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Arizona Free Printable  for 2025 Arizona Petition for Review of Real Property Valuation (Property Tax Appeal)

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Petition for Review of Real Property Valuation (Property Tax Appeal)
Form 82130

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PETITION FOR REVIEW OF VALUATION Information necessary to complete this petition is contained on the Notice of Valuation. Additional information regarding your property value or classification may be obtained from the County Assessor of the county in which the property is located. The following forms may need to be used in conjunction with the Petition for Review (DOR form 82130) in the administrative appeals process and can be obtained from your local County Assessor: 1. Agency Authorization form (DOR 82130AA) 2. Appropriate Income and Expense Statement from the DOR 82300 series. 3. Multiple Parcel Appeal form (DOR 82131) 4. Agricultural Land Use Application (DOR 82916) COMPLETING THIS FORM • You MUST include the Tax Year Filed located at the upper left corner of the form. • Complete items 1 through 10 where applicable and keep a copy for your records. • You MUST state the method or methods of valuation on which you are basing your appeal in item 7 and provide substantial information justifying your opinion of value. If your appeal is based on: 1. The market sales approach, include the full cash value for at least one comparable property within the same geographic area as the property in question or the sale of the property in question. 2. The cost approach, include all costs (materials, labor, architectural fees, construction finance costs, builder’s profit) to build or rebuild the improvement(s), plus the land value. 3. The income approach, include a completed and notarized Income and Expense Statement (DOR) 82300 and the appropriate Supplement for the type of property (DOR 82300-1 through DOR 82300-7). • If you are filing this appeal regarding classification of your primary residence, please attach documentation such as copies of your •Driver License •Voter Registration Card •Copy of a portion of your last Income Tax Return (only name and address section) in addition to Utility bill or Motor Vehicle Registration. • If you are appealing to obtain qualified agricultural classification, provide the Assessor with a completed Agricultural Land Use Application form (DOR 82916) together with substantial information justifying your appeal. • Keep a copy of all information that is submitted to the Assessor. MULTIPLE PARCEL APPEAL • You may file an appeal for more than one parcel if all of the parcels are one of the following: Part of the same economic unit. An “Economic Unit” is a combination of parcels in which land and improvements are used for mutual economic benefit. An economic unit may be comprised of properties which are neither contiguous nor owned by the same owner. However, they must be managed and operated on a unitary basis and each parcel must make a functional contribution to the operation of the unit. “Functional Contribution” is a positive economic benefit created by the use of an individual parcel in an economic unit. 2. Owned by the same owner, have the same use, have the same appeal basis, and are located in the same geographic area. Criteria for determination of “Same Use” includes, but is not limited to, property class, property use code, unit value, and zoning. “Geographic Area” means an area for which common property valuation characteristics may reasonably be identified, such as a subdivision, neighborhood, market area, or an Assessor’s book and map. • It is strongly recommended that only parcels with common ownership, physical characteristics and location be included on a Multiple Parcel Appeal form (DOR 82131). Failure to file multiple parcels under the above conditions could result in a decision based on incomplete information or a possible denial of the appeal. In Items 8 and 9 of the petition form, enter the total full cash and limited values for all parcels included in the appeal. • You may request a meeting with the County Assessor’s staff by checking the appropriate box in item 10. If you are unable to meet with the Assessor’s staff at the time and place set by the Assessor, you may wish to submit written evidence to support the petition before the date of the meeting. All issues you wish to appeal must be included on the Petition for Review. 1. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS PROCEDURES DOR 82130 (Revised 01/2024) ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS PROCEDURES STEP I - APPEALS TO THE ASSESSOR • FILING DEADLINE: File petitions with the County Assessor in the county in which the property is located within sixty days of the date postmarked on the Notice of Valuation. • IN ALL COUNTIES: Mail or hand deliver one copy of the completed Petition for Review to the County Assessor. Retain a copy for your records (and for use in possible further appeals). • You may file an appeal on your own or you may name an agent to represent you in the administrative appeals process. If an agent is designated, an Agency Authorization form (DOR 82130AA) must accompany the Petition for Review. • Only one appeal for each parcel or economic unit will be accepted by the Assessor. Any duplicate petitions will be returned. • Keep a copy of all information that is submitted to the Assessor. The County Assessor reserves the right to reject any petition not meeting statutory requirements. If the Assessor rejects your petition for failure to include substantial information, you may file an amended petition within fifteen days after the rejection notice was mailed. If the rejection notice is mailed by the Assessor on or before June 15, you may file an amended appeal with the County Assessor. If the rejection notice is mailed by the Assessor after June 15, you may file an amended appeal to the State Board of Equalization in Maricopa and Pima counties, or to the County Board of Equalization in all other counties. • The Assessor must rule on all appeals no later than August 15. If your request has been denied, you may file an appeal with the County Board or State Board of Equalization. STEP II - APPEALS TO EITHER THE COUNTY OR STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • Appeals in Maricopa and Pima Counties MUST be filed with the STATE Board of Equalization (SBOE). If you are a tax agent, contact the SBOE at (602) 364-1600 for the SBOE number required in item 6. Appeals in all other