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Arkansas Free Printable 2024_AR1000NR_SW.pdf for 2025 Arkansas Part Year or Non-Resident Individual Income Tax Return

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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Part Year or Non-Resident Individual Income Tax Return

PRINT FORM CLEAR FORM 2024 AR1000NR P1 ITNR241 ARKANSAS INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN Nonresident and Part Year Resident CHECK BOX IF AMENDED RETURN Software ID DFA WEB -DQ'HFRU¿VFDO\HDUHQGLQJ ____________ , 20 ____ 3ULPDU\¶VOHJDO¿UVWQDPH MI /DVWQDPH 6SRXVH¶VOHJDO¿UVWQDPH MI /DVWQDPH &KHFNLI 'HFHDVHG &KHFNLI 'HFHDVHG 3ULPDU\¶VVRFLDOVHFXULW\QXPEHU 6SRXVH¶VVRFLDOVHFXULW\QXPEHU 0DLOLQJDGGUHVV(number and street, P.O. box or rural route) 6WDWHRUSURYLQFH TAXPAYER INFORMATION &LW\ FILING STATUS &KHFNLIDGGUHVVLVRXWVLGH86 )RUHLJQFRXQWU\QDPH ZIP 3ULPDU\HPDLO 6HFRQGDU\HPDLO ATTACH PAGE 1 AND 2 OF YOUR FEDERAL RETURN 3ULPDU\5HPRWH:RUNHU 3ULPDU\0LOLWDU\6SRXVH 6SRXVH5HPRWH:RUNHU 6SRXVH0LOLWDU\6SRXVH NONRESIDENT: PART YEAR RESIDENT: Dates lived in AR: List state of residence: From: To: Check the box if you want us to mail Check here if you want a tax booklet &KHFNWKLVER[LI\RXKDYHÀOHGDVWDWH you a paper Form 1099-G next year. mailed to you next year. extension or an automatic federal extension '/6WDWH,' <RXUVWDWH ,VVXHGDWH PPGG\\\\ ([SLUDWLRQGDWH PPGG\\\\ '/6WDWH,' 6SRXVHVWDWH ,VVXHGDWH PPGG\\\\ ([SLUDWLRQGDWH PPGG\\\\  6LQJOH(Or widowed before 2024 or divorced at end of 2024)  0DUULHG¿OLQJVHSDUDWHO\RQWKHVDPHUHWXUQ 2. 0DUULHG¿OLQJMRLQW (Even if only one had income) 3. +HDGRIKRXVHKROG(See instructions) ,IWKHTXDOLI\LQJSHUVRQZDV\RXUFKLOGEXWQRW\RXUGHSHQGHQW HQWHUFKLOG¶VQDPHKHUH ______________________________ 5.  0DUULHG¿OLQJVHSDUDWHO\RQGLႇHUHQWUHWXUQV (QWHUVSRXVH¶VQDPHKHUHDQG661DERYH _______________ 6.  6XUYLYLQJVSRXVHZLWKGHSHQGHQWFKLOG <HDUVSRXVHGLHG(See instructions) _____________________  7A. <RXUVHOI 65 or over 6SHFLDO %OLQG 'HDI 6SRXVH 65 or over 6SHFLDO %OLQG 'HDI +HDGRIKRXVHKROGVXUYLYLQJVSRXVH (Filing status 3 only) 0XOWLSO\QXPEHURIER[HVFKHFNHG .................................................................................................................................................7A (Filing status 6 only) X $29 = 00 PERSONAL TAX CREDITS Dependents (Do not list yourself or spouse) )LUVWQDPH/DVWQDPH 'HSHQGHQW¶VVRFLDOVHFXULW\QXPEHU 'HSHQGHQW¶VUHODWLRQVKLSWR\RX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X $29 = 00 7C. TOTAL PERSONAL TAX CREDITS: (Add lines 7A and 7B. Enter total here and on line 34) ........................................7C 00 %0XOWLSO\QXPEHURIDEPENDENTSIURPDERYH.......................................................................................7B Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Credit (AR1000-DD - formerly AR1000RC5) now on Form AR1000TC AR1000NR, Page 1 (R 8/19/2024) P2 ITNR242 Primary SSN _______- _____- ________ 00 10. ,QWHUHVWLQFRPH (If over $1,500, attach AR4) ...................................10 00 00 00 11. 'LYLGHQGLQFRPH(If over $1,500, attach AR4) ................................ 11 00 00 00 12. $OLPRQ\DQGVHSDUDWHPDLQWHQDQFHUHFHLYHG 12 00 00 00 13. %XVLQHVVRUSURIHVVLRQDOLQFRPH(Attach federal Sch. C) .............. 13 00 00 00 14. &DSLWDOJDLQV ORVVHV IURPVWRFNVERQGVHWF (Attach federal Sch. D) ..14 00 00 00 15. 2WKHUJDLQVRU ORVVHV (See instructions) ...........................................15 00 00 00 16. 1RQTXDOL¿HG,5$GLVWULEXWLRQVDQGWD[DEOHDQQXLWLHV(Attach all 1099Rs) ... 16 00 00 00 17. 0LOLWDU\UHWLUHPHQWPrimary 00 00 00 00 18A 00 18B.6SRXVHHPSOR\HUSHQVLRQSODQ V TXDOL¿HG,5$ V (Attach 1099Rs) 18B Gross 00 Less 00 Taxable 00 00 00 19. 5HQWVUR\DOWLHVSDUWQHUVKLSVHVWDWHVWUXVWVHWF(Attach federal Sch. E) ..... 19 00 00 00 20. )DUPLQFRPH(Attach federal Sch. F) ..............................................20 00 00 00 21. 