZ2 is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the California Department of Revenue.
Extracted from PDF file 2019-california-cdtfa-401-ez2.pdf, last modified November 2019Short Form – Sales and Use Tax Return
CDTFA-401-A (FRONT) REV. 116 (11-19) STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE, LOCAL, AND DISTRICT SALES AND USE TAX RETURN CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION CDTFA USE ONLY DUE ON OR BEFORE PERIOD BEGIN DATE PERIOD END DATE EFF YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER PM CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION PO BOX 942879 SACRAMENTO CA 94279-8062 READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PREPARING Please check this box if this filing represents an AMENDED RETURN ELECTRONIC FILING INFORMATION AND RETURN INSTRUCTIONS (CDTFA-401-INST) ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.CDTFA.CA.GOV OR BY CALLING 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711). 1 Total sales 1 2 Purchases subject to use tax 2 3 .00 11 3 Total (add line 1 and 2) IF YOU HAVE DEDUCTIONS, FILL OUT SECTIONS A AND B ON PAGE 2 OF THIS RETURN. IF YOU HAVE NO DEDUCTIONS, ENTER “0” ON LINE 11 AND PROCEED TO LINE 12. 11 Total nontaxable transactions reported (enter the total from Section B, line 6) 12 Transactions subject to tax (subtract line 11 from line 3) 12 .00 13 State tax 6.00 percent (multiply line 12 by .0600) 13 .00 14 14 .00 15 .00 16 .00 17 County tax 1/4 percent (multiply line 12 by .0025) Local tax 1 percent (multiply line 12 by .01; additional schedules may apply — see line 15 instructions) District tax (you must complete CDTFA-531-A2, Schedule A2, if you are engaged in business in a transaction and use tax district) Total state, county, local, and district tax (add lines 13, 14, 15, and 16) 17 .00 18 Excess tax collected (enter excess tax collected, if any) 18 .00 19 Total tax amount (add line 17 and 18) 19 .00 20a .00 20b .00 20c .00 20d .00 21 .00 22 .00 23 .00 15 16 20a 20b 20c 20d 21 22 Credit for current period partial tax exemptions (enter the total from Section D, line 6) Credit for prior period tax recovery (enter the Total Prior Period Tax Recovery Amount from CDTFA-531-Q) Credit for tax paid to other state(s) (enter the credit as calculated from CDTFA-531-P) Credit for aircraft common carrier partial exemption (CDTFA-531-X is required to claim this credit) Net tax (subtract lines 20a, 20b, 20c, and 20d from line 19) Less tax prepayments (see line 22 instructions) 1st prepayment (tax only) 2nd prepayment (tax only) $ $ No taxable transactions 26 27 Sales at state-designated fairgrounds (see instructions) 24 25 I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct, and complete return. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME AND TITLE PAID PREPARER’S USE ONLY PAID PREPARER’S NAME PENALTY 24 INTEREST 25 .00 .00 No taxable transactions Remaining tax (subtract line 22 from line 21) PENALTY (multiply line 23 by 10 percent [0.10] if payment made after due date shown above) INTEREST: One month’s interest is due on tax for each month or fraction of a month that payment is delayed after the due date. The adjusted monthly interest rate is INTEREST RATE CALCULATOR TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE (add lines 23, 24, and 25) 23 $ .00 26 $ .00 27 $ .00 EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE DATE PAID PREPARER’S TELEPHONE NUMBER Make check or money order payable to California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Write your account number on your check or money order. Make a copy of this document for your records. A CDTFA-401-A (BACK) REV. 116 (11-19) STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION STATE, LOCAL, AND DISTRICT SALES AND USE TAX RETURN YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD SECTION A. Nontaxable Sales (deductions) 4 Sales to other retailers for purposes of resale 28 5 Nontaxable sales of food products 29 .00 6 Nontaxable labor (repair and installation) 30 .00 7 Sales to the United States government 31 .00 8 Sales in interstate or foreign commerce 32 .00 9 Sales tax included on line 1 (if any) 33 .00 10 Other (clearly explain) 34 .00 11 Total Section A (add lines 4 through 10) 35 $ .00 $ .00 SECTION B. Current Period Tax Recoveries and Deductions The amount reported is for current period only. The original transaction needs to be included in line 1 on page 1. (To claim a credit for all other prior period tax recovery items, complete CDTFA-531-Q, Schedule Q – Tax Recovery.) 