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Alabama Free Printable #10 Comm.  Office for 2025 Alabama Application for Estate Tax Waiver

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Form EST-1 (Obsolete) is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Alabama Department of Revenue.

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Application for Estate Tax Waiver
#10 Comm. Office

Reset Form FORM AlAbAmA DepArtment of revenue EST-1 InDIvIDuAl AnD CorporAte tAx DIvIsIon, estAte tAx seCtIon 6/14 1. Name of decedent (First) Application for estate tax Waiver (Initial) (Last name) 3. Decedent’s legal residence at time of death 5. Has Federal Estate Tax Return (Form 706) been filed? អ Yes អ No 7. Person to contact for additional information: Complete in Triplicate and Mail All Copies (Carbon or Photocopy is acceptable) Name Address 2. Date of death 4. Decedent’s Social Security Number 6. Total gross estate $ (Give the total gross estate value as reported on Form 706. If Form 706 has not been filed, show approximate value.) Telephone No. ( ) 8. Describe the assets in the estate which are to be transferred. (If additional space is needed, attach additional sheets.) See instructions on reverse side. No. shares stock or face value of bonds Name of Company Description ABOVE INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED ON EACH APPLICATION BEFORE WAIVER CAN BE ISSUED A SEPARATE SET OF WAIVERS MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH COMPANY ▼ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this waiver and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. ADMINISTRATOR’S OR AGENT’S SIGNATURE DATE Alabama Department of Revenue Individual and Corporate Tax Division Estate Tax Section P.O. Box 327440 Montgomery, AL 36132-7440 ESTATE TAX WAIVER FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ▼ 9. NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHICH WAIVER SHOULD BE MAILED (Executor / Administrator) This Estate Tax Waiver is hereby approved by the Alabama Department of Revenue. Signed ______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Valid only when signed by an authorized agent of the Alabama Department of Revenue. Instructions for Completing form est-1 this application must be completed in triplicate and all 3 copies mailed to the Alabama Department of revenue, Individual and Corporate tax Division, estate tax section, p.o. box 327440, montgomery, Al 36132-7440. A separate set of waivers must be submitted for each company. If approved, the original and one copy will be returned to you. LINES 1 through 7. Complete lines 1 through 7 of the application giving the information requested. purchase, etc.) or life insurance policy (whole life or term), (5) Contract number or policy number. LINE 8. Describe the assets in the estate which are to be transferred. examples of the information required on the different assets is described below. Examples: (A) Stocks and Bonds. (1) number of shares, (2) name of stock or bond, (3) type or Class (preferred, common, etc.), (4) for jointly held stocks or bonds, list name of Co-tenant and indicate if held with right of survivorship. Example: 410 Shares – ABC Corporation – Common John R. Doe and Mary Doe with right of survivorship (B) Annuity Contract or Life Insurance Policy. (1) name of Company, (2) Commuted value of Annuity contract or life insurance policy as of decedent’s date of death (or schedule of settlement), (3) name of the beneficiary, (4) type of Annuity (retirement, single ABC Insurance Company – Retirement Annuity $3,840.00 Beneficiary Mary Doe XYZ Insurance Company – Life Insurance $5,850 Beneficiary John Smith Contract #12345 Policy #67890 (C) Real Property. (1) legal description of property or mineral rights as appears on deed or in contract, (2) for jointly held property, list name of Co-tenant. Example: Montgomery County, Lot 1, according to the map of John P. Jones’ Survey, as recorded in Map Book 25 at page 8 in the office of the Judge of Probate, Montgomery, Alabama, Jointly held property, Co-Tenant Mary R. Doe. LINE 9. enter the name and address to which the waiver should be mailed. Mail The Original And 2 Copies Of This Application To: Alabama Department of Revenue Individual and Corporate Tax Division Estate Tax Section P.O. Box 327440 Montgomery, AL 36132-7440 If you have any questions concerning the completion and/or submission of this application, please contact the estate tax section of the Individual and Corporate tax Division at (334) 242-1033.
Extracted from PDF file 2019-alabama-form-est-1.pdf, last modified August 2111

More about the Alabama Form EST-1 (Obsolete) Estate Tax


We last updated the Application for Estate Tax Waiver in April 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Alabama Department of Revenue. You can print other Alabama tax forms here.

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Related Alabama Estate Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 47 Alabama income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Alabama Form EST-1 (Obsolete).

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Form Sources:

Alabama usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Alabama Form EST-1 (Obsolete) from the Department of Revenue in April 2021.

Show Sources >

About the Estate Tax

The IRS, and many states, impose an estate tax on the transfer of cash and property between a decedent and their beneficiaries. These taxes generally only apply to estates over a certain size threshold, generally several million dollars, and therefore only affects the largest few percent of estates in the United States.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Alabama Form EST-1 (Obsolete)

We have a total of nine past-year versions of Form EST-1 (Obsolete) in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Alabama Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/alabama/form-est-1-obsolete