8QHPSOR\PHQW 21 00 00 00 22. 2WKHULQFRPHGHSUHFLDWLRQGLႇHUHQFHV (Attach Form AR-OI) ......... 22 00 00 00 23. TOTAL INCOME: (Add lines 8 through 22) ................................. 23 00 00 00 24. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS: (Attach Form AR1000ADJ) ............... 24 00 00 00 25. ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME: (Subtract line 24 from line 23) ..... 25 00 00 00 26. 6HOHFWWD[WDEOH 6HOHFWRQO\RQH 27./RZLQFRPHWDEOH  See line 26 instructions 6WDQGDUGGHGXFWLRQ 6HHLQVWUXFWLRQV  ,WHPL]HGGHGXFWLRQV (Attach AR3) 27 00 00 28. NET TAXABLE INCOME: (Subtract line 27 from line 25) .........28 00 00 29. TAX: (Enter tax from tax table) .......................................................29 00 00 INCOME 00 Spouse 00 00 Spouse 18A.3ULPDU\HPSOR\HUSHQVLRQSODQ V TXDOL¿HG,5$ V (Attach 1099Rs) Gross 00 Less 00 Taxable $6,000 $6,000 TAX COMPUTATION Arkansas Income Only 00 9. 0LOLWDU\SD\ Primary TAX CREDITS (C) 00 8. :DJHVVDODULHVWLSVHWF(Attach W-2s) ........................................... 8 APPORTIONMENT (B) Spouse’s Income Status 4 Only (A) Primary/Joint Income ROUND ALL AMOUNTS TO WHOLE DOLLARS 00 26 30. &RPELQHGWD[ (Add amounts from line 29, columns A and B) ..................................................................30 00 31. (QWHUWD[IURP/XPS6XP'LVWULEXWLRQ$YHUDJLQJ6FKHGXOH(Attach AR1000TD) ........................................31 00 32. $GGLWLRQDOWD[RQ,5$DQGTXDOL¿HGSODQZLWKGUDZDODQGRYHUSD\PHQW (See instructions) ............................. 32 33. TOTAL TAX: (Add lines 30 through 32) ................................................................................................... 33 00 34. 3HUVRQDOWD[FUHGLW V (Enter total from line 7C) .......................................................................................... 34 00 35. &KLOGFDUHFUHGLW(Attach AR2441) .................................................................................................................. 35 00 36. 2WKHUFUHGLWV(Attach AR1000TC) ................................................................................................................ 36 00 37. TOTAL CREDITS: (Add lines 34 through 36) .......................................................................................... 37 38. NET TAX: (Subtract line 37 from line 33. If line 37 is greater than line 33, enter 0) ..................................... 38 00 38A.(QWHUWKHDPRXQWIURPline 25, column C 38A 00 38B.(QWHUWKHWRWDODPRXQWIURPline 25, columns A and B 38B 38C.'LYLGHOLQH$E\%(See instructions) ............................................................... 38C 38D.APPORTIONED TAX LIABILITY: (Multiply line 38 by line 38C) ......................................................... 38D 00 AR1000NR, Page 2 (R 5/29/2024) 00 00 00 P3 ITNR243 REFUND OR TAX DUE PAYMENTS Primary SSN _______- _____-________ 39. $UNDQVDVLQFRPHWD[ZLWKKHOG(Attach copies of W-2, 1099R, W2-G,1099-PT, and/or AR-K1) .................39 00 40. (VWLPDWHGWD[SDLGRUFUHGLWEURXJKWIRUZDUGIURP 40 00 41. 3D\PHQWPDGHZLWKH[WHQVLRQ (See instructions) ....................................................................................... 41 00 42. AMENDED RETURNS ONLY3UHYLRXVSD\PHQWV(See instructions) ................................................. 42 00 43. (DUO\FKLOGKRRGSURJUDP&HUWL¿FDWLRQQXPEHU (Attach AR1000EC and AR2441) ...................................................................................................................... 43 00 44. TOTAL PAYMENTS: (Add lines 39 through 43) ...................................................................................... 44 00 45. AMENDED RETURNS ONLY3UHYLRXVUHIXQG(See instructions) ...................................................... 45 00 46. $GMXVWHGWRWDOSD\PHQWV(Subtract line 45 from line 44) ............................................................................. 