1 Bad debt losses on taxable sales 36 2 Cost of tax-paid purchases resold prior to use 37 .00 3 Returned taxable merchandise 38 .00 4 Cash discounts on taxable sales (see instructions on how to calculate this deduction) 39 .00 5 Total Section B (add lines 1 through 4) 40 .00 6 Total nontaxable transactions (add the total from Section A, line 11, and Section B, line 5 and enter total here and on page 1, line 11) 41 $ .00 $ .00 SECTION C. Current Period Partial Tax Exemptions at .05 Partial Exemption Rate (do not include partial exemptions in Section A, line 11) 1 Teleproduction equipment 42 2 Farm equipment and machinery 43 .00 3 Diesel fuel used in farming and food processing 44 .00 4 Timber harvesting equipment and machinery 45 .00 5 Racehorse breeding stock 46 .00 6 Subtotal Section C (add lines 1 through 5) 47 7 Partial exemption rate 48 .00 .05 8 Total Section C (multiply line 6 by line 7) 49 $ $ .00 .00 SECTION D. Current Period Partial Tax Exemptions at .039375 Partial Exemption Rate (do not include partial exemptions in Section A, line 11) 1 Manufacturing and research and development equipment 50 2 Zero-emission transit bus 51 .00 3 Subtotal Section D (add line 1 and 2) 52 4 Partial exemption rate 53 .00 .039375 5 Total Section D (multiply line 3 by line 4) 54 $ .00 6 Total Current Period Partial Exemptions (add the total from Section C, line 8 and Section D, line 5, and enter here and on page 1, line 20a) 55 $ .00 $ .00 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CDTFA-531-A2 (S1F) REV. 35 (1-20) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form DUE ON OR BEFORE YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER A1 A2/A3 A4 ENTER amount from line 12 on CDTFA-401-A or CDTFA-401-GS, or from line 1 on CDTFA-401-E $ .00 ENTER all transactions subject to only the state rate of 7.25% (see instructions) – .00 SUBTRACT line A2/A3 from line A1 (Allocate this amount to the correct district tax areas in column A5.) $ .00 PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 12 BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SCHEDULE A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS ALAMEDA COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 378 .02 (Eff. 4-1-19) 648 .025 .00 City of Albany 429 .025 .00 City of Hayward 430 .025 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 451 .025 .00 City of San Leandro 380 .025 .00 City of Union City 428 .025 .00 AMADOR COUNTY 194 .005 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 649 .01 .00 381 .005 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 650 .005 .00 139 .005 .00 City of Alameda City of Newark $ .00 BUTTE COUNTY City of Oroville Town of Paradise CALAVERAS COUNTY City of Angels Camp COLUSA COUNTY City of Williams SUBTOTAL A11a (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11a below.) $ .00 Continued on page 2 A11a SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 1, enter the total from line A11a above.) A11b SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 2, enter the total from line A11b on page 2.) .00 A11c SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 3, enter the total from line A11c on page 3.) .00 A11d SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 4, enter the total from line A11d on page 4.) .00 A11e SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 5, enter the total from line A11e on page 5.) .00 A11f SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 6, enter the total from line A11f on page 6.) .00 A11g SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 7, enter the total from line A11g on page 7.) .00 A11h SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 8, enter the total from line A11h on page 8.) .00 A11i SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 9, enter the total from line A11i on page 9.) .00 A11j SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 10, enter the total from line A11j on page 10.) .00 A11k SUBTOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Page 11, enter the total from line A11k on page 11.) .00 A11 TOTAL DISTRICT TAX (Add lines A11a, A11b, A11c, A11d, A11e, A11f, A11g, A11h, A11i, A11j, and A11k. Enter here and on line 16 of CDTFA-401-A or CDTFA-401-GS, or on line 5 on CDTFA-401-E.) Page 1 $ $ .00 .00 CDTFA-531-A2 (S1B) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS CONTRA COSTA COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 025 City of Antioch (Exp. 3-31-19) 350 City of Antioch A9 TAX RATE .01 A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 $ .00 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 652 .02 .00 City of Concord 242 .015 .00 City of El Cerrito 383 .025 .00 City of Hercules 286 .015 .00 City of Martinez (Exp. 3-31-19) 453 .015 .00 City of Martinez (Eff. 4-1-19) 654 .02 .00 Town of Moraga 301 .02 .00 City of Orinda 303 .015 .00 City of Pinole 385 .02 .00 City of Pittsburg 288 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 455 .015 .00 City of Richmond 387 .02 .00 City of San Pablo (Exp. 9-30-17) 368 .0175 .00 City of San Pablo (Eff. 10-1-17) 609 .015 .00 388 .0025 .00 City of Pleasant Hill DEL NORTE COUNTY Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued EL DORADO COUNTY City of Placerville (Exp. 3-31-17) 246 .005 .00 City of Placerville (Eff. 4-1-17) 457 .01 .00 097 .005 .00 099 .00725 .00 City of Coalinga (Eff. 4-1-19) 656 .01725 .00 City of Fowler (Eff. 4-1-19) 658 .01725 .00 City of Huron 352 .01725 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 660 .01725 .00 (Eff. 10-1-18) 636 .01725 .00 City of Reedley 177 .01225 .00 City of Sanger 179 .01475 .00 City of Selma 169 .01225 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 458 .005 .00 389 .005 .00 City of Arcata 425 .0125 .00 City of Eureka 427 .0125 .00 City of Fortuna (Eff. 4-1-17) 460 .0125 .00 City