Arizona Taxpayer Notice of Claim - Damaged or Destroyed Property (Property Tax)

Extracted from PDF file 2024-arizona-form-82135c.pdf, last modified July 2023Taxpayer Notice of Claim - Damaged or Destroyed Property (Property Tax)
TAXPAYER NOTICE OF CLAIM - DESTROYED PROPERTY INSTRUCTIONS Read this page before completing the Taxpayer Notice of Claim form. TO THE TAXPAYER/OWNER: This Notice of Claim form is used to notify the County Assessor after the Assessor closes the rolls that your property has been destroyed. Fill in Parcel Number or Assessor Account Number as shown on tax roll. Owner/Agent completes items 1 through 8 of the form. GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION A. Date Damage Incurred: List actual date property damage occurred. B. Cause of Damage: Check applicable box as to cause of damage. If “Other”, specify in “Basis for the Claim” section. C. Improvements: Check observable conditions of improvement in correct box. D. Land Damage: Check corresponding degree of land damage in parcel box. E. Location Hazard: Check box one (permanent) if hazard always exists in this area. Check box two (temporary) if it does not. F. Personal Property: Check type of personal property that was damaged. If any other type of property was lost or damaged, check “other” and list item(s) in the “Basis for the Claim” section or attach a separate list. • Keep a copy of all information that is submitted as a permanent record. • If you are represented by an agent, include a current Agency Authorization form (DOR 82130AA). The Tax Officer may either consent to or dispute your claim within 60 days after receiving the Notice of Claim. If the Tax Officer Consents in Writing to the Notice of Claim for Destroyed Property: • No further action is required by you and the tax roll will be corrected to show the proration of the value from the date of destruction. • If the Tax Officer does not respond in writing to your claim within 60 days it constitutes consent to your claim. You must then file a written demand with the Board of Supervisors of the County in which the property is located, supported by proof of the date the Notice of Claim was filed and the Tax Officer’s failure to dispute the claim within the 60 day period. Certified mail receipt is proof of the mail date. The Board of Supervisors shall direct the County Treasurer to correct the tax roll. If the Tax Officer Disputes the Notice of Claim: • The Tax Officer will notify you in writing of the basis for disputing your claim and of the time and place for a meeting with you or your representative within 60 days to discuss the basis for the dispute. If, after the meeting, an agreement is reached on all or part of the Notice of Claim: • The tax roll will be corrected to the extent as agreed. • The Assessor will prorate the value of the property from the lien date to the date of destruction. If, after the meeting, an agreement is not reached on all or part of the Notice of Claim: • You may file a Petition for Review of Taxpayer Notice of Claim (DOR 82179C-1) with either the County Board of Equalization or State Board of Equalization, whichever is applicable, within 90 days after the date of the meeting. Include a copy of the Notice of Claim and Tax Officer’s decision. • Send one copy of the Petition for Review of Taxpayer Notice of Claim (DOR 82179C-1) to the Tax Officer by certified mail. The owner should keep a copy as a permanent record. • The Board will hold a hearing on the disputed claim within 30 days and will issue a written decision pursuant to its rules. • If you or the Tax Officer are dissatisfied with the Board’s decision, either party may file an appeal with the Tax Court within 60 days after the Board’s decision is mailed. Clear Form Print TAXPAYER NOTICE OF CLAIM DESTROYED PROPERTY PURSUANT TO A.R.S. § 42-15157 1. DATE: ___________ COUNTY: ____________________ PARCEL ID: _____________________ ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER_________________ 2. IF THIS IS A MULTIPLE PARCEL CLAIM, CHECK HERE AND ATTACH A TAXPAYER NOTICE OF CLAIM MULTIPLE PARCEL FORM (82179BB). 3. PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _______________________________________________________________________________ 4A. OWNER’S NAME AND ADDRESS AS SHOWN ON TAX ROLL: 4B. MAIL CORRESPONDENCE TO: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. PROPERTY USE (Check all applicable uses): Residential Owner-Occupied Commercial/Industrial Vacant Land Agricultural/Ranch/Farm Mobile Home Affixed Mobile Home Not Affixed Other, Describe: _________________________________________ GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION: A. Date Damage Incurred (Month/Day/Year) ______________ B. Cause of Damage: C. Improvements: 1. Fire 2. Flood 1. Destroyed 3. Wind 2. Usable E. Location Hazard: 4. Other 1. Permanent F. Personal Property: 3. Restorable 3. Livestock 1. Machinery 4. Mobile Home 2. Temporary 2. Office Equipment 5. Other D. Land Damage: 1. None 2. Minimum 3. Moderate 4. Heavy 6. BASIS FOR CLAIM. INCLUDE ANY DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT CLAIM: _______ TAX YEAR _______ TAX YEAR FROM (Currently): LAND _____________________ To (Proposed Correction): PROPERTY CLASS __________ IMPS _____________________ PROPERTY CLASS __________ IMPS _______________________ FCV ASMT RATIO __________ FCV _____________________ FCV ASMT RATIO __________ FCV _______________________ LPV ASMT RATIO __________ LPV _____________________ LPV ASMT RATIO __________ LPV _______________________ LAND _______________________ FROM (Currently): LAND _____________________ To (Proposed Correction): PROPERTY CLASS __________ IMPS _____________________ PROPERTY CLASS __________ IMPS _______________________ FCV ASMT RATIO __________ FCV _____________________ FCV ASMT RATIO __________ FCV _______________________ LPV ASMT RATIO __________ LPV _____________________ LPV ASMT RATIO __________ LPV _______________________ LAND _______________________ 7. COMPLETED BY: (Owner, Agent, or Attorney) NAME/ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________ AGENTS ONLY: DEPT. OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGISTRATION NUMBER ____________________________________ SBOE NUMBER __________________ Include a current Agency Authorization Form (82130AA) with this notice. (PIMA AND MARICOPA COUNTIES ONLY) 8. Notice is hereby given to the County Assessor that the property identified by parcel and/or personal property tax roll/account number in this claim has been destroyed. A description of the destruction to support the claim is provided above or is attached. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR REPRESENTATIVE PHONE NUMBER FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - FOR TAX OFFICERS’S USE ONLY TAX OFFICER CONSENTS TO CLAIM OF DESTRUCTION. TAX OFFICER DISPUTES CLAIM OF DESTRUCTION BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: NOTICE OF MEETING: A meeting to discuss your claim has been scheduled as follows. Date Name and Title of Tax Officer’s Representative (Please Print or Type) Time Signature of Tax Officer’s Representative DOR 82135C (07/2023) Location Date Phone Number
Form 82135C
More about the Arizona Form 82135C Other TY 2024
We last updated the Taxpayer Notice of Claim - Damaged or Destroyed Property (Property Tax) in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 82135C, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 82135C directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Arizona tax forms here.
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Form Code | Form Name |
82130NC | Petition for Review of Notice of Change |
82130R | Residential Petition for Review of Valuation |
Form 82104 | Senior Property Valuation Protection Option (Property Tax) |
Form 82130 | Petition for Review of Real Property Valuation (Property Tax Appeal) |
Form 82130R | Residential Petition for Review of Valuation (Property Tax Appeal) |
View all 96 Arizona Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Arizona usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Arizona Form 82135C from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Arizona Form 82135C
We have a total of four past-year versions of Form 82135C in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Arizona Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.