46 00 47. AMOUNT OF OVERPAYMENT/REFUND: ,IOLQHLVJUHDWHUWKDQOLQH'HQWHUGLႇHUHQFH .................. 47 00 48. $PRXQWWREHDSSOLHGWRHVWLPDWHGWD[ 48 00 49. $PRXQWRI&KHFN2ႇFRQWULEXWLRQV(Attach Form AR1000CO) ............................... 49 00 50. AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED TO YOU: (Subtract lines 48 and 49 from line 47) ...........REFUND 50 - 00 51. AMOUNT DUE: (If line 46 is less than line 38D, enter difference; If over $1,000, continue to 52A) .........TAX DUE 51 / 00 52A. UEP: $WWDFK)RUP$5RU$5$,IUHTXLUHGHQWHUH[FHSWLRQLQER[ 52A 00 3HQDOW\% 52C.$GGOLQHVDQG%(See instructions) .......................................................................... TOTAL DUE 52C 00 DIRECT DEPOSIT Direct deposit allowed to U.S. banks only. Check if either deposit(s) will ultimately be placed in a foreign account. Routing number 1 &KHFNLQJRU Account number 1 6DYLQJV Direct deposit 1 amt. 00 Routing number 2 &KHFNLQJRU Account number 2 6DYLQJV Direct deposit 2 amt. 00 PLEASE SIGN HERE PLEASE SIGN HERE: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. 3ULPDU\¶VVLJQDWXUH 'DWH 7HOHSKRQH 6SRXVH¶VVLJQDWXUH 'DWH 7HOHSKRQH SIGN HERE Yes 37,1,'QXPEHU 3DLGSUHSDUHU¶VVLJQDWXUH 3UHSDUHU¶VQDPH PAID PREPARER May the Arkansas Revenue Division discuss this return with the preparer? No For Department Use Only 7HOHSKRQH A $GGUHVV &LW\ 6WDWH ZIP (PDLO PAY ONLINE: 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUVHFXUHZHEVLWH$7$3 $UNDQVDV7D[SD\HU$FFHVV3RLQW DW ZZZDWDSDUNDQVDVJRY$7$3DOORZVWD[SD\HUVRUWKHLUUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVWR ORJRQPDNHSD\PHQWVDQGPDQDJHWKHLUDFFRXQWRQOLQH$7$3LVDYDLODEOH KRXUV AR1000NR, Page 3 (R 3/20/2024) Mail Return & Payment to: Refund: $UNDQVDV6WDWH,QFRPH7D[ 32%R[ /LWWOH5RFN$5 Tax Due/No Tax: $UNDQVDV6WDWH,QFRPH7D[ 32%R[ /LWWOH5RFN$5
Extracted from PDF file 2024-arkansas-form-ar1000nr.pdf, last modified December 2024

More about the Arkansas Form AR1000NR Individual Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024

We last updated the Part Year or Non-Resident Individual Income Tax Return in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form AR1000NR, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form AR1000NR directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Arkansas tax forms here.

eFile your Arkansas tax return now

eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Arkansas and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!

File Now with TurboTax

Other Arkansas Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 39 Arkansas income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form ARDD Direct Deposit Information for Paper Returns (OBSOLETE)
Form AR1000ES Individual Estimated Tax Declaration Vouchers
Tax Instruction Booklet Arkansas Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Form AR1000F Full Year Resident Individual Income Tax Return
Form AR4 Interest and Dividend Schedule

Download all AR tax forms View all 40 Arkansas Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Arkansas usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Arkansas Form AR1000NR from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Form AR1000NR is an Arkansas Individual Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Arkansas Form AR1000NR

We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form AR1000NR in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form AR1000NR


2023 Form AR1000NR

2023_AR1000NR_DFA WEB.pdf

2022 Form AR1000NR


2021 Form AR1000NR


2020 Form AR1000NR


2019 Form AR1000NR


2018 Form AR1000NR

2018_AR1000NR_DFA WEB_BC.pdf

2017 Form AR1000NR


2016 Form AR1000NR


TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Arkansas Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/arkansas/form-ar1000nr