of Rio Dell 391 .015 .00 426 .0125 .00 City of So. Lake Tahoe FRESNO COUNTY City of Kerman City of Kingsburg Discontinued GLENN COUNTY City of Orland HUMBOLDT COUNTY City of Trinidad SUBTOTAL A11b (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11b on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 2 $ .00 Continued on page 3 CDTFA-531-A2 (S2F) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS IMPERIAL COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 029 .005 City of Calexico 230 .01 .00 City of El Centro (Eff. 4-1-17) 462 .01 .00 014 .005 .00 INYO COUNTY $ .00 KERN COUNTY City of Arvin City of Bakersfield City of Delano 198 .01 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 741 .01 .00 170 .01 .00 .0075 .00 City of Ridgecrest (Exp. 3-31-17) 291 City of Ridgecrest (Eff. 4-1-17) 463 .01 .00 City of Wasco (Eff. 4-1-17) 464 .01 .00 (Eff. 10-1-17) 603 .01 .00 Discontinued KINGS COUNTY City of Corcoran LAKE COUNTY City of Clearlake (Exp. 3-31-17) 058 City of Clearlake (Eff. 4-1-17) 468 City of Lakeport (Exp. 3-31-17) 101 City of Lakeport (Eff. 4-1-17) 466 Discontinued Discontinued .005 .00 .015 .00 .005 .00 .015 .00 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (Exp. 6-30-17) 218 Discontinued .015 .00 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (Exp. 9-30-17) 577 Discontinued .02 .00 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (Eff. 10-1-17) 594 .0225 .00 (Eff. 1-1-20) 754 .03 .00 .00 City of Arcadia City of Avalon (Exp. 6-30-17) 219 Discontinued .02 City of Avalon (Exp. 9-30-17) 578 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Avalon (Eff. 10-1-17) 595 .0275 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 662 .03 .00 City of Burbank City of Commerce (Exp. 6-30-17) 307 Discontinued .02 .00 City of Commerce (Exp. 9-30-17) 585 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Commerce (Eff. 10-1-17) 596 .0275 .00 .025 .00 City of Compton (Exp. 6-30-17) 449 City of Compton (Eff. 7-1-17) 589 .03 .00 City of Covina (Eff. 4-1-19) 664 .03 .00 City of Cudahy (Eff. 4-1-19) 678 .03 .00 Discontinued City of Culver City (Exp. 6-30-17) 305 Discontinued .02 .00 City of Culver City (Exp. 9-30-17) 584 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Culver City (Exp. 3-31-19) 597 Discontinued .0275 .00 City of Culver City (Eff. 4-1-19) 666 .03 .00 .00 City of Downey (Exp. 6-30-17) 474 Discontinued .02 City of Downey (Exp. 9-30-17) 592 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Downey (Eff. 10-1-17) 598 .0275 .00 SUBTOTAL A11c (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11c on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 3 $ .00 Continued on page 4 CDTFA-531-A2 (S2B) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 - COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX - Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 City of El Monte (Exp. 6-30-17) 222 Discontinued .02 City of El Monte (Exp. 9-30-17) 581 Discontinued .025 .00 City of El Monte (Eff. 10-1-17) 599 .0275 .00 City of Glendale (Eff. 4-1-19) 674 .03 .00 City of Glendora (Eff. 7-1-19) 752 .03 .00 City of Hawthorne (Eff. 4-1-18) 611 .03 .00 (Eff. 10-1-18) 638 .03 .00 City of Huntington Park $ .00 City of Inglewood (Exp. 6-30-17) 220 Discontinued .02 .00 City of Inglewood (Exp. 9-30-17) 579 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Inglewood (Eff. 10-1-17) 600 .0275 .00 City of La Mirada (Exp. 6-30-17) 309 Discontinued .025 .00 City of La Mirada (Exp. 3-31-18) 586 Discontinued .03 .00 City of La Puente (Eff. 4-1-19) 670 .0275 .00 City of Lawndale (Eff. 4-1-19) 676 .03 .00 .025 .00 .03 .00 .025 .00 City of Long Beach (Exp. 6-30-17) 441 City of Long Beach (Eff. 7-1-17) 588 Discontinued City of Lynwood (Exp. 6-30-17) 470 City of Lynwood (Eff. 7-1-17) 590 .03 .00 City of Pasadena (Eff. 4-1-19) 680 .03 .00 .025 .00 Discontinued City of Pico Rivera (Exp. 6-30-17) 223 City of Pico Rivera (Eff. 7-1-17) 582 .03 .00 City of Pomona (Eff. 4-1-19) 668 .03 .00 .00 Discontinued City of San Fernando (Exp. 6-30-17) 348 Discontinued .02 City of San Fernando (Exp. 9-30-17) 587 Discontinued .025 .00 City of San Fernando (Eff. 10-1-17) 602 .0275 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 672 .0325 .00 City of Santa Fe Springs City of Santa Monica (Exp. 3-31-17) 250 Discontinued .02 .00 City of Santa Monica (Exp. 6-30-17) 472 Discontinued .025 .00 City of Santa Monica (Eff. 7-1-17) 591 .03 .00 City of So. El Monte (Exp. 6-30-17) 252 Discontinued .02 .00 City of So. El Monte (Exp. 9-30-17) 583 Discontinued .025 .00 City of So. El Monte (Eff. 10-1-17) 601 .0275 .00 .025 .00 City of South Gate (Exp. 6-30-17) 221 City of South Gate (Eff. 7-1-17) 580 .03 .00 MADERA COUNTY 144 .005 .00 City of Chowchilla (Eff. 4-1-19) 682 .015 .00 City of Madera (Eff. 4-1-17) 476 .01 .00 311 .01 .00 .015 .00 .0175 .00 MARIN COUNTY Town of Corte Madera (Exp. 9-30-18) 354 Town of Corte Madera (Eff. 10-1-18) 640 Discontinued Discontinued SUBTOTAL A11d (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11d on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 4 $ .00 Continued on page 5 CDTFA-531-A2 (S3F) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS Town of Fairfax (Exp. 