counties MUST be filed with the COUNTY Board of Equalization in the county in which the property is located. • File the Petition for Review within twenty-five days after the Assessor’s decision is mailed. • In Maricopa and Pima counties, Rules of the SBOE containing filing requirements can be obtained by accessing the State Board’s Website @ http://sboe.az.gov/. For appeals filed in Maricopa and Pima counties, include a copy of the Assessor’s original Notice of Valuation. • Include a copy of the Agency Authorization form, if applicable, and the Assessor’s decision with the petition. Keep a copy of all information that is submitted to the Board. • Both the State and County Board of Equalization must rule on all appeals no later than October 15. APPEALS TO TAX COURT • If you have filed an appeal through the administrative appeals process, you may appeal to the Tax Court within sixty days of the mailing date of the most recent administrative decision. If you file an appeal with the Court, the administrative appeals process is suspended pending a determination by the Court. • If you have not started the administrative appeals process, you may appeal directly to the Tax Court on or before December 15 of the valuation year. • If you are dissatisfied with the valuation or classification of your property as determined by a County Board of Equalization, or if your petition is denied by the County Board of Equalization, either in whole or in part, you may appeal directly to Court within sixty days after the date of mailing of the decision, or by December 15, whichever is later. • If you are dissatisfied with the valuation or classification of your property as reviewed by the State Board of Equalization, you may appeal to Court within sixty days after the date of mailing of the State Board’s final decision. Print Clear Form FILED FOR TAX YEAR PETITION FOR REVIEW OF REAL PROPERTY VALUATION ___________________ See Instructions for complete filing information PURSUANT TO A.R.S. TITLE 42, Ch. 15, Art. 3 and Ch. 16, Art. 1-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY • In all counties, mail or hand deliver one copy of this completed petition to the County Assessor. Retain a copy for your records (and for use in possible further appeals). Taxpayers receiving a Notice of Value have sixty days from the date the notice was mailed to file this petition. United States Postal Service postmark dates are evidence of the dates petitions were filed and decisions were mailed. • The County Assessor may reject any petition not meeting statutory requirements. Only one petition for each parcel or economic unit will be accepted. Any duplicate petition(s) will be returned. • COMPLETE SECTIONS 1 THROUGH 10 WHERE APPLICABLE. TYPE OR PRINT 1. DATE FILED __________ COUNTY _________________ PARCEL NUMBER _______________ OR ACCOUNT NUMBER _________________ 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. IF THIS IS A MULTIPLE PARCEL APPEAL CHECK HERE . ATTACH A MULTIPLE PARCEL APPEAL FORM (DOR 82131). SEE INSTRUCTIONS. 4. USE OF PROPERTY: COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL (SPECIFY TYPE: Apartment, Office, warehouse, etc.) ___________________________ VACANT LAND AGRICULTURAL OTHER 5B. MAIL CORRESPONDENCE TO: (IF DIFFERENT THAN 5A) 5A. OWNER’S NAME NAME NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 5C. IF OWNERSHIP HAS CHANGED CHECK HERE 6. PETITION COMPLETED BY: Owner . ATTACH RECORDED DOCUMENTATION. Agent Attorney Other(Specify): NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________________ AGENTS ONLY: DEPT. OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGISTRATION NUMBER ________________________________ SBOE NUMBER _______________ 7. 8. BASIS FOR PETITION: MARKET SALES APPROACH COST APPROACH INCOME APPROACH OTHER (explain below) Additional documents submitted must contain the parcel number and be attached to the petition in order to be considered by the Assessor. Evidence contained in this appeal could be the basis for either increasing or decreasing the valuation or changing the classification of the property. LIMITED PROPERTY VALUE $ LIMITED FULL CASH OWNER’S OPINION PROPERTY VALUE $ OF VALUE VALUE $ I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED OR ATTACHED IS TRUE AND CORRECT. FULL CASH VALUE $ VALUE SHOWN ON NOTICE OF VALUE 9. 10. PROPERTY CLASS ASMT. RATIO PROPERTY CLASS ASMT. RATIO X_________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________ PHONE NUMBER TO REQUEST A MEETING WITH THE ASSESSOR’S STAFF CHECK HERE ASSESSOR’S DECISION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . LIMITED PROPERTY VALUE $ FULL CASH VALUE $ EMAIL ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT THAN ABOVE) PROPERTY CLASS ASMT. RATIO BASIS FOR DECISION: DATE RECEIVED DATE DECISION MAILED REVIEWED BY ASSESSOR OR CHIEF DEPUTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DECISION LIMITED PROPERTY VALUE $ FULL CASH VALUE $ PROPERTY CLASS BASIS FOR DECISION: DATE RECEIVED DOR 82130 (Revised 01/2024) DATE DECISION MAILED CHAIRMAN OR CLERK OF THE BOARD ASMT. RATIO FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER OR REPRESENTATIVE
Extracted from PDF file 2024-arizona-form-82130.pdf, last modified June 2023

More about the Arizona Form 82130 Other TY 2024

This form is used to appeal the valuation and/or classification of your real property with the County Assessor's office.

We last updated the Petition for Review of Real Property Valuation (Property Tax Appeal) in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 82130, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 82130 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Arizona tax forms here.

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Related Arizona Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 95 Arizona income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Arizona Form 82130.

Form Code Form Name
82130NC Petition for Review of Notice of Change
82130R Residential Petition for Review of Valuation
Form 82130R Residential Petition for Review of Valuation (Property Tax Appeal)

Download all AZ tax forms View all 96 Arizona Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Arizona usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Arizona Form 82130 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Historical Past-Year Versions of Arizona Form 82130

We have a total of four past-year versions of Form 82130 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Arizona Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/arizona/form-82130