3-31-17) 314 Town of Fairfax (Eff. 4-1-17) 478 City of Larkspur (Exp. 3-31-18) 356 City of Larkspur A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE .015 Discontinued A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 $ .00 .0175 .00 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-18) 613 .0175 .00 City of Novato 434 .0125 .00 Town of San Anselmo 358 .015 .00 City of San Rafael 360 .0175 .00 City of Sausalito 393 .015 .00 103 .005 .00 .00125 .00 .00625 .00 .01125 .00 .01625 .00 .00625 .00 .01125 .00 MARIPOSA COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-18) 269 MENDOCINO COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-18) 615 City of Fort Bragg (Exp. 3-31-18) 284 City of Fort Bragg (Eff. 4-1-18) 616 City of Point Arena (Exp. 3-31-18) 271 City of Point Arena (Eff. 4-1-18) 617 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued City of Ukiah (Exp. 3-31-17) 273 Discontinued .00625 .00 City of Ukiah (Exp. 3-31-18) 480 Discontinued .01125 .00 City of Ukiah (Eff. 4-1-18) 618 .01625 .00 City of Willits (Exp. 3-31-18) 270 .00625 .00 City of Willits (Eff. 4-1-18) 619 .01125 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 481 .005 .00 .005 .00 .01 .00 MERCED COUNTY City of Atwater (Exp. 3-31-17) 346 City of Atwater (Eff. 4-1-17) 485 City of Gustine (Exp. 3-31-17) 224 City of Gustine (Eff. 4-1-17) 484 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued .005 .00 .01 .00 .00 City of Los Banos (Exp. 3-31-17) 104 Discontinued .005 City of Los Banos (Exp. 3-31-19) 482 Discontinued .01 .00 City of Los Banos (Eff. 4-1-19) 684 .015 .00 .005 .00 City of Merced (Exp. 3-31-17) 127 City of Merced (Eff. 4-1-17) 483 .01 .00 183 .005 .00 Discontinued MONO COUNTY Town of Mammoth Lakes MONTEREY COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 394 MONTEREY COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-17) 487 City of Carmel-by-the-Sea (Exp. 3-31-17) 400 City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Discontinued Discontinued (Eff. 4-1-17) 495 City of Del Rey Oaks (Exp. 3-31-17) 410 City of Del Rey Oaks (Eff. 4-1-17) 490 City of Gonzales (Exp. 3-31-17) 408 City of Gonzales (Eff. 4-1-17) 498 Discontinued Discontinued SUBTOTAL A11e (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11e on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 5 .00125 .00 .005 .00 .01125 .00 .015 .00 .01625 .00 .02 .00 .00625 .00 .01 .00 $ .00 Continued on page 6 CDTFA-531-A2 (S3B) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD DISTRICT TAX AREAS City of Greenfield (Exp. 3-31-17) 436 City of Greenfield (Eff. 4-1-17) 494 A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE .01875 Discontinued A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 $ .00 .0225 .00 City of King City (Exp. 3-31-17) 402 Discontinued .00625 .00 City of King City (Exp. 3-31-19) 496 Discontinued .01 .00 City of King City (Eff. 4-1-19) 686 .015 .00 City of Marina (Exp. 3-31-17) 397 Discontinued .01125 .00 City of Marina (Exp. 3-31-19) 492 Discontinued .015 .00 City of Marina (Eff. 4-1-19) 688 .02 .00 .01125 .00 .015 .00 City of Monterey (Exp. 3-31-17) 404 City of Monterey (Eff. 4-1-17) 497 City of Pacific Grove (Exp. 3-31-17) 396 City of Pacific Grove (Eff. 4-1-17) 491 City of Salinas (Exp. 3-31-17) 406 City of Salinas (Eff. 4-1-17) 489 City of Sand City (Exp. 3-31-17) 412 City of Sand City (Eff. 4-1-17) 499 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued .01125 .00 .015 .00 .01625 .00 .02 .00 .01125 .00 .015 .00 City of Seaside (Exp. 3-31-17) 395 Discontinued .01125 .00 City of Seaside (Exp. 9-30-17) 488 Discontinued .015 .00 City of Seaside (Eff. 10-1-17) 605 .02 .00 City of Soledad (Exp. 3-31-17) 398 .01125 .00 City of Soledad (Eff. 4-1-17) 493 .015 .00 NAPA COUNTY (Exp. 6-30-18) 065 .005 .00 NAPA COUNTY (Eff. 7-1-18) 631 .005 .00 .01 .00 .01 .00 .00125 .00 .0025 .00 City of St. Helena (Exp. 6-30-18) 501 City of St. Helena (Eff. 7-1-18) 632 NEVADA COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 067 NEVADA COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-17) 502 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued City of Grass Valley (Exp. 3-31-17) 318 Discontinued .00625 .00 City of Grass Valley (Exp. 9-30-18) 504 Discontinued .0075 .00 City of Grass Valley (Eff. 10-1-18) 642 .0125 .00 City of Nevada City (Exp. 3-31-17) 320 Discontinued .01 .00 City of Nevada City (Exp. 3-31-18) 506 Discontinued .015 .00 City of Nevada City (Eff. 4-1-18) 630 .01125 .00 .00875 .00 .01 .00 Town of Truckee (Exp. 3-31-17) 370 Town of Truckee (Eff. 4-1-17) 503 Discontinued SUBTOTAL A11f (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11f on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 6 $ .00 Continued on page 7 CDTFA-531-A2 (S4F) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS ORANGE COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 037 .005 City of Fountain Valley (Eff. 4-1-17) 512 .015 .00 City of Garden Grove (Eff. 4-1-19) 696 .015 .00 City of La Habra 204 .01 .00 City of La Palma (Eff. 4-1-17) 508 .015 .00 City of Placentia (Eff. 4-1-19) 690 .015 .00 City of Santa Ana (Eff. 4-1-19) 692 .02 .00 City of Seal Beach (Eff. 4-1-19) 694 .015 .00 414 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 510 .015 .00 Town of Loomis (Eff. 4-1-17) 513 .0025 .00 City of Roseville (Eff. 4-1-19) 697 .005 .00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 026 .005 .00 City of Cathedral City 232 .015 .00 City of Coachella 416 .015 .00 City of Hemet (Eff. 4-1-17) 515 .015 .00 City of Indio (Eff. 4-1-17) 517 .015 .00 City of La Quinta (Eff. 4-1-17) 521 .015 .00 City of Menifee (Eff. 4-1-17) 525 .015 .00 City of Murrieta (Eff. 4-1-19) 701 .015 .00 City of Norco (Eff. 4-1-19) 699 .015 .00 .015 .00 City of Stanton City of Westminster $ .00 PLACER COUNTY City of Palm Springs (Exp. 3-31-18) 275 City of Palm Springs (Eff. 4-1-18) 621 .02 .00 City of Riverside (Eff. 4-1-17) 519 .015 .00 City of Temecula (Eff. 4-1-17) 523 .015 .00 City of Wildomar (Eff. 4-1-19) 703 .015 .00 023 .005 .00 206 .01 .00 SACRAMENTO COUNTY City of Galt City of Isleton (Exp. 3-31-17) 443 City of Isleton City of Rancho Cordova .01 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 527 .015 .00 418 .01 .00 City of Sacramento (Exp. 3-31-19) 322 City of Sacramento SAN BENITO COUNTY Discontinued .01 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 705 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 706 .01 .00 .01 .00 .02 .00 .0075 .00 .0175 .00 City of Hollister (Exp. 3-31-19) 171 City of Hollister (Eff. 4-1-19) 707 City of San Juan Bautista (Exp. 3-31-19) 106 City of San Juan Bautista Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued (Eff. 4-1-19) 708 SUBTOTAL A11g (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11g on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 7 $ .00 Continued on page 8 CDTFA-531-A2 (S4B) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 031 .005 (Eff. 4-1-19) 710 .015 .00 City of Montclair 108 .0075 .00 City of San Bernardino 149 .0075 .00 Town of Yucca Valley (Eff. 4-1-17) 530 .015 .00 SAN DIEGO COUNTY 013 .005 .00 .01 .00 City of Barstow $ .00 City of Chula Vista (Exp. 9-30-18) 532 City of Chula Vista (Eff. 10-1-18) 644 .015 .00 City of Del Mar (Eff. 4-1-17) 534 .015 .00 City of El Cajon 431 .01 .00 City of La Mesa 210 .0125 .00 City of National City 137 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 712 .01 .00 151 .01 .00 SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY 052 .0125 .00 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY 038 .005 .00 324 .015 .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 714 .01 .00 City of Manteca 153 .01 .00 City of Stockton (Exp. 3-31-17) 362 .015 .00 City of Stockton (Eff. 4-1-17) 538 .0175 .00 City of Tracy (Eff. 4-1-17) 536 .01 .00 City of Arroyo Grande 154 .005 .00 City of Atascadero 419 .005 .00 City of Grover Beach 155 .005 .00 City of Morro Bay 156 .005 .00 City of Paso Robles 325 .005 .00 City of Pismo Beach 185 .005 .00 City of San Luis Obispo 157 .005 .00 .015 .00 .02 .00 City of Oceanside City of Vista City of Lathrop City of Lodi Discontinued Discontinued SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SAN MATEO COUNTY (Exp. 6-30-19) 327 SAN MATEO COUNTY (Eff. 7-1-19) 743 City of Belmont (Exp. 6-30-19) 540 City of Belmont (Eff. 7-1-19) 745 City of Burlingame (Exp. 6-30-19) 623 City of Burlingame (Eff. 7-1-19) 746 City of East Palo Alto (Exp. 6-30-19) 542 City of East Palo Alto (Eff. 7-1-19) 747 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued SUBTOTAL A11h (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11h on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 8 .02 .00 .025 .00 .0175 .00 .0225 .00 .02 .00 .025 .00 $ .00 Continued on page 9 CDTFA-531-A2 (S5F) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS City of Redwood City (Exp. 6-30-19) 716 City of Redwood City (Eff. 7-1-19) 748 City of San Mateo (Exp. 6-30-19) 328 City of San Mateo (Eff. 7-1-19) 749 City of So. San Francisco (Exp. 6-30-19) 438 A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE .02 Discontinued Discontinued A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 $ .00 .025 .00 .0175 .00 .0225 .00 .02 .00 (Eff. 7-1-19) 750 .025 .00 030 .005 .00 City of Carpinteria (Eff. 4-1-19) 720 .0175 .00 City of Guadalupe 421 .0075 .00 (Eff. 4-1-18) 625 .015 .00 City of So. San Francisco SANTA BARBARA COUNTY City of Santa Barbara City of Santa Maria (Exp. 3-31-19) 295 City of Santa Maria (Eff. 4-1-19) 718 SANTA CLARA COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 332 SANTA CLARA COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-17) 544 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued .0075 .00 .015 .00 .0125 .00 .0175 .00 .015 .00 City of Campbell (Exp. 3-31-17) 333 City of Campbell (Eff. 4-1-17) 545 .02 .00 City of Los Gatos (Eff. 4-1-19) 722 .01875 .00 .015 .00 .02 .00 City of San Jose (Exp. 3-31-17) 445 City of San Jose (Eff. 4-1-17) 546 Discontinued Discontinued SANTA CRUZ COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 062 Discontinued .0075 .00 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-19) 548 Discontinued .0125 .00 Santa Cruz County Unincorporated Area .0175 (Eff. 4-1-19) 724 City of Capitola (Exp. 3-31-17) 335 City of Capitola (Eff. 4-1-17) 549 Discontinued .00 .0125 .00 .0175 .00 City of Santa Cruz (Exp. 3-31-17) 159 Discontinued .0125 .00 City of Santa Cruz (Exp. 9-30-18) 550 Discontinued .0175 .00 City of Santa Cruz (Eff. 10-1-18) 646 .02 .00 City of Scotts Valley (Exp. 3-31-17) 364 City of Scotts Valley (Eff. 4-1-17) 552 Discontinued .0125 .00 .0175 .00 .015 .00 City of Watsonville (Exp. 3-31-17) 372 City of Watsonville (Eff. 4-1-17) 551 .02 .00 373 .005 .00 Discontinued SHASTA COUNTY City of Anderson SISKIYOU COUNTY City of Dunsmuir 439 .005 .00 City of Mt. Shasta 266 .0025 .00 City of Weed 432 .0025 .00 City of Yreka (Eff. 4-1-17) 553 .005 .00 SUBTOTAL A11i (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11i on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 9 $ .00 Continued on page 10 CDTFA-531-A2 (S5B) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS SOLANO COUNTY A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 066 .00125 $ .00 City of Benicia 423 .01125 .00 City of Fairfield 337 .01125 .00 City of Rio Vista 339 .00875 .00 (Eff. 4-1-17) 555 .01125 .00 .00375 .00 City of Suisun City City of Vacaville (Exp. 3-31-18) 341 City of Vacaville (Eff. 4-1-18) 557 .00875 .00 277 .01125 .00 City of Vallejo Discontinued SONOMA COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 259 Discontinued .0075 .00 SONOMA COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-19) 559 Discontinued .00875 .00 SONOMA COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-19) 744 .01 .00 City of Cotati (Exp. 3-31-17) 375 Discontinued .0175 .00 City of Cotati (Exp. 3-31-19) 565 Discontinued .01875 .00 City of Cotati (Eff. 4-1-19) 726 .02 .00 .00 City of Healdsburg (Exp. 3-31-17) 343 Discontinued .0125 City of Healdsburg (Exp. 3-31-19) 564 Discontinued .01375 .00 City of Healdsburg (Eff. 4-1-19) 727 .015 .00 .00 City of Rohnert Park (Exp. 3-31-17) 262 Discontinued .0125 City of Rohnert Park (Exp. 3-31-19) 562 Discontinued .01375 .00 City of Rohnert Park (Eff. 4-1-19) 728 .015 .00 .00 City of Santa Rosa (Exp. 3-31-17) 264 Discontinued .0125 City of Santa Rosa (Exp. 3-31-19) 561 Discontinued .01375 .00 City of Santa Rosa (Eff. 4-1-19) 732 .0175 .00 City of Sebastopol (Exp. 3-31-17) 345 Discontinued .015 .00 City of Sebastopol (Exp. 3-31-19) 560 Discontinued .01625 .00 City of Sebastopol (Eff. 4-1-19) 729 .0175 .00 .00 City of Sonoma (Exp. 3-31-17) 297 Discontinued .0125 City of Sonoma (Exp. 3-31-19) 563 Discontinued .01375 .00 City of Sonoma (Eff. 4-1-19) 730 .015 .00 .00125 .00 .00625 .00 .00625 .00 .01125 .00 .00625 .00 .01125 .00 STANISLAUS COUNTY (Exp. 3-31-17) 059 STANISLAUS COUNTY (Eff. 4-1-17) 567 City of Ceres (Exp. 3-31-17) 173 City of Ceres (Eff. 4-1-17) 568 City of Oakdale (Exp. 3-31-17) 279 City of Oakdale (Eff. 4-1-17) 569 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued TEHAMA COUNTY City of Corning 446 .005 .00 City of Red Bluff 424 .0025 .00 SUBTOTAL A11j (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11j on page 1 of Schedule A2.) Page 10 $ .00 Continued on page 11 CDTFA-531-A2 (S6F) REV. 35 (1-20) SCHEDULE A2 – COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX — Long Form ACCOUNT NUMBER REPORTING PERIOD A5 ALLOCATE LINE A4 TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) DISTRICT TAX AREAS TULARE COUNTY City of Dinuba A8 TAXABLE AMOUNT A5 plus/minus A6/A7 A9 TAX RATE 162 .005 165 .0125 City of Farmersville (Exp. 3-31-18) 164 City of Farmersville City of Lindsay A6/A7 ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS A10 DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 $ .00 .00 .01 .00 (Eff. 4-1-18) 629 .015 .00 (Eff. 10-1-17) 607 .015 .00 .01 .00 Discontinued City of Porterville (Exp. 3-31-19) 166 City of Porterville (Eff. 4-1-19) 734 .02 .00 City of Tulare 167 .01 .00 City of Visalia (Exp. 3-31-17) 163 .0075 .00 City of Visalia (Eff. 4-1-17) 571 .0125 .00 City of Woodlake (Eff. 4-1-18) 627 .015 .00 093 .005 .00 213 .005 .00 Discontinued Discontinued TUOLUMNE COUNTY City of Sonora VENTURA COUNTY City of Oxnard City of Port Hueneme (Exp. 3-31-19) 214 .005 City of Port Hueneme .00 (Eff. 4-1-19) 736 .015 .00 City of Santa Paula (Eff. 4-1-17) 572 .01 .00 City of Ventura (Eff. 4-1-17) 573 .005 .00 376 .01 .00 Discontinued YOLO COUNTY City of Davis City of West Sacramento (Exp. 3-31-17) 081 Discontinued .005 .00 City of West Sacramento (Exp. 3-31-19) 575 Discontinued .0075 .00 .01 .00 .0075 .00 City of West Sacramento City of Woodland (Eff. 4-1-19) 738 236 YUBA COUNTY Yuba County Unincorporated Area .01 (Eff. 4-1-19) 739 .00 City of Marysville 447 .01 .00 City of Wheatland 265 .005 .00 SUBTOTAL A11k (Add amounts in column A10 on this page. Enter the total here and on line A11k on page 1 of Schedule A2.) $ .00 Continued on page 12 Page 11 CDTFA-531-A2 (S6B) REV. 35 (1-20) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING CDTFA-531-A2, SCHEDULE A2 — Long Form COMPUTATION SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT TAX Step 1. Enter taxable sales from return. The following examples are positive (+) adjustments: A1. Enter the Taxable Transactions or Total Purchases from line 12 on CDTFA-401-A, or line 12 on CDTFA-401-GS, or line 1 on CDTFA-401-E in box A1. • Items you purchased without paying district tax. If you paid state and local sales tax on a purchase, but not district tax, and if you made a taxable use of the item in a tax district, add the price of the item for that district. • Amounts collected for a discontinued district. If you collected taxes for a district that has been discontinued and have not paid those taxes to the CDTFA, add the amounts on which you collected those taxes. Do not enter those amounts on line A5. If a discontinued district is not listed, call 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711) for assistance. Step 2. Enter all transactions subject to only the state rate of 7.25% (with no additional collection of district tax) on A2/A3. A2/A3. Enter purchases of items purchased for use in a location where no district tax is in effect. Also, enter sales of items (excluding vehicles, vessels, or aircraft) delivered and used (1) at a location where no district tax is in effect or (2) in a district where you are not “engaged in business” and did not collect the district tax. (See publication 105, District Taxes and Delivered Sales, available on the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) website at, for a definition of “engaged in business.”) The following examples are negative (-) adjustments: • Transactions included in line A5 that represent the sale or use of merchandise before the effective date of a district. • If your line A4 is $0.00 and you have no adjustments for prior periods, you are finished with your Schedule A2. Enter $0.00 on line 16 of CDTFA-401-A or CDTFA-401-GS, or line 5 of CDTFA-401-E. You may want to call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711) to see if you qualify for filing the EZ return (CDTFA-401-EZ). Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays. Fixed-price contracts. Deduct the sales price or lease payments (excluding amounts collected as tax) for qualifying fixed-price contracts. A fixed-price contract is one entered into before the effective date of the district tax, which: (1) fixes the amount of the sales or lease price; (2) specifically states the amount or rate of tax based on the rate in effect when the contract was executed; and (3) does not give either party the right to terminate the contract upon notice. (See Regulation 1661 for information on leases of mobile transportation equipment.) • Merchandise used outside the district. If you paid district tax on a purchase and first used the item in a different district, you may need to enter adjustments on A6/A7. Call 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711) for assistance. Step 4. Report transactions by district. A8. Add or subtract each district amount shown in A6/A7 from each district amount on A5. Enter the total for each district amount in column A8. Step 3. Calculate transactions subject to district tax. A4. Subtract A2/A3 from A1. Enter the result on A4. A5. Using the total from line A4, allocate your transaction totals to the correct districts. DO NOT report the same transactions in both a city and county district. The tax rate for city districts includes all county district tax. Report them for the city only. Please see the Reporting transactions by location example on the next page. A9. If you enter adjustments in A6/A7 for a transaction taxed at a rate different from the rate shown on A9, call 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711) for assistance. A10. Multiply A8 by A9. Enter the result in column A10. Based on adjustments in A6/A7, A10 may result in a negative number. Step 5. Enter district adjustments. Please note that district tax adjustments made on this schedule are only for ones realized in the period covered by this return and schedule. All prior period adjustments must be made on CDTFA-531-Q, Schedule Q - Tax Recovery. A6/A7. If you have adjustments for one or more districts, enter amounts in this column. Entries in this column will increase or decrease the amount of tax distributed to districts for which you have adjustments. Enter the following adjustments by district. (You do not need an entry in column A5 to enter an adjustment in column A6/A7.) Note: Please attach an explanation of any adjustments to your Schedule A2. Continued on page 13 Page 12 CDTFA-531-A2 (S7) REV. 35 (1-20) Step 6. Enter your total district tax due. A11g. Page 7, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11g and on A11g on page 1. A11a. Page 1, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11a. A11b. Page 2, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11b and on A11b on page 1. A11c. Page 3, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11c and on A11c on page 1. A11d. Page 4, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11d and on A11d on page 1. A11e. Page 5, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11e and on A11e on page 1. A11f. Page 6, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11f and on A11f on page 1. A11h. Page 8, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11h and on A11h on page 1. A11i. Page 9, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11i and on A11i on page 1. A11j. Page 10, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11j and on A11j on page 1. A11k. Page 11, enter the subtotal of column A10 on line A11k and on A11k on page 1. A11. Add lines A11a, A11b, A11c, A11d, A11e, A11f, A11g, A11h, A11i, A11j, and A11k. Enter this amount on line A11 and on line 16 of CDTFA-401-A or CDTFA-401-GS, or on line 5 on CDTFA-401-E. Reporting transactions by location example: Example: Your sales less deductions is $24,000, which represents: • Transactions of $6,000 subject to district tax in Sacramento County but not in the City of Galt, the City of Isleton, the City of Rancho Cordova, or in the City of Sacramento. • • • • Transactions of $2,000 plus a positive (+) adjustment of $500 subject to district tax in the City of Galt. The tax rate for the City of Galt includes district tax for Sacramento County. Transactions of $3,000 plus a negative (-) adjustment of $1,000 subject to district tax in the City of Sacramento. The tax rate for the City of Sacramento includes district tax for Sacramento County. • Transactions of $1,000 subject to district tax in the City of Isleton. The tax rate for the City of Isleton includes district tax for Sacramento County. Transactions of $2,000 subject to district tax in San Benito County but not in the City of Hollister or in the City of San Juan Bautista. • Transactions of $2,000 subject to district tax in the City of Rancho Cordova. The tax rate for the City of Rancho Cordova includes district tax for Sacramento County. Transactions of $4,000 subject to district tax in the City of Hollister. The tax rate for the City of Hollister includes district tax for San Benito County. • Transactions of $4,000 subject to district tax in the City of San Juan Bautista. The tax rate for the City of San Juan Bautista includes district tax for San Benito County. DISTRICT TAX AREAS SACRAMENTO COUNTY City of Galt City of Isleton City of Rancho Cordova City of Sacramento SAN BENITO COUNTY City of Hollister City of San Juan Bautista (Eff. 4-1-17) (Eff. 4-1-19) (Eff. 4-1-19) (Eff. 4-1-19) (Eff. 4-1-19) 023 206 527 418 705 706 707 708 A5 A6/A7 A8 A9 A10 ALLOCATE TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS TAXABLE AMOUNT TAX RATE DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 6,000 2,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 .005 .01 .015 .01 .015 .01 .02 .0175 30.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 80.00 70.00 6,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 500 -1,000 Fixed-price contract example: To correctly report district tax on your return for fixed-price contracts, you must allocate the total amount of the fixed-price contract along with any other sales for this district in column A5 (a) at the “Current District Tax Rate,” and then make a negative adjustment for the fixed-price contract amount in the same row, column A6/A7 (b). A positive adjustment will be required to properly allocate the fixed-price contract amount in column A6/A7 (c) of the district tax that was in effect at the time the contract was entered into. In the example below, the taxpayer has $10,000 in taxable sales to report to the City of Commerce. Of this total, $4,000 is from a fixed-price contract entered into between July 1, 2017, and September 30, 2017. DISTRICT TAX AREAS A5 A6/A7 A8 A9 A10 ALLOCATE TO CORRECT DISTRICT(S) ADD ( + ) / DEDUCT ( - ) ADJUSTMENTS TAXABLE AMOUNT TAX RATE DISTRICT TAX DUE Multiply A8 by A9 LOS ANGELES COUNTY City of Commerce (Exp. 6-30-17) 307 Discontinued City of Commerce (Exp. 9-30-17) 585 Discontinued 4,000 (c) 4,000 .025 .02 100.00 City of Commerce (Eff. 10-1-17) 596 10,000 (a) -4,000 (b) 6,000 .0275 165.00 Page 13
More about the California CDTFA-401-EZ2 Sales Tax Tax Return
You can file your return online by going to and selecting "File a Return." When you file online you can pay by credit card, paper check, or electronic check (ACH Debit).
We last updated the Short Form – Sales and Use Tax Return in May 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the California Franchise Tax Board. You can print other California tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxRelated California Sales Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 California income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the California CDTFA-401-EZ2.
Form Code | Form Name |
CDTFA-401-A2 | State, Local and District Sales and Use Tax Return |
View all 175 California Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
California usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated California CDTFA-401-EZ2 from the Franchise Tax Board in May 2021.
CDTFA-401-EZ2 is a California Sales Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Sales Tax
Sales taxes are applied to the transfer of goods (and sometimes services) to the end consumer in most of the fifty states, and are collected by the vendor from their customers and remitted to the state taxation department on a regular basis. Therefore, most sales tax related tax forms are applicable to businesses, and not private individuals.
Historical Past-Year Versions of California CDTFA-401-EZ2
We have a total of three past-year versions of CDTFA-401-EZ2 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of California Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.